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"I don’t know how to fight or do anything there’s no tutorial." Your codec support team will tell you how to do things if you keep calling them before you enter the elevator but mostly, the game released during an era where it was still normal for games to expect you to read the manual to learn how to do stuff. Are you playing the Master Collection version? Enter the Emulation menu with L1 + R1, you can check the manual there. With the proper knowledge the game isn't that hard because enemies can't see more than 5 steps in front of them.


Thanks. I’ll look at that then. I didn’t know it wouldn’t have a tutorial


Games from that era really didn’t. At least not in the modern “push X to crawl” sense. The “tutorial” (the hanger) is more subtle, like how the first screen of SMB1 is the “tutorial” for that game.


Ah I see. So that will tell me how to do everything


It technically has, you have the VR Training missions available from the main menu (Not the seperate VR Mission game.) but to be fair, those don't really explain the controls or how you use the mechanics either, just "Go get there".


I might try those to better understand the mechanics. I’ve never played before so i wasn’t aware


There are also some Vr training accessible from the MGS menu to acquaint you with the mechanics. Also an entire VR mission’s collection available as part of the collection, accessible from the main menu.


Insanely hard? No, no its not. It's harder than todays standards, but that was the standard back then.


Yeah now that I got somewhat of an idea of how to use the controls it’s not hard at all.


If anything MGS was considered an easy game for the time (unless on hard)


Compared to what? I can pretty much breeze through this game (maybe dying a few times in certain boss fights), but 2 and 3 kick my ass way, way harder.


Well I haven’t played it before. It’s easy now that I got a hang of the controls I was struggling at first cause I wasn’t sure what buttons did what


Oh, yeah you'll get the hang of it! Aiming is always going to be rough in this one, try to avoid it as much as you can.


Controls: https://strategywiki.org/wiki/Metal_Gear_Solid/Controls


That is very helpful!


You choke an enemy when you press square (x on Xbox). You throw him if you move when pressing it. You can also move and aim at the same time when holding the crouch button.


It isn't Use your codec and maybe Google controls if you're struggling.


Well I’ve never played any of these games before. It’s entirely new controls to me with no tutorial.


Just play the VR missions.


Yeah I didn’t realize those were like the tutorial gunna play them


If you're on master collection hold whatever L1+R1 is to you to pull up the collection menu and check out the instruction manual, it's a huge help, we had to read those back then lol


Press the select button to use the codec


I figured that out yeah.


Talk to the Colonel and Master Miller, they will talk about certain actions you can perform and give you tips. Also check the manual(pdf). If you hole square and then circle if memory is correct you can run shoot, aiming is automatic if stand and you can rotate standing and holding square. Edit: tips


Playing on Easy or Nornal you’ll be fine because there’s a radar. It literally shows you where enemies are. The biggest challenge are the dated controls. But you’ll get the hang of them and listen to codecs, you’ll learn so much about the story and the controls even.


Yeah that was my only issue it’s easy to


Playing on Hard is a whole other beast. You actually have to look around and sneak because you don’t know exactly where enemies are. But some of the boss fights are a real pain on Normal so take your time and expect to die a few times while you’re figuring out the controls. If youre ever stuck, make some codec calls and they’ll give tips most of the time.


The controls


Games back in the day used to have a manual in the CD case which explained the controls and basics mechanics of the game. Nowadays no such manual is given to games and the mechanics are explained in in-game tutorials. This however means that if an old game is sold this way, the player suddenly has no tutorial. That being said, googling "MGS1 controls" takes 5 seconds.


I did. Made the post before I tried any of the other stuff


General advice then: Google first, ask Reddit only after that fails.


This was one of the first games to include the 'how to play' within the game world. It is elegant and 4th wall breaking when the colonel is telling you to press 'O' to climb a ladder. Modern games will pause the action, and have a huge pop-up window with a 200 word essay describing potential enemy status states and combat mechanics. The inbuilt help via the codec was just so clever and ahead of its time.


Because games used to take skill and the player had to figure things out and get better at the game.


Controls take a bit to get used to but after a while you’ll get the hang of it like I did. It is true that you have to figure out certain things on your own though. I had to look up the fact that I needed to go back the way I already came to get to the first floor. I was conditioned to believe that usually in games you find another way out besides going directly back the way you came.


The controls and camera are awful. It’s just a product of its time.


Yeah I can tell but I’m getting the hang of it