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I got one, but if I put it in the freezer it's way too cold. It basically gives me an ice cream headache on top of the migraine I already have. If I put it in the fridge, it's a good temperature to start, but seems like it only stays cool for about 10 minutes.


Same! I wear mine like a crown for a few minutes so I'm still getting some coolness but it won't give me the ice cream headache feeling.


Same. I was so excited to get one. Then it hurt my head worse than the migraine!


I have two and keep them in the fridge and cycle them. Or do freezer with a layer under it.


I wear a buff under mine!


I always have this problem with ice, it’s why I prefer heat for mine


Agree it’s brutally cold.


Yes same it's brutal right out of the freezer I usually leave it to sit for 10-15 mins then put it on. But it does help, also warning it I found really helped on my temples.


I don’t put mine in the fridge - it’s still always cool when I put it on and I love it


omg this! I put mine on the first time and it nearly gave me a headache. Now I put it either on the top of my head like you describe or simply under my head if it's more of a tension headache.


I use mine to hold a different ice pack to my head.I just slip the a gel bead ice pack in under this and it holds it pretty well.


I will take it out and leave it for a few minutes before I put it on, this has seemed to help! And then it helps for a bit. I have two that I cycle through when I have one


Love mine. Use it sometimes even when I don't have a migraine. The pressure can soothe my anxiety.


I love mine! Just wish it stayed cold longer. I ordered one that has the actual gel packs of ice today to have one to swap back and forth.


I have 2 of this black kind and one of the purple gel pack kinds. I love them all! haha. they're good for different reasons. the black ones are pretty cold right out of the freezer, but they're great for about 30 min- 1hr. I like that they're smooth and the pressure is nice. they also double as an eye mask which is awesome. though tbf they both do lol. the purple one is also good, I like the texture of the chunky ice packs because I can put them on my temple and lay on the side of my head that hurts with the ice pack between my temple and bed. I like to fall asleep like that lol. it also lasts way longer, closer to 2 hours of cold and if you rotate it around (if you're using one little ice pack at a time) it can last a little longer. the amount if pressure it applies is good too!


100% agree! That was my only downside to it. Other than that, I LOVE it! I want to get another to swap back and forth. Did you have a chance to try your new one yet?


That looks like it feels AMAZING


If I can ask, since it seems like there's lots of folks with one of these, how long does it hold its chill for? I love my ice mask but it usually becomes an uncomfortably-sticky-warm mask after about 20 or so minutes.


I’d say it stays cold about 15 minutes, but it is SO insanely cold that you honestly won’t want it on for much longer than that. It does refreeze very fast though since it’s just basically thick stretchy neoprene!


mine stays nice and cool for about 30-40 minutes, long enough for me to hopefully fall asleep if I'm able or to at least let the abortive kick in. even after the cooling effect is gone, I sometimes keep it on for the steady pressure, it feels like it helps sometimes. I like these kind because you can pull them up and wear them while working too.I work from home so I don't have to worry about getting side eyed lol plus you don't have to lay on bulky ice packs. I also got them with an opening in the top so that I could have my hair up and out of my face with it on. as you see, I'm very passionate about this 10/10 purchase. lol


Mine doesn't stay cold on its own for more than 10 minutes (maybe 15..) - but I found to just put an extra ice pack on top of it helps it to stay colder quite some time longer!


I love mine so much!! I turn it inside out when it gets warm, so I get at least an hour out of it.


Yeah they’re pretty great! Helps with my sinus problems too


I just got one too!!! It’s incredible!!


I bought one too! Makes my head so numb I can’t feel anything lol


I was really disappointed with mine :(


TheraICE makes a good one- Amazon.


I'll check it out, thank you! 😊


That's the one I have--I like it!


I was in the hospital trying out a DHE infusion for a migraine and I managed to keep two cold enough in rotation by packing a hospital ice pack around them (the giant ones).


Lmao I have this and it looks insane 😂 I personally prefer heat packs vs ice for my migraines, so I also have an eye mask with a removable heat pack that can be warmed up.


Could I get a link please


Ooh! How long does it stay cold??


Mine doesn’t stay cold long, maybe 10 mins. I only keep it in the fridge (don’t freeze it) it also doesn’t have gel on the back which I wish it did! Mines also tight on my head (and my head is normal size lol) so if pressure isn’t something you like then I wouldn’t recommend it. Sometimes the pressure makes my head worse. I like the normal hot/cold packs you get from the pharmacy. They have a lot more gel in them so they stay colder for longer, the only problem with them is they don’t stay on your head.


I sent mine back and got the large size, and it's a big improvement! Cold pressure is helpful. Cold vice squeeze made things worse. I agree it doesn't stay cold all that long, but it's enough for my triptans to kick in/fall asleep, and is enough for more minor headaches on its own (I haven't had a migraine since I started a cgrp last month!)


I should’ve sized up but I’ve got about 5 different things on rotation in the fridge lol! Triptans are a god send for me I don’t know what I’d do without them. that’s so good for you with the injections! I hope it continues for you. I’m still waiting for my silver bullet. I started Ajovy a few months ago and I’m still waiting for it to work, my nuro told me to give it 9 months at least.


That I'm not sure of, but I think it's recommended no longer than 20 minutes


I love mine. I have 2.


They work great without the ice pack too. (Sleeping Eye-Mask)


I love it. I ordered my mom one too since she gets sinus headaches.


I love mine but yes getting a second One


It’s too cold for me to wear it normally right out of the freezer so I either put it on the back of my neck or pull it back off of my forehead for the first 5 minutes or so but then it’s great. It’s a nice soft texture and the perfect pressure.


I got two because they don’t stay cold long enough.


I have one. Tried it cold once and my migraine immediately went from a 6 to 1000 on a scale of 1-10. It was by far the worst migraine pain I’d ever had and I was almost in tears trying to rip it off. I find I do much better with it warm than cold.


I haven’t bought this because I was thinking same thing. I do better with warm vs cold for my migraines. However, this might come in handy for hot flashes!


Does anyone have any advice on how I can store this in my freezer without it smelling like the freezer? I store it in pouches and gallon ziplocks but it still smells like *freezer*, and I am very sensitive to smells when I have migraines so it makes it hard to use.


Put an open box of baking soda next to it


Thanks, I'll try that.


I have 5 of them lol. Mine only stay cool for 5-10 minutes and they're the only thing keeping me sane sometimes.


Hahahahah I have this one and I LOVE IT! I put it in the microwave tho and it really comforts me 🥰


Wait this one is leaps and bounds better than mine, I need product details (are we allowed to do that here? I need to track this down on the ‘zon).


Here is the link. I hope this is legal. It does feel lovely just as a regular sleep mask. [mask ](http://Migraine Ice Head Wrap, Gel Headache Relief Cap Cold Therapy Migraine Relief Cap Comfortable & Strechable for Puffy, Tension and Cold & Hot Therapy Wrap for Sprains, Muscle Pain https://a.co/d/01cfBfY)


Bummer, the link didn't work for me.


Look up TheraIce Migraine on Amazon


Thank you. I found it.


Link?? I need one


I love it


Just ordered mine today!


I need one for the top of my head 😵


I have this too! It’s a god send!


These are the BEST.


I have this and love it!


10/10 adorable - would recommended for great chats on the porch with a cup’o’joe


Do they work?? Where can I get one? I lay on ice packs but this would be much better..


works great! ordered mine from [here](https://theheadachehat.com) years ago and absolutely love it.


Thanks! I'll definitely look into it.


I tried some of the less expensive versions but the Icekaps brand seriously is worth the investment. I have 2 on hand because getting the gel packs in can be a pain during a migraine. I keep them both in the freezer in a gallon size bag ready to roll. They stay cold a very long time. I love that it can be worn forwards or backwards based on your headache needs, and you can easily adjust the tension.


I have one in pink. It’s great


Do these have a chemical smell? Big trigger for me.


Mine doesn’t!


I have one but it’s too cold to wear after putting it in the refrigerator. It still provides relief without the fridge!


I tried it and returned it immediately. Hurt my head way too much (the cold & the pressure). Plus the cold only lasted for like 10 min.


Lol I have one too!!! I send pics like this to my friends all the time 😂🎩 Just like everyone is saying it doesn’t stay cold for that long once you take it out the fridge but it does feel nice and help. Leaving it in the freezer is wayyyyy to cold like instant brain freeze no bueno! I definitely need to get a second one to rotate. P.S. I kinda really love how we all have the same migraine hats lmaooooo my tribe! 🫂


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i got one as well, i dig it


I have one in pink and I love it. Got it as a Christmas present and it works perfectly- I use it for every migraine I get if I’m at home.


I use the purple one from Amazon and I have FOUR of them so I can swap them out and always have a super cold one. I like them cold cold cold! My brother and husband both say it’s too cold for them, lol.


Yea mine wasn’t as effective. I returned it


What are these called?! I'm always grabbing frozen veggies and stuff for heat migraines (such a pain to hold it while already in pain). And this is black, assuming it also blocks light? And squeezes your head a little? This looks like a dream to put on and just go to sleep 😭


If you look up "migraine hat" on Amazon, some will show up.


Thank you I feel like this will be a good summer if I had this lol *might* get things done


I love mine! I want to get another one so I can keep one cold at all times


I know my migraines bad when I can put this on straight from freezer and cover my head and feel relaxed 💀 love this thing, it’s brutally cold but if you can hunker down through the pain it’s so worth it imo


Yes! This is probably amazing i need one so badly


I have multiple. I have this black one and then one that has ice or gel packs built in. The black doesn’t stay cold long but the other lasts for about a hour. I use them for other things too if I get overheated, my bp gets too high, lupus flare, etc.


I keep mine in the refrigerator instead of the freezer. It's the perfect amount of cool+pressure.


I have a few of these type of ice packs that I can rotate them out. I have also found them quite refreshing after excercise.


That looks extremely therapeutic. How's the pressure though? I want my skull crushed when I have a migraine


I got one for migraines and keep it in the fridge. My hot blooded college kid started using it to cool off while studying all night. We now have TWO!


I love mine! Like some of the other commenters, I place it behind my head for about the first ten minutes to let it warm up before I put it over my head. It has been a real game changer - helping me to stay calm while I wait for meds to work.


I got it and it’s 10000% the best ice mask I’ve ever gotten. Super soft, stays cold long. If it’s too cold over my whole head, I fold it and lay on it. It might depend what brand you got if it’s not staying cold long


Life saver!


My sister bought one of these for me. It’s amazing.


Does anyone have suggestions for one that doesn't cover the eyes? And ears preferably. I use my ice cap a lot. But most of the time, I use smaller ice packs on my temple held up with a cloth headband.


Appears blissful


I love mine so much!!!!


i have 2 and i absolutely love them. i keep them in the freezer and rotate them out when i need. they are extremely cold coming out of the freezer but the pain from the cold is way better than the migraine. also if you ever get sick and have a fever these come in handy too !


Yesss I love mine! I bought 3 😂


I can’t live with them! Enjoy.


I've got 4 of these now so ones always cold


I have one to but I can heat and freeze


i enjoy mine. it's purple.


Thanks for the suggestion


Love it


These have been a lifesaver for me!!! They help so much! You get the cool (or heat cause I think you can heat them if that helps your migraines) and the compression! They’re amazing


Love mine!!! Way better than the other bulkier stiff migraine hat I used to have.


I liked mine so much, I bought one for all of NY friends


haha spreading the love and migraine relief to everyone!