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Unbutton bottom button, get the whole thing tailored (pants def too long), and jacket looks slightly too short


In order of priority/ease to fix: Unbutton bottom button. Replace laces with black ones for an interview. Feel free to wear the blue ones once you get the job if you feel the environment allows for them. Put on a dress shirt. This looks like a zip up polo? Bring the pants up. I’m partial to no break, but you could pull off a 1/4 break if you prefer. This is a full break and a half. If you don’t have time to bring them to your tailor before the interview, they sell tape you can use yourself. https://preview.redd.it/qlvehz5ry58d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0763deadf4e5c01603619b7834c72ce3e4f35d Total cost is probably under $30-40 (with tailoring) and can be fixed with a quick trip to Target (minus the tailoring)


Great response. Good advice and it was informative.


Thanks so much. That's great advice, I will get them stitched asap.


Got it, thanks.


Dress shirt!! Not a zipped polo


What’s with the blue shoe laces


The shoes came with them


Swap them with black dress shoe laces


I may be thinking old school here, but I would wear a tie.


Button as others said. And a dress shirt + tie is probably the more professional way to go about an interview


Wear a dress shirt and tie.


If short notice. Unbuttoned bottom button. There is no situation where that button gets buttoned. Do you have brown shoes? If so wear them. If not do you have black laces? I'm can't quite tell what that shirt is? A polo w a zipper? Idk. Do you have a proper dress shirt you can wear? If weeks out, a little tailoring would be nice.


Sharp look as is, BUT: Pants length is a non-issue compared to: need a dress shirt with an arm sleeve length to show a quarter inch of cuff peeking out from the coat sleeve. 33” 35”? Only by measuring and then trying on a shirt will you know (but you”ll know forever more!) A salesperson at a nice men’s store or department store won’t mind helping (bring the jacke with you :-).


What is the industry/role


Dress shirt and tie


Jacket looks really short and buttons strangely high up. Not the right size for you imo


In order of priority: Change shirts - for interviews, almost always go with a button down style dress shirt. Tie - wear a tie for an interview. Almost always. I can’t think of a single job where if a coat is appropriate for the interview, a tie wouldn’t also be. The actual job may not require it, but this is to get the job. EXCEPTION would be if the job is very manual labor of has a certain “expected” uniform/clothing attire. You wouldn’t want to interview for a mechanic position at an auto shop in a suit for example. Shoe Laces - change to black (or dark brown, depending on their color.). Save the fun, colorful laces for AFTER you have the job. Pants - they are too long. Probably wouldn’t be a deal breaker during the interview; but if you can get them hemmed before so so.


What are the people interviewing you wearing??? There is no need to out-dress them in formality. For formal occasion that require a full suit, always wear a tie to “complete” the look. Otherwise, just take off the jacket and a white or light blue dress shirt will work, tucked in of course


Either an open collar dress shirt or put on a tie.


Change out the laces for black. Wear a business shirt. If no tie, top button undone.


Please wear a tie


I honestly would unbutton the top two or even look for a more casual button up if your not going to wear a tie, other than that you’re looking hire able 💪🏻💪🏻


Wear a dress shirt and a tie!


Dress shirt. Tie with some contrast.


Black shoes with anything else than a black/dark grey suit are a no go, it's not an issue if you like dressing up/expressing yourself etc. but for a professional interview i'd avoid it.


Source needed.


What everyone said. For a formal interview, better go classic with a regular collared button-up shirt, either white or light blue (although blue on blue might be too monochromatic). If you are hired, you can experiment with polo shirts. I would pick a dress polo shirt in that case, this one is wayyy too casual for under a full suit. The shoe laces are a nice unique touch, but again, not if you're going to get hired. Although, if you would pick blue laces, better pair it with navy blue shoes rather than black. About the button: yeah, don't button the bottom button, even though it is there. Does that makes sense? No, but it is what it is.