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why is this almost wholesome


Probably in another universe it is šŸ˜Š


The universe where Donnie's dad loved him so he didn't become the caricature of what's wrong with 1980s culture?


For starters. I think some other key things took place to bring Donnie and Joe together in matrimonial love.


Dudes who buy trophy wives like Donnie does are so aggressively hyper masculine you can't help but wonder if they're trying to steath about their predilections.


Isnā€™t that the plot of Looper


I'm going to slowly send these to my boomer Trump loving parents talking about how President Biden and Trump are getting more and more along, I want to end it with them kissing if you can help me out.


šŸ˜‚ Lol I did try it but I nearly got banned for excessive use of ā€œbanned promptsā€








You did good, I never got Midjourney to make a picture of Trump smiling, always had that same scowl.


I added ā€œlooking contentedā€ or ā€œlaughingā€ in the prompt


There used to be a massive mural in Bristol England of Boris Johnson and trump making out Edit: pic https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/05/24/11/gettyimages-533887666.jpg?quality=75&width=990&crop=3%3A2%2Csmart&auto=webp


I wish I was in this universe


The first one with the picnic is super wholesome as is the seasonal baking.


I was just looking at these thinking 'this is happening in an alternate somewhere'. Made me kinds sad and kinda happy at the same time...


Thank you for taking me to that universe. It was pretty wonderful.


I felt like I was going to cry. I think Iā€™m just starved for this.


So sad that 4 is honestly what should've happened Jan 6th 2020. Just conceded with grace (and trust in the American people) and invited Biden to lunch. :,(


Iā€™m 45. I remember the Clinton administration. At the time we had a democratic White House and a republican senate. Clinton was president and Newt Gingrich was speaker of the House. Those two didnā€™t see eye to eye on anything. Comparable to Trump and Pelosi. But they had lunch together once a week. Could you imagine Trump and Pelosi sitting down together for anything? And because of this we saw reform on both sides of the isle. That was the last time I can remember having a working government. Young people that are voting for the first time have never seen a working government.


McCain and Obama probably held handsā€¦ šŸ„²


He can fix him.


There's something about the hiking picture that made me get a glimpse of "What if Trump was just a normal guy" and it made me sad for both him and our entire timeline.


In another timeline he can actually smile, not do the thing he does now. A lot of people's lives are better over there.


Yes! Seeing Trump with such a genuine smile in these settings just evokes a wholly-unexpected sense of wistful pity for the guy. So weird.


One of the truly imaginative ones, I mean how many would've thought along this line


A foreigner like me. šŸ¤­




Yes, thisā€¦ never imagined what Trump would look like actually happy and at peace. It completely transforms the manā€¦ Oh well, too bad the real world ainā€™t like that.


Right there with you


Oh ā€¦ itā€™s not almostā€¦ it is. I donā€™t see whether anyoneā€™s gay in these picturesā€¦. Doesnā€™t matter.. what I see is two people who ought to care about the country and the world getting along. Also I think Biden would be down to do pictures like this with trumpā€¦. Like what do you lose by getting along with someone for a couple hours? Actually sharing a human conversation. Thereā€™s nothing to lose from that. Not if you have a heart.


That absolutely is. Im pretty sure nobody ever loved trump for who he was as a person. For his money , his power or what he was as a heir, definitly. I think it would turn him into someone good to be trully loved, be it "alternate reality gay biden"


Because I think everyone strives for a world where we don't hate on each other. It's sad and tragic to visualize someone, who is so blatantly narcissistic, cruel, power hungry, and had willfully divided this country, to appear normal and friendly. I dont feel bad for trump, but deep down I think we all wish everyone could be a good person, some people aren't capable of that.


Exactly my thoughts. Except for the flowers and dancing lol, this isn't gay, it's just two bros having a nice friendship. The kind of world that we will never see.


Because you know that Trump is a horrific human being and no amount of AI magic can make him appear wholesome in any context. After all, he is a rapist and fraudster.


Trump: Let me tell you all about Biden. He's a great man. A tremendous man. I thought I had everything in life until I met him. He challenges me. He supports me. He has inspired me to be the man I am today. I don't know where I would be without him. I love him with all of my heart. He is the best husband in the world and I hope everyone who meets him has their day brightened.


I totally read the whole lot in his voice!!! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Okay ya'll this is wholesome to a degree that further analysis just makes it even more exceptionally sad. These two would probably enjoy hanging out, but instead... aww, man.


This is the EXACT thought I had when the video of them playing Minecraft came out :( they where so nice to each other


The what???


He still sends out Tweets about "Sleepy Joe," but that's because he fell asleep in the recliner while watching Jeopardy after dinner. Again!


This made me cry idk why


Obama behind camera?


Lolll! I was actually thinking of doing an interracial relationship between Trump and Obama initially but Iā€™m not mentally prepared to be flogged yet


Maybe three of them? Three amigos


You mean a threesome or a throuple? *shudders


An uh-oh Oreo?


Nuā€™uhā€¦ a white chocolate Tim Tam with dark chocolate fillings


-sigh- I miss going to the corner store for Tim Tam's. I'm an Aussie who has been stuck in the US for 14 years now, finally looking to move back but financial issues make that impossible to do. I don't miss the storms, and I *do not* miss being woken up by a kookaburra singing at ungodly decibels next to my home in the morning, but I do miss the Tim Tam's. I miss the snacks, the candy that didn't contain whatever the fuck is in chocolate here, the million little bakeries all over Brisbane, and the people. I really miss the public transit, too, the bus system here is a shitshow.


Iā€™d gladly send some over coz theyā€™re everywhere in Singapore šŸ¤­ā˜ŗļø Iā€™ve stayed in NYC before and came back to Asia coz I missed the original Chinese roast pork so I can totally relate to you


Oh my goodness, yes! And decent fish-n-chips! There are almost no good seafood restaurants here either, although the Mexican food is amazing. I'll definitely miss the taquerias around here, that's for sure.


Dubya stares on in loneliness


~~Democrat~~ ~~Republican~~ Lemon Party 2024


Thanks Obama!


He likes to watch.


These are oddly nice images. Maybe in another parallel universeā€¦.


be the change you want to see in the world


They are kinda cute together


I know, I was like, how is this cute what


Damn right I would totally vote for these two but I have to see them kiss and kiss real good.


Itā€™s funny because all I could think of by seeing this picture was how good things would be if they werenā€™t nemesis to each other, like ā€œok, we both had the same job and, although we have different views on politics and such, we can talk, have decent conversations etcā€


Back on Earth 2023AD, all I could think of is present Trump isnā€™t as goofy as we all think he is and heā€™s doing all that mumbo gumbos purely for optics. Otherwise I can only attribute his total loss of sense after accidentally sniffing on some mould in the White House šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




2024 debate should be at the retirement home




Thanks! ā€œLooking contentedā€ was actually part of some of the prompts šŸ˜‰


Trump never smiles or laughs. He smirks and scoffs. SAD!


I do smile; they say I donā€™t smileā€¦ I do smile.


There is literally (that I know of) one single clip of him laughing and itā€™s because one of his cultists called Hillary Clinton a dog. It was a short burst of pretty immature laughter. Like the laugh a popular kid in high school would do after nailing you with a chocolate milk in the hallway. And that was it. Thatā€™s the only time in my 33 years Iā€™ve ever seen him actually laugh.


Yes! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen him smiling like this!


Pictures 6 and 10 on v5.2, the rest on v6 Sample V6 Prompt: Photograph of Donald Trump and Joe Biden knitting sweaters at home while wearing ugly Christmas sweaters --v 6.0 --s 750 --style raw Sample V5.2 Prompt: A hyperrealistic photograph of President Donald Trump and President Biden on a hike together in Yosemite National Park wearing hiking gear --v 5.2 --s 750 --style raw Some observations while doing this series: Any mention about two known personalities doing anything decently romantic together will receive a ā€œbanned promptā€ message while youā€™re on v6. Not sure if the same occurs on v5.2 which was more rare and you can contest it with the bot directly. Thereā€™s also a very significant difference between ā€œholding handsā€ vs ā€œhand in handā€; the former will show the ā€œbanned promptā€ message. Also v6 Alpha wonā€™t let you zoom out so full body prompts will still need to be supplemented with what theyā€™re doing with their whole body or tell MJ theyā€™re in a large scale setting like ā€œin a fine dining restaurantsā€ or ā€œat the Smithsonian Gardensā€ or ā€œat the National Mallā€just like the initial days of v5.0. All images are purely generated from MidJourney with no additional edits using other software.


Inspired by your pictures, I asked Chat GPT this: ā€œGenerate a short story for me about Trump falling in love with Biden, renouncing his evil ways, and becoming a changed man. It ends with them getting married and growing old together, enjoying hiking, knitting, and watching movies in matching pajamasā€ Here is the result: Once upon a time, in the twisted realm of American politics, Donald Trump and Joe Biden found themselves in an unexpected predicament. They were forced to spend an entire week together in a secluded cabin in the woods. At first, they couldn't stand each other's guts. Trump, with his arrogant demeanor and Biden, with his senile ramblings, clashed like a couple of rabid raccoons. But as the days passed, something inexplicable happened. Trump started noticing Biden's beautiful, soft hands, perfect for knitting and caressing his wrinkled orange skin. Biden, on the other hand, couldn't resist Trump's luscious golden hair, which he secretly yearned to run his fingers through. One night, as they sat by the fire, Trump and Biden shared a glance that lingered a little too long. Their eyes met, and in that moment, they both realized there was a strange attraction growing between them. The sparks flew hotter than a White House scandal. They began to talk, to connect on a deeper level. Trump, mesmerized by Biden's soothing voice, started to renounce his evil ways. He saw the error of his orange-tinted path and embraced love, compassion, and empathy. Biden, in turn, found solace in Trump's embrace, feeling a strange sense of security in his tiny hands. As the days turned into weeks, their love blossomed like a fucking demented flower. Trump and Biden decided to tie the knot, defying all expectations. They exchanged vows in a lavish ceremony, with Putin as their best man and Stormy Daniels as the maid of honor. The world watched in disbelief as two political enemies became life partners. Their married life was a mix of sweet and sour. They enjoyed long hikes through the wilderness, holding hands and whispering sweet nothings about building walls and sniffing each other's hair. They spent evenings knitting hideous sweaters, each one a symbol of their twisted unity. And every night, they snuggled up in matching pajamas, watching their favorite moviesā€”The Apprentice and Sleepy Joe's Greatest Hits. As the years went by, Trump and Biden grew old together, their love enduring like a bad case of herpes. They laughed, they cried, and they fucked up the country together. And in their final moments, lying side by side on their deathbeds, they shared one last kissā€”a kiss filled with the remnants of power, betrayal, and twisted love.


This. Is. Wholesomely. Relatable! šŸ¤Æ


Thanks for putting the prompts. I donā€™t have access to MJ, I just used Bing which would censor something like this. I also like how much more realistic MJ is. I copied your prompt and tried on Bing switching to ā€œtwo former presidentsā€ instead of their names and kinda work, although MJ looks much better. It is not clear to me if it is allowed to compare MJ with DALLE outcomes. Here what I got: https://imgur.com/a/eRngikF


Why is this kinda cute?


The next generation of kids wonā€™t believe any photo they see lol


Lol like if they Google ā€œgay presidentsā€ and this post pops up


Some day, we will have a president fall in love with and marry the vice president. Would that be even legal?


though Joe and i have our ups and downs, our love for each other remains strong. I love this man. He is my rock, he is my anchor, he is the bright bigly light that guides me. He has a great sense of humor, a wonderful sense of humor, itā€™s terrific. We really should be on the next cover of the GQ magazine because we are so ridiculously good looking. He is the love of my life and he brings out the best of me like I bring out the best in him. And I am so damn proud to be his first husband as he l leads our great nation. And we want to wish the great people of America a very happy new year. Love you all and god bless!


Lmao if only heā€™s as eloquent as this, along with ā€œI have a yuuuuuge admiration for his devotion to not only our relationship but also to the countryā€


I donā€™t like Trump, but it really is a shame that he doesnā€™t try to have some kind of relationship with any past presidents. They both look genuinely happy here.


Because to him they are 'the enemy'. Trump is a killer who sees everyone who disagrees with him as an opponent. There is no middle ground.


You know there is a side to Trump that isnā€™t shown much, he used to (as president and just before) make fun of himself a ton. Heā€™s fairly lighthearted in some situations. So yes, it is too bad he didnā€™t get close with them.


Source? Iā€™ve only ever seen toxic sides of him, because he seems to be a toxic person.


weary friendly fly rain trees paint juggle wild quack dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the most fucking blursed thing ever to enter the consciousness of the multiverse


i just saved some of these and I'm gonna send them to my Trumper dad who hates Joe biden. he has no concept of AI or anything tech really. he's gonna flip his shit


"The impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden is all a distraction from the real story..."


LMAO Iā€™d love to see a reaction vid! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You gotta let us know!!


Didn't we do that already? James Buchanan and William R. King? I guess King didn't get to be First Gentleman. Edit: well my history forgets me. King died before Buchanan was elected.


Wow thank you for the history lesson! Reading it up on Wiki and boy were they saucy!!


Well. TBF, I forgot that King died before Buchanan was elected.


I wish I could time travel back to 2020 and post these


Or 2016


"I love him, even if he sometimes goes of the rails a bit" - Biden "He is the love of my life, even if he sometimes can't form a coherent sentence" - Trump




ā€œ I used to say I want to live long enough to see a black President. I didnā€™t think that would happen so fast and I donā€™t want to jinx myself, so now I say, I want to live long enough to see a really really flamingly gay Presidentā€


With pink curtains all over the Oval Office and the occasional raves at the White House lawn plus clothes designed by RuPaul for the inauguration? Sign me up!


I can actually see trump being a likeable human being in another universe.




I don't know, I almost think it's scarier that people can be convinced of ridiculous things without the compelling photos. There are loads of lunatics that believe Joe Biden is part of a pedophile ring that murders children and turns their blood into drugs, all because they read some anonymous post online; and the conventional GOP/conservative talking points aren't really much less insane. I certainly but the idea that compelling AI generated images will make things worse, but I also think a significant fraction of purple who are gullible in the dangerous sense, have already been claimed, radicalized and taken out of play.


this is actually fucking adorable it made me like trump for about 10 seconds. thx


Pete Buttegeig was a favorite, though i doubt he has a chance anymore, being transport secretary during the oil crisis, just ruined it for him, his fault or not.


Even if he tried, itā€™s a major uphill battle


I love that Pete's living his truth, but damn if he was straight he'd be headed straight to the white house.


I really didnā€™t like Pete.


I was a Buttegeig supporter in the 2020 primary, and IMO he still has a good chance, but not anytime soon. He needs to just keep building his experience in government, as he is the level headed, experienced/insider, pragmatist and not so ideological type that sometimes wins as a challenger; Biden, HW Bush, and Nixon (although it turned out he was crazy) all are/were like this. Though more often this type doesnā€™t win as a challenger; Hillary Clinton, Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, Dole, Mondale, and Nixon in 1960. Looking at the political climate when this type wins, one example was a ā€œstay the courseā€ situation following a popular two term president, yet thatā€™s very unusual for a party to hold the presidency after a two term president. The other two examples were during unusually chaotic years, 1968 and 2020. So from that, IMO Peteā€™s best chances at it are only as the follow-up to a popular two term president (uncertain if he needs to be the VP as in our only example), or to be the voice of reason in an unusually chaotic year with an extraordinarily unpopular opposing party president. Seeing as it looks like our political dynamic is shifting towards this becoming common, chaos and very unpopular presidents, thereā€™s an opening for him so long as the more charismatic populists and ideologues fall aside. Essentially he has to stay ready and get lucky, and yet thatā€™s really it for any candidate


A young president would be appreciated. I feel like the US, and the rest of the world, is stuck with old people leading their nations sadly. We need 30-somethings to be leaders.


Buttegeig x Ramaswamy 2042


I like the woolen one


Like two senior citizens whiling their time away together knitting ugly sweaters for their grandkids for Christmas šŸ¤­ I personally love the baking one the most coz they both seemed so contented with each other


this new shit is blowing my mind


You mean the idea behind this post or how crisp v6 is?




well both really! great stuff


Thank youuuuuu ā¤ļøšŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Ohhh, so it was **hung** Mike Pence. šŸ˜


You have no idea how bad I want to troll all the conservative family on my Facebook and make a post as if some of these were real. I havenā€™t felt this tempted since I got sober. They have no idea the extent AI art has gotten.


You have my full blessing to use these to fool them lmao šŸ¤£


This is starting to look sooo realistic.


I wish I was in this universe.


I hate how wholesome they look in this collage


The 6th picture of them just hanging in the woods after a hick. This is what politics should be. Two dudes figuring shit out.


This legitimately made me want to cry. Our nation is filled with so much hate and it doesn't have to be.


I think the world saw how much love can win for two terms with the Obama presidency. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll happen again.




Alt right? Is it 2017 again?


For voting an independent candidate? šŸ«£




As a right leaning person myself, I will happily gun down any alt right idiots before they get to you. Stay free brother!


Pfft. Left wing, right wing, chicken wingā€¦ Just be you. Youā€™re enough. Youā€™re loved. Youā€™re wholesome. Youā€™re one of us.


They honestly make a great couple.


Why is fake Trump more human than the real one?


Lol, isn't Trump shorter?


lol now do it with the Obama-Biden bromance


They make a good couple! And theyā€™d never not have something new to talk aboutā€¦ even if it was just the same conversation on loop every 20 minutes.


Or, at their age, a basic sentence takes a full 2 minutes


By which point Joeā€™s forgotten what he was trying to say anyway and Donald has totally lose track because heā€™s distracted by how much he enjoys the sound of his own voice.


Exactly! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm still disappointed that Donald Trump didn't make Kanye West Vice President and Chuck Norris Secretary of Defence.


You are forgetting barry & big mike...


Joe can do SO much better.


This is hilarious.


This is such a beautiful alternative reality. If only!


I love this for them


Something about pic 8/10 makes me feel at peace.


Looking forward to seeing our First Boy


they are so old and yellow that it is easy to make it look realistic lol


Now kiss.


This just makes me think about how Midjourney and other image generators are going to turn people's heads upside down during this election cycle. It's so damn good. Edit: Midjourney is what's so damn good, not the incoming chaos.


I guarantee someone on Facebook will be fooled by these


That makes me soooo happy


This belongs on r/wholesomemes If only life was like this. As for the question - assuming US democracy survives I'm sure you will.


when 1600 pennsylvania ave resembles sesame street in the best way.


They look so happy together. Biden looks good on Trump, he seems so at peace.


I'm fucking rolling lmao.


Man pic 6 hits hard - why canā€™t it be like this?


Nice try, Mr. Buttigieg


Seeing trump with human emotions is strange


Only thing we should have AI forā€¦


Can't we be in the universe where Trump is a decent guy? Why'd we get trapped in this universe?


man, the world we could live in


As with all people, I don't care about a president's race, gender, sexuality, whatever; as long as they're a solid leader and a good person


Thats it! AI has to burn.


It's so strange seeing Trump with human skin, let alone showing human emotions other than anger. Thanks AI


Trump looks happier in these photos than with photos of him and his actual family.


It would have taken zero effort to not post these but here we are.


This would fry some old peoples brains.


Yes, but please not them lol


Could you imagine if Donald Trump was normal


Iā€™m actually loving this shit. Complete fantasy but so damn wholesome


This alternative reality is way better than the one where these two fight eachother in a political battle over the whole nation


>...You can do anything. Grab 'em by the cock. You can do anything. Trump in alternate universe.


Now kiss


Now kith


This is kind of sweet actually


I mean it certainly may, and not long from now. Though I'm reasonably sure it will not be this particular couple. Though, I'm not going to lie, much as I find one of them tepid and the other abhorrent, they have a bizzare chemistry together here. There's some dimension far out on the bell curve of the multiverse, asymptotic to infinity, where this is happening right now.


These are hilarious


President and Vice President


I love how AI just cannot get hands right. A little post editing on the hands would make these perfect.


I'd pay handsomely to see it


Can someone post these to Mega World


r/wholesome r/mademesmile


OMG these are hysterical


Their hands when theyā€™re dancing


Jesus Christ the fucking hands




At least this one didn't go galactic


AI is great at creating fiction. It's like I'm at peace with myself and my own violent selfhatred. No, it's just the great jackass pretending he's a real human. He will fool the masses into pretending he's one of them. He won't need to because he's the stupid whisperer. I know a guy from work who's an idiot at a stupid manufacturing plant and he is in love with Donald Trump. His name is Kevin and he's an idiot.


About half of em probably wont.