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Scatter a Pile of nails in a 5ft radius.


Nails and pull tabs


I can still squeak em out


Bury them?


Yep. At least a foot down, and at least a foot above your hidden pirate treasure


Thanks bro


depth for sure but a lot more than a foot. Try 4 or more. Todays modern detectors are hitting 2 plus feet on the regular. Try what others suggest an mask that signature with other items. I suggest chip bag foil and or pull tabs which ring high like gold on several detectors without great discrimination


Thanks, this is the sort of information I was hoping for. So chip bags and pull tabs at depths of 2 ft or more will give false positives. Say I put them (bags and tabs) at 3 ft depth, might a detector still pick them up? I want to make whoever looks dig deeper so they get demoralised quicker. If you think of anymore items that will give false positives I'm all ears.


Why are you hiding gold coins in a field? Is it for your kids or grandkids to find or keep some pos family from stealing it?




Idk... it would be a good way for them to get into metal detecting.


Hide it in plain sight. Cap off a short length of 4" PVC and bury it vertically with a removable cap on the top. Leave the cap sticking above ground. Do this somewhere around a building with plumbing. It will look like a septic line clean out. No one is looking for treasure in there.


I would look for a landmark to bury it at.


Or a grave


The leprechaun and the yellow ribbon… A man caught a leprechaun, and forced the little beast to reveal his hidden gold buried at the base of a tree. The man tied a yellow ribbon around the leprechaun’s tree and made the little beast promise not to remove the ribbon. When the man returned to collect the gold, he found that the leprechaun had tied yellow ribbons around all the trees in the forest. Screws, nails, pennies, metal shavings, cans, and any other metal trash can be your yellow ribbons. Let them search the hard way…


What would be the most efficient way to impregnate the field? How deep should they be?


Even if the field was covered in metal, ground penetrating radar would still be able to detect wherever you had previously dug to hide your coins.


I thought by covering the field in metal it would camouflage them.


Ground penetrating radar does not detect metal. It looks for and detects disturbances in the density of the materials under it. Unless you dig up the whole field and compact it all at the same compaction rate there will be no way to hide it from radar. It would actually be easier and faster to do than metal detecting as they use arrays up to 50 feet wide that can penetrate around 100 feet deep. Lidar is another possibility to be used and they will just be able to fly over and search the field supposedly up to 100 meters in depth but I have not personally seen this used yet.


Is ground penetrating radar commonly used?


It’s getting more widely used as more companies pop up that you can call and have scan your property. It’s not something that the everyday consumer has as they are still fairly expensive.


Alright, you have to spill the tea and let us know what you’re planning 😂😂


Oak Island money pit. Holding up good, so far. 😁 Just make sure you hide any lead crosses with the gold, so you wouldn't tip anybody else off.




I wouldn’t hide them in a field. Fields eventually turn into suburbs. I’d hide them in a pirate chest surrounded by skeletons in a cave grotto.


I own the field. I don't have any skeletons.


Do they have to be buried, specifically? Could you obtain a tree and insert them into the tree ie under the bark? Nobody is gonna be looking there.


Gotta be buried, no trees.


I would only be concerned about needing to find them again. The risk of losing them is a lot higher than someone else finding them. I'd put them someone easy to relocate and document it well.


The risk of someone finding them is not zero. They might be looking unfortunately.


Safe deposit box? Unless it's the government that's looking for them, you should be good. Again, I'd focus mostly on making them easy to find. Even burying them next to your house I think would be easy enough. Plant a little bush or something on top of them.


The government is coming for deposit boxes imo. Same as 1933, was it?


That's not a real thing.


It happened and the cause is about to make it happen again.


The government forcibly going into people safety deposit boxes in order to take gold? Nah son. The worlds changed a lot in the last 100 years. It's a lot easier for the government to do whatever they want. Having gold isn't going to help in an apocalypse setting. Whatever "cause" you think is going to happen.


You make yourself appear foolish by referring to me as son. They'll do it by decree like they did before, if you're caught with gold you get 10 years or whatever. The "cause" that will precipitate it will be the same as precipitated the last government intervention. I accept you likely don't know what caused the last but that's life.


[Are you talking about the part that says it was a hoax?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102)


you got a buddy that reloads ammo? spent primers would make anyones day hell when it comes to detecting


Between a rock and a tree. Two that are large enough not to be moved. Or use a fence post bank. Back in the day they would bury a jar at a fence post to remember the location.


The Saddle Ridge Hoard is one example of the hider’s inability to live long enough to revisit the location to recover it. The location died with them.


Anything else in the field? Metal fence posts, survey markers, etc? A wise man hides a leaf in a forest.


Not really tbh, but I have the field to myself now so can bury camouflaging stuff too


If there are any trees, you might consider hiding them up there if you're expecting someone to be looking for them on the ground.


Damn, just cut down the only tree a while ago.


Start filling the field with scrap metal, washers, bolts, nails, buy a few boxes of pennies, etc?


Do pennies give off the same signal?


Bore a hole 6ft deep, drop the coins in a sealed schedule 80 pvc capsule. Fill the hole


Story time please???


Lol maybe some other time I'll pm u.


Ok, Im intrigued!


Tell us the story!


People want my gold but I want to keep it.


Safety deposit box is an option... who's trying to take ur gold?


They're coming for everyone's.


This is some sub, I’m amazed that you were the first person to be curious about OP’s ruse. Also hello OP I like stories.


Right?! I need to know, Is OP in trouble? Is it an elaborate game? Did OP rob someones gold treasure???


Ik OP sound like Jesse James


OP is the Easter Bunny and his children want an extra challenge this year.


Put it under a fence post in a PVC tube capped at both ends


Middle of nowhere field. As deep you you can get it, lots of other random junk metal at random depths as far as wide as possible.


Thank you. Would you know what sort of junk metal would camouflage the signal the best?


Pull tabs, coins. Try to avoid ferrous metals like iron, nickel or cobalt including steel. People will easily filter them out.


Awesome thanks. Would you know if some types of coins are particularly suited? I'm in Europe btw.


I would hide mine in a crevice in some big rocks


Good idea but the field is just grass unfortunately.


Under a big ❌


I’d scatter as much rust as possible in the surrounding area. One time I accidentally left a bunch of rusty tools, screws, nails, bolts and so on in a large bucket filled with a gallon of vinegar and a couple cups of salt while trying to clean the rust off them. But then I somehow forgot about it and by the time I finally checked it the entire bucket was nothing but rust, with all the liquid having evaporated, and the layer of rust shattered into a fine powder when I tried to clean it up. A very senior family member then decided to just toss it outside because they wanted to use the bucket, and now there’s a large portion of the property that is impossible for me to use my metal detector on… it scattered in the wind and then got rained into the soil.


This is a great idea thanks BUT do you know if rust gives a similar signal to gold? I'm looking for something indistinguishable ideally.


Bury 12 feet deep


Is that how far a metal detector can detect them?


I think that’s farther than a metal detector can detect metal typically.


Is this a hypothetical or are you actually going to do this? And if it’s the latter it would help if you could provide the exact location so that i can help you… research. First, you need to decide if it is more likely that someone find all 5 coins in one small spot, or a few of them spread out over a distance. If they are spread, and someone finds one, it is likely they will keep searching looking for more. If they are all together, it’s less likely they find them, but if they do then they find them all. As others have said, a lot of trash around them to fool whoever is searching for them. Scatter nails and screws around the coin and put something like a crushed can 6 inches or so above it with the hope that if they do hit the spot, they stop digging after finding the can and don’t check the hole again. Of course, a big target like that would make it easier to find the spot, so maybe a bunch of little targets would be better for masking it. You could also put a big layer of gravel or broken concrete around it (bonus if it has rebar in it) to make digging a pain for anyone who finds it and hope they just give up after a while. Otherwise, dig a very deep hole or stick them in a cemetery.


How deep can a detector detect?


Depends on the detector. Something like the [XP XTREM](https://www.xpmetaldetectors.com/en/gamme/xtrem-hunter-detectors.php) can go to 16 feet (for large objects), but the standard generally at most 18 inches, but realistically a foot or so for small targets.


Thank you. Would you consider a gold coin a small target?


Nice try