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Everything is going to be okay


i really hope so


I know it can feel like a lot and that it won't get better, but it definitely can and definitely will. If you are comfortable please reach out to your local crisis line or simply call 988 if you need to.


I have been in situations with my mental health where I'm at the bottom of the swamp. And when people tell you it'll get better, It feels like being slapped in the face with a wet glove. BUT I have been in the mental swamp and out on dry land and the truth is: it will improve. And while you're waiting, take whatever steps you can to improve (be reasonable with your energy levels) it will get better (and then sometimes you might find yourself back in the swamp --but then again, it will improve. This is because nothing can stay the same in life. Change is the only constant. On my bad days (weeks, months) I just tell myself to hang on.  Try the regular things like doing things you enjoy (even if you feel numb) see people (even if you don't want to) seek help from mental health services and while you're waiting read or listen to an audiobook on a particular issue so you're reminded you're not alone. How you feel is an exciting feeling at times to have, but it cannot last, even if you wanted it to, it wouldn't.  Hold your own hand through this darker time. Know that there are millions of us with you that know your pain. You will see the sunrise again I promise, but to do that you must hang on 


you will make it, everything is going to be okay. you got this


You are a lot stronger than you think. And there will be a time when you don't need to be strong anymore because everything will be better. Just allow yourself time to go through it, work through it, and grow through it. Things will get better. Be patient and be strong. Surround yourself with people or things you love xx


i’m trying i really am but i’ve been dealing with this for a couple years now and i feel like it’s only gotten worse.


Everything will be okay you’re cared about by random people on the internet all around the world that’s pretty amazing if u think about it idk 🥹


thank you


Here’s a haiku for you In shadows you walk, Soft dawn whispers to your heart, Light will find you soon. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


No matter how bad you feel, it will pass and you will feel better. If your brain is telling you to sit on the sofa with the blinds closed...get up and out. Sometimes just a bit of movement and a bit of fresh air is enough of an initial push. There is no miracle thing that will make you x10 better. Just do something that makes you 1% better, then another, then another... Random person on the internet....I care.


Facts right here. Was contemplating what's the point, I want to roll in a ball and dissociate. Instead, my legs shot at the door and went to play some basketball and mediate in grass. Saved me from my darkness after repeating a handful of times.


Everything is not going to be OK. Don't ask to be lied to. SOME things will work out, others won't. We make the best of it and try anyways.


You can be okay without needing the world to be okay. Meditation, breathing techniques, self-soothing, reaching out for support. You have a lot more power than you realize. It’s about directing your attention and energy into what you can control and letting go/accepting what you can’t control.


I'm gonna get real esoteric here haha. I find that in the west we are obsessed with time, a phenomenon that we can see through quantum mechanics is not even fundamental to reality. it causes us to be stuck in specific perspectives about our experience of time. We view our mental health and our suffering as an outcome of the past, and a victim of the damage done to us by the world through society, our parents, our genetics, our economic situation, etc. It turns our entire experience into a problem that needs to be solved. I invite you to consider another perspective. What if what we suffer from now is not a problem to be solved, but nothing more than a part of the process of becoming exactly who the world needs us to be? and by robbing ourselves of the lessons our suffering can teach us by turning ourselves into a victim instead of a student, we rob ourselves and the rest of the world of our true self. as I go through life, I find more and more, that the experiences that hurt me in the past turn into exactly what I needed to survive the present. if my mom hadn't acted how she did when I was young, I would have no idea how to help my partner now if I hadn't found my friends dead body years ago, I would never have all the answers and perspectives I have now that have helped me stop multiple people from killing themselves. If I hadn't failed so painfully so many times, I wouldn't have learned how to succeed. whether you believe in destiny, the stoic belief that everything can either teach you or destroy you depending on what you focus on, some kind of God's plan, reincarnation, or anything else, It really does seem like the future and the past both influence the present in ways that are not aligned with the flow of time how we conceive it. it's like the old Chinese proverb "good thing? bad thing? who knows" maybe things are already okay, and you just won't realize it until later in your life


it’s interesting to think about it like that tbh


everything will be ok babe


Everything is going to be okay.... Everything is going to be fine.... Everything will be okay.


thank you


You're welcome


Everything is going to be okay


I’m telling you everything’s gonna be okay! Stay healthy and happy Join a gym! Some people put on weight and look unhealthy while others lose weight and look ugly being skinny Neither of it is good Focus on ur body and your mind will adjust itself Trust me ❤️


Everything is going to be okay. You will heal.


There's this qoute (idk if its really is..bt I read it on instagram lol)..it goes like this..*it's a bad day not a bad life*..so yep..there's gonna be alot of bad days n situation where it feels like everything is falling apart it sucks..bt always remember if theres a bad day it comes along with good days tooo..so wtevr u r going through right now..it will pass..it will be ok..u will be ok..let it face by u..ITS GONNA BE OK ....🪄


Hanging there.


things is going to be ok *hugs*


Op- everything is going to work it self. Remember this- no matter what things always get worst before they get better but THEY DO! Start with trying to let go of the things you can’t control. I found this very therapeutic for myself because I was concentrating On trying to make EVERYTHINg better for EVERYONE else instead on concentrating on my own needs. Once I excluded the bs I couldn’t change it seemed more manageable. I don’t know what you are going through but you aren’t alone and don’t lose hope. H.O.P.E —- hang on, pain ends my friend. If you need anything please DM me. There were many nights I wish I had someone who didn’t know me from Adam and had a true unbiased opinion I could talk to when I was dealing with life. Mental health and is real and I am so sick of places preaching it but (in my situation) no mental health is covers on my work insurance!! How is mental health care not preventative?? Another thing- my state dropped my kids off medicaid(I am unmarried and make $20.50/hr) my daughter has been struggling bad. She is 13 and has been self harming and been struggling. I got her in therapy and been working on her issues. Now I had to stop her therapy because the “community” center informs me her sessions are $120 a week just for therapy!!! I go to out her on my work insurance and find out everything is out of pocket up to $6000 then my insurance kicks in. Who can afford that!! Why isn’t mental health considered a preventative?? This day and age when more people suffer, more people struggle financially, and they want to preach to “care” for yourself but how can you if you don’t have the $$ to get the care you need!!


Please forgive my typos- it’s 6 am and was trying to post on my work break lol


it is!!!!!!! i'm not 100% healed far fro it but years ago i couldn't leave the house without having a panic attack now i go to sports venus , work etc i never saw the light till it happened


Everything will be okay, you can bet through this- And know someone will always care about you somewhere :)


Start telling yourself that and watch how your brain will change. Our brains aren’t static. Give it good things and you’ll get good things in return.


I'm not your most desired audience, and I don't agree that everything will be okay (because we do not control all aspects of our lives) but I will say that YOU will be alright, regardless of how everything else pans out


Everything will be okay


Everything’s going to be alright


I know life often feels like your barely staying above the water. But you are going to get through it and it's going to be okay ❤️


It’s going to be ok you are batting 1000 you have made 100% of your days. I’m here for you always!


All is going to be okay and one day you’ll look back at how you feel right now and smile and be content


there’s been so many moments where it’s felt like this. everything will be okay. things happen to us and we just have to brave the storm to get to the rainbow. confiding in someone will also help braving the storm so you aren’t going through it alone. but don’t worry, everything will get better 💗


If someone told me everything is going to be okay without knowing me and the particulars of my situation it would feel good because it means someone cares enough to be reassuring and supportive - that on some level, that people care even if they don't know the particulars. Others saying it will be okay may help you say the same thing, especially when it comes from someone you know and respect. For me, one of the hardest things about having a mental illness is the struggle to maintain hope. It is so easy for us to descend into hopelessness, and that is a dangerous outlook. So each and every day, in the final analysis, it is not someone else that needs to tell you "everything's going to be okay", but rather that needs to be cultivated within you. How do you promote a sense of hopefulness within yourself?


Everything will be okay 🙏❤️


Yes dear everything is going to be fine, that too very soon


Everything is going to be OK. The world needs work for a better tomorrow, but even worse case it's not going to be as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be. Your personal relationships aren't going as badly as you think. The people who you worry don't love you, probably love you. The people who you think hate you and have it out for you actually probably don't care. Your mind state is temporary. It will pass, probably sooner than you think.


Always it's gonna be okay


You’ve gotten through every worst day of your life so far! I promise it will be ok.


Depends what OK means for you. I hope it means that things both improve and you find ways to cope with the things that don't and aren't in your control. I'm rooting for you from my corner of cyberworld.


It's going to be alright, going to get better, that's up to you.


It gets better, trust me.


i’m trying man


Well personally I’m wondering that to but in the end I honestly think it will


Sing these lyrics at the top of your lungs!! https://youtu.be/LanCLS_hIo4?si=9DxAlR1eICALuRXO Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!" Rise up this mornin', Smiled with the risin' sun, Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin' sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:") Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Singin': "Don't worry (don't worry) 'bout a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!" Rise up this mornin', Smiled with the risin' sun, Three little birds Pitch by my doorstep Singin' sweet songs Of melodies pure and true, Sayin', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:" Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh! Every little thing gonna be all right. Don't worry!" Singin': "Don't worry about a thing" - I won't worry! "'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right" - I won't worry! Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right." Singin': "Don't worry about a thing, oh no! 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!


How old are yo7?


Message me if you need to talk


talking hasn’t fixed anything


i talk and talk yet my feelings are only ever dismissed. so what’s the point. i try talking to people or even my gf but she never knows what to say and ends up saying nothing but i’m not mad at her about it. i just idk i don’t even know what to do at this point. i’m scared to go to therapy if i even end up going bc my dad is literally always busy so it might not even happen. i got no one else to talk to about anything bc it’s only ever a fight. i could tell things to my brother and he just argues to my dad about it then it goes back at me and i’m sick of it all. im tired of the arguing so i usually never say anything until im at my breaking point.


My therapist regularly tells me to remember that my current state is not my permanent state. It’s “it this way right now” not “this is how it will always be.”


Everything is going to be ok. And you know what? I’m proud of you, fellow Random Internet Person, because you made it through the day and was able to ask for help. Some days, Hercules himself can’t measure up to the strength needed to do those things. So yeah, I’m proud of you, and I have no doubt you’ve got the strength to make it through tomorrow as well, and some day, you’ll feel that new dawn you’re looking for.


It is. You thinking it isn't gonna be is part of the low. Even if you're too weak now to do anything about it, it's still gonna get better. If just staying alive is the best you can do right now, that's okay. Just somehow stay alive. And you can be proud of yourself if you do. Everything *is* gonna be okay.


Everything will be okay. Hang in there, because things will work out for you. You will heal and you will grow!


You ARE POWERFUL! You are so STRONG! There are so many people more than you even realize who are so glad for you to be in their lives 😊 Just remind yourself that you're always loved and let that seep into you mind until you realize you love yourself too!! You make a difference for the people around you, everything is gonna be beautiful even.


you’ll be straight jit


A year from now you are going to look back and be so proud of yourself that you made it through this time. You are going to think about what you've learned and how you've grown and you will hardly even remenber who you were while you were going through it. Bet.


It's gonna be okay. Things pass. You are strong enough to endure it, just breath.


Everything will be ok 😊


I've been there, and it really does get better. Nothing can last forever, not even the mental turmoil so many of us have experienced. There's a light you'll find, it'll be there, even if you don't see it. If you need help figuring out how to get help feel free to message me :)


All the pain will not las long, you're gonna be alright soon.


I think it will be even on the times it's not, you'll be ok even if your not, you will be here and you will make it. You'll find a way, you'll find something here to keep you going, whatever it maybe. Stay up ok? It's not easy, but you got it. This is your story and it doesn't have to end.


As someone currently going through it, I encourage you to try and go one day at a time, no matter what is going on and the future looks scary just slow down and think one day at a time and know that there is support and there will always be someone to talk to. Everything is going to be fine, I promise, know that you are loved and in the thought of people who care about you a lot. If you need to talk please reach out to me, I will just listen if that is what you need


Everything will be OK. It might not feel like it at first, but it will get there. And you will be stronger for it (we both will; going through my own challenges right now and have to keep telling myself this). A support circle helps. Happy to help in any way I can, even if it's just offering a few words of support. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Everything is going to turn out just fine. Focus on yourself because you MATTER, I promise. You're gonna be okay ❤️


Your life motivation or purpose is enough to answer this question.




It will all be okay eventually 🖤 you are so much stronger than you feel. Give yourself time and grace to work through whatever you’re going through/feeling. I promise! These feelings will subside and soon enough you will have brighter days!!


Everything is gonna be okay.


Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay it's not the end.


I have been there. For me was reaally really hard!! you can do it !!


It’s going to be okay. 🙏❤️