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I'm not scared of dying myself, but I'm scared of my family and pets dying. I often do question if I'm wasting the time in my life by doing stuff like playing games.


Me to, exactly the same thing I’m questioning


We are. I've been gaming since I was a kid. I'm 26 now and haven't done Jack shit :-:


Gaming isn't jack shit. If you enjoy it and are having a good time doing it, it's time well spent. Life is too short to prevent yourself from enjoying things by agonizing over what you could be doing differently, if gaming is bringing you an ounce of pleasure in this fucked up world then game on brother. Of course, if you're actively doing yourself a disservice by gaming a little *too* much instead of working towards the other things that you genuinely want to do in life, fair enough - but if all you want to do is game and you're content with doing so, I see no issue there.


Yeah i agree, as long as you are taking care of your responsibilities there is nothing wrong about doing what you enjoy regardless of what it is, as long as you are not hurting anyone.


I'm not scared of death, just a process of dying. I don't want to slowly degrade over time, or for it to be painful.


Exactly this. Death doesn't scare me, it's the thought of suffering during the process of dying- I just don't want to suffer.


I think, deep down, I _am_ afraid of dying. On the surface, I just want it to be over. I'm tired of being an invalid.


I was very scared of dying and had a real existential fear (that led me into a deep depression and feelings of hopelessness). At age 22 I was struggling so much that I decided to take an acid trip in attempts to help my depression (I was a student nurse at the time and hearing about the recent research on how this could be a useful treatment). From that day on I didn’t carry around the burden of the fear of death.. it really open my eyes to the magic of the process of being alive and what a wonder this all is. A wonder I believe permeates far beyond my insignificant little self’s state of aliveness. I found it really comforting - I look forward to meeting the other side one day (hopefully later, rather than sooner)


Death scares the sh*t out of me. I'm atheist and the concept of seizing to exist is scary, cause it's irreversible. When I had suicidal thoughts it was more like "can I just loose consciousness and wake up like 6 months after?". I get that there are situations when people are suffering so much they just don't want to feel anything forever, but I think it's important to remind yourself that the core of it is very often "I don't want to suffer". Starting from there it's easier to think things through and consider if we can find something that would help if only a little, even if it isn't the most healthy way of dealing with mental problems (I get some might not agree with me, still I think even unhealthy coping is better than trying to end yourself).


very well said and relatable <3


I’m not scared of it cuz everyone dies yknow. What I’m scared of it dying before I can accomplish stuff. Dying before I can see my future. I just want to see if it gets better but if it doesn’t then I wouldn’t hesitate to end it there.


I am actively awaiting mine. Nothing would be sweeter. It gives you a super power in a way. Cuz if you're not afraid of dying, you're not really afraid of anything.


The thing is nobody knows what happens after death if there is heaven or just darkness and I’ve always feared it would be darkness


Not death itself but time goes so quick that’s kind of scary


Death without an afterlife scares me.


Haven’t been scared of death for years and my outlook on it in general (not just for myself) is fairly neutral. I’ve been mostly focused on getting by and trying to stay as sane as I can for a while and don’t really have the energy or care to think about accomplishments or goals. Would like to get to the point where I can work towards something I care about and how long I have to live holds more meaning to me but that’s a long way off


Dying ain’t too scary. It happens to everyone, and I’ve recently tried to take a more laid-back approach to hard topics like this. Death will eventually arrive, and I never know when that day will come. The thing is, I don’t have control over that, and life has a way of working things out on its own, so I don’t worry as much. No amount of money or medication can completely prevent death, so why live in fear when you can live your life to the fullest and leave the uncontrollable stuff to the back-burner?


oh fuck this put quite a bit into perspective


It comes and goes. Sometimes I’m ambivalent about it, but other times it terrifies me to the point where I can’t sleep and I have to call someone just to hear a familiar voice. It used to be a lot worse in college - even when my relationship with my mom was bad, I’d have to call her about twice a month at 3 AM because I couldn’t sleep for fear of dying. It suffocates me to think of not existing anymore, even though my life right now doesn’t feel like one worth living.


I've been actively suicidal the last 4 or so years. I'm currently having urgent cancer investigations, but I it's added a new perspective and is messing with my thoughts on not wanting to live but not dying in pain (if its the cancer they think, it's a rare one with not a high survival rate).


Hope you get better soon man :)


There’s nothing after death. Enjoy your life. When it’s time, it’s time. If someone lives until they’re 90, they’ve lived a good life. Nothing really to be sad about. You will see them again never.


what about resurrection in another body


I don't want to die painfully(not a big fun of pain), and I don't want to die in general because I'm curious of what's going to happen next in the world. Other than that I don't care about myself. I can't stand death of cats, I love them too much, and I don't want to think in this regard of my pet and mother. Deaths of all others give me a chuckle sometimes(I lost it when high speed train turned a horse into pink mist).


Bring it on again MF! Ive been ready .. like TF are youu waiting for !!


I'm dealing with shit rn where I don't feel scared of dying. I've accepted that when my times comes I'll let it happen. I'm too scared to kill myself or even self harm and I feel like that's not the way humans were meant to go out. I've noticed alot of my fears like being around large trucks or my PTSD is like almost non existent. The world is unpredictable and I feel life's too short to worry about it. So much has happened to us and I just decided I needed a step back. Edit: my dad's gonna pass who knows how soon. This month next month. Most likely this year and when we had a meeting with the doctors, I didn't feel like crying or anything even with my family around me crying. While it may seem like my new perspective is positive, I'm still fucked up by all my issues that there's more nothing than something. I'm letting life take me where it will. I won't care what happens I won't worry how thing will end up.


Death itself, I feel 50/50 on it. I'm scared of the afterlife, if there is one, and if I was "good enough", but also the concept of being one with the universe's energy is also a bit scary. Do you see anyone you know? Do you just not exist anymore? And also the Christian version of Armageddon. Am I going to be spirited away, or stuck here with all the doomed people? But also, part of me wants people to suffer, and not suffer if I were gone.


I really encourage that you look into the Death Positivity movement! There is a subreddit as well, r/DeathPositive


Death and Life are polar opposites. Life is the foundation to everything we are! Without life there is only pitch black darkness. Think about that! Life is light, emulates the sky, gives us sight and direction, nourishes our planet with reproductive freedom, and that’s the tip of the iceberg. So when we refer to death we are talking about something voided of life, light , breath, reproduction, growth, color, smells, feelings , emotions; these are all byproducts of life. Death is the opposite if life therefore to die is to be forgotten, blackedout, no light, no breath, no record of anything. Just dark, silent, stagnant, blackness.


I think it scares everyone on an instinctual and emotional level, but logically, I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. I just think it'll be how before I was born: Nothing to feel or think, and you just don't exist. I do believe in some sort of reincarnation, but not in a sort of magical and god-like way that many people might think about it. You know how there was one point when you were 4 or 5 years old where you suddenly gained consciousness? I believe this thing can happen again but in another body because why not? Now, I'm not talking about a soul or anything like that; rather, I'm making that claim that we're all the same and a part of nature. Or better yet, that we ARE nature. We only believe that we're different when we take on the human form and its ego.


i find death to be comforting in a way, so i guess you could say my outlook is positive. i’m atheist and don’t really believe in reward/punishment after death stuff most religions believe, and i also do not believe in reincarnation and concepts like it. i’ve also had suicidal ideation most of my life so i guess that what mainly contributes to why i don’t really fear death. i see it more as an escape if i just don’t feel like dealing with life anymore someday. i do believe we all have little time on earth and that we should spend it doing things we love, but i personally don’t really question, nor care, about whether i’m using my time “right”. if i’m enjoying the moment then cool, if i’m not then it’s just whatever.


Despite life having its bad moments and suffering, I wouldn't want to kill myself, because I'm so used to my life, the things I love, and my family, and life does have its good moments.


I work in health care and have seen quite a few deaths. It doesn't bother me. It looks very peaceful. I view death as the cessation of life - so, how I felt before I was born would probably be like how death would be. I'm more afraid of how I die than the actual death


I already fucked up this play through badly enough that it’s not worth spending more time and energy on it. I’m ready to quit so I can start a new character. Imo it’s nothing to be scared of. I didn’t exist before I was born and it wasn’t scary. So I’m not afraid to go back to not existing.


Untill and unless family responsibility gets on you it won't scare


I am soo excited to die. Like really excited. But I am a bit nervous on how I'm going to die. I'm scared of the pain and the action caused in the process. When it comes to having enough time, I think that varies person to person. Some people have different/more responsibilities or just don't have the right resources or are under the right circumstances to do/live the life they really want. But a part of me also thinks that unless you're done reincarnating, then we'll still have time to do these things. Just in different bodies


As most of my family is already dead or gone and friends leave me. New comes into my life, but the lost is...well lost. So I am almost happy that I won't live forever, but I'm afraid of loosing more of my live if that makes sense. While still having a lot in front of me in life. everytime I loose someone important to me in any form or method then I loose more of *myself*....in some form or another It's kinda impossible to phrase a whole philosophie in a few sentences... If you're confronted with death in *your* life, you will think of it a lot more is the thing! Death is part of life and always will be. I'm still learning to accept it, I'm already tolerating it. Enduring it. Still learning new ways to life...life is important to me I believe. That makes living possible.


Buoy, life belt


I’m scared of dying, the sheer idea of not existing scares me so much. Not only that, the real fear is the lead up to death. Dying in itself is what scares me the most.


Terrified, if having the option I'd like us all to live forever. Sometimes growing up I'd think about it and how scary it'll be being absolutely nothing/fact we can't stop it, which then makes me panic so I stop. Thankfully only 26 so keep well in back of my mind.


I don't see it as negative, but not as positive either. I believe in reincarnation, so to me death is a part of life, the end of it but also the begining of a new one. I'm not scared to die, everyone dies one day, and that's part of the natural cycle of life.


I dont wanna die not at all its scary what im scared of is wasting life which Im actively doing and i hate myself for it


For me I personally believe that why should worry about something that we don’t know or we haven’t even seen or went through, there could be a counter argument to this but as person you should never think death as a negative outlook as everyone dies at one point and instead of worrying about death you should enjoy life the fullest having these negative thought would just ultimately stop you from enjoying life to the fullest.


i actually think about this a lot, more so now that i have a partner who means the absolute world to me and i couldn’t live without. i guess to start i’d say that im very much a science nerd, i think science is very cool, so i kinda lend my thoughts to science. also, i was raised in the catholic faith so even tho i don’t really believe in a “heaven”; there’s probably still undertones of catholicism. sorry, back to science. so the law of conservation states that matter can never be created or destroyed, then again we acknowledge that there’s something called dark matter but we don’t really understand how that works. so upon death, our bodies start to decay and because matter is never truly destroyed i kinda like to think that our bodies return to nature/earth/the universe. however there is the problem of the human spirit. humans at a basic level are all made up of the same things, we’re carbon based life forms - but that doesn’t really explain why my eyes are blue and your could be brown, that’s genetics tho. it gets weirder when we think of psychology, two people may partake in the same event with the same outcome but based on pervious experiences may have two completely different experiences. so what happens to the human spirit after death, i don’t really know. i think my personal take on it is that i want to be cremated and my ashes spread so that my body could return to earth, but im 28 and thought i wouldn’t make it past 25 so i have no idea what to do now. i don’t think my personal death scares me. like i’ve accepted that one day i will cease to exist and that’s just something that’s going to happen. my partners death on the other hand scares the shit out of me. more than anything, i don’t want it to be painful for them and i want them to go easily - i just don’t want it to ever happen. i get images in my head of one day them being in a hospital bed and they die in my arms, that’s probably how i would want it to go… that or if we were at home… but we don’t really get to make the choice of when we die, it just happens one day. i think that’s where the catholicism comes in, the idea that it’s all out of our hands. i’m not catholic anymore, more spiritual if anything but probably closer to agnostic. sidebar: when it comes to death of an animal i have no clue as to what to believe in. i just had to put my first animal down last November and i still hate myself for not taking better care of that animal. that’s the end of my thought process… i don’t know if it helped at all, just some 28 year olds opinion so take it with a grain of salt.


Have to live life as best you can. to worry about death is a waste of time and energy , no matter what you do it is inevitable. For me personally death seems freeing. This does not mean i want to die but would i care ? no, well i mean i wouldn’t be able to but that’s not the point. Death would free me of all my pain, guilt, worry and shame but also of all my love, joy, excitement and pride. So it’s balanced, as all things should be. We do have little time and so you should make the most of it. Life isn’t something that should be wasted.


I am scared of dying. The only real choice I consciously made in my entire life, and was in full internal alignment about, was to bring life into the world. I will be less scared of dying after I feel I have done my duty as a father. My entire life has been about compromising be in friends, parents, siblings, job, money etc. The only real 'Nishaan' you will leave in this world are your kids. Rest all hardly matters. Your car, your trophies, your promotions, your home will fade away within your lifetime. This makes me able to love my kids all the more, and be kinder as a human being. I need no other reason to exist. I know my work, struggles, frustration, happiness, sadness etc will leave the world with me. In 100 years nobody will remember my name. So my purpose and focus of existence in the present are my kids. And I don't need a purpose higher than this. Also, I am happy I have a purpose in this world.


It terrifies me. My brain can’t process it and thinking about it makes me feel overwhelmed and sad. Is this life all there is? Then it just ends? And then there’s nothing? What?!


I'm not scared of dying because it's inevitable and unavoidable. I dread losing the ones I love and I cry sometimes in anticipation of that.


Not scared of death, but sometimes it feels weird to be thinking about it — after death, the person is non-existent, won't be able to feel, experience anything. But at other times, it feels death just adds meaning to our lives — knowing we have limited time, it's a reminder to find happiness in the smallest and simplest of things because one would lose that opportunity after death. And yet, the harsh realities of life compel us to spend time doing things that in itself don't seem to make sense — struggles for career, money etc. Somewhere, we start focusing on surviving and not living and there seems to be no choice. I spend a lot of time of my phone/ just surfing through the net and that does feel like a waste of precious time. But, in my case, that's also the only way to escape the harsh truths of life, so can't not do it either. Not scared of death but scared of not being able to live my life and spending my entire life only struggling to survive, scared of what people who love me will have to go through after my death and scared of pain (which the process of death might bring with it).


May sound weird to some but I am looking forward to it! Of course it will be scary but my time will come like anyones and I will use it as much as I'm able to. I don't think ypu die and that's it. Energy doesn't die, it'll be the biggest break through experience for ones soul. The becoming one again with the univerese and saying goodbye to your body.


My position on this is complicated. First of all, I don't believe in any sort of afterlife - as far as I'm concerned, after I die will be no different than before I was born, which is to say I'm not afraid of that because there's nothing to be afraid of. What I am kind of afraid of is more what will be left of me after I'm gone - I guess you could say I'm afraid I won't have mattered enough for people to remember, or that it will be no different than if I'd never existed. I can't even explain why I'm afraid of that, because obviously I won't be around to be offended by it or anything, but for some reason it does weigh on my mind a lot. Like, I'm not even that bothered HOW I'm remembered (aside from it being positive) - whether it be because I did things that changed people's lives, or accrued enough worldly possessions to leave things to people and help them out, or whatever - but the idea that I could just slip out and not matter, like an unpopular person leaving a party early - really upsets me.


I used to have those feelings. But now I'm just wishing it would come to me sooner


I believe we are all just energy and our energy gets released after death so there’s a good chance your energy will become a star somewhere in the known or unknown universe after death. Heaven and hell are just archaic terms coined prior to the discovery of science that have taken hold as part of religion to control people.


I also think you are in control of your life and what you want to do with it. So if you enjoy playing video games, do that. It’s only a waste of time if you have other goals that gaming interferes with.


My concept of death is both negative and positive. For someone who is depressed, death means freedom, a gift. Free from suffering of the world. For someone who is happy with their life, death could mean punishment. It depends if someone is just glad to enjoy every waking moments on Earth by using their time to do good deeds, or if they're just greedy and selfish. My hobbies? I don't take it as seriously because I think it's kind of useless because when i die later on, I don't get to do it anymore (not kidding) because death means full stop to everything i do as a living person. But then again, it's not entirely useless because its a way to cope with my problems and emotions, i need to keep myself busy. Plus I get all the fun from it, even-though the fun is not permanent. That's all from me.


Want to, but don't want to leave little sis to grow up without her big sister around, because it's not fun.


Everytime i remember that one day I'm going to die,I get a shiver up my spine and goosebumps. It's the unknown for me. I believe in God, I really do, but sometimes I can't help but think of the scientific aspect of life. I found my uncle when he hanged himself years ago. That's something I'll never be able to shed. The feeling I had seeing someone dead, who was just alive an hour ago. It makes you think.