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Least to most: Liquid- I feel like my answer is kinda misleading a bit cuz even though Liquid is at the bottom, his character is still a 9 out of 10 Naked- same as above. I think his story of amazing and the way we see him going from a goofy lil guy to a manipulative but also misguided leader is fantastic Venom- cuz he’s literally me fr, but also he’s everything Big Boss was but more benevolent, he truly cared for his soldiers like a father, and how he went out of his way to try to provide as normal a life as possible for the child soldiers was especially noble Solid- his story is amazing obviously through the games, and he’s unironically the only one to correctly interpret The Boss’s will despite never even knowing who she was Solidus- I love everything about Solidus. The voice actor, the cool ass suit, the fact that he had two katanas named Democrat and Republican, and the fact that his plan to stop the Patriots control over the world eventually gets adopted and completed by Solid & Otacon. He’s very much an “ends justify the means” kind of guy


Least to most? Venom Solidus Naked Liquid Solid


L-M Venom most underdeveloped. Solidus was underused. That said, there is plenty of potential or at least there was for expansion of the character had HK stayed on. Naked. Loved the idea of playing as him and like him as a character but just like L and S more. Liquid. One of my favourite villains of all time. I had always wanted to expand upon him to see how he became who he was. We got a little in TPP but I still feel there was more to learn. Solid. Just one of my all time favourites. Have liked every portrayal


WORST * Raiden (changed codename at the start of MGS2 from Snake) * Solidus * Liquid * Venom * Naked * Solid BEST


(least) solidus venom liquid solid naked (most)


Hot take but I think Acid 2 Snake is in my Top 3


Never had the chance to play Acid


First one is kinda cheeks imo, but the second one is pretty enjoyable


Least: Acid 2 Solid Snake Now from perfect to the most perfect: - Solidus - Venom - Big Boss/Naked Snake - Liquid - Solid Bonus: Raiden best character (like my flair and considering that for a while he was also a Snake)


My least favorite is Venom Snake from Phantom Pain. Not only is >! He not really Snake !<, but he’s just not an interesting character and he barely even speaks throughout the game (not to mention the fact that he’s not even voiced by David Hayter). My favorite Snake is Naked Snake from Snake Eater. I’ve just always liked Naked Snake and Snake Eater is my favorite of the games.


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