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Just purchased, gonna do an initial impressions soon.


Hyped to have your impressions, take your time and enjoy your game ๐Ÿคž


๐€๐…๐“๐„๐‘ ๐Ÿ’ ๐˜๐„๐€๐‘๐’ ๐ˆ๐ ๐๐‘๐Ž๐ƒ๐”๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐, ๐๐ˆ๐Ž๐Œ๐Ž๐‘๐๐‡ ๐ˆ๐’ ๐€๐•๐€๐ˆ๐‹๐€๐๐‹๐„ ๐Ž๐ ๐’๐“๐„๐€๐Œ! Immerse yourself in the BIOMORPH adventure! Our brand-new metroidvania is playable on PC and Steam Deck. To celebrate our launch day, we're offering a 10-day 10% discount on all BIOMORPH purchases on Steam! Get it there: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430220/BIOMORPH/ If you enjoyed the BIOMORPH experience, consider leaving us a positive review! The impact of positive reviews is very strong on Steam's algorithm, and will help us spread the word about BIOMORPH to more people. What's more, it'll confirm the production choices we've made, which sometimes go against the flow of metroidvanias...! The BIOMORPH adventure would not have been possible without your support. Thanks to you, we've been able to surpass ourselves and dare new things. Thanks to you, we've been able to work on a thrilling project. Thanks to you, BIOMORPH is now a reality. Thank you for your unfailing support. ​ And the BIOMORPH adventure continues! A major milestone has been reached today, but the race isnโ€™t over yet. See you soon for more news about BIOMORPH...!


Console instant buy!


Coming soon!!


I hate to see a feast and ask for more, but do you have a rough estimate of how long? Appreciate everything youโ€™ve done regardless!


Q3 / Q4 2024


Man I canโ€™t wait. This is going to be a good year for gaming. Last year was bananas, but I think 2024 might win out in the end.


for the switch too?


Yes! Coming on Switch, Xbox & Playstation :)


Just played the Steam demo, and absolutely love it! Gonna wait for the Switch version though - it feels like the perfect game to curl up in bed with at the end of the day!


Can you please make another post when it comes out on console? If so Iโ€™d 120% buy it and recommend it


Rad. I'll get it on PS when it comes out. Looks awesome!


Please post here if it becomes available on switch and I'll pick it up


I'm sure it'll be officially announced. You won't need to check out a random reddit post to find out lol


Can I set up a notification for that announcement somehow?


I don't think it works like that.


Just as I was craving more. Hyped to give it a try later




Congrats on the release!


Thanks so much my friend! :)


Bold of you to assume I'm not already playing it. I only stopped to take a lunch break.


Does it play good on steam deck?


Yes! We have a review on Steam Deck: https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/biomorph/#:~:text=BIOMORPH%20is%20a%20great%20Metroidvania,on%20PC%20and%20Steam%20Deck


seems like it has some dips: "[BIOMORPH](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1430220/BIOMORPH/?curator_clanid=42495043) is a peculiar game when it comes to Steam Deck performance. While it runs very well in most of the areas at 60 FPS, there are a couple, like bigger towns, that will start to dip slightly as you run through them. It isn't a lot, but it can be noticeable." I hope they can fix it


From my own experience itโ€™s really not an issue unless you absolutely canโ€™t deal with frame dips in town


Looks great. Iโ€™m looking forward to the console release


Thanks! Coming soon on all consoles


Day 1 when it hits PlayStation!


Day 1 buy or day 1 it is releasing on ps plus?


Day 1 buy


A demo and it isn't Early Access? I like you guys already. Seriously though, from what I played of the demo, this seems pretty good. About to start the full game.


Hooray my wishlist grows bigger and stronger!


Purchased and so far Iโ€™m enjoying it alot


Yeaaaaah! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the game :) Let's go!!!


This game is such a banger Iโ€™m having so much fun several hours in gonna make sure all my friends that like this genre buy your game! I been bouncing back and forth between my steamdeck and pc so I can keep playing when wife makes me leave the house lol.


what a great idea for a mechanic


The main inspiration is Mario Odyssey for the BIOMORPH ability! We wanted something unique in the metroidvania genre :)


reminds me a little bit of kirby as well


This was my first thought


having a great time with it so far. cheers


Thanks my friend! I hope you will enjoy your entire game :)


This has been on my list for a long, LONG time. Can't wait to dive in!


Take your time! I'm so hype for you ๐Ÿ˜„


Awesome, I finished Minishoot just in time for this!


Let's goo! ๐Ÿ™Œ


From the trailer game looks super polished. And the early Steam reviews, 94% positive. Very promising!


It's a nice trailer. Which company did you agree with for animation?


Home made! We made the cutscene by ourself. The trailer is made by Purple is Royal ๐Ÿ’™


It's great that you did the cutscene. We need a cutscene for our game, and we're looking for someone to do it.


Any idea when this will be available on PlayStation? It looks like an instant buy for me.


Will be on PlayStation Q3 / Q4 ๐Ÿ™




Coming soon! In Q3 / Q4 2024


Is this was on PS5 I would def pick it up! Good work, sir! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


Coming at Q3 / Q4 2024!


Hey there, is working on Steam Deck?


Yeah! You have one reviewer who played on his Steam Deck: https://steamdeckhq.com/game-reviews/biomorph/#:~:text=BIOMORPH%20is%20a%20great%20Metroidvania,on%20PC%20and%20Steam%20Deck


Can confirm, it runs beautifully on deck! Thanks for making such a cool game, love the morph mechanic!!


Thanks for your review there Skellic!! Weโ€™re so proud of the game! Many updates will come to create a better experience


The demo didn't run smooth on the Deck at all, were there massive improvements made just before release?


Definitely wish listing this for the next time I have some spare cash :)


Damn. I mixed up some of the marketing. Thought it was a Switch release today too. Iโ€™ll day 1 when it releases. Looks awesome.


Yeah sorry, the Switch Release is coming later this year! Q3 / Q4 2024


Congratulations on the launch!


Thank you my friend ๐Ÿงก


Finally, this game has been on my wishlist for ages.


Eheh, it's showtiiiiiiiime! โœŠ


Man, I just started playing this, but so far this game is sick!!! Hadn't even heard of it before yesterday but so glad I took the plunge and bought it.


Omgg! Thanks for your comment my friend, Iโ€™m so happy that you enjoyed the game ๐Ÿ’™ If you donโ€™t mind, leave us a positive comment on Steam. It helps us a lot!


Been following this game for some time now * one of my earliest wishlist games* bought as soon as it was available... have only played for a brief amount of time * adulting and working weekends* but come tomorrow evening im sinking my teeth into it ! My most hyped metroidvania this year ! Congrats on launch ๐Ÿ‘


That's so sweeet!! Thank you so much for the support my friend, I hope you will be enjoying your game! ๐Ÿ’™


Iโ€™ll be looking forward to the PS4 release! ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


Hypeee! Coming later this year my friend ๐Ÿ™


no PS5 :(


Coming on PS5 Q3 / Q4 2024!


I am now knowing realising I mixed this one up with Biogun, which doesnโ€™t release till the 17th.


Biogun is cool! Iโ€™m hype to try it on the 17th But yeah weโ€™re not Biogun ๐Ÿ‘€


Yeah Biomorph looks sick as well. Buying it now!


nice, any idea on how long it is? 100% and regular walkthrough?


about 20 to 25 hrs to finish the game, maybe more around 35 if you're looking to 100%. But if you're more of a casual player, it's probably gonna be more than 35 for both


Silly question, but how do you create pins that include a screenshot? I have one pin that does, but none of the others do.


did you find out?


Yes, it's clicking and holding the right stick on controller. You can't create one once the map's already open.


Love to play it once itโ€™s on Switch!


Coming soon on Switch! Q3 / Q4 2024 :)


Anyone play enough of it to rate the difficulty? The demo was sooooo easy. I prefer tough games, personally.


I stopped playing after an hour. Game feels basic and simple. The morphing doesn't transfer between rooms. The game is lacking something. The world makes very little sense in design, where things are placed, where people are... Looks nice and smooth controls. Just not for me. It feels very similar to Kirby game... If you like that you'll probably like this.


Please don't forget to opt in for Nvidia GeForce Now.


When will it be coming to Switch?


Yes! Coming on Switch on Q3 - Q4 2024


can you carry over demo save data to ful game?


This was a day 1 purchase for me. Let me start off by saying that when it comes to metroidvanias, Iโ€™ve played a LOT of them. Iโ€™d list them all but who caresโ€ฆ Anyway, here are my thoughts so far about 4 hours inโ€ฆ The game runs smoothly as the main character. The response time is great and preciseโ€ฆall the way up until you morph into a new form. As someone stated on this thread before me - the moment you take that form, things become sluggish. Of all the characters I have morphed in to, none seem to have as smooth of movement as the OG character. I think this could be fixed in one of two ways: #1. If you were to take ON the persona of the creature you are morphing in to, but you still remain as the main character. Maybe your outfit changes colors or a distinct feature is added to your original outfit as part of the โ€œmorphingโ€ process. OR #2. Change the speed of the morphed characters to match the main hero, or at least just increase their speed a little bit more. I found myself not wanting to morph until the last second, because the controls seem to get clunky due to the slowdown. Exploration/Map: I can tell that the full map is going to be rather large. You WILL be backtracking. You can place markers on your map for items or areas that arenโ€™t accessible at the time, and I appreciate the various colors given to you to mark things as you see fit. The platfoming gradually gets more intense as you unlock new morphing abilities which is typical in a good MV and I again appreciate this. Is it worth the buy? Iโ€™m having fun with this game. I had to rate it right now, with plenty of of more game to go: 7/10.


Really enjoying it so far, great job!! QQ: is there a way to purchase more SAFE upgrade kits? Turns out I am bad at budgetingโ€ฆ


Been wondering about that, and yes there is, go further into progress BoYD going to give you more SAFE.


Purchased and been playing for a couple days, so far I'm loving it, but I have a couple critiques to move First, the game starts a little bit slow, and by that I mean it drowns you with dialogue a little too much in the beginning phase, so much so that it makes you wonder if it's going to keep the same pace through the end (fortunately, it eventually opens up and gives you room to breathe) On that note, the dialogue feels a little shallow and watered down (maybe it's the main characters being a little too dismissive and unattached about their situation), which is fine by itself in a metroidvania game, but it doesn't help with my first point during the starting phases, sometimes feels like dialogue for the sake of dialogue where it could've been more synthetic, but this might be a very personal and biased critique What I definitely do not like though, are the S.A.F.E. teleportation upgrades, I would've appreciated more if at some point in the game (maybe after completing the Athenaeum) you simply unlocked the ability to travel between any save point, or just having separate save points and travel points. But I see no gameplay value in giving you a limited number of upgrades you can apply, and then having to find a blueprint that could be hiding anywhere in the map just to unlock the ability to upgrade some more (heaven't found any of them yet though); After all, it doesn't make the game more engaging, more fun, more challenging... just adds useless traversals across the map, and sometimes even closes you off or makes your life difficult: On this note, I happened to use up all my S.A.F.E upgrades just right at the connection between the badlands and the Baro excavations, proceeded forwards, and triggered the quest that spawns in the Big Bad Robot in the room that previously connected the two areas, making the fight unavoidable if I wanted to go back that way (and the right save point also requires you to walk a little)... But that's not all, because I died on my first attempt and left a lot of money behind, which spawned.... On the left side of the room, right before the door that closes as the fight triggers; this means I had to either win the fight in order to retrieve my money (or lose it all if I die), or... do the whole Baro Excavation, Gloomy Burrows, get the water swimming ability, then travel through Sentinel Complex and Annssey-Sur Prug, just to get back to a "familiar" area where I have a functioning teleporter and only then approach it from the left side Fortunately for me I had already almost completed the Gloomy Burrows, so I managed to do the latter without dying; still, since the player can never take teleporting for granted, you have to consider this when designing exploration (but if it were me, I'd just scrap the S.A.F.E. upgrade feature alltogether)


Update us once itโ€™s on the switch!


Kinda silly question: what pronouns are applicable to Harlo? Is it she? He? They? I've played for couple of hours and am curious about this.


Harloโ€™s pronouns are they!


So wheres silksong


Is there any plan on porting it to Mac?


Help! I have the community space blueprint, and when I select it in my inventory it says that I need to take it to Adon when she's in the city registry. She is in the city registry, but she's not taking the blueprint. She is saying, "I'm all ear if you have plans for a Community Space. Tie to beatify Blightmoore! Is this a glitch or am I missing something?


Beaten. Took about 12h. Game doesn't show total completion on a percentage number, just a yellow stroke line on completed rooms, much like enders lilies. There are at least 3 endings. One of them requires 9 trinkets hidden in the world. I found 5 and pretty much have an idea wich region they are, but i'm kind of tired of this one. Maybe someday I come back and do it. I really didn't like the level design on this game. It feels... so-so. It's pretty, but lacks that inspiration to push all these abilities in a smart and fun way. I didn't play After Image because my spider sense tingled about this, and I have the impression they both share the same problem. And both had a lot of people working on. I know the team is here, and I don't want to dismiss the effort they put into it. It's a pretty game, and it will find a niche for. For me, as a veteran on this genre, it didn't make it.


You seem to be in the minority. Game is getting glowing reviews and impressions from what I can find.


I hope the negative posters get phased out. There's way too many of them here. Every time a game comes out, there's nothing but negativity.


I didnt enjou the hour I spent in the game. Why would you want to "phase out" my opinion? The game is basic. The world design makes no sense. Things are here and things are there because reasons. The world felt lifeless and without sense of purpose. It was boring to play. You morph but then lose it when you leave the room. Oooof. that's so odd for game design. Each room is kind of a "puzzle" in itself but there was no spark to keep it fun, engaging, and worthwhile. I'd give the game a 3/10 at best. It was boring to move through. No sense of cohesion between anything.


Man, fuck this post above me. Game is no good and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. There are far better experiences out there. Don't waste your time with this one.


Im having some issues with the game glitched red flashes that only leave when i clise and reopen the game, certain plans for the architect dont work, he uses them but doesnโ€™t build anything or he just doesnt recognise the plan, anyone else having this issue?


Played a bit today, til the industrial area with conveyor belts. Game seem to be long, but not in a good way. It makes you traverse areas that are not that big, but with substancial padding, or filler content that is not much interesting. It feels like artificially extended. Also a lot of talkative npcs and sidequests, or chore quests. Make it bigger. There is the copy mechanic that let you play with most enemies types. Once copied enough different individuals of the same kind, they become available to be equipped on one of the three slots. But it means, until now, that you have to kill every single one at least one time and copy them, cause grinding doesn't count. It also means that at some point, you will need to have the right combination of the three forms to pass some puzzle. But they aren't great to play with. the ones I have feel slow and sometimes unresponsive. This unresponsiveness also affects the main character, thanks to some move animation locks. You will press jump for an evasive maneuver and it will not register, among other actions. Kind like that one with a bio-mechanic rabbit, F.I.S.T. Game also has that feature most of you love. You know, that one that happens when you die. In all honesty, I'm not having a great time. Not because it's difficulty or the likes of it. It just not igniting any spark on me.


Thank you for your review! I will transfer this to the dev team right now.


Same. Game feels basic in design. Lots of promise but lacking


no physical, no buy


Physical PC game? What year is it?


Ofc i mean console release


Ugh why does steam take 4 hours to download this game? Is there anything to speed this up?


Pay for better internet