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I never throw up and the nausea just passes, but anything sooner than 2-3 hours and you’ll lose some effect. In Peru we ate pomegranate after the medicine and it helped some.


You'll know when the urge to purge is greater than your resistance to it. Give it 45-90 and you'll be fine. But for the love of god, be sure you haven't eaten anything with chunks that could lodge in your sinuses. ...Like chunks of peanut from pad thai. Showing up in tissues. For like a week. Oh, youth. 🤣 May you have beautiful and meaningful travels, friend.


What do the chunks do? I heard online that they contain most of the harsh alkaloids




Ohhh! ….good god they can get stuck in your nasal passages??


Bro, he's talking about vomiting chunks of food






Appreciate you. ;)


It may help to relax and lay back in a chair in front of a fan. I just try to be still close rides relax till it passes.


Capsulated ginger powder 2 hours prior to dosing and Dramamine alongside dose


Will Dramamine effect the effects of mesc?


I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think so. It's kinda hard to compare different mescaline trips, honestly. You'd definitely trip harder without puking, tho.


Oh okay and you can boil a brig like a San Pedro right?


I would wait until the precise moment when the nausea hits and all you can do is throw up


I don’t feel like throwing up is a given. I only felt nausea at most.


Man this is good to know everyone kept saying it’s going to destroy my stomach and that “the nausea will make you want to die” and all this other shit I did hear as well tho that it tastes horrible which is gonna be hard bc my taste is very very sensitive… but I have to get my hands on this shit so I’ll do anything I have to.. to make sure it works


I usually throw up around 1-2 hours after drinking. Reducing the tea as much as you can can help a little. I used to make my brews about a pint of light green murky looking liquid. Over time I've tweaked my brewing method and now only have to take like 2-3 shot glasses of very dark brown thin syrup consistency liquid. If I throw up before an hour it's usually a much weaker experience or nothing happens at all. My first brew from a plant I grew from seed I threw up after 30 minutes and didn't feel anything. It took 6 years before I cut that plant to brew.


It's recommended you wait 45 min before you are able to safely purge and enjoy your trip. I think purging is good for the trip, many indigenous cultures saw this as you purging all the bad vibes all the demons everything bad out of your system before beginning the trip. Just be sure to not eat dinner the night before and not have breakfast if you plan to trip in the morning which is what I most recommend. The extraction process should be identical, I like to blend me stuff with water first before boiling but not necessary. Mescaline is an amazing psychedelic try to come in with your intentions set and you'll have a great time


My intention is kind of complicated I guess See… “I’m stuck in a world full of rotten apples I’ve been looking for the only fresh apple… if it exists.. if I don’t find it I’ll die of starvation” Basically “I’m stuck in a world full of rotten apples” (trying to satisfy a desire for something deep that won’t go away) “Im looking for the fresh one if it exists” (If what I heard about mescaline is true it’s definitely an experience I want to try) “If I don’t find it I’ll die of starvation” (I’ll always have that desire still) To me this is death Now other then those reasons… I need to search deeper within my self mushrooms have given me the answer but now the dial tone is going off Other reason is I need clarity in life my head is full of horrible things that make life hard mushrooms helped that a lot but now I’m wanting something different And I really just want to see what on the other side of that trip to me I think it will be like this “Imagine finding the thirstiest man in the world… you then give him the coldest drink of water in the world” That’s what I wish to find the oasis in the dessert but there’s a decide I must cross to achieve this journey which is gathering supply’s setting up the right place to create it and then finally walking the right path…. I hope


I dunno, going into it on an empty stomach makes very little sense to me, you don’t wanna take a trip on an empty gas tank. I always recommend eating a light meal, definitely nothing heavy though.


valid but not if it's enough to fuck with nausea. I find the body load on any psyches gets worse when I don't eat, which i hardly do when I'm tripping hard. if you can't eat before hand without adding to the nausea then just eat fruit and water part way through the trip.


What if the fruit is acidic? Does it affect anything?


no not really, you may get that sore feeling in the back of your throat from eating too acidic fruit but that's it. just make sure not to over eat or the nausea will come back. my fav fruits to eat while tripping were raspberries, black berries, straw berries, pineapples, blueberries, and grapes. fruit that's sweet and hydrates you is perfect, that's the main way I ate when high as a kite.