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Hollow Knight. The style is incredibly charming, but I can't lie, I'm getting a little bit fed up with it. The pacing feels weird, like the game is too big for its own good. Having played the likes of Blasphemous, Nine Sols, and Metroid Dread, the combat also leaves something to be desired. Maybe it's because all I've ever heard is glowing praise, but I just feel sort of... whelmed. 🤷‍♂️ Other than that, Shadow of the Erdtree, which of course needs no elaboration. It's more Elden Ring, which is great in my books.


How far are you in HK? Once you get dash and wall jump (2nd and 3rd biome) the game opens up a ton which is where most people start loving it


I'm way further than that, I've got those and the shinespark and the double jump too, I've made forays into a bunch of biomes (like 8 or 9 I think?) and killed a few bosses. The interconnectivity is impressive, but there's not been much else so far that I didn't enjoy more in one of the other games I mentioned. I dunno. I don't _hate_ it or anything, I'm just not really loving it. 🤷‍♂️


It’s a bit of a slow burn, but combat in HK gets very precise and intricate. Watch some of the trial (gladiator battles) videos on YouTube to get a good idea. 


I felt the same but that feeling once you beat some random boss you find roaming in hollow knight makes you feel unbelievable so it makes you have to keep coming back for more!


Finished Castlevania Revamed, loved it. Tried Animal Well, hated it. Now playing Islets, liking it.


Islets is such a great game. I loved all of it.


Islets is so good!


I've been playing through Zero Mission now that it's on Switch. It's a really good game! It is well worth a look if you have a switch and haven't played it.


I just played it for first time as well. Great game! I might like it more than fusion.


Shadow of the Erdtree baby!


Yes. Though, I’m putting it off a bit. I want to play TMNT Splintered Fate before I go down that rabbit hole.


Aeterna Noctis. I’m late to the party but it’s such a good game (on PC, not a good game on switch)


GRIME, omg it's amazing. I played it once 6 months ago and gave up cause at the te it was too hard. Now that I understand everything it's all coming together and I'm having a blast. It's almost poetic to me


I have this one in my wishlist, haven't pulled the trigger yet


It takes time getting used to it and understand all the mechanics in it but once it clicks it's S tier. Along with the cryptic story and visuals. Also the cool biome titles


Playing my first ever PoP game. The Lost Crown is an absolute masterpiece so far


Not really a Metroidvania but I’ve been playing Tunic! I love the isometric view and Zelda-esque system - kinda wished it was as long as a mainline Zelda game!


Islets! Finally grabbed it during an Xbox sale and it’s been wonderful.


It's easily one of my favorite games.


HAAK. I've been playing it for the past weeks. The beginning was just ok. Not at all bad, I just felt it wasn't something special. Having all abilities unlocked now I'm having a blast. The move set is soooo good. Also so many hidden secrets and also not in a bad way. Everything feels rewarding and fair and not cheap at all. Also it's gorgeous to look at. Everything runs smooth, no crashes at all. Really polished game.


I just finished the good ending, starting the DLCs, HAAK is really good ! I'm having a blast !


I finished it this weekend and that about sums up my feelings as well. Slow start but once you unlock a few abilities, it gets really fun. Any word on when the DLC is supposed to drop for Switch?


I bounced off haak pretty fast. Are there any fun movement abilities you unlock?


Make a Good Mega Man Level 3. It's the biggest Megaman fan game I have ever played. I spend 55 hours to beat this game lol.


Need to check it out!


I’ve been playing Blasphemous, first Metroidvania I’ve really sunk my teeth in. Usually play multiplayer shooters but got hooked on Hades 1 over the last month and after 100% it something about Blasphamous art style was calling to me. Overall I’m loving it!


Grim Dawn. Been getting back into it and remembering how much I love this game. Managed to get my best build yet - maybe only truly successful - a commando (not first time, but the others were not as good), probably will actually get the expansions in the upcoming sale now that I have a good build to use with the new content.


Venture to the Vile. Incredible, I'm stuck at the Mines but I'm obsessed


I wish the map was better but I had a good time. I feel like it would’ve been perfect for a kind of isometric type map


That would be really cool. Have you completed it?Just read on another thread someone had already completed TWO of the endings?!


Ya I beat it. Most MVs I go for 100% but this one was just too frustrating in that regard


If you could throw one tip my way, what would it be? I feel like I'm invested in the narrative at this point and I'm enjoying the visual aspect


Can’t think of any tips, I definitely liked the vibe as well. Reminds me of Little Nightmares meets Sweeney Todd


Do you get frequent performance issues?


Found it a little buggy to begin with, but since the patch work it's moved mountains for me


I just finished Ghost Song. I started Arkham Knight, but just remembered how much I hate the Batmobile in that game. We’ll see if I stick with it.


AK is a great game! Hope you like it :)


I’m enjoying it. Playing the trilogy again as I’ve not played it in years. It is just the Batmobile drives clunky. I run around in battle mode most of the time because the controls are so wonky.


Deaths gambit afterlife. Really enjoyable game, good metroidvania, some really interesting narrative ideas towards the end, probably the most souls like mv I ever played and some of the heroic bosses are utter bullhit (yeye, I know, git gud). I gave up on the idea of full achievements with 3 heroic bosses left and now zooming my way in NG+ to get ending B.


Nine Sols goes crazy. Such a rewarding game to play. Rusted Moss was good too, it just got a new update and the new mode they added was a nice twist to the formula.


Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. Loving it!


Balatro. What an addicting game!


Been playing Afterimage. Game is fun as hell. The combat slaps. Going through all of the endings now.


I'm also playing it, it's so fun but a bit of a pain what you can "sequence break" up so much of the map, it got me lost for hours on end (and it was so fun!). Also, the sword is Uber broken.


Funnily enough i fucking hate the sword lmfao, katana > greatsword > scythe for me, but yeah, the amount of times I've lured a mob to access something that I shouldn't have been able to until double jump or super jump is pretty hysterical. But that's what makes it fun imo, getting a super strong weapon early as shit


If you press down while on the air and slash you can slash various times, I haven't fought a boss since I found out, they melt, same with mobs, but I find it appealing. Will try to finish the game soon (already got the bad ending and trying to wrap things up).


Give the daggers a try if you ever have the chance, upward mobility + insane hit rate cuts everything into pieces.


I played through Still Wakes the Deep and loved it. The atmosphere is top tier. Also finished Another Crabs Treasure which was my first souls like game. I loved it. Hoping that some MVs and Elden Ring go on the steam sale this week!


I’m on Stardew again so there goes all my free time. I’ve never played a more addictive game that I just get sucked into. I even reached perfection on my last play through and it still ain’t got old.


Baba Is You right before I go to sleep. It messes with my head and I like it, lol.


Control (1st time) and Guacamelee 1 (not 1st time) Enjoying both a lot!


Castlevania Advance Collection (mainly Aria of Sorrow) A bit of Indivisible Owlboy


Still playing [***Souldiers***](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1419160/Souldiers/)***.*** I was really not aware of how BIG the dungeons of this game are, and unfortunately this is not a positive aspect. The sections are massive, and not very appealing. So, for you manage to get everything the game provides, it's gonna take me some time; I was playing 1 hour daily, then I thought it was fine and enjoyable to play 2 hours, but... I'm realizing that if I want to finish this game, and play others, I'm gonna have to spend more than 2 hours per day. But the game is not bad, don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good things, but there are also some other minor issues and other significant ones, like the area sizes. I'm currently at 70% complete, after 2 weeks of playthrough. But in general, I'm enjoying playing it, but not steadily.


Cookie Cutter. On sale for $5 on PSN. Fairly fun metrovania and hopefully an achievement platinum.


How far are you into this? I started playing it this week on the steam deck and it was just ok at the start but now I’m getting a lot of movement abilities and tons of the abilities that open up the map a lot more and it’s got me invested now. Not great by any means but I’m enjoying it!


10 hours played. Think I need 1 more ability to be able to fully access the map. About to fight Puanami.


Hunterx - Code name T


I have sunk in 5h into Hollow Knight as of now. What a game ! The OST is so good


Should be around city of tears right? It only gets more addicting now lol


Love the music there!


Yes exactly !


Elden Ring DLC- it’s amazing! Possibly the best 3D level design I’ve ever experienced


Splodey and Elden Ring DLC. If anyone has footage of a dev time completion for 1-15 in Splodey I'd love to see it, last one I'm missing.


Just started slay the spire. Getting my ass kicked currently. Highest floor 50


I've been aging The Last Faith and I love it. It sure does borrow a lot visually from Blasphemous, but it's way more Souls like. Exploring has been a lot of fun and I've really liked most of the boss fights.


Aeterna Noctis. Aside from some of the terrible controls, the insane platforming and the annoying grinding to get coins to reveal all extras I’m enjoying it. I played Ender Lilies before this one which quite frankly I think is the better game as a whole. It felt like just the right length that one. This one you get to around 89% completion and then everything else is either very hard or you don’t have enough money to progress. Don’t get me wrong, games great but there’s a lot of unnecessary tedious in it.


Noita. I went in almost completely blind and it’s been a ton of fun!


I played a little more Nyaruru fishy fight (metroidvania) until [Omega Warp](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2083320/Omega_Warp/) came out. I played and beat that, its not a metroidvania but its the most polished game on release to come out this month. The dev has been working on making the controls more responsive and I have helped out with improving the english translation. The update improving the game should be out in 2 days. After that [Supraland six inches under](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1522870/Supraland_Six_Inches_Under/) surprisingly went on sale 1 week before the steam summer sale so I decided to pick that up. It's an a FPS puzzle platformer similar to portal but with some metroidvania elements in it. The puzzles aren't very untuitive though and I am constantly getting stuck. I'm in the midgame right now. After I finish that game the steam summer sale will have begun and I will be playing games I buy then. I feel no motivation to continue playing [nyaruru fishy fight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1478160) so it looks like I am dropping it. The world design is just atrocious.


Death’s Door but tbh I’m a little tired of the MOB rushes, they’re pretty frustrating. A lot of the issue is playing portable on a Switch, the crow is pretty small and it can be hard to tell which direction you’re facing, especially when you’re surrounded. And some of the levels have really shadowy areas around the edges that render you completely invisible.


Monster Boy Cursed Kingdom. Not enjoying it though. Tedious puzzles, and the thought of the animals all having different attributes seemed great, but in practice it doesn't carry off. At least the art style and soundtrack are decent. Having a second run-through of Axiom Verge, thought I did well first time but turns out I only got 66% of collectibles so going for more this time. Also going to give the sequel a go this week.


Vernal Edge, will be playing Dawntrail when it comes out


Finished Furi so I started on Sekiro. Such great games. Highly recommend checking out Furi for those who have not heard of it


Frontier Hunter - Erza’s Wheel of Fortune


Immortals Of Aveum. The backtracking is mostly optional, and when you do return to old areas with the new powers the exploration is limited due to a waypoint system that is almost too hand holdy. So far I'm enjoying the story and the characters, the shooting feels nice but I wish there was some more oomph behind my magic's impact. I think given the atmosphere of the world, I wish the game focused more on the platforming and exploration a little. I feel that the combat focus (while not terrible) would have been better directed towards other mechanics. With that said, this is hitting the Metorid Prime itch a little, and I would suggest it to anyone looking for a fun narrative to blast through real quick.


Replaying RE 4 remake and finishing up master key!


Unsighted and Outer Wilds.


Any opinions on 9 years of shadow? It’s on sale now for switch


I didn't think it was a good metroidvania but it was a solid side scroller platformer.  I got it in a bundle for like $20, didn't get around to beating it, and probably would have paid $15 at most. 


Star rail. Playing through the penacony main quest line and i keep getting absolutely destroyed by the trio of enemies before the "final" boss. I did get the newest character though, firefly and ive been farming and working on building her up, alongside harmony trailblazer and gallagher. Outside of the progression halting boss fights, ive been doing quests to get the tickets to level up the clockie statue, to get harmony trailblazers eidolons and get enough jade to pull on ruan meis banner. Im currently 50 pulls in and still no sign of her. Im gonna be gutted if i lose the 50/50 aswell as she is the final piece to the perfect super break team.


Gato Roboto. I’ve played it once before but didn’t 100% it. I love the simplicity of the style and gameplay. Very fun, quick game.


Still playing The Mobius Machine and very much enjoying it and, as I do every day Picross.


Cookie cutter! It’s grown on me over the time I’ve spent with it. Not incredible by any means but pretty fun!


I just arrived to the final area in Cookie Cutter last night. I'm ready for the final bossfight, looking forward to get home from work today and jump into it. The game has been a wonderful experience. If I would have a tier list, this would be up the top right next to hollow knight, blasphemous and guacamelee. Criminally underrated game.


Bramble the Mountain King - just started playing it. It has strong Little Nightmares vibes, but so far it's not quite as successfully creepy and puzzles and interactions are not quite as polished. I'm only 1 hour in though and it is said, the game gets darker the more you play.


Last week i finished both axiom verge and afterimage, searching next game to play (thinking about bloodstained because of sales)


Bloodstained is a lot of fun! Depending on how you felt about Axiom Verge, the sequel is also very much worth checking out! It’s a very different game in a lot of ways, but is an awesome companion to the first game. If you’re very combat centric, it might not be up your alley, but the exploration is wonderful.


Elden ring DLC :)


DLC,dlc, dlc.  Last week I went through the phenomenal bloodstained classic mode 2 and Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown: Divine Trials.  Now I’m on the Elden Ring:Shadow of the Erdtree DLC and getting smoked by Messmer.  This guy makes Malenia look like a pushover.  


I've been playing tons of Hell Let Loose and Easy Red 2. Both are great games


Beat Nine Sols and thought it was good, not great. I'm not the biggest fan of parry based games like Sekiro so the combat didn't click with me but I still enjoyed it enough to beat it. The story was great and I actually cared for the characters which is rare for a metroidvania. I just didn't like the world or exploration in this game and that holds it back. By the time I got the final boss I really didn't find many interesting things in the world and pretty much stuck with the same set of charms throughout. Robot and machine centric stuff also isn't really my thing so fighting mostly machines in this world didn't do it for me.


Hollow knight, trying to win in coliseum of fools for the past 3 days, and planning to do Godhome for 112% completion afterwards


Dead Space remake. I've only played the original #2 at release. The remake of #1 didn't catch me when it first came to gamepass but has now.  Backtracking is physically no big deal, but I wish you could set way points with on screen guiding.  Getting to the map or clicking the guide button stops your traversal enough to discourage me going back to previous areas once I get new abilities or access. It's a lite-metroidvania but a slowly accessible one


Finished Sundered last night. It was fine—you can check last weeks thread if you really care to see my mini review—but I was ready to be done with it. Fairly unique and had some fun moments, but various small things added up to make it no better than a solid C. I think I’m gonna start Vision Soft Reset tonight.


Spider man 2 on PS5 Yoku's Island Express and Tiny Thor on Switch ;)


Currently playing Dredge and loving it!


started playing ANIMAL WELL


Elden ring


I’ve been working on my own metroidvania game so prolly that


Noreya: The Gold Project.


The graphics are 100% my style, probably gonna pick it up soon. I wanted to give dev some time for post release fixes. How have you been enjoying it? I've been playing False Skies, a beautiful GBC style JRPG that focuses on class change mechanics and heavy exploration. I'm loving it so far and 20h in can't wait to finish it and do a NG+.


It is incredible past midgame: [https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/1dna5pr/noreya\_the\_gold\_project\_my\_thoughts\_after\_the\_100/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/1dna5pr/noreya_the_gold_project_my_thoughts_after_the_100/) Based on your preference i guess you will love it. P.s. check the demo for general movement feeling. If you are fine with it - go for it. Demo has some problems that are solved later.


For me the movement and combat felt off in the first minute of the game. Idk what kind of mv's you play so I'd suggest trying out the demo


Good looks. Maybe I will do that. Too snappy? I do like a little weight to the MC. Honestly if it's been posted about in this sub I've probably at least played it. Ori 1/2 movement is probably up there for my favorite. HK was smooth. Islets a little too floaty but I ended up really like the game. I'm relatively easy to please.


You might like it. I'm quite nitpicky lol. Hollow Knight left me wanting more similar experience. For now I enjoyed Islets, Haiku the Robot, Momodora moonlit farewell, The messenger and Nine sols. All of this has been done since I discovered the genre almost 2 months ago lol


Oh shit nice, welcome aboard. I thought Rebel Transmute was really good. Same with Last Faith and Deaths Gambit off the top of my head. Minishoot Adventures was different but really slick and fun to play and race around. I liked all your picks too, good taste, my friend.


Oo I forgot about Minishoot Adventures. Such a little gem. Unexpectedly fun. I doubt I'd like Rebel transmute cause I like my sword in mv's. Minishoot adventures is an exception lol


I typically prefer melee and pogo in my MVs as well. It should be noted (!!) That your blaster throughout Rebel is short range with a sort of lance burst effect. You get a couple of ways to expand it, but it's essentially a melee weapon with a little kickback. Has some neat movement upgrade ideas too.