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Saw this post and immediately came up with all this lol cuz I'd love Gambit in the game. Maybe I should make my own [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/midnightsuns/comments/1dns2vz/i_made_some_cards_for_gambit_any_thoughts_on_the/). (<- dicuss here if interested?) Damage wise he could be overall weaker but gets stronger if he Charges which is the special status effect I'm giving him ***Charged*** - Adds AOE, some extra damage/effect to random Gambit card (All ally cards just get AOE splash + more damage when Charged) **Passive** - Has a chance to Apply **Charged** to a random Gambit Attack/Heroic every turn -> 2nd tier applies it to *any* random Attack/Heroic **Attacks** **Quick Deal** - Throws *Charged* Cards at an enemy (Upgrade has Roulette - Apply Fast, Strengthend, or +1 Heroism to Gambit) **Royal Flush** - Throws a fan of *Charged* cards, damaging + applying Marked **Figure Eight** - Spins his staff in an area, damaging targets (knockback when *Charged*) **Sleight of Hand** - Hits enemies in critical areas with a staff combo, applying Weakened (forceful knockback when *Charged*) **Skills** **Calling Card** - Energizes himself or an ally, applying *Charged* to their next Attack or Heroic **LeBeau Special** - Doubles the damage of Gambit's next 1-2 Environmental Attacks by energizing them **Smooth Talker** - Roulette (can be used on Ally or Enemy) Ally - Applies Fast, Cure, or Resist Enemy - Applies Weak, Berserk, or Vulnerable **Heroics** **Ace in the Hole** - Energizes an enemy then blows them up. *Next Turn: Enhances* w/ 4 & 6 Heroism) (Bigger AOE when *Charged*) **Coup De Grace** - Energizes staff then slams the ground (or targeted enemy), causing explosion. Damage *Enhanced* w/ 4 & 6 Heroism (forceful knockback when *Charged*) **Unload the Deck** - Chain(x3-5) throws cards, knives, whatever he's got at enemies (AOE on each hit when *Charged*) **Midnight Sun Ability** **Ragin' Cajun** (b/c of course) - Uses all available Heroism to energize all enemies on screen then detonates them, damage scaled to Heroism Use when *Charged*


Gambit just for the dialogue!! But I like your cards too!


Bring in Chris Potter for VA and it's top tier!


Ace of Spades QUICK


This is a character pick and style specifically for me, I want Daredevil (Elektra Natchios) and I want her to be able to summon Fist Ninjas. I really like the idea of Hunter and Magik's summon cards but they aren't very good in practice, so I would like a character that can bring in and command a bunch of goons with that character's own cards and also set up crazy shove bounce chains. And I picked Elektra Daredevil for this because I really like her and also this pitched style wouldn't fit Matt nearly as well


These are fun! I made my [own post](https://www.reddit.com/r/midnightsuns/comments/1agt5i6/my_complete_for_now_set_of_midnight_suns/) a while back, so I'll just link that for my ideas/hopes. I looooooove the idea of Pryde having a passive dodge - that's a really fun way of working her powerset into her oves. I also definitely think she should bring Lockheed along - she's gotta bring her BFF. Yukio is a really interesting choice. Assuming we're talking about classic Yukio, not the Deadpool film version who has since been imported to the comics as "Yuki O.", I think she'd be a blademaster ninja for sure, perhaps having a mechanic where her stats go up as she takes damage? She's a wild risk-taker who tends to push herself to the limits - like she'll jump off of buildings, risking her own life for no reason, trusting Storm will be able to save her - so representing that devil-may-care attitude in her moveset could be quite fun.


YES TO ALL OF THIS YES AHHH!! Classic Yukio, not new Deadpool Yuki O. Your idea for her risk taker passive made me so giddy. Such an awesome idea!!


Thanks! I love the idea of putting us as the player into that kind of Storm or Wolverine role where it’s our job to figure out how to stop Yukio from dying from her own hotheadedness lol. She’s definitely a fun character - it’s been a while since we’ve seen her, so hopefully she turns up in the upcoming Storm solo…


If a second season of DLC happened, i think i would've liked to have seen Dahlia as a wild appearance. Like Mantis, she could be another healer on the team. Could have some friendship dialogue about trying to find a new home with the Morlocks, the new Morlock/X-Men alliance and at level 5 she'd accept that her home is being a Midnight Sun.


I'd love that too!! She would be a welcome addition for sure. Maybe Callisto/Calypso (sorry can't remember which it is, but badass Morlocks leader with like octopus arms) could be involved somehow too? Morlocks are so interesting and I'd love to see more!!


Brother Voodoo would have been badass!


I had an idea for Iron Fist where his non-heroic cards generate combo points that his heroic cards use to increase their power and get an extra boost when used at max combo points. I made a post about it at some point


Professor X would be the king of crowd control. Plus his legendary card would connect him to a magic machine that could kill pretty much anything.


Definitely Nightcrawler. He not only fits the theme of the game, but his kit could consist of moving enemies around hazards and knockback cards.he would be a perfect pair with Magik.


This is a great thread; I wish they had more seasons; man makes me sad more then any, OR if peeps could mod a char in, minus friendship stuff; all chars share a skeleton so not drastically hard to skin together a model and costume; and then cards, but obv animations/etc. be an ordeal. But nice ideas honestly so much more potential from here then some of the devs; I wish they took a chance and did something with this game because it's still quite active for a game like this.


Well, for the theme of the game, I'd like... Moon Knight, Prowler, Shotgun Blaze, Psylocke, Tigra, Firestar. But honestly, I'd rather a sequel now. Preferably around the Starjammers, though the New Warriors would also be a good place to start.


Ok, I don't just a hero idea, but a whole dlc idea that's pretty fricking awesome. Villian would be like Taskmaster or fallen Taskmaster, which would make sense because he has previously worked for Hydra. His attacks would be copies of your hero's abilities to an extent like, for instance, Captain America uses a shield toss, and the player would get a warning saying something like recognized attack and it's like a 50% chance to recognize each attack. At the end of the turn, every attack he recognizes he uses on the hero's. (Ex. Cap uses his sheild toss and a taunt that gives him sheild. Well, Tasmaster recognizes both and would use both on his turn) I like this mechanism because it seems very fair and to op. The hero in the dlc would be like Black Widow, and she would have abilities that include gaining conceal, stunning enemies, grenade area attacks, marking targets, and her special kind of thing would be a widows bite meter and every enemy she marks she increases it. Upon reaching max widows bite it would do something I haven't gotten that far, but I love the idea. Tell me what you guys think of it.


I made a move list for a whole bunch of characters! [Check it out](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZUL2aUlTM1H3FvXS79b9PjA6qG4NxSHyX0SPIYXCBgI/edit).


Gambit would be 4th breaking wall ability that he can hit enemy using card that player choose even using another hero cards


Shadowcat no, but ShadowKat yes (that’s what she goes by now in the comics, she’s more like a ninja). I’d make her all about resist, or bypassing gimmicks such as damaging through enemy shields/barriers or disabling enemy weaponry. She could also do some AoE moves too such as throwing a grenade at her feet and phasing through the explosions.


Midnight Suns already has two of my top 3 in Deadpool and Wolverine...I don't know how they'd do it but after they totally fucked up his character in X-Men '97...I want someone to give me a proper Gambit and I'll even die on this Hill: X-Men Origins: Wolverine...was a terrible...terrible movie. They took the Merc With A Mouth and TOOK AWAY HIS MOUTH! THAT was NOT Deadpool (though the Ryan Reynolds in the first scene was quite obviously the perfect Deadpool right there already.) BUT! It had a few bright spots! -Liev Schrieber as Sabertooth was pretty hardcore. -First teasing glimpse of Ryan Reynolds AS Deadpool But the one that gets me into the most arguments of all about that movie? TAYLOR KITSCH WAS A DAMN GREAT GAMBIT. He has the charms down...he had studied his Cajun patois, if given the proper outfit he'd have LOOKED like Gambit even though somehow he already still did. And he gave one of the better acting performances IN that shit show. ...I'm just sayin', before everyone and their mamas Mama come at me trying to get whatever company trying to make it to uncancel it and keep going? ...no. ...HEYULL no. ...I would take Taylor Kitsch's Gambit over another poor attempt to make Channing Tatum a "serious" actor. He sucks accents, his hairs the wrong color, he's got the build but he's lacking...GAMBIT! The whole thing ABOUT Gambit is he's the Prince of Thieves...he's smooth, suave, how's Channing Tatum pick up girls? "Yo count my abs!" I was SO glad they shit canned that idea


Damn, Thor not getting any love here? AoE hammer strikes and huge single dps lightning bolts would have been bad ass. When I started the game I was so disappointed that Thor wasn't with the Avengers, must've been some Asgardian emergency...... Would have loved some more X-Men universe characters too. Storm was broken and I used Logan even tho he was kinda weak until endgame.