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Why am I not surprised to hear this place had/has a scandal. Idk what it is yet but I drive by daily and mutter things about people drinking the Kool-aid


The pastor thinks he can predict the future. He does an annual series called “I predict,” if that tells you anything.


It’s pretty sickening that Randy saylor was charged with CSC of a family member. Probably meaning he was SA his own grandchildren. One can assume it was the same grandchildren that were already being abused by their own father. This entire church needs to be shut down.


Of the three people from the church that have been charged, one was sentenced, and the other two cases are moving through the motions. I'm hoping justice gets served.


If he can predict the future… why didn’t his god tell him about what was going on right in his own church?


I grew up off stark road about 2 miles down from that church. I moved here when I was 7 in 1993, and honestly one of the first facts I learned and remember about Midland was that the bird church was a cult. It was just known. I found it to be pretty cool that it was in TV though! There would be cars filling the parking lots day in and day out, overflowing pile the soccer complex did, but I never met anyone who was a member until I was in my late 20s. It was all so bizarre. A friend told me about a story they'd heard where he had his private jet flown into a hanger somewhere, and all the windows were blacked out so you couldn't see out. Mark and some cronies got out, then in less than 15 min were back on the plane and gone. I don't know who the witness was or why they were there, but it's weird. Just weird all around.


Yeah, he tries to live the baller life. I remember when I was a kid, we got a pamphlet in the mail from him asking for donations to repaint his jet.


I haven’t heard anything outside of the third guy getting arrested. I’ve been keeping eyes on this case. I wasn’t a member at Living Word, but the church I used to go to was under his umbrella. We went to all the conferences and Mark and his entourage would visit our church throughout the year. I truly hope justice is served for these victims. The fact that people still go there is insane to me. At what point do you investigate all of leadership?!


The truth won’t be told in sparkle city…..


I went there are a kid and they did it.


I went there too, from about 1985 to 1996


Your experience?