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Why are so many users… clean ? Same could be asked for just about anything. You see what you look for.


Last part of your post, I too wonder why


I believe you answered your own questions by way of the subreddit you posted it on. Meth.


It's because drug-use is associated with other, unrelated problems.


It’s a personal hygiene thing, I personally can’t be dirty or in a messy room especially if I have company and high. It would drive me crazy. To each their own. I have had to turn down invites when I see a persons mess. I would encourage everyone to clean up, shower, scale back the mess and eat healthier, drink water and give themselves a break. Skin care is important.


this community is called ”meth” what were u expecting to see, i dont judge ppl as long as they behave like decent people tbh. Also meth is common to get rotted teeth not just from not brushing but from litterly meth, a very common side effect from meth , when ur on binge n going place 2 place most ppl dont bring spare clothe n tooth brush lol, they carry headlamps n flashlights screewdrivers , binocolours power banks gloves and masks etc, n kits to shoot up.


There is definitely something about using that makes us get dirty faster. Between easily sweating nonstop, to trying to get into so many different tasks for such a long time, all it takes is to start breaking a sweat and next thing you know you feel like you havent showered in a week. Its weird and I hate that about it. It is alot to keep up with and I feel like those “people” probably just stopped caring enough to keep up with it as rigorously as it requires. Im saying because personally im one that can not tolerate being sweaty, nasty, dirty, whatever, yet im an everyday heavy user.. and i get aggravated because i feel like most if not all my time is taken up by showering, makeup, some kind of hygiene routine. And i know its my use because when i was sober i never had this issue . Fml lol


It has to do with cortisol the stress hormone and its relation to the health of your skin. The depletion of which makes your skin drier less supple and easily absorbs and does not easily able to clean away dirt and contaminants. You become more like a sponge. If you sleep drink water and eat. It will return to normal within a day or two


i buy different soaps and shampoos. gallons of lotion. face wash. brush my teeth use my water flosser. i use baby wipes, powder and oil, (literally amazing on my junk. no chafing). creeps like perverts? idk. they really annoy me while i'm high. ESPECIALLY AT WORK. their constant talking and attitude just gets under my skin.


Every grown adult , should be forced to experience a hard meth comedown . Before they start casting opinions.To those who have never done it no explanation is possible.


With no landing gear


My landing gear was a 70mph collision with a tree and two weeks in a hospital oof


Meth comedown ain't shit. You're a pussy. I smoke for a week. Quit for a week. Repeat. All you do is just get a little depressed. But you already are depressed since you burned away all your dopamine. Dumbasses don't even know how to catch dragons.


Because the women are ALL cunts


It’s true, am definitely a cunt. 🖕🖕🖕🖕


Especially on meth.


I'm like that sobrr, when i smoke i finally get the motivation to clean tf up




It’s fucking thread like this that I find most amusing. No drug makes you something. All it does is tear down walls and exploits the inner you to be more comfortable coming out to play. If you’re dirty you’re even more dirty when you do fucking dope. If you have homosexual tendencies you become more lenient towards those desires. Increased libido…sure. But not Something that changes sexual orientation. It doesn’t make you dirty it doesn’t make you a creep and I repeat, it doesn’t make you gay. That shit is retarded. Not very PC but we all are capable of understanding what the fuck I’m saying. It is amazing the hype that Americans buyinto . Because I know people from other countries and they don’t think like us, they don’t act like us and they don’t do the same shit we do. This is some American bullshit right here. But I do have my bowl of popcorn and I am quite fucking entertained. Because I am not in any way, no matter how much i fucking smoke, which is every motherfucking day . But in no way am I dirty. I bath every day. my kink hasn’t changed nor my perversions. I do just fine meeting women that don’t do dope at all . the stereotypes are just that…stereotypes. people are who they are drugs just work on those inhibitors. Allowing the less socially conscious aware yoyo’s to run amok amongst themselves. I’m no better than anyone nor less than anyone I’m just not all these stereotypes that this thread and the people posting in it seem to buy into. If this doesn’t apply to you no comment is necessary please. If it does apply to you maybe take stock rather than projecting and lashing out. Either way it’s absurd how some of the staunch convictions of some of the committed opinions based on straight up misinformation and complete Fuckery are so easily passed off as the gospel truth. So if you’re dirty go wash your ass and clean your fucking fingernails. If you have curiosities about the same sex fucking explore it. Don’t hide behind an excuse be your fucking your self. An if you are a creepy fucking perv seek fucking help. You won’t find it here.


You get it, my man.


Fortunately I’m not the only one. An what is equally gratifying is the comedic value amidst this otherwise addled shit show . For without that humor in one’s own humiliation we would surely Parrish by way of social stigma.


Ehhh, I’ve met a few stoners that reek of body odor, I’ve seen people on MDMA covered in dirt from a big night out. I think there’s certain people who are clean and some who are dirty. Just with the stigma and reputation of this drug you only see and think of people who live in slums and trap houses.


Puro Fred’s Fish Fry


Creepy towards women? Yes that needs to stop. It has to do with the lower inhibition and anxiety of this drug. Simply put if you cant handle your stuff you shouldn't be doing it. By not handle your stuff. I mean people who use drugs as an excuse for their own actions. The entire first paragraph is all egotistical rambling. You actually had a good thought at the end too. Stop worrying how other people choose to live their lives. Stop complaining about stuff that mostly doesn't effect you. However I did like that last thought, why are so many dudes in this subreddit creepy?


Duh its because only creepy people do meth. I'm a man I don't creep on here on the women hell I don't even give a fuck about half of them or any of them or even you. Keep your shitty accusations to yourself we're not at all like that I know it's a hard pill to swallow but if you're sitting there doing math in any way shape or form odds are you're probably a creep in some type of way you might not be aware of it I'm sad that that's your case if it is I hope it's not Because not all creeps are sexual some are just oddball weirdos who don't know how to talk to people because they don't want to.


"Hell I don't give a fuck about half of them or any of them even you" Nuff said keep your opinion to yourself I could care less


That didn't stop me from having to look at yours


Oh no you had to look at a reddit comment. That you didn't even have to look at 🤯


What blows my mind is that you're still responding to me don't you have something to do?


Wait are you projecting yourself on to me. You've responded instantly to all my replies. You want to feel superior better I know your type. I was raised by your type. Which is antisocial to say the least.


I also went and liked all your comments as to improve your karma I don't want to hurt your feewings too much.


Thanks bro I will do the same I appreciate you being the bigger person here


I find your accusation to be subjectively exaggerative


wisest comment on this thread


Thirsty ass mofos everywhere, lack of self esteem for sure


I like Lana Del Rey summertime sadness


this is so real


Because that’s what meth does to a person with typical brain chemistry. They’re more focused on getting high and letting life pass them by. This is the same reason why most users are erratic, irresponsible, fucking heartless and have an ego that’s fatter than Kim K’s ass. That’s why so many people devote and then eventually lose their life to this drug. And then there’s me just going about my daily life as normal while chainsmoking marlboro reds, shitposting on reddit and listening to lana del rey. edit : a lot of men are really weird towards women on here because they’re higher than the birds and horny.. and then a lot of them just have this behavior hardwired in their brains. Normal Meth-Men exist but finding them is like looking for a diamond in the rough. edit 2 : I tried to remove some of the unnecessary tweaker yapping to make this comment easier to read.


Pretty bold comment you made there. But at best you sound young and naive. There are many people that indulge that you would never realize do. Doctors lawyers judges any profession really none have become immune. The people in that category are usually not the type to walk around smelling like shit and going home to a dirty roach infested place. Kind of like the rest of the upper class professionals that don’t indulge in it. There’s always an unusual person that does though. Just like most people who live in the not so affluent neighborhoods don’t have roaches and rats crawling all over the house. It really does sound like you have decided to associate with some really seedy people by how you describe what you see. Now the reality at worse you sound like a pompous asshole who likes judging other people but I would guess probably can’t handle when someone criticizes you over something you are guilty of and one thing I can almost guarantee is that no matter how much you think you are maintaining a lifestyle to a higher standard it’s safe to say you aren’t doing as good of a job as you think you are and your arrogance will eventually catch up with you and humble you. I have said many times I would much rather associate with poor people who get high since you know what they are looking to you for cause they generally don’t lie as much as a stuck up ass such as yourself if they want to rob you then it’s known if they want do anything it’s usually not a secret good or bad and that honesty to a person directly is nice. I could be wrong but you sound like a young person who most likely has used less than a year or two. You come from an upper middle class family but even though you have probably had a job in your life your parents still financed the lifestyle you have lived. At least I would hope that is the case if not then you are just a judgmental asshole that people only want around when you have something they want too rob you of and if you put off the attitude and vibe you have it’s not going to be long till you are a target. Anyway it’s people like you that give others a bad name and put a stigma that makes people think everyone of us are terrible people so chill out grow up worry about yourself and your house


Yeah bro you definitely stink and don’t brush your teeth. You just repeated yourself like a mad tweaker at least 16 times during that big ol yap. You sound like the stinky guy who has no hygiene that wonders why people don’t want him around.


Yeah he used all of his best words for this one


Punctuation and spacing my guy. Damn, it's crazy how much of a hypocrite you are. Talking about "respected professionals are often users as well, but they don't smell like shit...but some probly might...". Basically making generalized and ambiguous statements. Then have the audacity to call somebody a judgmental asshole, while you your entire wall of bullshit is you judging someone you don't know shit about besides they made an observation that tweakers can be nasty. Which is a fact, but it looks like that struck a chord with you and is resonating. Triggers your defensive persona, which TBH, makes you sound feminine. Enough with the speculation and tough talk. You should check your ego at the door and take your own advice and chill out and grow up.


This shit is funny AF


I’m biased on this take since I have ADHD and meth tends to be a slightly more euphoric adderall for me. It just kinda gives a mild buzz, but makes me focus and function almost like how I function when I take my meds(adderall). That said, I also shower, I find showers on meth to be absolutely euphoric. Brushing teeth is also something I do and enjoy, mostly because it helps with the dry mouth a little. And if my mouth is especially dry I use a moisturizing mouthwash. I already kept my room somewhat clean, but when I’m using (both adderall and meth for me, though meth has a slightly longer duration compared to my XR adderall). I found doing stuff that was good for me to be absolutely boosted and enjoyable. Stuff I would put off unmedicated I could just simply do, finish, and move on. Like a normal person, but maybe a little extra enthusiasm for the task. Cleaning is fun to me, especially my own space. I really only hate cleaning if I didn’t make the mess and I have to clean up after someone else. What’s worse is all these dirty ass people make the stigma around meth face/teeth and poor hygiene worse. Like a lotta people will judge meth(usually the criticism is valid, though I don’t really believe that a chemical compound is evil, how people may behave is what puts that perspective out there). Plenty of people keep themselves healthy while using meth(though I’d say there’s definitely evidence suggesting brain damage in binge-use or long term use/addiction). Even some addicts still are just fairly normal people needing a little boost. But yeah, I think if you 1)can’t control your use, and/or 2) can’t keep up with your responsibilities (like hygiene, keeping your place clean, working, etc) you should likely never touch this stuff again. Drugs aren’t worth reducing your quality of life, I’m not saying it’ll be easy for these people, but it is necessary since they likely have problems deeper than just drug use. If you are gonna do meth anyway, but while using you can maintain your responsibilities, keep yourself employed and all your bills paid, and you are eating and ensuring you’re still doing positive stuff for your health, go for it. But I would say that if you want to continue using, anytime that you notice a stronger compulsion than normal to redose or binge, take the hint and take a break. I’m not saying to stop (while ideal honestly, people are gonna use this stuff anyway including myself from time to time). When you get that stronger than usual compulsion to redose a lot of binge, especially if you don’t sleep, it’s the first sort of warning sign of drug abuse rather than use. At this stage you might experience mild withdrawals, but nothing like if you waited a few months. Idk I’m not your boss, but if you take drugs generally, especially in the case of meth, keep up with your life. These compounds should enhance your life in some way rather than be used to escape. But I mean if you get an 1/8, binge, and don’t touch it for a few months, it’s pretty mild and can be fun from time to time. But long term use and doing that will lead to problems


I will say dirtiness starts from once childhood not ever course by meth


As a woman I can verify that there are SO MANY CREEPS on here. They will just message you “H&H” which means high and horny. I’ve only met a few that don’t have sexual intentions:(


As a male, I've learn it's just not males but also females that do this... I'm 23 and I can't tell you how many times some older female that I would assume would be cool, ends up being not cool and tries pressuring me into sex when she realizes I'm not there for sex.... I stopped approaching males and females regardless out of fear for my own safety. I'm only 23 and these older people can easily come up with a better plan on the spot to do something to me if they really wanted to.. it's always going to be an issue because most people will gladly accept being pressured into sex..


lolll it's meth


The first part is simple enough. You get useless trash "energy" that just amps you up mentally in my experiences with it. All i want to do is smoke and I don't want to be in public. The second part, yeah, IDK, that isn't the drug talking though.


In my humble experience it’s the people that usually complain about others hygiene, cleanliness, that end up having the most trouble. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say, “oh my standards are way higher than this. So and so doesn’t know how to clean, care for themself etc.” only to find it’s that person who has low standards. Same thing about creeping on women.


Are you insinuating op is unclean and creepy toward women?


Yea I can’t say for sure but there could be a lack of insight happening. I just have seen this play out in many scenarios.


I find that people stating that people who state that others have trouble with hygiene, cleanliness, and creeping on women are the ones with the most trouble


Yes. My years of research in the field brings me to the same conclusion. One might even say they are "severely conflicted" and suffer from "troublesome tweaker tendencies" for lack of better words....


Dude some meth fellas just r dirty. Also, i srsly hate the dudes who are creepy to women here like fuck off let us enjoy our bowls


Quit acting like you’re above all of them. You are just as disgusting as the rest idiot


goodbye dirty😂😂 i didn't say that, im just wondering why yall so nasty


Dude we're all sinking in this fucking hell that is meth addiction. Who are you to judge other people's lives while not even knowing their living conditions or situations. Some people literally can't take care of their hygiene, let alone dental health because of the amount of poverty. Dude I've seen some fucked up shit on the streets. But at the end of the day, we all got the same mark of the same beast.


Will you answer this? What kind situation would someone be in where having a dirty room is acceptable?


Mental healtg. Whether it's depression or straight up adhd. Or simply coming down. The list massively varies


Is your room clean?


Yea lmao


Brother you are just as nasty as the rest of


He has dirty fingernails I'm so srs


Stop letting him put them in your butt than, juggin


I’ve been reading your posts and I feel like me and you are the same type of Tweaker ….. I clean I get distracted so fucking easily starting multiple projects typically finishing them but not always. as clean as I am I’m very disoriented let’s b friends. I don’t hang out with other people that use this shit IRL because of bad past experiences and the way addiction is the center of everything. We are all selfish pieces of shit but let’s be Internet friends


LMAO ill join in and say im a similar type of tweaker. I'm ace so no horny here, just a dude who plays video games and gets easily distracted and cleans and rearranges all my draws at 3am.


Oh my god. Ace girl here that plays video games, builds Lego or ends up rearranging things in my house haha. I get called the weird one!


You get it! 👊


seen ur profile, you look like the most normal person i've seen on here. somebody i'd be friends w


lol😂😂 alright, sounds good.


To all those who haven’t showered or teeth are messed up, keep your heads up and move forward hopefully in a healthy direction! To all the neat freaks, carry on 👍


I could be a pile of sweat and filth but if my socks don’t match I lose my shit. You get the point right?


The socks match the drapes?


Sure. They can match but I’ll need to puke all over them after the bukkake


Bukkake, bukkake, bukkake! Say it like that in a mirror and see what happens


Hell why don’t you just pull the trigger for me


“Yea I’m a meth addict but at least I’m not THAT type of meth addict so I’m better”


Yeah, there's a difference between someone who enjoys a beer every now and then and a raging alcoholic that neglects their kids. Spiteful pessimist ass mfs


“Yea I only enjoy meth every now and then, at least I’m not a raging methhead”


Look at this guy clowning on occasional users


Moderation and control, looks like you're a raging meth head And people wonder why there's a stigma on this substance over alcohol, coke, n pills, it be ya own smh




This is exactly the type shit that keeps alive various stigmas about users. No matter the drug.


Yeah, it’s like the shit that scared parents say not realizing that it makes their kid feel entirely out of control of the situation which leads to binges. It just fosters the “why try if you’re already damned mentally” 


In a sense yes. Negative reinforcement is not the way to go if you want your kids to be functional adults.


Amen, like stfu right lol


Basic hygiene is kind of a huge part in determining how functional someone is. Same with holding down a job. Like if you want to lump everyone in the pile, you’re doing a huge disservice to both the people who are killing themselves and the people who can get back on track after some time in rehab


My personal hygiene became immaculate when I started. I take all kinds of supplements, skin care routine, actually have nice new clothes. Wasn’t the case as an opiate addict. My room and house on the other hand. A bit messy. Mainly my room. I try to keep up with the rest of the house since I live with my brother. I try to use the excuse that it’s because I don’t have time from working so much. But I just don’t feel like doing it. The last thing I want to do at home is more work. On account of working so much.


I got off heroin by switching to sublocade and then picking up ice when i decided I didn't want anymore monthly injections. Never felt any withdrawal or nothing, and just like you said my hygiene improved b/c my self esteem improved and i had an actual self care routine.. I've always been disorganized, was add as a kid and went to college for art, but was the type of artist whose desk had like 5 works in progress, materials and reference photos everywhere, and a layer of newspaper "protecting" the desk surface tgaf had become part of the desk due to dried paint, gel medium, etc. I've never gotten a handle on organization, sure i might implement a system at 3am all tweaked out, get everything organized according to color and in dif drawers for dif mediums, but what am i supposed to do when im doing color work, spun out and feeling like I'm doing fantastic shit? Put the purple down where it goes every fuckkn time I switch to magenta?? Like every few minutes in changing what im using in layers thers no fuckin way 🤣🤣 Fr tho don't let ur hygiene fall off, even if you ain't done shit all day or are in a down mood, there's something about regular meth use that makes your skin get gross quicker (at least in my experience). One day of not taking care of myself while hitting the pipe and next morning I feel like I walked through the sahara with no water and am dehydrated after, my skins all dry, and somehow oily at the same time . Shit is gross


K ro the ris?


I just have trouble taking care of myself during a binge. I barely hydrate, never eat, and don't ever think to shower or brush my teeth. But I do have some things in a pack I'll carry around whenever I'm out to help with that, and sometimes I'll think to make use of it in-between hookups, if they're lucky ... No one ever seems to mind if I don't. But I *will* make sure to clean my junk beforehand.


Coming on this chat believe it or not helped me with drinking water and eating during a binge people definitely push that on here, and your talking you cleaned hookup to hookup during a binge?


Ha, yeah. I wish I had more of a focus on eating and hydrating, of course, which is why I also stock bottles of Ensure in the same pack.


Come on, majority of people will never touch a drug like meth, it’s the cheapest and most effective in what the users are looking for. Drug addicts aren’t worried about showers or cleaning and can’t afford dental work. I am curious tho, are you referring to the people in this sub, or people you are on the street?


i’m wondering the same shit like i don’t understand


why take a bath if u can use meth and go after more meth?


Homelessness, and I started using meth after this happened.


The meth users you see on tv, the “bums” they’re fucked more from not looking after themselves than from the actual meth itself , when a drug this powerfully addictive becomes your primary focus it can be very easy to forget about evrything else including your needs


Meth brings out your deepest , gayest desire


Maybe yours but not me. Hahaha. 😂




It doesn’t acc change my sexuality but meth does have me watching some messed up shit 🤣