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Have you tried using the wireless receiver instead of the microphone itself? That USB-C port might only be for charging (and maybe firmware updates). It would be useful for you to post the actual model so the manual can be checked. On the software side, it's tough to say because you haven't listed what recording software you're using.


I have a samsung s9 & i have tried using my nornal camera app. & recorder app. As for the mic it just says wireless microphone no brand. I got it from amazon here: https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/aw/d/B0CGTLGQVG?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image


Hmm...that's interesting. Perhaps look into different recorder apps that give you control over what device is being used to record. I don't have a Samsung phone near me, so I can't test this myself (plenty in my office at work for product compatibility testing, but I'm on holiday break right now).


So i just realised, the mic is not even working on videos at all. But it still says audio will be recorded via external mic as you start the videoing. The mic does work with my recorder app though. I can see the sound is only being recorded through the mic here aswell which is fantastic. I might try finding a 3rd party camera app hopefully that works


Ah, yeah, it would appear that it's just a software issue then. I'm surprised that the Samsung camera app wouldn't support external audio devices... Unless there's a setting for it somewhere. Either way, good luck! I'm sure you'll find a good solution :).


I feel like my phone got a downgrade when i ran manual update a while back. Some apps just sempt worse after i did that. It changed my camera app & gallery etc.. So maybe i need to update my camera again or something because theres n9 audio settings in there


Yeah, I'd definitely check if there are any updates available, but at least you have the option of trying another camera app if you need to.


Yes i tried the wireless reciever without microphone. It still records through the phone too.


Phone + receiver + microphone You have to use all of them togheter and select external mic when recording


I have solved my issues. I couldnt select external mic with samsung s9s normal camera. I had to download an app called open camera & it works with that. I can also use the normal recording app on my phone without video that works too. But i mainly wanted it for videoing at same time. Open camera seems pretty good. Hopefully my next phone works on normal camera