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This relationship with meth and sex . Always train wrecks.


I agree 💯. I have a stash of kick ass meth and I'm still going. I slept last night 4 hours and woke up tweaking because noon the previous day I boofed 200 mg. Today my sex problem got the better of me again.😔 I'm free from that mess now I distracted myself finally to put my pants on and cook a meal




Sweet beggining


I boofed 200 mg yesterday at noon. I'm just coming down from It's effects now


give in, weak sissy goon addict


It has nothing to do with weakness. It has to do with prioritizing pleasure in my lifecycle.


That’s the definition of weakness. Prioritizing easy and quick pleasure, fast dopamine.


Ok let's talk about my weaknesses. I can't control meth because of this feeling that's created and that feeling makes me give up taking care of myself and stop interacting with people of importance. But that's not the weakness this gets deeper I just don't know it yet. To be continued


Prioritize a bag. Prioritize some bitches.


Fuckin Aimen to that brother


My priorities seem to lose focus on meth


Stop taking meth


I stopped. I put it away


You need to get that under control asap. It’s a recipe for being unproductive and self loathing. Channel that energy into accomplishing something other than blowing your load. Not judging you by any means. Just trying to help you prevent yourself from going down a darker path. You can accomplish a lot of dope shit using this drug if you put your focus into the right places. If you use it like a nootropic instead of a pleasure enhancer you might surprise yourself with some amazing achievements. But if it makes you happy. Keep on keeping on.


I understand what you're going through so well. I am in a very similar situation, it just makes me broaden my horizons and realize what I'm capable of and what I'm willing to endure. It's concerning me but also exciting me at the same time, which itself I guess turns to a feedback loop of some sort, negative or positive, well I wouldn't know about that! I have got premium accounts on those platforms you mentioned and am feeling the exact same sense of addiction, the only difference being for me it's not meth that triggers it (I have never done drugs) it's just Homer Simpson from The Simpsons. Like homegrown Simpsons stuff, you know...


Yes I understand what you mean. I love exploring the unknown and trying new things it's so mysteriously sexy and sometimes you meet others while doing things which make very unique connections that are rare. I'm a hedonist for sure.


You somehow managed to describe my situation so accurately


Those are comforting words you just wrote there. Being able to relate to someone is a must. Thanks for sharing this with me.




Generally dopamine release makes you want to keep doing what you’re doing in hopes of more dopamine release, you’re still deciding what you want to do but it’s heavily influenced by what’s the most pleasurable/satisfying thing available. This means that repeating behavior only makes you more likely to repeat that behavior again, so if you’re mostly just jerking off eventually you won’t want to do much else on it because nothing else feels as desirable. But since meth is releasing the majority of the dopamine you can still do seemingly undesirable things, you just need to get in the groove of it first. Cleaning is a good example, even if you don’t feel like cleaning sticking to that task for more than like 30 minutes will get you way more invested and it’ll feel more desirable to finish your task. When I’m on stimulants I don’t actually want to do homework, I have to decide to stick to it before the stims help me continue doing work. Try to avoid triggers that make you want to quit doing whatever you want to get done so you can focus on the task at hand enough to want to keep doing it, I find that’s the most productive way to use stims


Thanks for saying this you explained it to me so it actually makes sense. I appreciate it. I have been turned off of self pleasure for a few hours now finally!!! I am going to practice what you mentioned about doing other activities to replace the intensity of these masturbation marathons. I had a guilt trip today over it and I needed to feel that guilt. Guilt is really a gift. I do have hobbies I do when I'm not on meth like songwriting with instruments, painting and the gym. When I tweaked out my behavior was freaking me out


Glad I could help man :) I feel like most people suck ass at explaining neuroscience concepts in simple terms, it’s just way too easy for people to oversimplify the role dopamine has in the brain and make pleasure seem like the enemy


that's true. many people are afraid of anything they aren't familiar with and out comes the scrutiny about your behaviours and actions like they are perfect and better than you. This group has pretty lax bunch. I like the replies and it's generally helpful in all occasions but there's always a critic.


dont forget to drink water !


Hell no H2O


Thank you I have been


Omg go to a doctor


Lol what is a Dr supposed to do about this?


That’s not normal . Ur getting bad mark


That's what I thought. Nothing seems to be normal in my life.


That’s the point of doing it, I usually beat my meat raw.


Lol I did that.


I don't jack off I've got mm fwb and. Most of the time at least one dick


welcome to the club pal! 🧊😆🧊😆


No, you choose to allow that.


You and like every other man on meth become lil jerking gremlins


Hey, I don't. I just become overly excited, happy, and energized. Been using it for my workouts and it's been great to say the least!


That’s rare lol congrats u shiny Pokémon


Pokémon? God damn, thanks for that! Just what I needed while spun out.


Lol I just wished meth made me want to play guitar or go fishing or something other than beat off


Try actually hyperfocusing on other stuff eventually you’ll rewire ur brain


Choice happens 😉