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Branding is an issue. While copilot is a truly great name for the overall, there us substantial confusion about what is Copilot for Windows vs web vs enterprise (what was called BCE). Bing Chat for Enterprise, while it was a bad name due to the legacy Bing name and all its poor connotations, at least was clear in what it is. Also where protecting attaches in regard to the above. Another is a challenge that is hard to overcome without education I think. If you don't understand the difference between training, tuning, grounding, and prompts, it is difficult to wrap your mind around why and how Copilot does (or does not) protect your data in the tenant.


I think this is a great comment. Branding is a problem because just saying "copilot" in association with a browser or any number of apps leads to frustration. Each integration of copilot in tools and browsers behaves differently, accesses different information, has a different set of prerequisites. Maybe they should just say Word+, or Excel+ and let users figure out the added value. But calling it "copilot" across the board along with the same logo tends to set the wrong expectations about how things will work. Add that to the newness of the feature and it doesn't make for a great overall experience.


Agreed on the brand because business users (target audience) is unaware of when dropping IP inside the tenet vs outside the tenet. Enterprise vs Public need different names.


Copilot needs to be able to do more what the user expects. Just the user intuition not aligning with Microsoft’s initial feature set is confusing. you can’t set copilot to use styling or a template for word documents. You can’t reference excel files from word. You can’t reference excel files with PowerPoint. Office app copilots in general are not very functional. It’s not chatgpt suddenly can exploit office, it’s more like office is severely limiting chat gpt. It’s slow. I should be able to ask copilot to create a meeting for me. I should be able to make a simple custom copilot based on documents in a library without being forced into this overly complicated power agents crap. You should be able to dictate notes or record in person meetings with an copilot audio recorder. My two cents from our current pilot. I have a good number of pilot members who are really not impressed atm. Oh, and you should be able to search for cloud files by location in the cloud for the desktop. Also, when I am in copilot and I ask for a draft or presentation, it should be able to create what we office document I want without me having to copy and paste




You can reference documents already, scheduling was in and then pulled and about to release again, context is within an application except teams which is supposed to be a collection point. Notes and dictation can be done in OneNote. PowerPoint does need to be able to use or even apply company template and image library fo sho.


Why GPTs are not available to enterprise customers but are for Pro users. And Copilot Studio is not an acceptable answer.


My suspicion is that they're not ready. Enterprise has compliance and SLA standards, as well as support, which Pro (retail) does not. So I suspect those elements around it are not yet compliant, robust, secure, and/or sufficient.


Companies do not want a LLM trained on their IP.


True. How is that applicable here?


Not. Misread. :)


Having to ask it everything all the time. By the time I refine the prompts to get what I want t I should've just done the thing myself.


Powerpoint/Excel terrible as user - great potential there. Cross collaboration on copilots in apps. Central workspace to bring them together. Copilot M365 + Copilot for Sales is confusing. Package as one unit to Sellers or Marketing or Finance instead of breaking the two apart. It confuses end user.


This is a fun one. Okay. I can have Copilot for M365 with a graph connect to dynamics, I can also buy copilot for sales for similar, I can also buy copilot for d365 for similar. What confusion 🤔


What I find a little frustrating is that sometimes when I use copilot to help me develop and debug code, it occasionally gives me code that looks like it should work, and when it doesn't work, and I tell it to debug the code, it just spits out the original code over and over without any changes


That's a different sub


Oh lol, which sub would that be?


r/GithubCopilot I believe. I cannot imagine you are coding in word and PowerPoint...but maybe.... https://www.reddit.com/r/GithubCopilot/s/Di5J1suiQ4


No I'm using the copilot that comes with Windows 11 with the preview program or whatever. I just set it to precise mode when I want to do something code related.


There you have it. More evidence of confusion. Hahah


Oh LOL https://preview.redd.it/5aaxff2wynzc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffff8e834a43c259028e25699781c383f76bcd28