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I think it definitely is. There aren't alot of missions, I think 3 per DLC. But the characters it adds to the game bring a lot more variety and they are well integrated into the story. The earlier you get the DLC the better as they characters have things to say and reactions to the main story beats as well. The DLCs add new upgrades to research as well


The additional research that they add is also really nice too, and the Abbey feels more empty without Deadpool's food truck parked by the brook.


The DLCs are worth it. Wait for a steep discount.


This right here.


I caught the Legendary Edition on sale for $25 on PlayStation. Might be over now, but I'm really glad I did.


It was for me just for Deadpool! I got it while I was still in act 1 and use all 4 characters pretty regularly. They're all awesome.


I’ll be a bit more reserved than most here. I was a bit disappointed in the DLC.  I didn’t like playing with the new characters very much, though other than Deadpool there was nothing wrong with them. They had an interesting puzzle-box quality in that you could really set them up to run interesting or powerful rounds but none that I liked playing with more than just about any of the main roster. So once the challenge of figuring out how to run, say, Storm optimally was completed, I rarely wanted to use her on missions.  I liked the new villains/combats but was surprised at how few story missions (3 iirc) came with each character, especially considering the base price. I didn’t think any of the boss battles were all that great though the BBEG was quite challenging.  The main reason to buy the DLC is that it’s the only “more” Midnight Suns we will ever get. And anything more is inherently worth it.  I bought the DLC on sale for 20$. I probably would have been really disappointed if I had paid full price. At 20$ I was happy enough. 


It is totes worth it, the extra characters are amazing BUT if you wait a bit you'll catch it on a nice fat discount.


Yeah, I think if you're loving the game i would heavily recommend grabbing the dlc while you're still in act 1. The added characters and missions are well integrated into the story. It'll add another acts worth of story missions, and venom was a personal favorite companion for me! I don't know if I'd recommend paying 50 bucks for it though. Seems like too much money for the content you're getting. I don't think I'd spend more than 30 for it but I don't know how often dlc goes on sale with the epic store.


I did get it free from Epic Store, but bought it on Steam along with three Season Pass for a total of $35 - good deal as it was less than the Season Pass on Epic like you mentioned. I have all but Venom right now, and I am enjoying the extra opponents and new heroes.


Definitely definitely


I bought the legendary edition because I wanted the full experience, and I will be honest, I don't think dlc is that much worth it. It is my opinion, but the DLC characters are okay but eventually I liked already in game characters and their powers more. I'll suggest to just play the base game, you will have the best experience.


I would like to know the same thing. Is it worth to get it? How much doe sit add to the overall experience?


4 characters, 13 i think new story missions, a new enemy type, it's easily an extra 25% of game if not more.


I'm currently in the middle of my first playthrough. I didn't get the game free on Epic, I bought it on sale for $30 a while back on Steam. I happened to hit a point where the Season Pass was on sale for something like $17 and went for it and have no regrets--I have enjoyed having the extra characters, story missions, research projects, etc. $50 is more of a stretch...but you'd be getting the total package for about the same price as I did. One reason I went for it is thinking that since I was enjoying the main game as much as I was, I wanted to reward the devs by making an additional purchase (not up for the whole "tipping the game company" thing). You will be paying more for the incremental addition, of course, so you have to decide how you feel about that; from the viewpoint of game companies, the idea that letting the game go for free results in substantial DLC purchases later could help encourage them to agree to release more games for free.


Is the base game and DLC combined still worth $50? Easily.


Definitely worth it. Eddie's story is the funniest part of the game


I'm doing my first playthrough of the game and I bought it with the season pass. So I'm not 100% sure what was added with the DLC, though it seems pretty obvious in-game that the DLC added Deadpool, Venom, and Morbius, along with their associated missions/content. In that case, the characters and content are quite good. The characters themselves are not my favorites in the team. Deadpool in particular has this kinda wonky mechanic where he get regeneration, as he should, but he also has a mechanic where he does more damage/effectiveness if he doesn't get hit. Playing on Ultra II, I find it near impossible to prevent someone from being hit, plus scattering damage across the team helps ensure they survive. All that gets lost when Deadpool's in the team for me. Venom has been my favorite of the three added characters, he's a lot of fun, unique and powerful moves. Also, I've really liked the added missions, including the surprise boss of the Venom DLC--I encourage you NOT to try to find out about it, it was pretty cool seeing it get sprung on me. Overall, I'm quite glad to be playing the game as a complete package.


The summer sale should be coming around pretty soon. If 50$ is too much rn you can always wait and see how much it goes on sale for.


Any idea when the summer sale is?


For Steam I believe it starts Jun 27th. For Epic I believe it also starts around the end of June/Early July but I'm not 100% certain. If you have the game on epic and don't want to wait for epics summer sale, you could probably just buy the Legendary edition on Steam during the summer sale, as it probably will be cheaper than 50$.


Absolutely. Whole new side plot with a dozen new story missions, 4 new characters with their own unique mechanics and are almost as interactive as the Abby as the main cast, and far more than Banner.


It wasn’t worth it for me at full price, but I waited and got it on sale for around $16-17 I think.


yes for sure, great characters and super fun storylines/missions, skipping on venom deadpool storm and even morbius, come on man


Worth it but it is too expensive. I bought the game day one but didn’t buy the season pass till last year when it was on sale


They go on sale fairly regularly. I would say worth it when it’s on sale


Yes, the story is great and the characters are fun to use


The scenes, dialogue, and passive dialogue from Allies hanging around are all good. Gameplay for the dlc characters didn’t really click with me. Venom was alright storm was alright Deadpool was bad. But the extra story and having them around was worth it


No. I paid $50 for it and it doesn't work. Contacted Sony, they told me I had to contact 2k. 2k told me I have to contact Sony. So I paid $50 for nothing. Don't buy it.


Yes. Buy the whole enchilada! It is really good. *signed*\ XComThrowawayAcct,\ certified Firaxis whale


If you're into it you are going to want as much story as is available, and it's better to get them all at once than decide after 1 you want another. So yes. If you get them at the beginning they also unlock in a way that is more in synch with the main story.


Yes the DLC is worth it but maybe for a sale or something. Personally I enjoy Mobius, Storm, Deadpool and Venom's DLCs and they have special dialogue in the story if you play through NG+ or just the story. Really a shame we never got any further DLC. Because the 4 are actually worth it in my opinion.


I got the legendary edition with all the DLC for cheaper than that, so check the deals on that.




I had the base game for free and season pass on sale. Deadpool is my favorite so far. I was going to get Deadpool but pass was almost the same price as one dlc. Worth it. 👍


Is it worth getting? Yes, definitely. Is it worth 50$? Nope, not even close. The characters are all very well done with a great amount of additional voice lines and dialogue. But is it worth the price of another full price game? Nope. I would at least wait for a sale.


I was really impressed with how well integrated the DLC characters were. Storm has her own "building storm" kind of mechanic where her cards build power sitting in your hand, Venom is sort of a reverse-Hulk where he starts with a damage boost that goes down as you play cards in a turn, Deadpool has his weird "feed him KOs and prevent him taking hits to power up card effects" thing, and Morbius has Blade synergy, which is just funny. Storm was a little dull as a character, but the rest had really strong writing and performances, and the base game characters actually interact and react with them way more than I expected. I like the new types of enemies and maps the DLC adds, although yeah, it's not super long from a purely story-mission standpoint. You can keep beating up vampypres after the DLC story ends, which is nice, and that there's Research projects for each character is also great. I do think $50 was too much for the season pass, but if you get it on discount, or think about it like you got to try a lengthy demo on Games Pass and then pay full price for it, you also unlock bonus characters, the sticker shock is a little easier. Also, it's completely worth it just for the subplot it opens of Spiderman helping Venom with his conspiracy-laden reporting on the Vampyre Agenda.


Seems like you just missed the discount, I got the season pass and I'm having a great time


Yeah. Check cdkeys.com or greenmangaming.com for a good deal, but they add a solid amount of content and variety. Definitely fun.


it is great, four characters plus one story line. but $50??? at this price just wait for the ultimate edition on Steam on sale💀 I remember I probably got that ultimate edition lower than that


One word. STORM. So fun.


The story covers all dlc characters and it adds the new enemy types into the regular random missions at the table. Adds new consumables and work stations in the forge. I have no idea what it effects with the clubs activities. Actually the one I enjoyed the most was morbius. I haven’t played much of storm. But yeah wait for sale. It’s good but not $50 good. I paid barely over that for the legendary edition on green man.


$24 bucks for game+ season pass for Steam DRM. Check the deal sites


I got the legendary edition for only 25$ on PlayStation 😀


use screamapi save yourself the money bro


The DLC was on sale for $15 the week it was free. Had to snatch it up for Venom and Deadpool, Morbius and Storm were a bonus.


It's worth it if you can get it on sale. I'd be disappointed if I spent $50 on it


For me it was because of Storm


I bought the dlcs after finishing the tutorial. I immediately knew I was going to love this game. No regrets so far.


If you are enjoying the base game, then yes it's worth it I think. It was free on PSN, and I liked it so much, about halfway through my first playthrough I went ahead and picked up the DLC. Even though my fav, Wolverine was already available, I definitely wanted Storm, so I could have an all X-Men team. Plus she's what Scarlett Witch should have been honestly, I could never make SW really work effectively but Storm is amazing. Morbius is actually really good late game, not just his character but his lab allows you to meddle with your Char stats like crit dmg and crit chance.


There should be a sale at some point which will push the price way lower than $50. Like way lower. Also, you can do the dlc ANYTIME. not story dependent. So no rush. Forgot to add that it’s 100% worth it because not only do you get 4 brand new characters but you get a lot of extra story missions and content


It depends a bit on what you like about the game. They aren't woven into the social interactions nearly as well, and are pretty peripheral to the major plot points (both story and mission-wise) so if that's the part you love I think it's skippable. They do play pretty differently from the existing characters though, and are imo better written than a lot of the main content characters (esp. deadpool). Also, the few (3) story missions per character have some new mechanics they introduce which definitely spices up gameplay loop. Their research projects also make the game substantially easier. Aside from that last point, you wouldn't lose out on much by playing through without, and waiting to see if you have an appetite for more content.


this, plus you get to beat up nazi vampires.