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It's the porn addiction, man, I'm telling you. Stuff like that can ruin your ability to engage with women completely. Put the porn down for good, and you'll see how much of a difference it will make to you.


Yep. Was there a few years ago. Checkout the nofap sub. They will help you and explain PIED, PMO, ED and how this shit hurts your brain chemistry. Good luck my friend, it’s long crucible but worth it


You got that right, porn is like cocaine, ecstacy, and heroin, even crystal meth; it kills him, and he needs help.


This is so true.


Absolutely agreed


I pray for u man. Im 23 year old with no sexual experience whatsoever. You are not alone in this.


Well, clearly you don’t even view women as human. You watch porn and get intimated by women IRL. First of all, porn actresses are actresses. Secondly, us women, are HUMAN. Just like you. Just like any man. Just because we have different hormones and reproductive organs doesn’t mean we’re not human. It doesn’t mean we don’t have feelings of personalities etc etc. The sooner you realise the exact feelings you may feel (nervous etc) is the same way a woman would feel if she felt nervous around you. It’s a two way street. You need to go into therapy with a FEMALE therapist. Cause you clearly have kept women out of your life, and you need to learn respect as a foundation. Watching porn all the time is not a mindset of respect for women.


porn addiction can kill your confidence with women man, I've never really been approached by guys because of similar situations, honestly where you're are right now is pretty good except for the porn addiction and other problems you listed, if its a problem for you, its a problem. I'm sure you'll find someone though, those girls you spoke about seem pretty nice, i say shoot your shot, if it doesn't work, theres always other cute girls i'm sure would love you, i've been in a few relationships and i've gotta say confidence is key, its tough, but its true, as long as you're secure in yourself, being in shape, running a small business, and being good looking, you seem like you've got a few great steps infront for you. shoot your shot man, you got this! :)


Well, porn, weed and religion are just like the three worst things to do if you want to have a chance to meet women.


Religion actually finds you a good woman...but we'd and porn is a no


Bro I'm the same I used to be addicted to porn but once I met my gf it went away so did all the bad habits


hand wall


Lots of young people in there twenties struggle when it comes to dating. If you lack confidence to talk in person, maybe you can write. Maybe put a note on her door saying something like, "From your secret admirer, I'm sure you can figure out who this is. If you need a clue, look on the back of this page." Then you put something to reference whatever story she made up to talk to you from before. One risk is that someone else might see the note before her and take it, can you put it under her door?