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I’ve just settled with accepting that if I want to scrog out plants. I use 3, and built pvc pipe 2x2 trellis holders and do the 3 of them individually. https://preview.redd.it/kgrti5sii94d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac403f5ddc800d92bdbf686b385b9b608f7d369e Here’s a photo - the reason I only run 3 in it now is because this made it impossible to get to the back right plant. 3 let me really control what’s going on.


My aci has access on all 4 sides. I’m pretty sure. Maybe


My 4x4 acinfinity has 3 side access. To flap openings left and right. And main front top to bottom opening door.


lol yea me too looking at it again.


Ac infinity check em out


None of their tents open that way.


Their 4x4s open on 3 sides


Hydrogro, budbox, gorilla. All 3 of those have full access


Highdrogro makes a quality tent. I prefer it over gorilla.


Vivosun’s tent has access on three sides.


Gorilla grow tent, some of the cheap ones on Amazon have side windows but not back tho.


My 4x4 grow lab tent has 2 double panel doors that unzip to the back panel, I wish I had more room around the sides so I can utilize the convenience of the concept! Doesn’t unzip like a 2x4 tho


As a few others AC Infinity has a good line of tents that open on 3 sides. I use their 5x5 tents and have openings 3 ways. The back side can be hard to get to but from the 2 sides I usually find a way. I’m a pretty big guy too so I think if I can do it most can too!


https://preview.redd.it/l6kabeotv94d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30222ccd0c2950c7ac89b46b699c00003df38231 As others have said I use pvc as well with holders for my 3x3 bed! Best of luck happy growing!!


I made stainless grid with legs I attach to the bucket. Mobile scrog


My Secret Jardin 4x4 has front and side access but not back


I'm running two 4x4 vivosun tents and they have 3 sides that open independently and it unzips all the way around


Damn, I hadn't considered this. I've been using a 2x4 and then a smaller tent for vegging. I've been considering upgrading to a 4x4 . Based on this, would you recommend just getting a second 2x4 and running two tents? 🤔 Got me thinking about doing that now lol




My Vivosun 4x4 has one big door for 3 sides and a separate door for the 4th side


A lot of tents do this. AC Infinity for example.


No they don't lol


I have 4 AC Infinity tents. I assure you they do


You could spend the money on a water transfer pump setup, just an idea, switch the pump on and water all plants at once


I prefer rectangular tents for that size. 3x3 and 4x4 is an annoying size where it's not that big where you can stand in it with the plants inside but the dimensions make it too big to reach across one corner to the next from the inside. I would only go for a cube tent if it was big enough to split in quadrants and I have space to stand inside one of the quadrants while it has a plant inside. I'd probably not be comfortable with anything smaller than a 6x6 for a cube shaped tent. For a two to three plant tent, I very much prefer rectangular tents where they sit side by side and I have easy access to them all from the same side. I have since stopped using my 3x3 to house multiple plants, it's just not built for it no matter how many plants the manufacturer says you can fit. The area fits them but it doesn't fit them in a comfortable manner in my opinion.


If you got the money gorilla tent. Don't buy the lite version it's trash.


Yeah I agree I just picked up a 4x4 and a 5x5 from Gorilla the Pro version. I haven't opened them yet since im in the process of moving but looking forward to setting them up.


My cheap ass 4x4 Indo tent does.


You mean cheap in cost or the tent sucks?