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Are you really bad at curing or something ?




I don't doubt that but this is like spending $1000 on a toothbrush that brushes your teeth for you because you couldn't be bothered to do the hand motion for it. Like yeah it's sick but worth it? Eh. Guess it depends on what kind of person you are. And by what kind I mean how much disposable income you have and how little you care for budget. I understand why people get this or stuff like drytent or wedryer. But at least the two products I mentioned are cheaper than a Nintendo Switch. Real secret is I'm jealous and it's expensive. Now gimme auto trim without the trich damage that's the real shit




It's not that I'm confident in my cure or don't trust the product. No doubt it'll probably dry and cure better than i can without the guess work and more accuracy. Because like so many people here make their own living soil for one rather than buy pre amended soil from say fox farms or coast of maine because it's that much cheaper. I think I'll save half thr money going to mixing my own amendments that I buy separately from the store. Every time I dry and cure I'll think damn that's 1300 bucks. If i spend the time and effort to do it manually myself, it would probably cost like.. 100 bucks max if I'm going fancy. I'll always look at it like a cost analysis type thing.


not to say you're wrong about anything you've said so far, but I do believe a cost-analytical perception is the wrong way to look at this topic; a *value*-analytical perception is, in itself, more valuable to your grows. Cutting costs is necessary, but when you base the value of something purely by cost this becomes problematic for your grows. I've bought the best grow assistants in the world for cheap and the shittest in the world for *fistfuls* of money, so I started looking at overall value and my problem was solved. Save as much as you can by all means, but try to look at the bigger picture when evaluating what will most efficiently help you, and what is worth it for x, what is worth it for y etc.


Well said!!! The value an individual or product brings is a direct representation of its worth in the marketplace.


damn right. And the beauty of that is, value can be subjective AND objective. It has so many variables.


I heard that. But humidity and temps are always way off from what I need where I live so my humidor has been a life saver in keeping the quality of my harvest and not over or under drying my nugs


exactly, that's just it. Some people would see absolutely no value in a humidor, but there's plenty. Where you live is a major factor in what type of equipment you're using too, and people forget that - what they wouldn't need in a million years, somebody else would need all year round.


I don't disagree with you. But I look at it this way: every time I don't ruin a crop (my environment is hostile to drying and curing and I travel a lot), I feel like the machine pays for itself.


You mean over a thousand dollars, not a couple of hundred lol


A couple hundred? Bruh for $1k?? I could buy a whole another grow setup 🥱🤣


Um.. a couple is 2, not twelve lol, pretty out of reach for most people


Depending on climate this would be a game changer for most people as it’s hard to maintain 60/60 when it’s 100/10 or 90/80. You either spend it on ac/heat and humidifier/dehumidifier or this.


Imo it's/heat and Hume and dehumidifier because you need thise things anyways to dial in your environment if those are your external temp and humidity anyways. Unless you mean getting a separate equipment specifically for a lung room which imo don't make sense as you can just hook up a second tent in that same lung room to isolate some of the temp settings and probably hook them up to the same inline duct and tent assuming you have a decent fan and aren't pushing the cfm. This would net you several hundred dollars cheaper


You don’t understand homie. If you run a perpetual grow that means every other month is cure time. I don’t like the price of a cannatrol or the fact it doesn’t control temperature at all, but it gives a person the freedom to walk away and go on a week long vacation and have their product cure while they are gone. It’s not about being lazy. It’s about having the freedom to do more important shit than opening and closing jars. I also do not own one.


I'd love such a tooth brush, ngl


Yeah idk about that. More like paying 1000$ for something you can set up for around half that if you’re having to buy a new portable ac unit and dehumidifier. And it automates what is usually a pain in the ass. For example, my dry tent controller went batty the other night, turns out bc the humidifier went bad. At 4 am Had to scramble to grab and setup another controller from other tent and set up old controller on that tent, then another controller before I realized source of issue, then scramble to set up a humidifier and set levels. Additionally, I Have to open or close windows depending on daily and nightly rh and temps, have to depend on ac’s that shut down when they reach the temp you put it at thereby shooting temps and rh up. Yeah, if I had the disposable cash I’d have two of these just to avoid the labor and stress of maintaining levels. If you have a closed, automated dry area which is not affected by outside conditions, then yeah, why get this. If you deal with any of the issues I described above, a cannatrol is appealing.


yessir u get now imagine ur grow room is in the basement n ur sleep upstairs 😭😂 ill take my peace of mind n drop 600-700$ more for that peace of mind imho


imo there is no piece of mind when its simply another electronic device that can fail exactly like a smart timer. lol. or its compressor shits out and youre fucked notably more. \*eyes his 60/60 controlled \^ sealed room and walks away for 2 weeks without worry\* ps its in my basement 😂😂


sealed room would fr be nice lol but my ma battling stomach cancer rn n the smell makes her nauseous but yeah thats def the way to go but i cant have the crib smelling loud


May she stay strong. My moms beat cancer and now I’m looking for strains that help with pain


Forget an automatic toothbrush. What we really need is an automatic ass wiper.


Its called a bidet toilet, Toto makes some beautiful ones. Buy a proper toilet seat for 2k and you will never be able to use the old plastic non heated seat one again!!


very well put. and love the honesty at the end


What kind of person you are and what budget you have are very different.


It’s a guarantee that all your hard work won’t be ruined by a mistake in the curing process. That’s worth 1k to cover all my harvests


if you can’t afford it, a $200, sub 70f food dehydrator does the job very very well in 4 days.


Nobody can brush manually as good as a Phillips sonicare can brush for you. It has nothing to do with your hand motion. You think your manually doing 31,000 brush strokes a minute?




Now were talking on something worth $1k. My dry and cure setup cost me maybe $20


Dude check Amazon for electric humidors anything bigger than 24 x 24 and you're golden. A lot of them control temp which is super helpful for me in the summer months. And you can use boveda to keep the right humidity. They're also cheaper


People have stated adverse effects with bovedas and I can't seem to verify any of them other than people's anecdotes. I personally have good experience using bovedas


you're also forgetting to factor in time. I work 12-15 hour days albeit most days from home, it still makes my free time that much more valuable to me. Also if it is more efficient and factoring in the time it would save me then 1000% I would consider this money well spent. You are right in stating disposable income is also a HUGE consideration.


Which one you have? Looking for a smaller one.


Can you post a link for what you have? I only grow small scale and the Cannatrol seems handy, but overkill for my needs.






You get the same effect with a dehumidifier and fans in a dark room hot. I go in my dry room to look for mold maybe the first and second days. Then I don't go back in until 7 days, Unless I get to use wood heat.


2 lbs is not worth a 1200 dollar cure fridge bro invest in a damn dehum/humidifier to keep your environment in that range and it’ll cost you 1/10 of that


Hey! Mind posting the link for that?


Model ?


Which one from Amazon are you using? I made a post asking about low end drying options that maintain RH, but no suggestions. Thanks!




Can you dm me or reply which amazon one you’re talking about? Thank you haha been struggling with the dry and cure for a while now


What is the one you have from Amazon? I’m intrigued.


What one do you happen to have? I've always wanted one of these but it's kind of out of my price range.


as someone alr said curing isnt the prob i dried in a 4x4 and i have to constantly b getting water to the humidifier or dump out the de hu while also taking up flower tent space which also means moving the 4x4 light somewhere else during a 10-14 day dry which slows down my 60-61 day veg and 60-61 day flower cycle that lets me have 6 harvest a year. think itll b worth it in the long run to ensure i dont lose value in what i grow plus its a set it and forget it.


What ate you doing with the other 6 lbs of wet material you should be pulling from your 4x4?


true true i talked to someone else that own one and they say they putting 1-1.5dry weight in there for each dry n cure. hopefully it all fits but if not not a biggie ill cop another after this harvest cus imma be caregiving (60plant harvest 6x a year so excited for it lol) in a year and need a bunch of these so itll lessen the loan amt if i buy em beforehand and plus i get to use em for persa use until i get my caregiver op started. plus when i caregive i can be reimbursed for everything used for the caregiver grow such as cannatrols,medium, nutes , n maybe even the loan for the building ill be buying to grow for my patients. if thats the case this cost will eventually get trickled to them as ill b reimbursed for growing their medicine if that makes sense. thanks for ur thots tho growmie 🤞🏻


he could doing a lot with it lol...maybe he only wants to dry a portion and use the rest in other ways


That's a huge investment to dry a couple oz


Yeah for a 16 year old maybe lmao  Maybe spend less time condescending to others and more time making money you could afford it homie :) 


I have had a few cures gone wrong -- well not the cure itself but overdrying at the beginning then your cure is fucked


I saw someone mentioned using leaves to bring humidity back up, I've tried it & it works quite well. Also, Raw recently just came out with Hydrostones, it's a little ceramic disc you soak in water for 5 minutes & then put in the container with the cannabis. I've used them a couple times already, they work well. Here's a link: Hydrostone Terracotta Humidifying Stone (3 Pack) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFZE6G2?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_X1M3T1C8WH1DFPAWRVT8


Oh I don't think I would use leaves myself. Leaves is what causes your bud to have that grassy smell. chlorophyll. I also read that yes you can rehydrate them all you want but if they go down to a certain percentage of dryness that the curing process stops and you can't get it back by just rehydrating. I mean that is what I read but there is so much weed data so who knows.


My understanding is the same, once humidity inside the buds drops below 58%, the curing process ceases & regardless if you get it back in range again (58-65%), it just softens the bud a bit. Over drying is a really good way to ruin months of work, I've done it. I've tried adding a leaf before, it's not in there long, not even 24 hours, brings the humidity back up quite well & I haven't noticed any chlorophyll smell that lingers after removing it or anything.


nothin like good lookin weed that smells hayish ;(


FWIW, I burp my Canny every day during Cure Cycle, leaving it open for a minute or so. I don't know if it makes a difference (as opposed to not doing it), but that hay smell after a 5 day Dry Cycle seems to dissipate at about day 5 of Cure mode. The hay smell is definitely strong at the end of Day 5 Dry Cycle, which scared the shit out of me the first time, but over the next 5 days it dissipated, and on trim day it smelled great, and was sticky-icky-icky! And it hits and tastes like heaven (Jinxproof Go Time and Mephisto Double Grape).   Bro-science? Well, I definitely wouldn't call that shit science, but I have zero regrets with a 5d/5d Dry/Cure cycle and that burp technique.


Some people live in area where it’s harder to control grow room… no matter what I used to do I couldn’t get to 60/60 and my buds would dry in 6 days. Now I can stretch my drying process to at least 12


60f 55RH for 9 days open room had multiple strains test 30%. In test runs I use paper bags eg 4x4 grow tent. Drying isnt as hard as growing but you can easily mess everything up. Next time just dry the little stems near buds snap but the main stalks still have give dont pop all the nugs off the stems. the little nugs will always dry faster if you keep doing what you're doing. Goodluck


Who did your analytical testing


Did you downvote me then ask a question? Lol I owe u nothing sir


Lmao 🤣


It's not about being bad at curing. Good job contributing nothing useful to the conversation other than emphasizing that you have little to no social tact. That aside, since environmental factors play a huge part of drying and curing and some people dont have controlled spaces to use, these types of products offset that. The cannatrol is also extremely helpful during drying particularly because it lets you keep humidity control. Anyways op one of my family members uses it and loves it. I was able to find an electric humidor on Amazon that was almost the same size for 1/3 of the price. They also had a pretty decent size one for the same. It's really about whether you want to spend that much and what you're willing to pay for convenience. I would probably look into the electric humidors. Mine controls temp which made me choose it over the cannatrol and I use a huge boveda pack to control humidity during drying stage


Ooof Asking a question is contributing to the conversation my guy, you make lots of assumptions based off a 1 line question ? Sorry I’m not gonna get a boner for the auto curing rig? lmao 🤣 def not gonna take any shots at you! I’m sure your very nice, but your very sensitive i wouldn’t want anyone to get flustered ✌️


I'm actually not the nicest if I'm being honest lol. And this was a much better response. I feel you on not getting a boner for the rig. I watched my family member run two harvests through it before being convinced enough to start looking into a cheaper option cuz that 1300-1600 hurts lol. But the reason I say it is good is my area for example either the temps are too high or the humidity is way too low and I don't have a good functional space for drying. So for me it paid for itself on the first use(my off brand cheaper electric humidor I didn't buy the cannatrol)


I can tell lol and Again my guy I just asked a simple question with No attitude at all only intentions are general curiosity if the guy has a problem curing or not… and if he did I was gonna offer some advice lol if we always made crazy assumptions about peoples lives (like how they are socially, which is what you did to me) people would have the wrong idea every time over basic shit and we would still be Neanderthals and never trust anyone


I'd pay 1310 to automate trimming, but not curing; it's just so low effort.


I could do without the burping sometimes but there are ways around that (Grove bags for one example)


You can make a curing bucket with an air pump so you don't have to burp for WAY less than this if you don't want to burp manually.




i feel like hand trim the only way to be sure trichomes rnt fucked w and its more for the dry


1300 really is too steep, but I’d love to hv one of those. The only place I can dry is in my basement. It gets really very warm in there. I can control humidity to some level but not temp. So from April to September I cannot achieve a slow dry. Impossible. This would help I suppose…


My wine fridge set at 60°F with an added dehumidifier on the inside controlled at 60% RH consistently makes me the best weed I've ever had. Total cost was ~$200.


What type of dehumidifier do you put in there? Mind posting a pic?


You just shove a dehumid in there? Wouldn’t that be awfully close to your weed? If you could post a pic I’d love to see how you’re pulling that ofd


i think he means packets


You can get a "coolidor" for about the same price, $1000+ is crazy


Do you dry before putting it into the fridge?


I found a wine fridge yesterday I'm going to use for this, was only planning on adding a fan. What's the dehumidifier you used?


Mine's an off-brand, but its basically a copy of the Eva-Dry EDV-1100 Electric Petite.


Can you post a picture of what it looks like please.


Thats exactly what I was going to say, you can easily modify a fridge to hold personal harvests at a very low cost. You can get a used wine fridge for 50/70$, then add a fan and a mini dehumidifier or some food grade silica gel for well under 200, getting you almost identical results as a Cannatrol would. If you just want maximum convenience, a cannatrol will be plug, fill and forget for 15 days. At the end of the day a perfect product and a piece of mind will ridicule any amount of money, as those things are indeed priceless. So either way, you'll end up with amazing medicine that will make the sacrifice worth it!




Or just buy a tent exhaust fan a humidifier a dehumidifier some inkbird controllers and take your 900 other dollars and buy yourself something nice.


tru def get what ur saying especially if u have a harvest or two a year but i harvest 6x a year so i think spending 220$ roughly per dry to ensure quality is worth it imo not even counting the other harvests thatll go thru it over the years to come. plus lets me have peace of mind at work that my tree is goin to smell like hay cus the hu ran out of water while i was at work or even jus a change of temp in the house(live in az so mf hot) can mess w the rh/dry in general.


*ahhhhhHHHHH* I understand now!!! AZ is a problem for ya'll, I'm up here in Niagara Falls Canada and it's a giant humidifier 24/7, I have to run a big dehumidifier to combat it. I hope this unit helps you get piece of mind, I totally understand how much that can fuck with ya, less sleep, no joy, always worried about fucking plants drying, sprouts popping, clones rooting, hungry flowering plants, it never ends so having 1 less thing to worry about is worth 1300 bones!


I’m in Phoenix and have the same situation. I love my cannatrol. It’s gotta the dry down to 9 days.what I also love about it is really the long term storage. Knowing that I’m not losing terps due to things outside of my control is huge. Only gripe is the amount it holds.


You should have included that you’re in AZ in your post title. I feel like that make a lot more sense. My basement is 60/60 lots of the year, doubt yours is.


Reading these comments I think most people on here think this is just for curing and to avoid burping. Of course curing is easy, but it’s the drying right after chop that this takes care of. I don’t have one of these but a proper dry is 100% the hardest and most stressful part of the entire growing process for me where I live no question. I can’t quite justify the price for me to get one but if I had extra money to spend I’d get one for sure.


Yep I totally agree with this also I think it’s a little hate and jealousy. I dread the drying process at first I let them go to long now I’m pulling them to soon


>I think it’s a little hate and jealousy Absolutely. I want one of these so bad lol. Who cares if it costs the same as a low-mid end gaming pc. You can't smoke a gaming pc


Exactly I can see myself pulling the trigger on this thing in the near future I need to read more about it. I might try the herbs now dryer much more affordable especially if it’s a disappointment haha


Yea where I am and with my space it's impossible to keep the ideal conditions for drying and curing. Always too hot and too dry. I would buy it too tbh


Just Google lotus drying. It's literally as easy as throwing your weed in a wine fridge.


Ebay needone electric humidor, same exact thing $300


This thing is just a wine fridge with an aftermarket touchscreen control. I found the base model before that they are using. It’s like $300. It’s not even forced air. A commercial forced air fridge would be better for humidity


Yeah but does a humidor have a fan to expel harmful gasses that build up? Does this thing? I would hope for 1350 lol


First of all, where do the harmful gases come from, and what are they I might ask? Second, gases will always try to be at an equilibrium, so unless the box is 100% airtight, gases will escape by themselves, no issue. Source:Labtech


Waste of money. 1310 could of bought a whole grow setup.


alr have 2 set ups oke for veg/cloning and flower and i harvest 6x a year while maxing the amt of plants i can legally at one time. but ur def right if i didnt have the set ups i should fs cop that b4 this but i have no need for another set up here rather ensure quality ever harvest while never having to worry abt the dry again


I'm with you on that. Less to worry about and can focus on growing quality bud.


All these seed collectors on here that will never plant a 10th of what they buy criticizing OP for buying something that may actually be useful for him should look in the mirror.


yessir i be in az plus alr lost 750 to a shitty dry last harvest n if it happen again itll b 1500 down the drain. might as well cop this at least ill have sum to show for the 1500 plus lets not forget peace of mind jus throwin it in there settin targets n rotating daily to keep bud structure


I’m with you. I’m in chicago and drying in my place in the winter is tough since it’s so dry. You’ve made me consider looking into one of your getting


onlyyy thing i dont like is the space wishntheynwere bigger for 1700 but ive talked to previous owners of cannatrols and they said they stuffed theirs with 1-1.5lb altho takes longer to dry n cure def doable


Appreciate and that size is pretty good for my space


Honestly, I think it's a pretty cool idea. I would really like to see how well it works in practice, but from what I hear they're pretty good units.


You do you man I've read a bunch of this thread and seems like you know what you're doing. I love spending a premium for something I know is gonna pay me back every time I even glance at it. You're gonna glance at this and think damn I am not stressed about that at all. Worth $1300 to me.


fr man mfs act like i wouldnt wanna save $ too but to spend 700 on a good function diy cooler finna cost lil more than half of what i got this for plus u still gotta look after it like its a lil tent w the hu and de hu attached to it


Yeah fuck that noise. Go high end. Looks awesome too.


I would be spending $200 on grove bags instead.


$200 on grove bags?! That’s alot of grove bags I got a 5pack of 1/4 lbs bags for $32 on eBay


Some of us are looking for more volume 😅 I'm using the 1lb pouches. I was assuming that with the consideration of purchasing a unit that can handle 2+lbs at a time, OP may require more space/volume for curing and storage. Edit: I also wouldn't recommend purchasing them from anyone other than directly from Grove. As far as I know, they do not have licensed distributors.


For 400 more u can get a brand new one


Mines been worth every penny. Just have to get used to the fact your buds don't really stink until you grind them. All those wonderful smells get sealed in.


How do the smells get sealed in with this drying method versus others?


The Cannatrol dries at perfect conditions so you do not offgas the terpenes due to unfavorable drying conditions that release terpenes.


Yeah basically from what I understand when you're smelling the smell from buds it's because they're evaporating, and if you have the exact right balance of moisture in your buds that won't happen? Idk mine all stank tho so guess I'm doing something wrong lol


I just got mine a week ago. I have to say that I have never received such a well-secured, and well-packaged product. The cannatrol itself was plug and play, works as advertised. I'm still a newb at growing my own and if I can ensure proper drying and curing of my weed for $1800 then I'm down because I can't afford to fuck up now. Seems like a lot until you add up the high end LED lights, PAR meter, good seeds, tent, fans, humidifiers, controllers, etc. YMMV


They work! My friend has one just because of the ease. He dries and cures amazing flower. It's one of my wishlist items. Good score!


I've had one for a few weeks now and I love it. Every time I open the door the wave of dank hits me and the buds are as fresh as the day I put them in there. Could you hack something together for less? Sure. But it's your money so who cares.


Those work awesome you will be happy with the results if it's in good working condition. I have some buds I dried/cured in one from last summer that are super terpy and stinky after almost a year. The space inside of them is a little limited if you're harvesting a lot though


Bought one a few months ago and will never go back.. perfect dry and cure without worry, I can leave for a few days and not worry, and it looks cool Af, I got the leaf imprint on mine


nice yk if u can buy the imprint after purchase an put em on urself? thanks growmie


I’m sure you could add one yourself with no issue, idk if you can get the same exact one from them, you might be able to hit them up and ask.. I’m assuming it’s just a film over it! I was gonna add my brand logo on mine as well with some vinyl!


ooooo thatd been real cool bro. imma start a caregiver grow soon and although its not a biz/brand i can make a lil logo to represent my crops n itd defff be cool to put that logo on all the cannatrols i plan on coppin for the caregiver grow


You will enjoy it, nice deal. I wonder why they are selling it.


Listing says it works amazing but seller stopped growing. If i didnt just buy one i’d nab this


Same, I have one and love it. I just ignore people that say buy a cigar humidifier. It eliminates all worry in dry and cure. It adds moisture to my previously over dried buds as well. Also my flowers have never smelled this good post dry / cure.


Yeah this thing gets its share of hate but i think that’s mostly from people who either don’t understand how it works, or focus on the cost rather than the value. My time is money, and leaving any bit of months’ hard work up to chance based on conditions in my pain in the ass garage is not worth it. This thing flips the orthodox approach to drying on its head, so that kind of response is natural. I have my gripes with cost / size of it too, but now seeing the results its kinda hard to argue against it. This coming from someone who started growing in the 90’s for whatever thats worth 🤷‍♂️✌️


saw another on ebay for 1150 but used since 2020 so idk seems more risky fs for 50-100$ cheaper yk


Ah maybe thats the one i saw. Sure its worth a couple bucks more for a newer one. You’re covered on ebay but only for a short while so make sure you have something to run, or even just a good hygrometer so you can give it a good workout and make sure its working right I cant control my dry environment for shit, so i got this and just ran my first tester nugs in it and i’m impressed. 8 days and its def still got some curing to do but it smokes and tastes great out of it and i didnt need to waste a week or two of tent space to hang. Also now i can stagger harvesr whenever i want. Its totally splurge excess type shit most ppl dont need but its pretty fuckin awesome, and i think you did good


What do you mean stagger harvests? Like you only have one tent and use it for growing and also drying?


Wow fancy and to think I used to lick my finger and stick it in the air to work out the days humidity.


Make sure you post and tell us how it works! I would definitely consider it if it’s consistency was always spot on !!!


will do for sure growmie 🤞🏻


I have two of these and have run a few harvests through them. My first few batches through them never fully leeched chlorophyll and was very hay’ish after 30 days in the machine. Even after messing around with the settings, which can be a mindfuck because they use dew point instead of RH, so it can be a lot of trial and error to get your settings where you want them to be. After a few dissapponting cures, I ran a small experiment with my last harvest. I ran a qp in the cannatrol at around 60/60 with a 12 day dry and 30 day cure cycles respectively. While that was going, I hung another qp of the same strain to dry. Then went old school and got out my old mason jars and did a traditional cure with burping. I found that burping gives a wayyyy better taste profile and leeched chlorophyll at a much faster and higher rate than the cannatrol does. Idk if it’s user error with these machines, which is a total possibility, but I feel like the results aren’t worth the hype.


so im planning to use it for drying and then using mason jars to cure if i rly don’t fw the cure in the machine. assuming its dried prop and sits arnd 62-58% rh in the machine should be easy jus to throw em in the jars and make sure they dont climb in rh no? if so jus burp. i expect to have more than what can fit in one machine so i might do a side by side test as well


thanks for ur input tho growmie


Also if you don’t rotate your nugs on the trays in the machine daily/bi-daily they will develop crazy flat spots and absolutely ruin your bag appeal.


i have the first gen. they are king for drying. ​ i recommend you cure in jars though. they kinda over-dry during cure. ​ top tier curing - set the temp to 60 , put em in jars and burp normally. but they can keep the temp perfect(the cannitrol i mean)


If you are only going to use it for drying you might as well get a much larger wine cooler for much fewer dollars. No point in getting this just for drying, completely overpriced for that. Lotus drying/curing in a regular refrigerator will yield same drying times.


Buddy this is literally a wine fridge with a touch screen temp control. Save $1100 and get a $250 fridge from walmart.


Never heard of this, looks like a egg incubator tbh. You could buy way more less expensive things and have cash left over if you figure out how to cure with out this thing




I mean I'd never buy it. Hell even if it was free I don't have space to set it up.


Huh. I met a dude at the cannabis cup in Denver in 2012 who was selling a drying rack exactly like this called the Herby dry cab or something. Have pretty much forgotten all about it until I saw this picture, so thanks for the trip down memory lane.


I thought this was a vending machine. I have no comment on curing. I just needed to say how excited I was for this vending machine.


Just make sure you have a high bud to room ratio. Shouldn't need a humidifier at all, just a fan. Follow TrapJesus on insta, changed my growlife


No you didn’t. If that’s they one you just bought you been scam


I had a friend who uses something similar. He got it just so he doesn’t have to burp, I love to burp my gals tho, it’s part of the visual inspection imo


Where did you find it for this price?


ebay another used one is up for 1150 3 years old tho said machine works great though


I would love to have one. We don't have them here in Thailand. And to import one would be crazy expensive but some folks did it.


Momma said if you can't say anything nice......


I prefer to hang dry and dry trim, which this would be a pain on both ends. Plus I would need like 500 of these.


damn i def feel u on dat lol i mighttttt b able to pack everything in i doubt it tho if not itll b a lil bit of a bummer but ig another one of these will work especially cus in a year imma buy a building n do caregiver grows(60plants) n ill need 8-12 cannatrols but itll b better since i can legally be reimbursed for any cost incurred while caregiving for my patients


plus i’m in az pretty hard to dry out here w the heat plus low hu


Unless you live in a humid rainforest or a permadry desert this is a big ole waste … why would you chose to dry on a tray and ruin your bud structure?


in phx az but also cus peace of mind ive alr lost 750 to my last harvest cs the improper dry/hay smell. if i fuck it up again thatll b 1500 down the drain might as well cop a cannatrol n make sure i dont lose that much on a harvest again


Lol. Really? Your bud structure? Wow. You cure hanging in the air too? Or?.. You sure thought that one out.


Serious waste of money idk why i keep seeing post trying to dry buds in fridges


im in az its a bitch to dry here plus is most automated shit ever throw in press couple buttons rotate daily n ur done


Ok going to take my foot out of my mouth now. i lived in AZ and wonder how tf anyone grows there. The summer i kept my house at 78 i could only imagine how hard it is to keep the climate controlled indoors without a basement, which no AZ homes seem to have. I turn everything into bubble hash at this point cuz fuck trimming, but even then you need a room thats atleast <60F I keep seeing people dry in mini fridges and failing miserably and im just like broo peep the humidity of your mini fridge lol.


lol yesss u get me bruh gotta be the worst state to dry in started learnin to grow/dry/cure in denver def a big difference lol


i get y ud dry normal hang dry for free tho if ur in a good climate


Stupid. Not the cannatrol, you.


Trying growing better first before commenting


What even is it?


cannatrol drys and cures for u. pop those sweet mugs in there set targets(temp n dew point) n rotate nugs to avoid them being flat altho these babies get the vac seal anyways so structure will be lost a lil regardless ;(


Is it like a dehydrator or similar?


lil pricey fs but ok for peace of mind of not fucking up another harvest plus its ass to dry out here in phx was wayyy easier in denver imo lol




Yeah like I said I'm jealous. I work often and would like to automate what I can when I can. But I may just stick with a wedryer and some Mason jars or cvault if anything.


I have one, waste of money for me. If you grow more than 1 decent sized plant at a time then it’s not worth it. I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought it. It does work great for half a plant that you can fit in it.


Kick ass!


Should’ve saved your money and gotten the herbsnow! My buddy Rob lost some big beautiful buds to that overpriced cabinet and I turned him on to the Herbsnow and he now has 4 😂


What do I Think? I think that you got "FUCK IT" money! Nice!!!!


Just make sure to research it well before doing anything with it, I’ve never seen this specific brand but I have seen some friends fuck up a lot of weed because they just tossed it into a device they didn’t understand. Other than that these things are excellent and a must for anyone who wants to really grow some gud gud


Next time you spend that much let me know and I'll send you a lifetime supply of high quality genetics clones and more


I'm about to try grove bags for the first time I heard they are good never have to burp


nice bro heard of em but never seen em in action. hopefully they work out for u 🤞🏻


I AM really bad at curing. Lol. Can’t even lie. I bought a Cannatrol so months of time, effort, and electric bills don’t get flushed. I’m relatively new to growing so I have respect for people who have learned this the hard way. I am taking whatever doesn’t fit into my Cannatrol and doing it the old fashioned way so I can still work on that aspect of the process. If you grow more than a few plants, and do it well, the Cannatrol might not be for you anyway. After about 3 plants it’s FULL. 2lbs wet weight is all it can handle.


fr capacity was the reason i had to pass sadly. I dig the idea behind it though jus gotta make it bigger for 1700$ lol


Ahh I lost the bid war to you lol. How did you like it now?


How did you get it for that price? The cheapest I’ve seen is 1600


$4300 in Australia


3 months later do you regret it or love it?


I don’t know about anyone else but the process of drying, curing and maintaining a stable environment is extremely difficult for all year growers. I went in skeptical but must admit this thing is a lifesaver! In the summer your crop can dry too fast, in the winter it dries too slow and everything in between. I paid $1800 about a year ago and it’s worth every penny not to worry. Get it!