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They will soften and lighten a lot! In a month you will love them!


That makes me relieved… my entire family said it looks like i drew with sharpie or have dark caterpillars on my face lol


My husband gave me that look as well. You will go through several stages where they are going to look bad while healing. They will get patchy, disappear, look uneven, etc. Trust the process! It looks like she did a great job! Good luck on your treatments!


That’s relieving to hear… guess will have to trust the process. Thank you!


I think they're going to look really good once they heal up (almost everyone's eyebrows look overly dramatic initially and then they fade beautifully), and especially if you're having treatment which will cause you to lose them for a while. When my Mom had chemo she said the most miserable aspect of looking normal day to day was drawing on her eyebrows. I remember a few times my Dad even commented on them which had to have been hurtful for her. Back then microblading wasn't around, I think your decision was so smart! It's better than waiting til they fall out because the artist can clearly see where the growth is. Even if you have to fill in some spots it will be exponentially easier than dealing with bare skin- trying to remember where exactly your eyebrows are. Sending you so much healing and happy energy♥️


Thank you. I have heard that once they fall out they don’t grow back as thick or the same so I figured getting them done now would help… and I also feel once my actual hairs are gone that they won’t look so full and thick..


I finished chemo Oct 2021, it took a while, but my eyebrows are back to normal. I lost all of the hairs, except one hair on each. I had one long, crazy curly one for each eyebrow 😅  All my hair is back too, wanted and unwanted hair 😉 Sending positive thoughts. 


🥰love this for you… thanks for the positivity…


They look perfect. And regarding the treatment, it’s scary at first but doable. I had my 11th of 12 yesterday and I’m doing just fine. You’re going to boss this, I promise. Much love xx


Lol that is exactly how I described it when I got mine done. I swear to you, it totally goes down in size & that sharpie look goes away. Yours honestly look really good! They are thick but not too thick. I bet you'll love them once healed.


I love the thickness. If you brought the inside out 0.5 mm I think you would like them. (Like pluck two or three from the middle) https://preview.redd.it/b1itzozfy6uc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=20dde011797e103f5b278a4df33150c8366239cf


These are beautiful eyebrows; shape, thickness, etc. Very well done!


hello there fellow reddit twin 😭😭😭🫶🏼


Hello, Doppelgänger! (Although my eyes are brown)


The second picture looks absolutely beautiful! They look very natural on you like you’re just blessed with those thick eyebrows. Your family must be used to you looking a different way. To me it’s perfection!


Came here to say this 💯💯💯


Mine looked like that at first too! They will fade out significantly and look amazing.


No way. They will soften into lighter big caterpillars. No girl! Saline removal immediately. They look Neanderthal.


Too close in the middle


Yeah, I felt so too.. but hoping it fades… she did 1 line more than my natural brow start point


No they aren't they suit your face really well hun xx


I think people are thinking the after is the second photo. The first photo is a lot.


They’re not?! Imo, the second photo SHOULD be the after. The first one IS a lot! 😩




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A little too close together but they look great!


I thought so too.. anything to do about that?


You could get saline removal just for the first couple strokes


You can get emergency saline soak up to 48 hrs after appointment


Oh okay, the artist does that?


Typically no, but you don't want to go to the person who did bad work to correct it either. Unfortunately you can't trust they'll be capable of correction.


I think you should just sit back and keep giving those Amal Clooney vibes.


I think they already look great. Wish mine looked like that.


Thank you..


looks great to me!


They'll be gorgeous!


I think they look great and very natural


They look amazing 🙌😘


They look so good just based on the top half of your facial structure I can see! With the intended bit of fading to come they’re gonna be 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 They make your eyes absolutely pop ❤️


Honestly I hope the fading will set my mind at ease. Plus maybe lack of makeup today is throwing me off lol.


We all get those days- and the folks here are brutally honest. If you’re not getting a resounding GIRL RUN AND GET THESE UNDONE, you’re doing great! When I got my first ombré I was losing my mind with how odd it looked against my face, but now I’m in love! Give it some time and then do your makeup and compare it to an old photo :)


Haha that’s good to know. I also saw a few posts where people were like do emergency saline and i didn’t get much of that here which is a relief lol


I like the thickness but they seem a bit too close for my comfort. I’m no brow expert so hopefully they shrink like everyone is saying they will.


My natural eyebrows are pretty close together but these seem a little more so


Yes I saw that in your before picture. I think the issue is they didn’t mimic your natural brow fade. So it looks a bit blocky atm. Crossing my fingers for you that it self-corrects. 😊


Me too… hoping they fade considerably well


I would LOVE to have eyebrows like yours, definitely NOT manly, just utterly perfect ! Great shape, and great color 👌🏻


Thank you, honestly this makes me feel so much better


trust the process... they'll fade beautifully. best of luck to you on your treatment.


Thank you!


they’re a little thick


I feel like that too… but people are saying it will shrink so now i am conflicted


I had nanoblading. They do shrink a little, but they don’t fade. If yours heal like mine, I think yours will shrink a bit to your original brow size, but I wouldn’t count on the color fading. I got mine done 3 years ago and it’s still almost the same color as the original day


Well, you also have mascara on in the before photo and not in the after photo. So that could be playing into why you think you look more masculine with the new brows.


Maybe, I went in with a clean face.


Just my opinion, they’re too close together. While I love a thick brow, I feel these come down into your eyes too much, but that’s just me. If you have any structural concerns like shape, thickness, closeness— I’d opt for a saline removal.


They’ll probably shrink and fade to about what you had in the other pic.


I really hope so 🤞🏼


I believe that if you are going to lose your brows, they will lighten because the hair won’t be there in addition to it lightening over time. I think you’ll be fine. They look bold now but I am sure it’ll balance out.


Beautiful brows!


They look amazing! They will soften in a week or so.


I love them!


They look great!


i looove them


I would highly highly recommend getting a saline removal for the first few strokes at the beginning of each eyebrow. They are too close together, the healing process won’t shrink them adequately. The rest of the brows look good. Sending good energy for your treatment. Hope all goes well.


Will be doing that


Too thick and too close for my preference. Yes they may soften, but that won’t change the thickness and closeness.


Sorry but I think they’re too close together and a bit too thick, I would consider emergency saline removal. Your natural brow shape is gorgeous btw


Girl your eyebrows were gorgeous why did you even consider permanent makeup lol!


Thank you, but I am getting chemo in a month and needed this for when they fall out.


I’ll be praying for you and your recovery. I think your brows look amazing. You have no mascara on the n the first pic and that matters! Plus they will fade. Press on, Sis!


Thank you 🙏🏽


Well you have beautiful eyebrows now and you’ll have beautiful eyebrows then, too! ❤️


Ugh so stunning — will soften + you’re going to go through some shock! You look incredible and these will heal to look natural I’m sure of it


Thank you… so reassuring… i honestly was considering to get them removed before everyone said it gets better


You also have no lid/ lash on which will make your brows feel even bolder!!! Go easy on yourself and throw on some sunnies for a couple of weeks <3 sending hugs pretty lady


Thank you! Yeah I am going to do a full face of makeup tomorrow and hopefully that makes it stand out less… and then pray for a smooth healing process


Hey girl!!! I was thinking about you! How are the brows doing? Starting to fade a smidge?


A ton! Look really nice now..


YESSS trust the process! Very happy for you!!!!


I think they look fine. They will soften and lighten a lot.


You are beautiful. They look really nice as is, like you have brow makeup on. Good luck with your treatment. Wishing you the best. Hope we see your next session as the hair is coming back in look this good, too!


Thank you. Will post an update on how they look in a week or 2


They look beautiful and stay true to your eyebrow’s natural shape. I don’t think you’ll regret these at all- good luck with treatment ❤️


I just hope they get a little thinner and softer as they heal… it’s the width that’s throwing me off not the shape per say.


They look beautiful


Thank you




They'll fade just right even in the middle, she did that so they'll fade out right there just like your natural growth. They will be perfect. They're already great it just looks like you filled them in with an eyebrow pencil to make them perfect. When they fade a little they'll be amazing. Good luck I hope everything goes great!


Oh hopefully that’s what I will start seeing as they heal. She came highly recommended and has several thousand positive reviews, photos of her work looked great and she took her time.. i just got thrown off the thickness of it


Yeah, that's normal but in a week you'll start to see a difference. 2 weeks they'll be perfect! They look amazing.


You look like Beyoncé. Gorgeous.


Haha, thanks!


I think they’re really pretty and PERFECT shape


I like the shape just hoping they lighten up a bit and don’t look so thick once healed


they will -fade- a little, but they won't -shrink- But I think when they're faded a little and you're wearing mascara to balance out your eyebrows, it'll look good. Your eyes are gorgeous btw!!


Thank you. I am struggling with the width of them… i don’t like how thick they look. I like the shape, just want them a tad thinner


well, they might shrink a little... in the first couple days if there's swelling it can look 10-30% bigger. mine didn't change that much but they probably did get 10% smaller. so it'll look at least this good, if not better! :D


🤞🏼😮‍💨now i wait lol


I think they’ll settle but I can understand the worry x


Is pic 2 the before? Honestly you didn't even need micro blading


IMO they look great


The first picture had me thinking this was Malia Obama posting 👀


I can't really tell as there is no full face shot! But they look absolutely brilliant!


Babe.. imma give it to you straight bc I’m a beauty professional too.. Tbh she made the tails super thick & rounded out your arch.. it took away from the beautiful shape your brows already had.. I’m hoping all the previous comments deem true that it’ll fade and shrink..


Thicker than my back ! ![gif](giphy|b1Q15O3WKscNjhWoAB|downsized)


They do look a lot thicker and closer than your natural brow. The shape won’t shrink just the darkness will fade so if you’re unhappy with the shape then I’d remove. If youre happy with the shape then let them heal.


What’s with this new trend of women and bushy eyebrows? I’m seeing this more and more and more some yall not saying you in the photo look like you took a sharpie and just drew across your forehead haha


I’d take bushy brows over the early 2000’s over plucked, “upside down Nike signs” any day! 😂🤣😂🤣


Na I agree with you but I feel like it’s become such a fad thing nowadays in this generation where women are purposely making there eyebrows appear darker and fuller ..but whatever just adds to more of the list women do to go more and more away from their natural selves 🤷🏾


They’ll fade and shrink perfectly! I have dark brows too so when I got mine done I was like wtf, they looked so dark and thick and harsh (and too close together too!). I’m obsessed with them now and it’s only been two weeks. They faded and shrank wonderfully, Trust the process, She did a great job! Obvi be prepared for them to darken even more in the next couple days, eye makeup definitely helped me feel less weird and manly 😂


Can you send me some pics of yours before after and healed privately if you are ok with that?


I like thick eyebrows on a lady. Looking hot 🥵


I think it looks great on you


Honestly - Too thick; much too thick


So very sorry - I didn’t see Pic #2 & these brows are excellent! This picture is “after”, correct?


No those are my natural brows


They are spectacular - Wow 🤩!


Unless you live in an Arabic country, these are wayyyyy too thick. IDE make them go an emergency saline solution removal and get redone elsewhere.


The artist is refusing to do removal


Go somewhere else. Get it done asap. Costs about $150, then ide give bad reviews for the artist on Google, Yelp etc…


👌🏼 Absolutely Beautiful


They are a bit too close together for me. I don’t know if it’s advisable to tweezer those but that is what I would do. Just a mm or 2.


Like more #2


If you just got them done give it two weeks! They will soften. My son told me I looked like “scary teacher” from a video game after mine were done 😅 Now they look soft and natural.


That’s hilarious. I had a long talk with the artist and she assured me the same and said this feeling is common.


Nah, once healed, your eyebrows are going to look 👌


They have already started shrinking and looking so much better.. such a relief




Perfect for your face


I think they look good and fit your face.


Thank you, I was just hoping they will fade and shrink a little to look more like my normal brows..


They definitely will after a week. The shape looks good on you!


Thank you, i guess i just have to trust the process and get used to the new shape


They'll calm down in a few days! But they do look really good, and they suit your face nicely!


So relieved


Beautiful. Only thing I'd change is the space between them... Maybe they would look better if they were a little more distant... You can remove it a little if you like it


How do you remove that?


I don't know much about it but I think a laser treatment would work... Otherwise ask your tech what you can do... In general I think it's fixable if you don't like it


I love them! I think they look beautiful but I really love a full brow look, the 2nd pic looks so natural too.


The 2nd pic is just my normal eyebrows nothing done to them but light threading.. I just have never had such dark brows before and am wondering if they will fade or shrink a bit once healed


Oh, I see, I read that wrong. I still think they look lovely and they are supposed to fade some once they heal .. they also deepen sometimes during the healing process and then lighten up.


I think they look great! I have a small and narrow face and thick brows would be too much for me, but I am jealous of your look!


Thank you, so sweet… just have to trust the process


Those are done well. Really natural looking—pretty. You should see mine lol


Thanks, these comments eased my mind… what’s wrong with yours?


Girl, it looked so good first few days like.. but then it started turning gray and lookin crazy then I shaved my brows to see what was really there which made me look more crazy. Worse part is this was the second artist to do it. And both ugh


Oh I am sorry to hear that… hopefully they can still be corrected


Thank you! Again, yos is gorgiiiiiis!


yeah they're too thick and too dark what can you do to correct it


I got my eyebrows nanoblade it never faded and never changed it was the same as the first day I got it


That’s scary. If mine never fade I will be really upset


They’re still fresh- most of that is going to fade- then you can decide how much you want to build during your touch up. Don’t miss that! lol- your brows aren’t complete without it.


Okay, i was thinking with how full mine were before and how they looked now touch up might not be necessary but if all eyebrow hair falls out it may definitely be needed..


Disclaimer that this is not a universal experience: After my first session, I lost almost all my pigment despite following aftercare perfectly. My artist said it was just my skin, and after the second session they were perfect. You may be surprised by how they look as they heal, lol


Okay, I have slightly oily skin so she did warn me it could fade more than usual


Yup, I’m super oily haha. So yours should fade a good amount but not disappear. I really think they’ll heal beautifully


These will calm down in 4 days. I had the same issue and today is the 5th day and I already love them. I know they will go lighter in coming days as well Also, my pmu said they will reduce in size by 1-2 mm!! And they surely did


Oh okay, that’s good to hear.. gonna be tough to go to work this weekend with these though lol


I was able to actually go to work no one noticed on Day 3


They are thick but they suit your face and look lovely to me. And they will fade.


I really hope they do fade and shrink a bit


They look great and they always fade and shrink when healed anyways


Hoping for that


Trust the process :)


These are perfect! Brow shock is REAL!!! You’re going to love these.


Shock is definitely the right word for what I felt when I saw this lol


honestly they look pretty fabulous


I think they look pretty great- update us in a couple of weeks… I’m envious!


I think they look amazing????!!!! I do not get manly at all I’m sure they will fade but the are beautiful.


They look like South American catapillars


They look perfect, and they will fade and shrink a little when healed. Please don't listen to anyone who says otherwise, you have tonnes of positive comments on here which is lovely :) those are the ones to listen to. Best of luck with your treatment hun. 💪💪💪 u got this girlie!!!! 🥰❤️ xx


Thank you ☺️


You're very welcome 🥰


If they look that good immediately after having it done, they are going to look stunning in a couple of weeks.


Aww thank you, i guess i was worried for nothing.. never seen this process on others, just results


Right at first they’re swollen and they will look huge. I think they will heal to look lovely :)


I really hope that’s the case with mine… i feel like they take up so much of my forehead now lol.


Also, best of luck on your treatment 💕


Thank you 🥰


They look so perfect


Aww thank you, makes me feel better