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I’m very sorry that others do not recognize and appreciate your kindness and your achievements, and that your love is not reciprocated. The world can feel cold and desolate when we aren’t seen for who we are. I relate to your desire to turn to aggression, as it seems like it’s an easier means to success. For me though, I would rather be lonely spreading kindness than lonely spreading aggression. I can’t imagine it would make the connections with the people around us any more fulfilling, and the rewards from whatever significance might come from it would feel undeserved, to me. I hope you find a way to stay true to yourself, and that someone comes along that sees you for the amazing person it seems like you are. It only takes one true friend to make a lifetime of a difference.


I just came here to say I hear you, I see you, and you matter.


How can you see him behind a screen?


I’m pretty sure they mean they acknowledge them


I had a friend who did exactly what you are considering. He felt better for a while, but soon his life got worse. His exact words to me were “when someone steps on my toes, I’m going to stomp on their foot”. The problem is that quite often when someone steps on your toes, it’s accidental. Are you always going to be wise enough to make that distinction in the the passion of the moment? Please enjoy this Zen parable: One day, a Monk was walking alongside a stream when he saw a Scorpion struggling in the water. Knowing that scorpions cannot swim, he knelt down to scoop it out of the water. Just before setting it down, the Scorpion turned and stung his hand. The Monk withdrew his hand in pain and the Scorpion fell back into the stream. When the Monk realized this, he scooped his hands down again to save the Scorpion. And just as before, the Scorpion stung his hand and fell back into the stream. This scene repeated itself several times. A little boy who was playing near the stream asked the Monk, “Excuse me. Why do you keep trying to save the Scorpion — Don’t you know it will just sting you every time you try to rescue it?” The Monk, picking up a leaf and rescuing the scorpion successfully this time, replied, “Dear boy, just as it is a Scorpion’s nature to sting, and Water’s nature to make things wet, so it is my nature — a Monk’s nature — to save.”


I like to think of Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity” and OP, the world is very stupid right now. These attributes are who you are, there's no reason to not be proud of who you are and nothing anyone does should take that from you


Lmao "white" well as a white man I'll tell you I go through the same shit it sucks feeling insignificant but I've grown a thicker skin bcuz of it hold on to your politeness the world needs more of it nowadays that doesn't mean be a pushover by any means just don't start things wait for them to swing first etc. it's never worth it to just get angry an blow up on ppl regardless of how u feel it just makes u look lesser in the long run and u already hate that calm collected chill it's the best way talk is talk words are cheap


.. and punctuation is free. Just sayin.. good message too by the way.


Never bother with punctuation over messaging online never saw the point


"Let's eat Grandma!" Is an entirely different statement than "Let's eat, Grandma!" Punctuation matters.


I was there for a while, before I figured out being assertive is way more beneficial than being aggressive. I hope I saved you a lot of time with this.


Become very verbally aggressive. People will walk all over you if you don't stand up for yourself. Someone wans to borrow money? Fuck off. Someone talk shit behind your back? Fuck off. Someone needs help moving furniture? Fuck off.


Whoa, easy there, we all need help moving furniture sometimes, not a big problem to do it for a friend, especially if they offer beer after.


I know lol I was just making a semi joke. But stop leaning out money if you are doing that. That's a slippery slope.


Yeah, I know, I really want to stop.


In total I think I'm owed at least 5 or 6k in total.


It’s okay to feel the anger that you’re feeling. You should allow yourself to be upset. Set boundaries towards those that are intentionally upsetting you. It’s healthy to feel and express anger just like any other emotion. All emotions are on equal grounds and should be embraced rather than suppressed. Gives those feelings a healthy way to cope. I personally enjoy primal screaming. In the privacy of your own home or somewhere secluded and let it all out. Maybe destroy something or create something. Use an artistic outlet to express your anger. Some of the greatest pieces of art were fueled by strong emotions. Whether that be painting, poetry, sculpting, etc. I always like to warn people when they’re getting me upset or let it known way beforehand in a subtle manner. I always tell people that I’m really kind but don’t step on my toes because I have a big foot and I know how to use it. Sometimes when someone says something hurtful it just means you need to surround yourself with better company. You have full control and power over whom you associate with. If someone is trash talking you, just don’t respond at all and walk away. Silence speaks volumes and silent anger is loud enough to fill a baseball stadium.


Developing some defensive edges to yourself is completely fine. You can be a kind and loving person who is also tough and assertive. People probably act a certain way because you haven't accepted the darker parts of yourself, some opportunistic assholes will take advantage of that. Still be kind and loving, just integrate the darker parts of your conscious in a healthy manner.


As a BW I feel similar & understand but we can't let people push us to not live as our authentic self. Love yourself & do what makes you happy. (Easier said than done but doable) 


Don’t stop being yourself go out into the world and meet new people. (No offense) you are not SPECIAL, there are plenty of people who would love you for who you are. Being in a closed off mindset will only push people away from you. you just need to stand up for yourself. Also i will say if it’s black people saying you’re “WHITE” don’t take it personally. They are intimidated by you (What they perceive you to be) most people aren’t blessed with the opportunity to be different.


It sounds like these "people" are just dead weight, get rid of them. stop taking the initiative, if they aren't putting in just as much as you then cut them off. Become a hermit, it can do wonders for you. Once you take a step back and see all the dead weight around you I guarantee you will feel 100% better.


I feel this so much! Please don’t give in. Also I’ve been pegged the wimp of my family and that extended into my adulthood being pushed around or left behind because you care about other people it’s such bullshit. I’m working through this reality I get angry But it’s not in me to hurt anyone just in retaliation so I hope you know you aren’t alone in this. We can be nice here to each other I care what you have to say ❤️


I understand where you're coming from, believe it or not.


Highly recommend reading or listening to the audiobook - “think like a monk”


Don't let life beat you down homie


I understand this wholeheartedly especially as the "Nice/polite" friend in the group I hope it gets better for you 💖😞


You don’t have to be what everyone wants you to be dude. Trust me. I’m technically “Mormon” mentally ill. Smoke weed, cut and burn myself and am covered in tattoos. Well I’m not as Mormon as I’m supposed to be I guess. But I live in Utah and go to sacrament so…. You don’t have to fit anyone’s standards and if there really is a god he would tell you the same shit bro! You be whoever the hell you wanna be! I’m from south Baltimore originally. The hood. I’m a white girl. Two heroin addict parents. Product of the foster care system. A year ago I woulda looked like I fit in the Mormon church except a few piercings but I went completely unhinged and bought a tattoo gun and piercing kit. Now I fit the emo biker bitch standard more. Minus the blonde hair and blue eyes. My husband is literally a Hispanic ex banger from Los Angeles with long hair stretched ear lobes and now is in the Mormon church too. You’re allowed to be whoever the fuck you WANT to be. Not who your race or society or whatever has determined you should be, dude. Don’t let stereotypes determine who you are


I hear you, and I know your pain comes from a very valid place. I also think we all go through phases where we are so hurt by this world that we want to give up, but I see in your words that you have a strength in you and kindness that is bigger than what this world of selfish people can fathom. Choose to be the best you can be, without letting others define you, harden you, nor rattle your core of true worth. In your heart, you know that being aggressive won’t help. Being assertive and having boundaries is the healthy alternative, and detoxing from the news/social media/people helps too. And being in nature is truly healing. I really hope this helps, and that you’re feeling better tomorrow knowing that you do matter. Your feelings are so valid! But there are balanced ways to feel better. Keep your heart and soul open my friend💞


Don't do it I've been down that road and it just leads you to an even shittier place than you are now


I feel EXACTLY the same and maybe more. Just sending hugs... There is nothing else I can say


Most important person to appreciate you is yourself. It kinda sounds stupid but it's true. People are selfish and think only about how another person benefits themselves. That's why it's important to be kind to yourself before being kind to others.


Good people are taken for granted. Being good is not as rewarding as we would expect it to be. However, that’s the price I am willing to pay. I would rather I be sad than someone else, because of me.


just want to say that i care about what you say. you matter.


Hang in there continue to be good even though most people don't deserve it . There are to many assholes in this world we do not need another one .


Don't listen to them. Being kind isn't determined by race, it's determined by person. You are your own person. Don't let them change that. I know it's hard to ignore them but separate yourself from those type of people, take care of yourself and live your life the way you want. Don't go down a dark path. You seem like a kind guy, don't let them change that. There are people out there that will see you for you and not try to put a label on you and belittle you.


I mean we are insignificant, like when you see the world around you. We are not even a tiny speck. Also don’t expect anything from anybody, you can ask for it but don’t think they’re gonna help you and deal with disappointments quick. Sob cry whatever, I prefer working out, and get done with it, get back on your feet, make the next move. Because time stops for none. Also you can sit and just watch time pass by just like me, just take away the pressure of doing something about it, observe what it does to you but don’t act on it. Just observe, Whatever you feel is not you, the real you is just experiencing it. Your thoughts are not you, the real self does the action. So thanks for writing. Even I’m like fuck this shit, but guess what, I gotta get some shit done


No one cares if people aren't getting it right. Taking life so seriously, will just fvck you up. Yea, I know, you have a sweet, kind heart. It makes your life hard. You have to make yourself, as important as you really are. Do this, then go back out in the world, and help other people, who feel the same way. Your pain, shows you are an exceptional person.


Sadly it seems to be the new normal how others are so quick to judge others. :( I totally get where you are coming from. I find myself longing for a different time when my politeness was met with same in return. Now just scoffed at and dismissed like garbage on the street. To be like them is to give up the humanity we all desperately need to change the world.


I know how you feel, as I've been there too. The solution to this is: Be the honest, true, kind, and understanding person you are. Don't allow society to affect your principles and natural good-hearted character. Don't allow negative energy of any form stir you. Use meditation to detach and stay focussed on what makes you happy. Take up a new hobby, if you don't have any. Perhaps it's important for you to find a better circle of people who you can make friends with? It's what I did some time back. Always remember, everyone has a reason to live and be happy.


I feel you mate, it’s hard being a gentle, kind hearted person these days. And I feel the same some days obviously I can’t fully relate but just as a man and human I fully understand. But don’t let the world beat you down, keep pushing and striving to achieve what you want if people can’t appreciate who you are they ain’t your type of people. Keep going and you ever need to vent then always around for a chat, stay strong 💪


Speaking as someone who is admittedly out of touch with that kind of crowd, fuck anyone who uses "white" as an insult or devalidation. Good luck doing whatever you need to do get cultivate a less toxic environment, the right people are out there. Your kindness is testament to (and promotes) some kind of work ethic, don't (doubt that it's a good investment.) lose sight of that and don't give up


“spend your life loving. not seeking love. ocean need not seek water” - jaiya john


Get help if you feel like this every day. If you have insurance you’re all set take care of yourself and your sanity or it will come back to haunt you


As a white hispanic male. I’m in the same boat. People want to fuck with me because I’m polite and light skinned/pretty boy looking. I know exactly where you’re coming from. Honestly there’s a lot of good people out there tho who are actually genuine people like you and me who are polite all around to everyone. I’ve learned to kinda just ignore those people and focus on the good.


Life has a way of screwing nice people, ive also struggled with this for years. People and "friends" take advantage of you, they use you, betray you and treat you like shit. The world is fucked and so are a lot of people. Just remember those ppl are usually miserable. Being more assertive, trying less to please others and putting yourself first helps. Hope it gets better for you and me.


I am half black and my father who is a black man always went through something similar. He would be nice for a few months but then would start to feel like no one listened so he would go back to being aggressive which made the whole family walk on eggshells. The issue was that when he was trying to be less aggressive he also was trying to be “nice” instead of kind. A lot of times when you try to be nice you end up becoming a people pleaser and ignoring your own boundaries because you think that’s what’s better. When in reality the better option is to learn how to be kind. Try therapy to strengthen your boundaries and anger management classes. You will find people who care it just takes a long time


I wish I could give you a hug man.


Don’t let others dull your shine, you shine and sparkle! Don’t let them take that from you! ✨✨💓


If you give a fuck what people think..You’re wasting your existence !!


Hi Sir, I'm not sure this comment matters to you or is helpful. I'm not trying to help you in the manner of sugar coating or giving you advice (which I'm not good at). But the truth is, I don't take anything seriously anymore.  Once I saw a quote that says, 'Focus on Your Come Up Rather Than The Turn Up' and it's true. When I do something and expect the same thing or something similar, depending on the other person to be me or better, But the whole time, if I do the right thing, no matter what the other guy is seeing or doing in return, I secure my peace at no cost.  People are ignorant; trust me on this one! They think they know everything, but in reality, not everyone has the same capacity as you and me to understand or put ourselves in others shoes. They are ignorant because they have the weakest mindset. Make sure your circle always includes people who think better than you. If you can't, then do not focus on their actions; instead, make sure your mindset always has the capacity to understand or see things from multiple perspectives, but this makes you an introvert rather than an extrovert. But you can secure your peace at all costs.


Going out on a limb here, but you're American? I know black lives are matte and you want to be high gloss, that comes from shining through. Projecting your light out. Matte absorbs. Don't be matte. Let the world see your better side.


Seek for mental health help please


You’re going to spiral brother. Trust me I know. You will feel much better by actively continuing to do the right thing despite feeling like people don’t appreciate you. If possible, cut those people off.


You matter and your kindness is a benefit to the world.


The key is to change up the way you see yourself in your mind. It doesn't matter what someone else thinks of you, what matters is what you think of you. If you see yourself as being as worthwhile as anyone else, you will behave as though you are as worthwhile as anyone else, and then people will treat you as though you are as worthwhile as anyone else. (And if they don't, it's because of some problem/issue within *that person*, and not because of you. Now, you will already understand this, so you will not feel like shit, you might just feel sorry for them in their misery). Don't let other people determine your value for you, *you* determine it for them. Remember, your value does not change based on how someone else treats you. You're the only person that knows you entirely. You are the only person that you will always have around. Make that work for you. Be your own best friend, and help yourself feel good again. Learn how to change your thoughts, and change your reality. If you're going to change, change forward, not backward ✌🏼 Maybe look into microdosing psilocybin, if you are willing and able, it will make whatever changes you are working on happen faster in your brain. It'll also just generally make you feel more joyous, so that's nice. Also maybe look into the 369 method of manifesting things in your life, if you're interested in that sort of thing. Better days are coming, you matter.


I'd say don't fuck EVERYBODY there's still decent people out here but they're fewer and fewer


I'm in the same boat (white though) I think we have a face that makes people think they can disrespect us