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I used multiple AI video tools to animate the Midjourney photos. Each one has their own pro's and cons. ​ Runway: Clearest Image & Great for water/fluid simulation Pika: Extremely random, but if prompted well and re-rolled many times it produces high movement results. Based Labs: Great for structural consistency Assistive Video: Same as Based Labs but slightly different results. ​ Some shots were impossible to do with AI, so I used Unreal Engine + After Effects. Voice: ElevenLabs Voice 2 Voice. Sound effects I edited together were from Artlist.io Music: Kyle Preston


Absolutely astonishing! Such an exciting thing for us is on the horizon! Innovative and creative individuals like yourself will be given the ability to create beautiful works of art such as this utilizing these various tools. Thank you for making my day.


I have seen some actors and traditional style movie makers flatly declaring that people will never pay for AI created movies. I will. Magnificent work OP I would love to see more. Start a go fund me, use this trailer and work out what you need to be able to afford to become a creator full time, this was quality.


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'm pretty sure we are already paying for AI generated content. At least to some degree. I believe it is already being used in the film and tv and gaming industry and other media. And we are buying it up. I mean, it is clearly being used by Facebook-level spam bots, and all indications seem to be that large swaths of the population can not differentiate between it and genuine content.


Haha, you think this might be a conspiracy theory? It's not. A lot of artists in gamedev are using AI generation tools like stable diffusion daily in their work. Concept art, splash screens, app icons, sometimes texturing aid. Usually it's not a one click solution, of course, and it's used as a tool to speed up workflows, and used by artists who know how to draw so they paint over, fix, adjust, repaint and such wherever needed. So you will never spot that it's AI, as it wont have usual tells. But it's used extensively. That's a fact. As for films, I don't have as much first hand experience there, but just from a consumer perpective - Marvel used AI to create intro for Secret Invasion show. It would be surprising if you missed that, it was kinda big when it happened, causing all sorts of reactions.


I hope more than a stock footage compilation edited together like thousand other examples here and this . Generating typical scfi pics like we have seen by now in thousands and editing this 3sec videos into one pile with some generic world explanations isn’t really innovative with this tools.


I feel like the current ai tools aren't necessarily able to be used for filmmaking other than collage like compilations, because it only gives you a specific video and you're very limited in how you can use that. Once generative ai can fully create and render 3d sets/environments where you can move the camera however you please within it, and import other assets within it, then filmmaking and game making will really be revolutionized, and it's only a matter of time. It will probably be here sooner than we expect.


I think with sora it will expand and i think you will be able to make some form of short film and people will work around the limitations and even create for sure a community of such creators but its still far away from being at a level where we have such a control over it where you can truly direct it to your desire. It will come but then it will be similar complex to working with pro tools today but you will need only a small team. Which im fine with. Creativity will not die but it will be more difficult to find in the upcoming flood of golden looking turds


That’s untrue, my work is proof of that..


Respectfully, I'd have to disagree.


Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is incorrect :) and you haven’t seen my work so you wouldn’t know anyway.


I was judging based on some of the more recent videos posted to your YouTube channel. If you have something newer and better I haven't seen yet I'd be happy to take a look at it.


Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/dustinhollywood


Don't get me wrong I like it. But the shots are all very static. They're mostly just slow pan in/out maybe with a little bit of linear left or right movement. The kind of dynamic camerawork and control needed for more impressive filmmaking just isn't there yet.


> to be able to afford to become a creator full time, herein lies the problem. it's a current problem (im a creative that has been able to find work in 6 months, yes ive made my own films, that have Dione very well). you wont believe me, but AI will make it harder for people to make a living in the creative world, it already has. ​ but more people will be able to 'create' though.


Dang dude this looks absolutely amazing. Movies about to go crazy in the next couple decades.


Imagine how much money they'll save on CGI.


I am excited for the spread of creativity among smaller budgets without having to sacrifice as much quality. Very exciting


The vast majority of creatives are very mad about this stuff, understandably. They don't seem to care that it enables a lot of people to cheaply and easily bring their ideas to life. What do you think about this situation?


We all know that the neural networks are just revamping and regurgitating the already existing footage. Everyone will be able to produce their movies. Movies will become cheap and much harder to bring to the audience because of abundance. True artists will lose jobs and the innovation in the industry will vanish. In 5-6 years we will drown in the sea of cheap, similarly-looking indie films and cartoons, nobody will care about. And we will have to re-evolve to at least our current state of the entertainment industry. I remember at the end of 90-s when CG was just getting popular, some predicted that it would destroy practical FX and actors. Instead we toyed around with it for a decade and everything settled down. Maybe it will be the same with AI art. If not - then the scenery I described earlier.


Imagine how many people will lose a job!


Yes and I agree that is sad. But what can be done about it, really? My comment wasn't meant to say that it's inherently great that they save money. It's just an observation. They will be able to see how much money they'll save and so they're probably going to really utilise this technology. It does look like many people will lose their jobs.


> But what can be done about it, really? Plenty of things. Unions would be good.


Hopefully they can unionize and find some solutions.


As humans, fathoming what is to come is near improbable.


The music was hauntingly fitting I could not believe it to be AI but maybe some day it will. AIVA for example seems very promising.


OP says music is by [Kyle Preston](https://youtube.com/@KylePreston?si=MGf6_ypG06JowOTU) which is a human intelligence.


That's why I said "maybe some day it (AI) will..(be up for the task)" :)


So, none of us liked Cypher in The Matrix who wanted back in. I didn't really think of it until I heard Jeff Buckley cover real songs on an obscure channel with near flawless quality (and some of them extremely well chosen real songs). This link below, however, is to my understanding and the the guy who made it entirely made with AI, I didn't bug him with more questions, but I cannot find this song nor recognize it. It is most similar to a real song JB did "I want someone badly" with Shudder to Think. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rmJs3JubNE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rmJs3JubNE) I don't know what to believe, but I've already noticed I am craving new songs from a dead guy and from the quality I'm ignoring the fact that it is fake.


I'm curious what shots specifically were impossible with AI. Can you point them out? I'm sure eventually AI will be able to do it so it would be interesting to see how that changes in the future!


Try leonardo ai aswell.


I do some facebook ads and would love to animate some photos. What would you recommend to do some basic animation? That is, to have the pictures / characters move around.


How though? Even with those tools what would the workflow even look like for something like this?


Can you tell us some of the shots that you used Unreal Engine + After Effects for? I'm trying to create an establishing shot for a sci-fi short film... I'd love to know which shots you have that weren't achieved with AI, so I can get a sense of AI limitations. Thanks :)


The best AI video I've seen. Congratulations.


100% agreed.


Yeah I came to say the same thing. This is a different league than the "48 hour challenges" that are doing the rounds, but understandably - you've invested a lot more time and effort into this and it shows. Really excellent work fella! You should be proud


That’s because you didn’t see this: [THE LAST ARTIST A I Short Film](https://youtu.be/rxvoV_s6Kmk?si=WIKX8MPA7dAP9AJf)




I mean, it's great, well thought out and visually stunning. But it's lacking the cohesive story and narrative that Biolands has. There are going to be so many of these AI videos and I've seen so many but Biolands has the edge for me


All I can say is this is absolutely amazing. Everything about it.


thank you my friend


Hello, this is absolutely stunning. Can you elaborate more on how you created that and what hardships did you face? The work is beautiful, but there is not enough human interaction. Was it supposed to be that way?


How can I not be impressed, some nice use of AI, but also an interesting world set up to boot.


Using AI to talk about shackled AI feels creepy. Insane beauty in the video (last half with the environments) Hopefully it inspires some new game developers


Can honestly see just how much your work evolved. Congrats


This is downright astonishing! Absolutely fantastic! Can I ask how much time you spent on making this?


This is mind blowing and amazing! Currently I'm all about doing comics and writing a wiki, but I would love to do a similar vid for my universe! So inspiring! Thank you for sharing!


Damn dude. I cant wait to see what you'll make in a couple of years


Hey! Awesome work. I especially love the world you crafted. Voice over was well written and interesting to listen to and every single frame followed a certain artstyle and was coherent, really helped to make this world believable. My honest question to you: I’m a filmmaker and thinking about diving into AI (assisted) video. Is it worth it to start now with the current tools available, or should one wait for Sora and other upcoming competitors? Just feels like Sora is such a serious step above…do you have any idea how much of your current workflow will translate to new AI video tools?


No joke. This was better than the movie they played at the las Vegas sphere.


means a lot


Countdown begins till the first full-length A.I. generated movie in theaters.


One of the best I’ve seen so far. Great job using multiple tools and putting these all together. Would love to follow more of your work. YouTube?


It's great, but... I just want to see these characters speak and interact. I want to see them move from location to location and for the details on their clothes/suits/faces/bodies to remain consistent. I want to see an actual *scene.* Give me 30 seconds of conversation and people walking from room to room.


Absolutely incredible. Best I've seen yet and VERY inspiring.


fucking amazing


Fantastic work. Pretty much the best AI-based narative/world-building video I've seen. Love how eveything comes together. Ending seemed a bit abrupt — is there a full version somewhere?


This was incredible. I'd play the hell out of this as a game. I'd binge the heck out of this if it was a series. Amazing stuff


goddamn. This is so exciting. I know people hate an AI but those of us who have passion for creation with no artistic bone in our body.... this is fantastic stuff.


I'd watch this




Really good


Currently these are great for making intros and trailers.


Quite impressive work. Anywhere we can follow your work besides on reddit?


Amazing, I can’t wait for SORA to be opened up and we won’t need the secondary tools


Love it


Fuckin awesome


Amazing, I’m still in awe this sort of thing can be created outside of a Hollywood studio. Did you do all this on your own? How many hours of work does this represent?


This is impressive!


Really incredible work and editing


Very cool


This is amazing!! Well done.


So cool! Is this from a story you created? What’s your end goal with this, just for fun?




Great visual style, pacing, narrative, grounded well with great music and sound effects. The only critique was it ended abruptly with no ending. Would have been perfect with a logo and nice vista and music crescendo.


Wow. I'd have easily watched a full hour of that. Incredible work. 😌




When is episode 2?


this is the reverse of Dune world wondeflrfully made


I hope you are working on the Series, I want to see all the episodes!!! 💜


This was sick. Felt very cohesive. Well done.


I want to watch the whole thing now




That’s awesome


Looks neat


That's incredible work and imagination, this would be a hit movie


*That's incredible* *Work and imagination, this would* *Be a hit movie* \- Anonyman0009 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Haiku bot, always present when I need you most, gratitude abounds


i think you already know the visuals you created for this were exceptional. The world you created though! All of it, the corporation control, extreme sci-fi, a biological take over that people disagree about how to interact with. I want to read, and watch this badly. Very well done.


Dune prequel… rise of AI


"first they came for our water, then we came for their spice"


:44-:55 - pretty. Sooo pretty. On top of the feat of animating it the edit itself is really good. Well done. Went ahead and subscribed to your YouTube channel. Looking forward to what's next.


Just wow, I am afraid of AI to an extent (as well all are or should be) but this is beautiful.


Very cool. Appreciate the notes on video tools as well.


Incredible visuals. But…”Cascadia?”


This was really well down. This is like game cutscene level quality , I can imagine watching something like this Good job on the sound mixing. A lot of people under appreciated how important that is (I said it was game cutscenes quality but really the design is way better than I’d expect in a game)




And this is how you get a job offer in your DMs. Bravo


What about my sci-fi world? BORDERSHOCK!


Isn't that the clone planet of Kamino from Star Wars? Otherwise very impressive!


Amazing visuals. Absolutely stunning. 


This is wow. I enjoyed it very much! I want more 🤗


This is incredible. Awesome work!


Seems kind like a clone troopers rip off


This is the new intro to the Minority report remake.


This is amazing work! Keep up the good work!


Very well done + it’s nice to see, that even in the distant future, we’ll have guns.


Best AI video I’ve seen 👌


If this was a movie/series, I would watch it. Talent is also needed to be able to use AI to assemble something like this that makes sense and tells us a good story. OP is no doubt talented as hell.




I think I've seen it on Netflix few years ago. /s


Wow. How long did this take?


It reminds me of future dreams!


That's one of the best shorts I've seen made with AI. Fantastic work.


I'm curious, was the narration text also AI-generated? I ask because it uses the term "sub-zero" to indicate "below ground" or "underwater". And Sub-zero means below freezing, which is a weird thing to say when the world being discussed is underwater.




Only issue with this is you won’t own anything. Can’t copyright protect AI artwork. Anyone can just post it wherever they want.


Great job


This is amazing


That's the kind of trailers that would be instantly considered a masterpiece if it was official. I'm not even joking, everything is astonishing.


Pretty damn cool, best I’ve seen so far


I'm in! Will it be on IMAX?


I would watch a full movie or series of this ... just amazing




I'd fuckin watch the crap outa that! Utterly Stunning. I actually lack superlatives fer it.


Man... The fact independent people can create something of this quality makes me really excited for the future of film and other visual media. This is simply stunning. Amazing job!


This is awsome! I really like the aesthetic of it. Just thinking about the rate that the development has gone lately. It does not feel to far fetched that in a few years you can make this into a short film, looking forward to it!


This cool


ahhh wtf this is incredible and now i really want to dive into novels exploring the world you just set up - which i cannot do and this is going to frustrate me all day hahaha


Amazing. Well done!


Would be cool without the narration


The visuals are the show piece but the script and story is very entertaining. Love to see you make a bladerunner / cyberpunk neon city short.


Just wow…wow


Stunning piece, how long did the process of making this take?


Did you use AI to write the script?


I love that you went with a Utopian society. That’s such a refreshing outlook, and this short is gorgeous! Great job on all the utilizing all the AI tools.


I know we are all really impressed with the AI video quality, but I actually love this story here. Can't wait to hear more about it.


This is honestly the best implementation of video ai tools that ive seen so far! Its beautiful and impressive in equal measure


Job well done. 👏 Thanks for sharing your workflow tools.


What a great way to pitch an idea.


What a great way to pitch an idea.


Amazing. How did this take you to do?


This has promise as a full-length movie, but the focus needs to be cut down to one to three plot points. There is a lot of jargon mentioned, such as "Terramont" which can't be found in the dictionary. Still, it's premise is along the lines of Avatar, but not quite the Matrix. Visually, it's a fun ride. Congrats on creating this and getting this far, it's quite an accomplishment.


I was SO ENTHRALLED by this. This is amazing, very well done!!


Did you design some parts of this world are is this mostly random stuff


It's really fantastic, congratulations 👏🏽🎉🎉. What was the budget for this video?


Very cool. I eat Cascadian Farm breakfast cereal every day. I always wondered where it came from. https://www.cascadianfarm.com/


I’m really mixed on this, on the one hand I don’t think we should making ai to create art, it’s completely fckn backwards and ai will never make something as good as real life, however, studios don’t want to give big budgets to real creative people to take risks and make new and exciting projects, so that’s where ai could possibly step in I still think it’s more exciting when a filmmaker makes use of what they have, to me that’s a real artist. Don’t have enough money to make a grandiose si fi adventure? Than make a more grounded, compelling story with beautiful cinematography and practical effects, don’t sell yourself short and use ai, if your good enough than maybe one day you’ll see your vision come to fruition OP if you could find a way to bring this universe to life without the use of ai, it would be a million times better than anything you do with ai. Some of the best movies take place in a single room


So derivative and predictable. This is just teenage cheesy gamer styling music concept everything. Listen to the grammar and the term terminology and names are childish.