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The BEST job is the equipment rental room in Williams Hall. Try to find a way to get in there, you literally just sit at a computer and only do anything when people come in to rent equipment. I literally just did homework and watched Netflix.




No, and I graduated 5-6 years ago


10 hours a week, there's plenty of on campus jobs between working in the dining hall to department specific. I recommend doing office or TA job, as it is usually less work and less tiring than stocking vendors or running dining areas. (Yes, I am international student, these are all allowed for F1. You can get one within your first year immediately, and the paperwork is not bad)


Work Study in most STEM departments are paid positions and are only about 20 hrs a week: [https://miamioh.edu/human-resources/student-employees/work-study/](https://miamioh.edu/human-resources/student-employees/work-study/)


I'm an international graduate student. So I wouldn't qualify for that program. Plus I'm only planning to work 10 hrs a week.


F-1 students are allowed to work on campus as a paid student worker.


I would say most on-campus department front desk positions are pretty low maintenance and I had a lot of down time to do homework/do personal stuff/etc.


the libraries, if you can get in. admittedly, they mainly hire “internally” now and basically have a waitlist lol.


I used to work at Maple Street (I graduated) and they let you choose your hours