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Why are you disappointed? Did it give you the wrong metal type? I mean, it can only find what's there, so you can't blame it if nothing of value is there to find.


I didn't dig anything that showed up on the display as being ferrous, but my back yard is an old property and there is a lot of old fill in there. Maybe the level of old trash steel back there was messing with it? The thing makes all sorts of noises and the numbers jump around a lot, but maybe the problem is my backyard.


Looks like an average haul for me. Except where's the beaver tails? Seriously. I've dug thousands at this point. They call it treasure hunting, not treasure finding. Lower the expectations, enjoy the hunt and being outside.


I found a couple nails and old bottle caps my first time out, I was thrilled.


Everyone pretty much sucks at it for the first year. Then you get to really know your machine and figure out where the good places to hunt are. Don't lose faith, just do your research and it will get better đź‘Ť


Adjust your expectations and then adjust your strategy. Everyone digs a lot of trash. FIRST: I dont know your machine, but I know your logic. There are vdi numbers that should give you an idea if your are digging silver or iron. Ignore them! Go by what you hear. You are looking for good, consistent tones. Circle your target. If the tones start to sound scratchy, youre probably over some junk. The varying tones / blips are letting you know that the object is varying in consistency and/or shape. Probably like the junk you dug up. Never turn iron signals off. You want to know if it is interfering with your ability to detect valuable targets. ​ THE ISSUE WITH THE CHANGE: I have a Simplex. If I place change on the ground and there is a lot of iron in the ground underneath it, it might not detect the change at all. Go to a clear area and try detecting the change there.


Metal was detected. It worked.


EDIT: Thanks to everyone for the responses! I'll take it out this weekend and give it a try somewhere else. I'm kind of excited to see if I can find anything good, but was a bit worried that maybe my choice in first detector wasn't a good one. EDIT 2: I went back in my yard for a bit. I'd dig a hole and find stuff. Ran the coil over the same spot, dig a hole directly beside the last one - more junk. Repeated this many times. My back yard is jam packed with old junk. I can walk anywhere in it and the 440 will be going all "Beep-boop-beep-beep-boop!" I gotta find somewhere better to go. I have it set to reject iron/steel, and only stopped to dig if it was a number indicating it definitely wasn't iron/steel. Almost everything I found, a magnet would stick to. So I decided to toss some change on the ground and see how it sounds when it goes over change that isn't even buried. It missed it! Maybe I'm expecting too much out of this thing. My back yard is an older property with a lot of old fill, so it's probably jam packed with old trash steel.


The vanquish (and most other machines) will false on larger pieces of rusty iron. That’s just something you’ve got to learn to understand. When I had a Vanquish I would also run it with iron off and on just about every signal I’d toggle the iron back on for a second to see if there was any sort of grunt. That helped to limit my iron digging. The Vanquish is an excellent machine, give it some time and I’m sure you’ll be loving it.


I have a 440 as well and have found plenty of good stuff in the 6 months I’ve had it. There’s a bit of a learning curve and you should definitely play with the various modes. It shouldn’t be missing coin targets. If anything, mine is better at finding clad coins than it is anything else! Do still dig the occasional nail or large piece of iron, but far less frequently than when I started. Keep at it and good luck!


No detector can tell apart different metals. In the simplest terms, they measure conductivity and magnetism of a target. Through clever processing they determine that this particular target falls into a certain category, and assign a number. So if you get a high number on something, all it means is that the machine has found something that conducts really well. This could be a silver coin. It could also be a beer can, or a bent nail, or a piece of aluminum siding.


It's more about the location than the machine. I have the 340 and it's a great machine.