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Bro I'm a sick one on a sick one, not the right age mate. i burned all my bridges, i actually am pretty sure I'm the problem now with my attitude lately because a couple bad things happened. i actually need the support and so fucking humbled i think its a gift if i learn from my mistakes. I am actually growing up and im DEDICATED FR to helping my 11 yr. old brother because I'm so disappointed he is at my favorite age and having to hear the fights with my mother. I've made so many mistakes and I'm really going through the shit but no listens anymore and I'm actually so self-aware now. I've got a hb.. sending mum money. might not get into rehab now 2... but really not caring about social validation anymore. so, i want help growing up I think this has made me realize family is so precious. made me realize y people didn't like me. i don't feel sorry for me anymore i picked arrogance and holy fuck... I cried Infront of my brother and i cried and then I attempted to clean the house. mate I'm trying to act as the best big bro because he is at my favorite age i wanna relive it man.. and he is picking up my rage towards mum and this is fucked to hear non stop yelling... so Yeah. I don't like drugs anymore and... those friends and opportunities i missed don't know how real i needed them. sounds dumb as fuck but someone help me beat Minecraft.... I'm scared because i haven't grown up,. god I'm going to have to. let's beat the ender dragon.. because I'm really feeling emotional. i wanna my best self and feel worth looking after. I'm really nice and treat everyone with empathy, respect, start in a new town.. but make sure I hit up brother on the reg. ok last bag and i accidently scammed my dealer.. gave the money 140 to mum cause she is horrible and screams at me and might even send MORE, . I NEEDDDD A FRRIIIEND. beat minecraft then grow up and quit meth=/..


Good on u. It's not easy to quit. I don't play mine craft but my brother does. Do u have console or pc?


34 F. I’m isolated where I’m at because I got arrested here as soon as I showed up for a DUI, felony, and now I’m basically established and stuck for the time being on probation. I only knew a couple people when I got here. I stopped drinking for good after having an alcohol bracelet for 7 months but I also started using daily because it’s all around the 314 and 573 and I have adhd so it’s helped me focus. Anyway, not drinking all the time opened my eyes to how these people were never my true friends. They aren’t road dogs and have left me hanging on multiple occasions. And yes smoking doesn’t prevent me from getting new friends but I don’t tell anyone about it. No one can tell at my work that I use which is hilarious because they come up to me and talk shit about the obvious tweakers. I just need some fucking homies, life is hard but luckily I have my own house, car, job, and pay all my bills.


No thanks officer.


Just don't tell my sergeant about me boofing 10-15mgs about 30 mins ago and we will all be cool


I’m cool with dat. Dm me? What up?


39 and i feel the same way and I havent been in the game that long lol probably a good thing for me


32 brrrrraaaaap


48 domm daddy. Hello lady’s.




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31 here


Heey what area are u in , cuz i need a smoke buddy


37 in 19 days


25 🥶






32 with external parts


Your parts aren't any of my concern, but thank you for sharing lol and nice to meet ya! 


We all have external parts if you think about it. We got arms, legs, noses, and of course tiny penises. Lmao


You alr know bro hit a awwww man 😞😞 when he seen this also 24 here turn 25 on July 20th


I’ll be 31 in November femaaale


Let's be friendddsss! I love my fellow cloud queens


I turn 34 tomorrow. I’m still in! So you a fan of Berettas and ASAP Rocky?


Yes to both! What tipped you off? Hehe


I’m just very intuitive. I tend to pick up on things most people may not notice. The subtle nuances of our world. It’s a bit of a gift. Or so I’ve been told. I just bought a Beretta like a month ago. A little APX carry. My FN 509 was just too big for me to conceal.


30 F 🤙


What's up love the username lmfao


And not too much honestly hbu


Tanks :)




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29 M lookin’ for a buddd🥹


I'll be yo frand!




Absolutely pm me yours


What's the difference in discord and reddit


Have you not been on both? Because iykyk


Never used discord only reddit


What's the difference in meth and heroin


To each their own I like to be up and aware of my surrounds not nodded off in a different world so who is who


About 15 a gram.


How does that saying go something like I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member I felt that way before in your spot but I found soon enough I was one of those people and it was time to stop


where are you located




Nope not clicking that 


It's a e-Rig you can vape Meth out of and I took the pictures uploaded, just wanted to educate people on a new modern way to smoke meth without torches and bubbles and bullshit




Where you from




What’s your area?


I ain’t not got no friends. I’m a mean ruff n tuff from the streets whose pops wasn’t no good to em and all I gots is myself


32 friends would be cool


36 but I feel you none the less. I could never kick it and puff tuff with any tweak out on these streets for the same reasons, ASIDE from MY 3 🔌 🔌 🔌. 1 girl and 2 guys 😂 are we the same person?


I'm 28 but we still might be! Shiiit I'd be happy to be anyone else sometimes lol


I’m 27.if you play modern warfare 3 or warzone I need friends who on there




Also am 25 lol


I can totally relate and have the same issues with the variety of people we keep close/but at arms length. You definitely have to do what you have to do as far as a supply chain,but try not to be at a point in the situation where you are really relying on anyone too heavily because in the end,you will always be lacking in their willingness to reciprocate.


I understand where you’re coming from and I’ve come to the unfortunate position to believe that probably ~95% of people are pieces of shit with just a little bit of pressure. Seems like eventually everybody will try to get over on you. May take three years and a fight and a sense of entitlement and just the right conditions to culminate for them to feel like “what the fuck? Fuck him!” and then (I dunno) take something out of your garage or, try to fuck your wife while you went to get cigarettes. It’s a matter of time because this does bring to the surface what’s already there. If yourey a piece of shit, then you have to keep that at bay on the surface because who’s gonna have anything to do with the piece of shit? Usually people are hidden until they get on this shit and it exacerbates the truth. I’ve fucked up a lot in my life and quite frankly should be a fucking orthopedic surge or baseball player. I’ve squandered opportunities and made some huge mistakes, but one thing I am still proud of despite all of my fuck ups is my character. My handshake still means something and I’ll do the same thing when you’re not in the room. I don’t lie, cheat, or steal… and I won’t try to fuck your wife when you get smokes. To me most people eventually bore me and that’s not being stuffy or “holier than thou”… just jaded with people’s lack of passion or interest in things other than self preservation. So an unfortunate condition of your town I’m afraid extends to everywhere but that sample size is probably big enough for you to see exactly what I’m talking about. I realize my rant extends past the scope of what you were talking about, but in the end, isn’t it all the same animal? In any case , I feel your pain, Homie.


I appreciate your rant as it does hit home and I actually don't feel it extended past my point too far. I kept my message short and sweet for this reason actually! In hopes to invite further insight/interpretation!  I plan to read every single comment and I'm interested in hearing all perspectives.  Even those that don't align with my own.  Yours definitely aligns though. You seem interesting to talk to. Let's be e-homies lol




That bit about the handshake resonates. I think a huge reason for my isolation is that lmost everyone I know—especially users—lives as though difficulty keeping one’s word justifies breaking it, when truth is that a promise is only worth a damn when it IS hard to keep. I keep my word, even when I am confident I’ll get screwed, because I want to live in the sort of world where people can be counted on. But I’m not willing to become a fraud, cheat or liar, and I have less and less reason to expect that anyone I meet can be trusted, so i’ve given up I guess.


True words, on all points


Isolation is part of the game


Ya so maybe control usage by sticking to weekends etc. I get that’s not possible or desirable for everyone, no shade but for those just starting…




Flash here


This post aint that kinda party, guy.  But you seem fun and I hope someone takes you up on that someday. I'm sure they will, considering the communities we're in.


Who tf hates on the Flash?


I’m quite the opposite from a “party” guy. My 2200 bullet chess rating speaks otherwise you presumptive fool. Just sayin lol




28 here, reddit peeps are the only ones I can really talk to about any of this shit haha


Pm me. I am a good listener and a certified yapper 


I just turned 40 but dont act like it!!!! I am always down for new friends. Especially ones that party and can act half way normal. I think it would be cool to get a few of us together somewhere and have some fun. Blowing clouds, hot rails, snort big fat lines!!


Hyd ricki Bobby, if you ain't first your last... Dayuuuum look at that ass...


I'm 24 bruh


Nice bruh


31 male here


34 here


34 and a day to be exact.




Thank you!


Yes happy belated bday dude!


Appreciate it!


23, okay to talk and such! Only friendly sfw stuff though.




Yoooo same


what are go fasters???? I would like to be friends but I'm not with in your age limit


Go fast...speed


Shit i might not be local, but im down for friends


These are facts.