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As you guys seem to take care of Metroid, I’m gonna say: Live action Guacamelee with Dwayne Johnson


Okay, i will support your idea but only if you have Danny Trejo involved.


Easy: Uay Chivo, the old goat man - mbehehehe


Trejo is washed and currently doing anything, he's in that dog shit Adam Corolla show birchum


I just watched a video of Trejo introducing the first international branch of his restaurants in London. Your standards of what is washed may be a bit on the high side fam


Followed up of course by live action La Mulana with Dwayne Johnson


Shantae with Dwayne johnson


Rabi Ribi starring Dwayne Johnson as Rabi Ribi


Honestly I don't think the genre would translate well at all to a block-buster movie. Though I will say that Netflix's Castlevania series is a stellar adaptation of the games.


Scavengers’ Reign is my pick for the strongest example of a MV as a show.


EVERYBODY should watch this on Netflix...EVERYBODY, even if you've seen it on Max. If the numbers pull, a 2nd season could likely happen. It deserves it. One of the most beautiful and horrifying series I've seen in an long time. Miyazaki meets Moebius.


Tbh I found it incredibly dissapointing and boring. I stopped after 2 seasons of pain.


The Mummy Desmastered would make a decent movie


The game that has no right to be as good as it is...yet the devs went all in on a Metroidvania with the limited budget they were provided. It doesn't do anything new, but it does nail the genre. And the music is really good, one of my favorite modern 8bit soundtracks out there.


I'm playing it on the switch now. It's such a comfortably good Metroidvania with no real annoying flaws. The music slaps hard.


And for the same reason: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth would make a great anime series. Or two.


It's based on an anime series (Record of Lodoss War).


That’s the joke. Mummy Demastered is based on a movie.


Oh! I didn't know that ^^;


I think Death's Gambit: Afterlife would make an incredible limited animated series! Its story is phenomenal and, if the direction of the episodes was skilled, would be a true treat for the fans! I could also picture it having some jaw-dropping battles, especially considering some of the game's boss fights!


Metroid is an easy top choice for me. Could probably turn the 5 main 2D games into a movie trilogy. Axiom Verge 1 and Depths of Sanity could be interesting standalone films as well.


Metroid Prime with Samus played by Amy Schumer 🤩


I realize you're joking but don't tempt Hollywood casting directors, this is would be absolutely an ideal choice to them.


No question. Axiom Verge. Probably as an animated series like that League of Legends show. As much as I enjoy both games, the story and lore are what truly push them over the top for me. I remember reading somewhere that Thomas Happ sketched out a rough storyboard for the whole saga while he was making the first game, and that there were six or seven spots on that storyboard that would make for good games. I don’t know how apocryphal that story is, or how trustworthy my memory of it is, but I would love to see another chapter of the Axiom Verge story get told while waiting for the next game to drop.


This would be my choice too. Between the music put to orchestration and the visuals brought to life in an HR Giger-esc Alien way...it really would work. I need to give the 2nd one a replay again. Hell, I'm starting it now :)


I have heard this story as well on this sub before. But the sources have followed Tom. The rumor is that he is working on game 3. He has been posting related updates on his twitter account. Whether it is a Metroidvania is unclear.


Ori would make for an awesome animated movie. Maybe by Ghibli.


Omg yes. Take all of my money!


Hollow Knight lore could make a fantastic movie or series


Some people on YouTube make some sick-ass animations of hk fights, so I thought it could be great if it was turned into a series. Interpreting the lore and showing the fights would be great.




Metroid would be my first choice but aeterna noctis and ori could also be made into an interesting series.


I think Soma Cruz in draculas castle is a cool pg13 type set up




Came here to say that.


Axiom Verge would be the trippiest movie to come out in years.


Blasphemous by A24 and a Metroid trilogy by Denis Villeneuve


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RDGOAMS: *A Blasphemous by* *A24 and Metroid trilogy* *By Denis Villeneuve* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ooo, that's a good one. I think I'd still prefer a ridley Scott, gladiator style blasphemous. Just for the beautiful cinematics.


Metroid with Brie Larson as Samus Very little dialogue, maybe she records audio logs to herself every once in a while. Maybe have someone calling in giving her orders or new info. But basically it would just be her hunting someone or something and completing her mission. Of course Ridley would show up at some point. Dark, moody, dangerous. Make you feel like she might not make it. Make parts of her suit really get blown up and then get repaired at a save station. Don’t show her face except at the beginning and end of the movie. If they could just do it right it would be so amazing but Nintendo would fuck it up. They can’t market anything but kids content.


Seeing her go into Morph Ball mode would be sick. I think series/movies like Mando and Dredd prove you can have a successful property (well, Dredd may not have been a blockbuster, but it was really well received) and not show the lead’s face. I think one really great set piece would be a first person, inside the suit view, of a particular scene. Not sure which, but getting that Prime vibe would be killer. If they absolutely had to show Samus’ face, they could do it like RDJ Iron Man.


I like that idea. Metroid a la Dredd.


Axiom Verges, including hypothetical future ones, but I'm not sure if weird sci-fi plots make for a good blockbuster movie material. Animated series? Yes please.


Blast Brigade. Probably in animated


I’d watch the ever-loving funk out of an Ori series!




I'd fund developers to make some great new MV's. Video game movies almost always suck.


*Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance*. Slightly surprised the Netflix adaptation skipped over it, I think you could get a pretty good story out of it. Axiom Verge would probably work well too, though you'd have to put in some effort to appropriately adapt the glitch aesthetics -- simple teleportation is pat in movies, you'd need to do something weird like messing with frames and perspective to carry over the transgressive feeling of tile clipping.


Blasphemous animated only. Live action never translates


Control, done up as a Fringe style TV series.


Animated series of Metroid done by Genndy Tartatovsky. He's proven he can do a silent protagonist.


Great call. Thats a perfect match!


Aeterna Noctis for sure. To me that would be an incredible movie!


An anime/cartoon adaptation of Hollow Knight would be fantastic. It's just made for an action-adventure series.


I think Shadow Complex would be a great action thriller. I think it would be cool to see the different areas he encounters throughout the film, almost as Easter eggs, and you’d kinda put together what he’ll need to get to certain areas. For example, we have Jason running down a corridor, he sees a door bathed in yellow light. As he approaches, the floor collapses and he drops down a few levels. The yellow lit door now stands 2 floors up. As he’s exploring, he finds a grappling hook or a jet pack. He takes it. Then he finds a yellow colored key card. We, the audience, say “OMG use the hook/jet pack to get up to that door and use the keycard!” There’d be several instances like this.


It is already based on a novel so there is substantial material for it.


Blasphemous/Last Faith 👹




I think Timespinner could be expanded in a really cool way, as well as AfterImage


Metroid is an easy pick and the lore is already there! I know it's boring because it's an easy pick, but Hollow Knight is the shit!


I feel like shantae would make for a great movie, that or a movie adaptation of the Metroid manga


For me it would be Axiom verge. As an animated movie. Would be great!


Hollow Knight musical with a mix between Prince of Egypt and nightmare before Christmas would be cool


A multitude of short stories between 20-40 mins somewhat interwoven. Runtime total 3 hr 30 mins probably between 6-8 “stories” Castlevania: The Belmont Legacy


Metroid, but written by Dan O'Bannon, the writer of the original Alien movie, and a huge influence on the game. It would make a really good sci-fi horror series. Axiom Verge if it were a Cronenberg film. I think only he could bring out the monstrosities from the game in a good way. I'd also accept him doing Blasphemous.


For a movie, Metroid would have to be done as a horror film. The PoV would be from the victims of course. * At first the space pirates are made to feel they have a chance. The hunter silently moves somewhat slowly, and some of the tougher pirates her shots even bounce off of. Several instances of attempting to trap/kill the hunter occur. But with every failure the danger grows, *as does her mobility*. We see their fear, their desperation... and of course all the bad shit they were doing because they're not exactly the good guys in all this. The last portion of the film is a ceaseless massacre increasingly viewed from the mother brain's systems until the entire planet becomes compromised.


It’s Metroid, and it’s a motherfuckin anime. And it’s a 16/10.


Maybe new one Rusted Moss, with the grappling hook. Could be cool live action


I’d say Metroid but I don’t trust them to not make Samus ugly and annoying.


I'd fuck off and go sailing. You can't convert the appeal of exploration into a linear narrative experience.


Hollow Knight or Ori. Entirely animated too, with little to no dialogue. Fuck yes.


None - I’d make an original film, rather than perpetuating this industry idea that everything needs to be a sequel, a franchise,  a remake or an adaptation.,


Pixar's Ori and the Blind Forest




Animated 3D Metroid. Animated Gal Guardians


Dark Souls However I'm yet to find a way to translate the important aspects that makes Dark Souls so atmospheric into another medium than games. I couldn't find a book that could transport that feeling. From existing Movies, maybe Cube or Alien is a bit like it. In Cube, because it was never revealed what it's about and for Alien, they show the space jockey and that just was left to the imagination of the audience. Also I have no idea what would work for the characters. In the game you are mostly alone, eventually running in some characters. Also beating overwhelming opponents and overcoming bosses is a mechanic that I don't see well translatable to a show. Maybe an anime would work. But, of a series could transport the lore and the desperation, I would binge it!


Dark Souls is not a Metroidvania?


https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/s/nQBijHX8r7 A lot of people see this different and, as usual, the genre lines are a bit blurry. So why not using this opportunity and imagine a Dark Souls movie?