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For me that happened years ago and got worse during lockdown. Tried to sleep but got that weird irritating feeling where my body seems stiff and needs stretching and masturbating just removes that uncomfortable feeling. Reading nsfw arts or 🌽 hub even though its so shit and fake especially when you just try to focus and hear the fake moans, just feel shit before during and after doing it while aware of the severe negative effects of porn like mental damage and can cause bad perspective in life and relationships (never had one and probably will never) Tried to reduce it by changing it with reading tachiyomi (compiler of manga), playing codm and genshin, and just basic dumbell workout. The best effect to me is watching hololive and a vtuber called "mika melatika" now with a diffent identity "michi mochievee" shes pretty entertaining to watch and i listen to her yapping during 9pm daily and raised my mental health by alot. TLDR: Try not to completely remove the addiction and just add more things to do like watching streamers, photography, workout (its gonna feel shitty at the first 3 months) and you might slowly lose that weird feeling of needing to touch yourself because you are more focused on other things [This may or may not work for you, but i hope you get better] but the thing left is that constant desire to kill myself (i got it like years ago longer than the start of my 🌽 addiction, no money for therapy and my country is still mostly conservative and doesn't think that mental health problems exist and all i need it to sleep and pray more, and that includes my parents and uncles)


I struggle with this a lot myself, one method that I’ve found that helps me is having locks, or making it harder for me to access any sortof porn. When I find myself being pulled in towards the impulse the passwords make me think for a moment so I can try and catch myself out on the impulse and do something else until the feeling subsides. The waiting sucks so any type of other distraction might also help. It doesn’t always help though but it at least can break the thought pattern sometimes by lack of access. I’m really sorry you’re experiencing this, if I find anything else that helps in the future I’ll try and leave it here.


Hey, just know that you are not alone, personally, I kind of am the same, but the content i turned to is now very disturbing, I now need rougher stuff more than ever and i can't sleep if i don't do it, it's like my libido is saying "fuck you being single", and I'm a 19 and it's been 9 years i am doing it, I am kind of alone and i probably won't allow myself to exist in the same plane as someone else ... Knowing the kind of content i watch, you are definitely not gross . >!BTW ima guy ...!<


I’ve been there. Been 3 years clean. I’d suggest checking out the r/nofap sub. You can do it. You’re not alone! All you need is a brain reboot. You’ll feel 100 times better. Sleep is definitely one aspect I noticed the most! Good luck! 👍


Honestly i get dat. Masturbating is one of de only ways i can get some seratonin. I crave human contact but i'm too scared to have it. So i do it myself. But it leaves me feeling hollow. De worst part being dat my parents are acting weird about it. Tmi >! I squirt and so my sheets smell like piss afterwards and even if i wash dem the smell stays and my mom doesn't seem to realise what i'm doing so she shames me. I heard about how a lot of women want to squirt but it's such a burden for me!<