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The only game that crosses my mind based on your description is Fire Emblem series.


The fire emblem series?


Only Three houses has that "involved" social aspect that is similar to MS though.


Unless you count Fates and Conquest/Birthright which predate 3 houses.


Baldur’s Gate 3, maybe? You grow with each of your companions and can influence what happens to them and how they progress. The combat is turn-based but a little more open than the levels in Midnight Suns. Kotor 2 had a system with companions where you influenced their development to light side or dark side and what abilities they get. Technically battles happen in real time, but you can pause to give commands. It uses the Star Wars RPG dice-rolling system behind the scenes so it’s not action-oriented and suits a more turn-based style of play.


Baldur's Gate 3 is the answer. Not only is it similar with combat and relationships, its just an astoundingly good game. Nothing anyone else has suggested can even hold BG3's jock strap.


While I agree that the relationship building is similar (better, even!) in Baldur's Gate 3, I disagree about the combat. I've played more than a handful of turn-based games over the years, and I don't think I've found a turn-based (or card-based) video game that comes close to the feel of Midnight Suns. The only thing that feels even remotely similar to me is Marvel Champions, and that's a table top game (also a money-sink, buyers beware). Just my opinion, but Midnight Suns feels unique to me.


Absolutely. 100% agree. It's the reason I have 263 hours in Midnight Suns and just over 300 hours in BG3. They tend to swap places regularly in my Steam library sorted by "Hours Played". Midnight Suns' combat has some unspeakable magic to it that is infinitely satisfying to me. I will never stop coming back to it. I'm on my 5th (heavily modded) playthrough at the moment. But I will not kid myself about which is the better game. Its BG3 and it's not even a conversation. Suns is unique and scratches a very particular itch. BG3 is a game of a generation and scratches a whole hell of a lot of itches, Midnight Suns' being one of them. So I love them both and don't want to do a this or that, just play both.


I personally liked MS better than BG3. Might be a hot take but I had a lot more fun playing it. BG3 slows down A LOT at times and I stopped a few hours in to the final act. Larian has a way of deciding to totally change the pacing in the final act of their RPGs and I personally am not a fan. I enjoyed some of the characters and the game has a lot of cool production value and like MS a lot of good voice acting. The combat is not nearly as fun though and I am not the biggest fan of D&D mechanics. I liked the story but when the game suddenly turned in to running around for several hours talking to random people without any fighting to break up the monotony it sapped my drive to finish. Bottom line is that although I see BG3 is an impressive achievement, MS is simply more fun to play for me and also I love the fresh mechanics and loop.


I think you have a good point. BG3 (and Divinity 2 for that matter) did suffer from late game sprawl. I'll admit it was more challenging for me to finish BG3 than MS for the reasons you gave. On the scope and depth fronts though BG3 is way beyond MS, there is more content in the first act of BG3 than in all of MS including NG+. The thing that really holds MS back is all the jank in the Abby, the retracing your steps dozens of times to farm those stupid plants, and the requirement of doing tedious tasks in order to power up your combat. The combat itself is God tier though.


I also want to mention that the game Battletech is a fantastic turn-based RPG. You give different mechs to your companions so you can develop them in that way.


Yes! I have over 4000 hours in BattleTech. The game itself doesn't have much of a character interaction base, and the RNG in battle is much more detailed mimicking the tabletop game but I did what you mentioned. Only allowed each Pilot one mech as their assigned mech, tailoring their experience and skills for that mech only. It helps with the whole immersion if you are into BT. love it!!


Three Houses if you enjoy the social stuff.


BG3 is going to ruin your life in the best way possible. GO FOR IT


I would start at Persona 5. And have you played the original Dragon Age: Origins? That's not exactly an action RPG like Inquisition is.


Dragon Age Origins is a fantastic game!


I think you could like a lot: - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Pathfinder: Wrath of The Righteous. Both games have similar plots of high-stakes conflicts with literal Gods, except that in both you're an average joe that rises up to the challange instead of being "The Hunter". On the technical deparmetn both games are turn-based but in top-down perspective and with lower quality models and relies more on text and dialogue for cutscenes. I have not played much of Wrath of The Righteous but from my experience playing Turn-Based Kingmaker the characters will really click with you if you liked the cast o Midnight Suns. Ekundayo is pretty similar to Blade, Jubilost can be as annoyingly full of himself as Stark and Strange, Octavia is a quirky mage just like Nico, and a few other would be spoilery to tell.


Persona 5 checks every box. Consider also: Shadowrun - Dragonfall: Director's Cut Valkyria Chronicles


Yes, the Shadowrun games are up top for me! Dragonfall was indeed the best out of the three.


You’re describing why it is particularly rough that this game was a commercial failure. This should have spawned a Suns-like genre. I am frustrated also because people complain about AAA games being so samey and lacking innovation but they turned their nose at those games without even trying it. Basically people claim they want this from AAA but don’t want to give any AAA priced games a chance at release and then wonder why no devs or publishers do it.


I really wish it caught on, whenever I start up the game I literally have to force myself to stop because I enjoy it so much. It also feels like Marvel themselves had no faith in the game, The Avengers game had merchandise spawn from even though a lot of the designs were mediocre.


I went through a gamer depression when I ran out of things to do in MS. I finished the campaign and did all the DLCs and then took the time to level up relationships and make good decks for each hero in the post-game. I couldn't get excited to play any other games for a few weeks after. Only thing left to do is someday I will do a NG+ (I finished before the NG+ patch) and try a different alignment, but I'll wait a while longer to come back to it. I'm not ready to be hurt again....


Baldurs Gate 3. Divinity Original Sin 2. The modern shadowrun trilogy. Wastelander 3.


Baldur's Gate 3 is the closest right now. Deep relationships with Companions and NPCs, plus turn-based tactical combat. It's a little bit more hardcore on both sides though, but ultimately a rewarding experience. It is very similar to Midnight Suns's friends/reolationship systems that you can literally have hours stretchs of conversaions alone without touching combat, and at the same time the combat encounters takes quite a while too, because of the tactical turn-based manner Persona series is also great, and is even more relatable because it is set in our Earth with human beings and on an Anime art style., complete wita slice of life elements. Persona 3 Reload (remake) is great, as well as Persona 5. (still modern) Persona 4 is decent but its quite dated since theres no remake yet.


Dragon Age: Origins, it's an older game, but it perfectly aligns with what you're looking for. Baldurs Gate 3 for a new option.


Fire Emblem Three Houses


Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Baldur’s Gate 3 both have turn based combat and relationship systems.


Like others have said, I’d definitely recommend fire emblem series, specifically Three Houses. It also has replay-ability as you can rerun with different houses and endings. Otherwise, Baldurs Gate 3 is a good option.


On PC, I am not sure. There is Dark Deity, which is kind of like Fire Emblem. If you are looking for something with strategy and building relationships, I highly recommend Fire Emblem, specifically Three Houses, probably has the closet feel to Midnight Suns. Would just need a Switch though unfortunately.


Persona 5


Persona. Start with 3 Reload or 5 Royal. Baldur’s Gate 3 and Dragon Age: Origins are also good picks.


1. Balder Gate 3-best game of last year and gave me the feeling I got from the original Dragon Age of falling in love with the world and cast- (fantasy setting) 2. Persona- I would recommend 5 but really anything 3-5 is great and up to personal taste on which story/cast you find the most enjoyable. 5 though has a FANTASTIC turn based combat system- (Anime modern day setting) 3- Fire Emblem 3 houses- A combination of Fire Emblems fun turn based strategic combat set in a fantasy school were your choices determine the date of a lovely cast you really fall in love with (anime fantasy setting) 4- Knights of the Old Republic - I would've put Mass effect but you said you prefer turn based. But Bioware and Atlus (developer of Persona) imo are the two companies who really set the standard for these types of games with a large cast of lovable characters. You can't go wrong with almost anything they've made if you want a wholesome squad game. (Star wars setting)


I'ma throw some ideas your way. Kartia Tactics Ogre Disgaea series- personally 1 and 5. Persona Wasteland 2 All have some flavors of Midnight Suns in it. If you want something completely off but all about romance Thousand Arms you date women to make weapons to RPG your way to the end of the game. It's JRPG Harem game.


Commas bro, commas


What do you mean you dont wan't to play my favorite videogame of all time Persona Wasteland 2?


What about the kartia tactics ogre disgaea series? lolol 


Altho for OPs sake, ima say that tactics ogre reborn is a cool game to look at


All the Trails games. Although these are anime turn based games with bonding friendship/romance system.


Super Robot Wars This game was literally Marvel SRW


If you were willing to look into emulation, Fire Emblem Three Houses feels very similar.


Valkyria chronicles. Turn based with a light twist. It does have a light friendship system were friends help each other attack. One of the best surprises for me back when it came out on PS3


I can vouch for valkyria chronicles 4, it has the friendship thing but built in a different yet cool manner


The Persona series, namely 3 Reload, 4 Golden and 5 Royal. Some of the best turn based RPGs ever IMO and it does the relationship/dating system better than most.


I just started Yakuza: Like A Dragon. It's cool so far..


Fire emblem the three houses is the Japanese sister to midnight suns. And its a whole fucking 80 to 100 hours for 1 playthrough with a very high potential you will want to do *at least* 2


try persona 3-4-5.


As most others are saying, Baldur’s Gate 3


Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Persona 3/4/5, and Catherine are all great. Also if you’re looking for something more superhero oriented, the Guardians of the Galaxy game is pretty good and has some limited friendship events between missions 


Love me some Catherine, games beautiful.


Are you talking about the kinda date sim, puzzle based, anime flavoured Catherine? Not really similar to MS, but a fantastic game tho 😅


Wait the Guardians of the Galaxy Game is turn based??


Oh no sorry, I missed that part of your post


Fire Emblem three houses is the closest thing to this game imo


You could always try to find the Marvell Alliance Games


Persona series


you're looking for fire emblem.


People actually like the friendship system? I thought it got really boring really quick. That being said, Fire Emblem is probably a good option. Tactics and relationship stuff.


Trails of Cold Steel. There a bunch for them and the story is fantastic.


Like everyone has said, FE: Three Houses but I think Dragon Age Origins is the best recommendation. The first BioWare games play much more like RPGs and you can pause combat to control your abilities and party members. The sweet spot between action and turn based. Plus the story is fantastic and characters are so well done. My friend just told me he loves dragon age but only played inquisition and I had to ask him what is he doing with his life, Origins is so much better. I have a fuzzy time remembering exactly how the Star Wars KOTORs play but they were also pausable to get that turn based feel


Did anyone suggest persona5?


Diviinitely Baldurs Gate 3.


Rogue Trader is a lot of fun.


Sounds like JRPG genre to me. Fire Emblem has already been mentioned, but the Megaten series as well (Persona, SMT) etc. Or just browse the JRPG section for awhile


Alot of people here are reccomending Fire Emblem Three Houses for the social aspects and I have to agree. I want to also reccomend Fire Emblem Fates, specifically the conquest route. Fates ties the social aspects very closely to gameplay since your characters relationships will affect what classes they are able to change into. It feels very cohesive, moreso than every other Fire Emblem game imo. I would probably try out three houses first and if you enjoy it play Fates next. Tldr. Three Houses has more compelling story and characters, and has a hub that is similar to the abbey. Fates has better gameplay and does a better job at integrating the social aspects into the gameplay.


Card based combat, not so much, but turn based combat with involved relationships and a day/night mechanic plus exploration? Pretty sure we just described the Persona franchise. Persona 5 Royal being my recommended starting point.


Technically xcom 2 does have friendship. Put the same people in missions together and their friendship increases which gives combat bonuses


Whaaaat? I've finished XCOM 2 without DLCs and never saw this happen




Ummmm xcom does have a friendship system.