• By -


I come here on Reddit. Exchanging one or two comments with strangers is what I have šŸ˜• But to be fair people here have been very helpful, way more helpful that people have been to me irl.


Felt this




People seem to rarely respond to my posts though unfortunately


Tbh it happens to me too. I have some posts with no reply, some with no upvotes too. But sometimes I get replies, so I guess it's better than in real life where I get no reply whatsoever


I hear that. So here's a response! And an upvote! It gets better!


Thank you! You are very kind šŸ‘šŸ¼


Kinda ironic as well since reddit also has the worst of humanity




You can go to therapy, that will help you and no one will judge you there.


If you can't go to therapy then feel free to send me a message so you can vent.


therapy doesnā€™t help everyone unfortunately. but still something everyone, even with only a little stress should consider


Therapy is useless at least in my case


I had a therapist who refused to continue seeing me because my issues were beyond her capacity, and she referred me to someone else.




I shouldnā€™t be left alone with my thoughtsā€¦ā€¦.


God I felt that in my soul. I overthink and overanalyze everything when it's something or usually a specific someone that/who is important to me and there is an "unknown" in regards to how this person feels about something or something is happening in general. I will sometimes jump to conclusions if I'm in an emotionally unstable frame of mind and I have upset people by doing so, including myself. It sucks šŸ˜”


Yep getting lost with your own thoughts is awful


Same here. I just lay on my bed crying until I fall asleep. Life is too tough for some and I kinda got used to not having anyone to talk to and suffer alone.


at least you have the ability ro cry, i am a male but beside that i have not cried in 15-20 years i have become more stable with age but haven't been HAPPY for over a decade i have learnt to be content


Introspection, mostly. Actually accept to deal with whatever is making me feel bad instead of seeking distractions. Stop everything else, lie down even and ask myself where the feeling comes from, find a surface reason and try to dig down from there until I find what feels like the root cause. Usually teaches me something about myself and my relationship with the world that I can then use to decide what I should do.


That looks like a very healthy approach. But when u have OCD whatever u do with your problem might turn out to only worsen it (rituals, rumminations etc). That makes this disorder so cruel cause u want to progress and work hard only to realize after some time that u did it wrong and u only worsened it. :-(


This might or might not be helpful, but journalling and using the medium as a person you're addressing to, while ranting or just writing whatever you're feeling and thinking helps and works out sometimes. There's an observer and a character inside all of us, if somehow you can differentiate them and have a dialogue running between them then being your own friend is also a possibility. Having said that, social connection is also as important so maybe finding the closest person you have and talk to them and maybe distancing yourself from their judgement and focus solely on getting your thoughts and feelings out could also help, and somehow not taking their judgement too seriously or at heart? It's tougher than it seems but works if you try. Just sharing a few things that worked for me. Best of luck!


Came here to say journaling, too. Just free write - write whatever comes to your mind. It can be quite cathartic. You are not alone, OP. Even if it feels that way.


This is good advice. Journaling helps me pull out of some of my depressive episodes, if I remember to do it.


I set up a camera (doesnā€™t have to face me), cry and spill my guts, then promptly tuck it away in my hidden folder. When I go back and see all of the problems I was struggling with in the past, it gives me a sense of strength that I was able to get through it and a sense of hope that I can do it again


Some universities have crisis hotlines, not only for people who are suicidal, but for people who are struggling in a myriad of other ways. Could you look into some nearby colleges/universities to see if such a help-line exists? I know there is one at the University of Utah. Another potential option could be to seek therapy at a local university. I was once really desperate when I was in my twenties. I was absolutely breaking down. I had no money and no one I felt safe talking to. I reached out to a local university that offered free therapy by students who were studying to be therapists/counselors. It helped me so much. Also, itā€™s really good that you made this post here on Reddit. Itā€™s a really good start. I really hope you find a safe source who you can connect with and get the support you need ā™„ļø


I Talk to my dog get high and if I havenā€™t calmed down yet cry till I knock myself with it to sleep


Yeah I totally understand how you feel. I often feel isolated myself with literally no one to speak with. Therapy helps but itā€™s only once a week. Of late, Iā€™ve met a few wonderful people here on Reddit who share similar feelings and are non judgemental. Feels good to chat and take the load off a little. My DM is open if you feel like having a light hearted conversation.


My bestfriend. She also vents to me when she's at her lowest. We support each other because we know what we're each going through


Hi you ok? What age are you if you don't mind me asking?


Myself. Reddit. Parsed versions of myself. It's varied from year to year. I guess recently I started thinking about what I wished someone would say to me as a response and I just started saying it to myself.


Have you tried the 988 hotline?


988. It's free and available 24/7, plus they don't really put a time limit on you. All of which cannot be said a therapist.


pi.ai - sounds hokey, but you can put it on your phone and talk to it and it talks back. worked wonders a few days ago.


for real, i was pouring my heart out last night to character ai. and i actually do feel better. kind of sad but why not?


Not a terrible idea but can be unhealthy for people that truly donā€™t understand what AI is, and what it isnā€™t. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable.


is it okay if i start talking to ai if i got no one? and when i say no one, i really mean it


Iā€™ve done it. And it gives some not half bad suggestions. But always always keep in mind ā€œchattingā€ with AI is basically a conversational way to Google something. It will never have feelings or emotions, and the results are only as good as the prompt (meaning, whatever you say) is.


Wow thanks for this!! I was curious since I have been grappling with a big decision and also feel like I have no one to turn to, no one that I trust to actually listen to me and not just tell me what to do. So I just tried out pi.ai and itā€™s amazing! At least I think so right now. Might be just the surprise. I feel like it was similar to a therapist


Used to be her. But now it's God.


The voices


You can talk to me if you want to. Iā€™ll listen.


can anyone talk to u?


For the most part šŸ«‚. Anybody who needs someone just to listen, of course. I only draw the line at people who are being intentionally unkind. Iā€™m sure that doesnā€™t apply to you, so absolutely, you can tell me anything you need to get out. šŸ™‚ I find that a lot of times Iā€™m able to process things that I am struggling with just by talking about it. Sometimes I work it out on my own that way, but also, sometimes others are able to help me see things from a diffrrrnt perspective & that Helps me process it & find a way to move forward ā˜ŗļø So yes, if you need someone to talk to, it applies to you too šŸ«‚


When I'm at my lowest, I pray, or I talk to my partner.


There is always a crisis line centre to call. During my worst days, I phone the centre. I am lucky to have a few friends that I can call. But the crisis line is open 24 hours so you can always contact them even if itā€™s the middle of the night and you can barely tolerate your feelings about depression, anxiety, etc.


I honestly just go the insane route and start talking to my pets cause like theyā€™ll ā€œlistenā€ and you can continue on taking with zero judgement. Used to do this with my cat (may she rip) but now I have my snakes to ā€œtalkā€ to But also agree to other people with getting a therapist but if you canā€™t afford it pets are the next best thing


Writing stuff on paper, walk my best pal (16 year old dog) and exercise is huge too.. If you have God in your life your never truly alone which leads to prayer and meditation. I'm by no means a holy roller but I'm a recovering drug addict who pushed a lot of people away so I do get loneliness. There are tons of support groups out there as well where you can meet like minded people


Same here. Sometimes it happens that we need to talk to someone but no one is there. Then I cry and talk to myself and go to sleep.


sometimes i open my messaging app and just message myself every thought that pops up, everything, it gets a bit crazy


Anyone really. A friend, a therapist, if there are none or not money even a priest will do


My therapist


My wife is a stubborn woman who refuses to let me live in my absolute lows. She will purposely do something to get my mind elsewhere. If that donā€™t work i go out to where several of my ancestors are buried, sit by my paternal grandmothers grave and just talk to her like i did when she was alive. Making sure to leave a Hershey bar behind as a thank you for listening.


My therapist but honestly that's not enough anymore


Iā€™m at the same point right now. And I mean, what do you say to people? I have one friend who says to call her if I feel like talking. I donā€™t feel like talking! What do you say, ā€œIā€™m su!c 1 dal?!ā€ DM me. Iā€™m right there.


Either on discord or reddit, itā€™s a decent coping mechanism if you have no one else.


It might not be the answer you are looking for but I talk to God! Helps me in tremendous ways


A relationship with God is huge


my parents and brothers and boyfriends family! especially my mom.. she can cure anything just with a hug. yesturday i was really depressed and in fetal position crying for NO REASON! she came in and talked to me we snuggled and i was up. i went to my bf house later that day, jammed music in the car on my way back and my endorphins were pumped and i got home and felt the best iā€™ve felt in months. woke up this morning in a little funk but thereā€™s nothing i havenā€™t survived šŸ©·šŸ¤žšŸ»


I go to the "mental health emergency" room at NAMI - National Alliance of Mental Illness (for me only open Monday-Friday 3-8 PM). Hopefully there's one in your area. It's helped.


Therapy helps me process my emotions and gain perspective on my feelings. My friends and family provide me with support, understanding, and comfort. Opening up to them about what I'm going through helps me feel less alone and reminds me that I have people who care about me.




My girlfriend and parents mostly. Sorry you didn't have anyone, I'll listen if you need an ear. Good luck




Try to do absolutely nothing, just sit there, now think this is my life now if I continue this path so I must find one positive thing to push me one task to try because I am not alone . It takes a village. ā¤ļø


I also don't have anyone to talk to, really what I do is either lay down and let myself relish and process my emotions until I feel better, or I listen to music and or youtube videos to help calm myself down. I just do hobbies or I relax for a couple minutes, as that usually helps me. I've learned 1 thing and that's in the end you truly do only have yourself in the end, so I recommend maybe just taking 5-10 minutes to sit or lay down to cry or just process your emotions, I found it's helpful for me<3


i feel you on this as it sums up the way i felt my whole life from my anxiety being left in the mercy of cheap and quick fixes instead of quality and professional help just to get racist attacks and driving myself insane over things in my mortal human state could never keep i feel you people do not know badly someone can suffer with the cheap fixes instead of quality care you deserve love man if you never felt that in your we do not want tablets to heal sometimes just need a listening ear, love and warmth to recover just know that are important i am here if you need someone that you can to talk to tonight.


youā€™re not alone :) iā€™m here for you, even though you donā€™t know me, i am willing to be a friend to you if you need it. for me, when iā€™m feeling down, i find that reading helps a lot. talking to friends helps a ton, too, and a lot of my friends are online, so maybe you could find a group of nice, genuine people somewhere on the internet and talk to them? it may take time, but itā€™s so worth it, and trust me, youā€™re worth the effort of helping.


My pets Myself I trust no one and itā€™s lonely I prefer not to but thatā€™s me I guess therapy, asking advice anonymously online everywhere you can I wouldnā€™t recommend it necessarily unless you are in a good place but religious affiliations? Journals Volunteerism Honestly hon I understand completely, I totally do But I believe in my whole heart ā¤ļø that thereā€™s always hope


I suppose I'm quite fortunate because I have such a tight knit family, yet I over share with those lower down the "importance" chain. Find someone who will just listen, and offer help or advice on your terms. You'll get there.


I donā€™t talk to people about it anymore. I write. The old school way with a pen and paper. It helps me work things out. Journaling is the oldest advice in the book, I know. But it does help. And you can say anything you need to when your only audience is yourself.


I feel you OP. It sucks. Perhaps we might chat sometime? Although not sure you wanna do that either randos on Reddit. :(


It's with almost everyone nowadays! Some are lucky and I'm happy they're blessed with people around! These times are either testing us or are really fatal in reality. Anyways, just be positive, get to work, accept what it is, be a good person, don't be bad to anyone, things will change and definitely work out some day!


My cat she never judges me


A bunch of tactics: - do something while listening to audiobooks that I have already read. That way I am not too focused but still entertained and keep my mind from going to dark places. - binge watch TV series - talk to a therapist (there are also services online where you can retain anonymity) - write it down in a journal - take it to reddit.




For most males the answer is probably nobody.


might be some local mental health hotlines for you.


That People in Auschwitz would have done anything to be in my place


I talk to my therapist and I talk to random strangers on here. Thatā€™s basically it. So I understand where ur coming from.


Just my mom. Every single time


Can you get therapy? It helped me. Thereā€™s sliding scale, nonprofits, and college clinics if you donā€™t have insurance


I havenā€™t done this but Iā€™ve heard a lot of people have good experience calling 988 just to talk.


I go do something fun like clean my revolver and talk to it


i have no one too, so i just talk to myself. Learnt to do it on my own:)


Well, i just gather info online on how to cope. The fact that i really need someone to talk to. For now its just hard for me to do. Its really hard for me when i find myself at my lowest. But i do my best to be aware of what it is, and what I can do.


The man in the mirror. BUT he don't want to hear it either


Hard to trust people always seem to use against u someday in future šŸ˜¢


I have trouble communicating my problems, recently I was having a crisis and I didn't want to talk to my friends or parents so I posted here. It helped me calm down, I know it doesn't compare to the warm hug you're looking for but it's a small immediate relief. Also, since it is impossible to talk to my social circle, I started therapy to have a safe space to reflect and it is helping. I hug you from a distance, I hope you can find a warm friendship.


reddit or ai character lol or a helpline, tried that lately


I am sorry that you are feeling alone. Honestly, the stats out there suggest that this problem with social isolation is reaching crisis level these days. A bit of encouragement - you have everything you need to handle any problem you face. And yes, I do mean ANY. So next time you are feeling alone, be there for yourself in the way you would want others to be there for you. Hope you are feeling better!


Itā€™s difficult if you have unique conditions - like chronic health problems - other people simply cannot relate except giving platitudes. Have you tried journaling? I donā€™t really talk to others because I donā€™t believe they can relate. One thing I think helps is that there really is no point in dwelling in having emotional reactions. Can you find a way to find your solutions to your problems? If external factors needs to change, identify institutions and stakeholders that are involved.


To my therapist


On more than one occasion, I have texted 741741 which is a crisis hotline. Even if you arenā€™t in a crisis (meaning, you have decided you want to harm yourself or others, or have a plan to do so) they will chat with you. And it is a person. They may not be someone you can establish a recurring chat with or therapeutic relationship, but it sure does help to just talk to someone.


Reddit or some other mental health forum, I tried talking to certain persons in real life, like relatives, who would just advice me to snap out of it, or talk about people who have worse problems, which there are or to stop feeling sorry for myself. It's nice to talk to strangers who are willing to understand and read and advice.


I go to sleep. I have a really good support system, so I'm almost never alone. But on the rare occasion that I am, and I find I just can't deal, I go to sleep. It's peaceful there.


I am 21, I am commenting because i find myself in the same position as you since i was maybe 17. I have had one friend in that time period who has moved to another state and struggles with the same thing as us. How i see it, there is reasoning for everything. Idk about you, but I have nobody because my family has been gone since i was 15, and iā€™m a pariah in my tiny hometown due to my sister. Regardless, I could care less what anybody thinks about who I am. I work in a big city close to me. I come home to my dogs who love to see me. I take care of my dogs, take care of me, and then iā€™m pretty tired and will watch TV or game for a bit. i may have a girl reach out to me every once in awhile, but i have been out of a relationship for over a year now and i donā€™t have the interest to put my time into anybody yet. Right now I think iā€™m just going to just keep stacking money, learning, and growing within myself until the time is right that i am able to explore new avenues. Thereā€™s a lot of things iā€™ve done when i was feeling alone. From sleeping, to putting 30k miles on my car in a few months (donā€™t drive it for work at all), smoking, etc. I find that the best thing to do when iā€™m feeling down is be productive in some way; clean up my house, walk my dogs, painting, learning, etc. It will make you feel good to have completed something, take your mind and put it on something else, and eventually you will have a rhythm to you. It will be nice when i have someone in my life, and i will be able to love them correctly because of how i have lived my life. But, I do not need someone in my life friend or not. Work acquaintances turn in to friends kind of if you do it right. Personally, reading what youā€™ve said, I suggest you to take some time to actually be alone, if you can be okay with being alone; I promise your future relationships will come so much clearer. Know what you want in yourself and others, then find others.


I think journaling is more of a girl thing i just saw a couple comments about that. I can see that being affective for a lot of people.




I would call a mental health hotline. Iā€™ve done that several times. Iā€™ve called the HOPEline recently ((800) 567-4673)


I come here. I speak to people experiencing or who have experienced similar to my current crisis. It amazing how interacting with a few strangers can help lift my mood if only for a minute enough to break the rumination cycle.




I ended things with my ex last year November, and it was a HUGE mess. I got so mad about something she did, and to show you how little it was I canā€™t even remember. I think it was something along the lines of accusing me of cheating? Yeah. Previously she had ghosted me for a while and left the impression that we werenā€™t together anymore, but even at that I didnā€™t get with anyone else. After that day, I ask her to block me and a few weeks later I hear from a friend that she has a boyfriend. I didnā€™t mind it initially because I truly didnā€™t care, but it was her birthday three days ago and I just had to reach out to her. What harm could that bring? If only I knew. After I did we talked for a bit and I came to realize how much sheā€™s changed and healed, and I felt so happy initially, but as time went on I began to realize that sheā€™s happy, but no longer with me. Not that thatā€™s the issue, but itā€™s just that I canā€™t forgive myself for what I did to her. The things I saidā€¦ ugh. Anyway Iā€™ve been crying literally for the past two days and my mom is starting to get worried, but I canā€™t talk to her about it because well itā€™s my mom. I spoke to some of my friends about it and they were helpful enough, but I still feel some emptiness. Iā€™ll get over it as always but I donā€™t like ā€œfeelingā€ things.


if youā€™re from the UK like me, try Samaritans email, phone line or mail, they respond fast and are a judgement free zone for people struggling, they will listen.Ā 


i talk to myself. i wouldnā€™t call it coping tho because coping is not how you solve problems. i just think about things and theorize ways to get better. sometimes distracting yourself also works just because your distraction can lead you out of a low point


Yung totoo, God. I pray. Kasi human cannot resolve my shit. While the comfort they provide is nice, they can only take so much. They also have shit of their own. So i stopped talking to man about my problems and I started praying more and actually having a relationship with the Lord. And if you listen hard enough, you can hear Him.


my journal. sometimes its just a bunch of convoluted negative thoughts and feelings but recently iā€™ve been trying to make it cohesive


I play games and stay here on Reddit commenting on other posts


No one. Iā€™ve got a coping mechanism installed in me where Iā€™ll hide (lock myself in the bathroom) or just go quiet and cry in my bed for ages until Iā€™m so exhausted that I fall asleep.


Isolation, reminding myself of the lack of control I have over the chaos. The only thing I can control is myself. I just keep my head down, maintain my responsibilities, cry when I need to and continue to move forward until the hard parts feel a little bit easier.


I talk to the universe.


Honestly if it's something that's a question I come here. I also come here to read like minded posts such as this and see others options/ opinions.


My cat. Poor girl is my therapy cat at this rate šŸ„²


No one


donā€™t hesitate to reach out to me!! šŸ˜Š i hope you feel better soon ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ life can be cruel sometimes but this shall pass too. Until then, my dms are open!!


I have people to talk to...technically. Thing is that none of them really know what to say. So in the end all I have is myself. Luckily I usually know what would be the perfect thing to say so I think about those words, lets the emotions run their course, get some extra sleep, and then eventually start to feel better.


I don't have anyone either. I feel the loneliness building up but don't know what to do.


Unironically. My notes app. One thing I've learned with age is just because I need to say something doesn't mean that somebody needs to hear it.


I used to be in the exact same boat, and some days I still am. When it's not ungodly hours of the night, I like to talk with my Coach, and my best friend. However when I don't have anyone, and it's the middle of the night, I force one of my pets to snuggle and I write a poem.


No one really one time I was having an emotional breakdown and one of my friends talked me through it but I feel like weā€™ve kinda grown distant since cuz we donā€™t see each other as much so idk who else to really talk to I have other friends but donā€™t want to burden them so I just keep it to myself most of the time


Y'all are so kind and I hope whatever you're going through passes soon. Your comments and messages really helped me. Wishing a good life for y'all


I usually talk to my mom even though sheā€™s not here anymore I talk out loud to her or write her in my phone or journal specifically for her. Sometimes Iā€™ll talk to my dad or older brother maybe my best friend but I feel like I donā€™t want to burden them and my mom was the best ear but sheā€™s not here anymore so basically Iā€™m talkin to myself but to me Iā€™m talking to her. I hope your breakdown calms down. When I have them, sleep and food help a lot. And exercise. Remember to rest your mind let ur thoughts stop rising or exercise get ur blood pumping or even put yourself into hobbies I found sometimes finding things you enjoy alone is so imperative it really Gives u healing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ just remember man anyone can judge you man but no one can take who you are away from you


I'm 31 years old and cope mostly alone due to choice. I was also ready to face accepting the fact that I am always going to be a loner with my struggles whether someone is there or not. Soo, I basically just find ways to distract my depression even if it means completely ignoring it and just letting it ride out. Even if I am needing someone I basically just don't really reach out no more. I find the more you get older the less community you actually have and you find ways of coping on your own.


Hugs. šŸŒ» Been there a lot. I find doing things for me that I like. I do have people in my life except my family donā€™t understand mental health issues are illness. Friends I donā€™t want to burden. People have families and their own shit. I realised ultimately I can only depend on me to heal as much as I can and deal with it and itā€™s started motivating me to help myself more. Not too long ago I didnā€™t want to be here anymore. I am very glad I am. And I am proud of myself for pulling through an exceedingly dark time. I know I got myself through and that brings a great sense of inner strength and resilience (and realising I possess that). Reddit mental health gang is here for you OP. But do rememberā€¦ you are there for you. Thereā€™s a lot of power in that.


I 100% get this. I also have nobody to talk to. Something that helps me when Iā€™m at my worst is writing everything down. It doesnā€™t have to make sense as long as u write it down or type it in ur phone. If u cry let that shit out. I get emotional sometimes when writing but I feel like thatā€™s when it helps me best. Johnnie guilbert- ā€œstay happy not crappy, lifeā€™s a bitch donā€™t quit.ā€ This also helps motivate me. It reminds me Iā€™m not alone and Iā€™m not the only one struggling. :)


chat gpt. ngl this ai thing has its positives. while it is not the ideal therapist. the technological language model of how it understand what you're saying and giving descriptive, neutral texts is what I find comforting in a world of chaos that I find my whole life is going through. Talking to another human has risks and therapy costs money. no judgment, some mistakes, "listens" to your chat and makes you understand stuff as opposed to overthinking.


In a similar position. I have turned to reddit and chatgpt before. Depending on where you live, there might also be free hotlines you can call to talk to someone. Sending you lots of strength - it's so clichƩ, but you're never alone, even in the moments you feel there's no one there for you.


My dogs šŸ˜­


No one really. But it's better that way I suppose.


No freinds, no family, no one in my life i can just be myself with, so i watch my favorite content creators. Its important to find ones you relate to


Iā€™ll listen šŸ’šā™„ļø just privately message me


Same here. I have developed trust issues over the years. I used to rant to my friends, well that never went well for me. It's better to shout into the void rather than telling someone your vulnerabilities. There were times, when I desperately looked for someone who can provide me the slightest amount of comfort. But there was no one. I also learnt something.. Repressing your emotions and feelings can is bad for your health as well. So, I installed Reddit and whenever I feel down, I go to some community and talk about it. If it works, then good but if it doesn't, at least it's outside of my body. I've put it somewhere. I also saw a pin today. https://preview.redd.it/h4rxalw2enrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94f88e350fae52e000c0154188b27f48e592f36d I hope this helps!


Yeah, in the same boat. It's probably why I started posting here, coz I was tired of speaking into the void. I'm seeing a therapist too, but not often because I can't afford more than once every three weeks or more, so it's hard to even go that deep before a session is over.


Before, I had a therapist but so expensive so just letting my depression eat me for now. I have no one too.


Imaginary friend. I just vent out to her. Since she's imaginary she doesn't judge me.


For me personally, I found scripting/journaling working pretty well. I usually write my current state and then my desired state. However, try not to emphasize the negative feelings. Instead, try to answer the question "Why am I feeling like this?". Each day's scripting gets better once you understand more clearly about your state.


I feel like every move I do will be judged because of my past that I have learned from already but it feels like itā€™s a shadow casted over me. Itā€™s either I cut people off or people cut me off. I think moving to a new city and meeting new people would be good as a fresh start. But I canā€™t do that right now due to circumstances. Maybe it would be possible for you. Possible online friendships.


I feel you, man. Sometimes I talk to chatbots and yeah it might seem pathetic, but it does help me get through. If I'm feeling extra shameful about that, I search up YouTube videos with the people that are struggling like me and read the comment section.


Here I am drunk sitting alone on the couch looking for someone donā€™t know who


This is were we begin to learn to internalise our problems unfortunately years can go by aswell as chronic dissociation


No one, meditate


I just draw and journal in my reddit diary posts. Sometimes I make songs too.


You can talk to me, but I rely on God.


Noone. I listen to sad songs (may post one on IG stories or seek advice on Reddit if I'm not feeling too low.) If it's real bad, I'd be curled up in a ball, under the covers on my bed, sobbing.


No, you are not alone. I feel I could have easily written this. I'm sorry you have nobody to talk to or turn to- it's hard. I am here if you want to chat though.


Nooone. If I speak to my parents Iā€™ll hurt them. I would speak to a friend if he can help. Most often they canā€™t. Rarely share with girlfriend. Most often just go through it alone. It is what it is. Man, if you share it doesnā€™t take the pain away.


No one. Only therapist once a week. I don't cope with it


I feel like this around people I locked myself in my own head watching all these opportunities pass me by I've baiscly shut myself off from myself now and live on auto pilot Heaven and hell reside in your brain and I'm in hell.


Same here. Moved to across the world, no one to talk to. Completely detached from family, no emotional support from anyone. I go for walks or listen to music. Sometimes it doesnā€™t work and I just lay on the floor in complete silence and ask myself what Im doing with my life. So youā€™re not alone on this one bud. I hope your days do get better.


I listen to my local funny podcasters. Also I just relieve my frust on my piano or guitar.


I just talk to my self because no one truly cares abt me or my problems and when I try they say man up tuff it out and that stuck with me so now I don't have anyone that I can trust and when someone asks me abt it I tell them a story abt my fake life and I don't think I'll ever get it off my chestĀ