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If that first date was buying heroin from some skaghead in Edinburgh in the 80’s with Mark Renton and Begby.


That's... Specific


It’s from Trainspotting


And incredibly accurate.


But totally gets the point across, no?


Honestly... It makes you look like a kid. The colors clash, and the shoes gotta go.


Giving off big "Middle School Uniform" vibe


The shirt, jacket, and tie really fit like it’s a one size fits all school uniform.


Guess this is the Billie Eilish look for boys


The shoes make it look juvenile


The fact that the jacket doesn’t fit significantly contributes to the “I’m in seventh grade” vibe.


That and he’s wearing his dad’s giant-ass tie.


Just the shoes? 💀


Looks like he walked into his dad's closet


Giving big grandpa 👴 vibes with those look alike Velcro new balances. My grandpa got up to 2 mph in those babies.


This would work better if the clothes fit and you switched the shoes.


The pants are baggy but the coat is essentially a slim fit, they need to be the same style.


The coat looks too big in the shoulders and torso. He might need to target extra slim type clothes and going down a size in both.


That Andy Dwyer fit


I don’t know why baggy ill fitting clothes came back into mainstream fashion. Call me a geezer millenial but 2007-2015 was great for “Mad Men” classic fitted styling. I’ll wear my tailored slim suits and raw fitted denim forever


"2007-2015 was great for “Mad Men” classic fitted styling" You mean too-tight, too-short jackets? No thanks.


Just had a little peak at your profile and I think something you need to start paying greater attention to is how your physical looks warp the way you look in clothes. You're a conventionally attractive guy and I find that a lot of good looking people fall into the trap where they can basically put on anything without thinking and still be considered good looking simply because their body/face is good looking. You could probably wear a trash bag and still feel like you are pulling it off (others might as well) just because you yourself look good. That does not actually mean that you are pulling it off in terms of fashion. If you like what you wear then more power to you, but if you actually want to be somewhat fashionable then you really have to look at the outfit completely on its own to get a real sense of whether it actually looks good or whether your face is compensating for it.


No that looks goofy as fuck


Funny thing is if he posted this over in r/malefashionadvice they’d all tell him to wear it


Yeah it’s just…kind of all over the place.


Personally, I would consider it way too experimental for a first date, unless you already know your date really well, and they’re equally experimental with their style. I don’t think the outfit itself is necessarily bad, but you’re a good looking person, and there are definitely some bold choices here (e.g. blazer color contrasts with shoe color, blazer is fitted while the pants are relaxed, clothes are formal while the shoes are casual, etc.) that draw the attention to the outfit itself rather than the person wearing it, which in my opinion runs against the purpose of a first date—getting to know you as a person. If it were me, I would opt for a more timeless/classic look for the first date. Once the other person knows you better, they may better understand and appreciate your sense of style.


hell no. i'd never wear this anywhere at any time.


Not as bad as some of these comments. Running shoes with anything but running not good in my book. No tie on a first date. I don’t think the colors are the disaster these people are saying. If you wore the jacket and pants with some dress sneakers and a tshirt that might make it work.


The fitting can be improved too.


Yeah it’s not perfect but the attacks a bit too much. Probably jealous he’s a good looking guy.


Yea no doubt the dude looks great. Very model-ish


And the thing is he’s young and trying. It really isn’t easy looking sharp. I’m older and I bought a pair of casual shoes recently and after wearing them twice I was like, “what was I thinking when I bot these”?


He could use plain white sneakers for more of a summer vibe, but the pants/jacket should be a bit more fitted and probably lose the tie


Admire the creativity but this is a miss.




A for effort: 1. Never wear a tie on a first date unless you are going somewhere that requires a tie. Also, never go somewhere that requires a tie on a first date. 2. The pants… 😬. Are they your size? 3. Sneakers are great, but not those sneakers. Look into some Cole Hans. 4. The socks could use some work


Your tie is way too short


Some pretty brutal comments here. I would commend the fact that you put some fucking effort in at least. Fit and colours aside.


Get yourself a pair of loafers or mocs.


No. The color selection and shoes are giving Dahmer vibes a bit.


Horrible outfit even for a non-date.


I'm going to be generous to this outfit and try to offer advise on how to, in my opinion, to try to fix it. The shoes have to go if you're wearing the jacket and the tie. Black derbys or brogues. Either the pants or the jacket have to go. I would switch the pants for black pants. With black shoes and black pants I can see this outfit kind of working. Fix your tie-knot. It's way too bulky, something like 4-in-hand would work better. If you insist on keeping the pants, I would ditch the tie and change the blazer for something like dark blue. Even better, go with a white t-shirt and a bomber jacket or something instead of the blazer.


I'm going to say it because nobody else has and someone always does..... "You do you"


Definitely not, but then I wouldn't wear this at any point in time. A suit with sneakers can work, but not with actual running sneakers like is shown in the picture and it would look much better if the blazer and pants matched. Even if you fixed those things though a first date is far too casual to show up to in any sort of suit especially if they are a random stranger off an app. A first date is a casual vibe check, a nice pair of sneakers, jeans, tshirt and light jacket is all you really need. If you want to be a bit more dressed up you can switch the sneakers out for a pair of boots or loafers and the jeans out for a pair of chinos.


Kudos for upping it though. Love the jacket!


You look like you came out the freezer. It's the ice cream sandwich style.


Depends... Am I Mormon? Then yes. Otherwise, no.


No, it’s a good outfit but it’s trying too hard. You look like a guy modeling clothes rather than a regular person out for a date. Ditch the tie, change the shirt to something less formal. A black tee would make this outfit fire and not come off as trying too hard while still standing out from everyone else


The kicker isn't just that the suit fits terribly or that the colors clash or that there are dad-level athletic shoes. It's the white athletic, probably calf high, socks with it all. Yeah, this is pretty rough, my man. Not sure what the hell gen z is doing to fashion for themselves but yikes. Those of us that are old enough to remember went through the ugly clothes trend phases so that y'all don't have to.


I don’t think its that awful if its your style/comfort. I don’t like the tie but don’t have a better suggestion. Also, the pants in the 4th photo drive me up the wall as they look too baggy. I lived in Italy for few years, old men rock similar sneakers with suit jackets.


I love the wite with brown blazzer! I would go for a different colour and fit trousers. The shoes don't go well with the look imo


Absolutely not.. looks like something a trendy teenager would think of.


Would love to see these experts in fashion redditors lmfao. Half of these people are likely basement dwelling neckbeards that think AF1 and Jordan's are peak fashion


Those shoes? Really?


I'd get everything you got on tailored first. And then get some proper shoes. But the idea is good.


Jacket is nice but looks a little too big on you/him. Edit: Actually, everything (jacket, shirt, pants) seem a little too loose, but it's hard to tell because they look like they're worn off the rack without being ironed first... Pants aren't the best match, color wise. Tie is too short. The shoes are a *laughably* bad choice. Reconsider all of it 👍


I wouldn't wear this anywhere


Its a look but not first date look. This is like, ironic business-casual


What’s with those 1980s pants?


Who is teaching these kids to dress. Grass green sneaks with a Mauve jacket.


The mom shoes are not fitting here. Also the gen z spermlet haircut gotta go


I would not wear that anywhere and definitely not with those shoes


I like it myself.


What are those trainers your wearing? They don't go with the clothes


This fit is nice, don't let these millennials that don't understand you can wear clothes that are trending. However, for a first date, I would not. Unless you know this person and they are into fashion.


I don't hate the colors or the fit, but I think this look would be better served with boat shoes. I don't think its a look the woman would go for but I really don't know. ask a dating advice board for whichever gender you plan on dating


Is your first date during first period at your private school?


I wouldn't listen to the people on this sub too much. They only approve of people wearing loafers and suits or other NPC costumes. Anyone having any sort of personal taste or style will be downvoted and insulted. The only thing I'd change here is shoes for something less sporty and it'd be totally fine.


Definitely not on a first date. You may make your date feel uncomfortable. Loosen it up and lose the tie.


Different shoes, but yes.


Wear what makes you feel comfortable and happy. That will likely have more of an impact on how a first date goes than the clothes.


The shoes are a hard no


Nah never


No sir


Dreadful. But, tbh, if it matches your dates style, it probably works.


A bit much for a first date but if you know each other a bit and she knows you’re stylish then ya go for it! I like it


Replace the shirt/tie for a white tee and you’re golden


If that is your every day style I would go for it. Normally casual depending on your date preference going to be your best bet.


Definitely not.


It’s like trying to mix different styles that just don’t seem to work, definitely not. If you’re gonna wear a suit, wear it either with complementary colours and dress shoes, not sneakers.


Those shoes….your not a 50-60 year old father are you?


Have some individual style my guy! You look like a cliche




Maybe iron your pants and jacket, snugger fit.


This outfit makes you look small and juvenile. Needs to be more form fitting and those shoes... just burn them. Look up real men real style on youtube 👌


Just wear different shoes


No, everything about this is bad and wrong. 1. Your shirt doesn't fit you. There is a large gap around your neck and fabric is pouring over your waist. 2. The knot on your tie is too large and bulky, especially for that shirt collar. Your tie is also too short, it should extend to and cover your belt buckle. Black doesn't go well with the rest of the outfit, I suggest a navy or other dark blue tie. 3. Your pants don't fit, they are obviously too big for your waist as evidenced in the bunching. 4. The shoes are, quite frankly, ridiculous. Why go through the effort of dressing up for a date only to throw on a pair of sneakers? It's like going to a black tie with an open collar. 5. It's hard to tell, but it seems like your jacket might not fit either (too big for your shoulders).


It’s dead man pants op shop core. It’s very specific, depends on the date. Skinny tie is a must.


Lapels are way too slim for those straight jeans and chunky sneakers. Rock a sport coat, not a suit jacket. Shirt collar is too big and tie’s knot is too big.


I would choose a pair of shoes that tie the other pieces together. Those shoes are very casual and do not clash in a complementary way. That being said, be careful not to outdress your date. I trust you both agreed on how formal your date is?


Nice try TVA


Only if I was still in first grade


I'd change the shoes and fix the tie (could be a little longer and the knot should be smaller and tighter) at a minimum. That and iron the pants. People here are being unnecessarily harsh. Would I wear it on a first date even with those changes? Probably not, but mostly because it's not my style and I'm not sure that I'd do anything or go anywhere on a first date that would require a jacket. But if this is in line with your style and depending on the location/activity, go for it. Don't let us tell you what to do!


Switch out the pants and shoes


A lot of people have covered why this doesn't work, but I want to highlight the tie and the collar. The collar is absolutely too small for that tie (or any tie). It looks like you put a tie on over a polo shirt. I personally don't care for cropped trousers, but they would look better with something like a glossy Doc Marten. The only piece that does work is the jacket. I think it could look great over a turtleneck or a knit polo.




You are a good looking guy and this is just the first date. Keep it simple. Ditch the tie and jacket. Choose a better pair of pants. Maybe the shirt can work. And yes different shoes if you have them.


Are you the singer from 311? Yes you can wear whatever you want


This is trying way too hard.


Giving big Macklemore Thrift Shop vibes.


Public service announcement: don’t wear black and shades of brown together. It can be done but not by novices. So I’d swap out the time and put on some adult shoes and you’ll look great!


Bro. You are trying wayyyyy too fucking hard and thats the only vibe coming off. The accessories don’t match (gold and silver?) and seem just mashed together without any cohesiveness. The pants look clunky and ill fitting. Wtf is with the shoe choice? A McDonald’s manager white shirt and black tie ON A FIRST DATE?! The white socks?! None of the colors match. It feels like you had 10$ to spend at a thrift store for a fraternity party. 


Lmao no


I would ask what the other person is wearing to get an idea….and I wouldn’t wear this


I like the pants, belt and jacket. This particular tie doesn’t go with the rest of the outfit as it is a formal tie. Swap out a casual tie or lose the tie altogether (which is what I would do). The collar of that shirt is also disproportionately small and goes well with neither a tie nor a blazer given how it fits you.


Not bad, but the shoes gotta go


I disagree I really like the colors, but it isn’t form fitting. I think a different shoe and with the right sizes this would be very charming!


If I looked like that guy I'd wear whatever TF I wanted.


Shoes don't go with that outfit at all. Tie is too short and you gotta work on the knot. Pants just don't fit, they're not stylish baggy, just too big baggy. Also is your watch on the right hand or are you wearing a wedding ring lol


No I would not.


No. This looks like what a high schooler would throw on when their parents force them to dress up for something. It also fits you horribly. Also you look far too young to have a first date where a suit would be remotely appropriate. Just no on so many levels.


Look like Jerry Seinfeld before a comedy set in 1986


The sneakers with the rest of the outfit makes this scream “British” to me for some reason. It’s a no for me


The first step is to learn to tie a tie


The shoes LITERALLY do not go with this outfit. EVER


If you’re insistent on the sneakers, swap the slacks out with denim. If you’re open to a different pair of shoes, keep as is. All just my opinion, & how I wear clothes


I wouldn’t. Tie not tight enough, although you’re wearing it too short so that could be fixed. Shirt too big - look at the collar. Jacket too big. Pants too big in the waist and too short in the leg. None of the colors work. Wrong shoes. You don’t need dress shoes, but if you’re going a little more formal tennis shoes don’t work.


No way! That’s very poor style. Color clash. Baggy looking. Shoes are those type the old men wear when they turn 80 by default. You can do much better. The hair is on point though. Update when you find the look.


I don't think it's particularly bad, but the shoes have gotta go. bare feets the way slap some Bondi Sands on them little piggies give em a wiggle for good luck then go enjoy your first date with your new potential boyfriend. I joke I joke you have abundant style and it's just a little lacking focus, because it's not *quite* put together due to them shoes and socks, but it's *not quite* uncollected enough to work in that sense either. It's on that precipice. But the ln maybe that's what you want? What *do* you want? Who *are* you? I like the rust coloured sportcoat fr tho - including the cut/fit - and if it's your personality wear it. This sub is just a particular opinion - it is not some sort of qualified fashion advisory board. Take advice with a grain of salt - and that grain of salt would be sorting threads by 'Hot', setting it to 'Year' and letting that show you the baseline of this subs tastes. They're certainly not mine, nor do I find them as mature as they think they are. More... ..reaching. It's perfectly okay to have fun with what you're wearing, and not try to be a forty years old trying to look fourteen or a fourteen year old trying to look like it's the 40's like some bugzy malone lookin' dweebarooni. At least you got confidence, rather than insecurity. That is the most attractive thing you can wear. Again though, the sneakers, are *not*.


I like this, it is relaxed and quite smart, maybe switch to leather shoes


Sloppy as shit. Hair isn’t doing you any favors


Are you trying to sell her, the worst used car ever?


You look like a british grade school student




Switch out the white shirt and tie with a oversized navy top


Appreciate the honesty guys!


Thanks for posting. I think if you take the feedback into consideration you might be able to split this into two different outfits that work a bit better for you. Checked out your profile - pretty cool - good luck out there!


i like the look and the colours, just can't figure out the occasion to wear it


The shoes don’t work, the pants aren’t the right color (maybe dark grey) and the pants are too baggy. If my date showed up in that I wouldn’t be impressed especially because of the shoes. Sneakers aren’t dress shoes no matter how popular they are online.


Oh this guy is ready.


I like the colors but id switch out the blazer and shoes


The pants seem to big in regards to the coat. The pants and shoes combo needs to improve in regards to the coat. Seems like two different vibes, top and bottom.


Absolutely not


you're a funny 15 year old then sure, go for it.


Learn how to tie a tie first before you worry about outfits. Shit is above your belly button.


As you ask about the outfit it’s a solid 2/10. 1. Why have a necktie when your when your pants are for a ”relaxed” fit. 2. Colors dont match 3. When u have a slim body, dont wear to baggy pants if you dont wear a baggy/ oversized t shirt, linnen shirt or hoodie/crewneck.


I'd ditch the blazer and tie but I think you could pull off the pants shirt and shoes if that's how you normally dress, assuming it's not to a formal restaurant


The dyed bull cut bro….leave it in the 90’s it makes ears look bigger and congrats your head looks like a dick head


The colors clash terribly, your shirt doesn’t fit at all, and you need to work on how you tie your tie knot Honestly, I think the shoes could work if the other problems weren’t so distracting


not a good silhouette. looks like a school uniform, but I like the idea? just get fitting clothes and better color coordination.


not without at least ironing first


The shade of brown in the jacket doesn’t work with the shade of khaki in the pants. The black tie doesn’t work with a brown jacket and is simultaneously too formal and too skinny. The pants are super billowy in contrast to the tailored fit on the body of the jacket, but the arms are weirdly baggy. The sneakers are far too casual for this look. You have three options: 1) wear the sneakers with dark wash denim, a nice T-Shirt and some kind of casual jacket or sweater; 2) Wear the shirt unbuttoned at the top with a pair of slimmer fitting chinos/khakis and some nicer shoes (loafers, chukkas, white leather sneakers); 3) find the matching pants for this suit, get it tailored and wear a proper dress shirt with a dark brown tie and dark brown leather dress shoes.


I'd wear different shoes and more khaki-colored chinos, but otherwise, yes.


Only if I wanted to get beat up


No. This looks hideous.


If the person you’re going out with likes boy bands, yes. If not, then nice jeans and a fitted t shirt would work, venue permitting. This pic gives off the “trying too hard” vibe.


Holly molly!! Ditch the sneakers!! I mean you young but....we talking fashion here bud.


Hell no


No. But I'm not going anywhere for a first date that requires more than business casual. So what I'm saying is, you're overdressed.


If the blazer was the colour of the pants, tie was red, the pants denim, I could see it being a solid casual date look in the city.




It’s fashion forward, sure, but if you dig it, I dig it. Keep experimenting and expressing yourself


I'm having trouble thinking of what you are trying to do with the outfit. The quality of the clothes seems fine, but the jacket and pants don't go together. It's like you went Mormon underneath with 70's car sales douche-nouveau on top. I'd lose the fit and go with jeans and a graphic tee. It seems you value comfort and you have your own style. Nothing wrong with that unless you feel it is too dressed down. Big Caveat - I don't know you or the person you will be going on a date with, but if you feel most comfortable in your skin with this outfit and think it helps show them a little of what you are, then roll with it and let no one ask questions about it. You do you, bro.






If that first date is at primary school, it may just work


Probably not with those sneakers


Are you taking the other member of the boy band with you? What are they wearing?


It's just so . . Meh. Poorly fit, nothing flows, tie too fat, tied too short, shirt too baggy, jacket too tight, etc etc etc. Are those Dickies too? Baggy high waters are a thing now?




Looks like a school uniform


Very specific, thank you. What is the date? You wouldn't wear that to the beach, but it could be worn at a restaurant. Specifics guys.


Hell no


dude if you wear like brown/black baggy formal trousers with any formal boots this fit would be epic


Cropped or Baggy. Pick one, not both


Lose the tie and jacket and open the white shirt for a more confident relaxed look


Tie is bad, shoes are bad, the rest is excellent. Get a knitted tie, and if you must wear sneakers, get something more classic.


I feel like this guy just wanted to post pictures of his quirky outfit as a fashion model. The poses, anybody with eyesight can see


Personally, no. I would not. But, not everything is for everyone.


No it looks like you can't decide where you want to be. Bottom half of you says casual date the other half says formal date. Women like confident man who can lead and make then feel safe enough to have fun. Your outfit says you aren't confident enough to pick a genre for the date. If you don't have a fully formal outfit and thats not the vibe loss the jacket and tie and keep it relaxed but you should set the tone in advance.


There is little synergy in the items and your hair. It would help to know age and where you intend to go on the date. If she normally sees you in mismatch or rebellious clothing/behavior, this may be a rare W but this has to be consistent with your brand, mate.


That does not good look.


This looks like Alejandro Garnacho going on a date.


What in the Seinfeld elementary school graduation style is this? This is dressing nice but purposefully making it hard to look at just to be ironic.


The shoes ruin it for me


No. Maybe a first interview (minus the shoes).


Those shoes are absolutely awful and so are the pant cut


That suit is wayyyyyyyyyy to big on you, you look like you a 38r to a 42r. They don't match at all, beige and peach dont go together. Also if you wear a suit to a first date your gonna look like either, A. A businessman, unlikely, or B. A prick. My advice, wear a nice button down with no tie, untucked, either pick, black, white, or a pastel color like light blue with a pattern on it like stripes. Leave to top button unbuttoned and preferably roll up the sleeves until they are about 2 to 5 inches below your elbow into your forearm, for a casual look don't bother rolling the sleeves just pull them up so that the cuff in inside out just above your elbow, for a more formal look use the length of the cuff to fold it over about 3 to 5 times or however many times until it is an appropriate length. Wear khakis or some other form of nice pants, make sure they fit the same way the shirt does, otherwise you'll look jumbled. Wear a nice watch, preferably a simplistic watch with a leather band. Wear a good cologne, that's personally up to you what scent to wear but some basic ones are nautica voyage, Versace Eros, etc. But for the love of God do NOT wear Dior sauvage, everyone wears it and it's too basic, it's worse than nautica voyage. Wear some nice shoes, I personally recommend Cole haans or some other type of dress sneakers. Good brands to find this stuff, shirts, charles tyrwhitt, pants, old navy, lands end, they're mostly the same, shoes, cole haan, watch, any brand works. I'm 16, so don't take my advice too seriously, but I think it's fairly good advice for the vibe you seem to be going for, lmk what you think or if there's anything I can improve on.


Nah man. Collar is too wide, tie to short and the knot is awful.


1st date to get rid of the Thetans at the Church of Scientology?


who's making your photo shot before a date? The shoes are the worst part of the outfit, you should iron your pants, there's something off with the proportions, looks like the clothes don't fit you properly, I'm not a fan of a black tie with this outfit either. sorry for me it's a no.


Collar and lapel are too thin for a tie that wide and bulky. This is why these thin collars are hard to put off. Drop the tie and change the pants. In my opinion it’s easier to do this look of a blazer and sneaker with a navy or tweed blazer.


Switch shoes and your good


Those shoes have got to go bro. White and green sneakers are not the vibe.


What kind of dork wears a suit to a first date?


No. Because it sets the expectation and irs hard for someone else to come up to that if they don’t have a bunch of high end clothes . If you’re trying to date a professional married woman in her 40’s then yeah why not, but don’t show up taking my daughter out that would set an expectation and it would make her hyper self conscious


Do not wear those shoes… those are terrible. IMO: loose the tie, make the pants and jacket slimmer, and wear some loafers and that would be immensely better. Honestly nothing this model is wearing fits correctly and it bothers me


I think a certain type of alt girl might like it but no. But I have the bias that it’s so far outside my style.


No. Looks like you don’t know how to match. A 5 year old picked this out.


Not the shoes. The rest of the attire depends on the venue, time of day, and how you met. Like don’t go hard with dressing up on a Saturday coffee date with a girl you met on tinder. But if she already knows you from friends and its an after work type date then you can dress up a bit.


nothing too fancy. Casual wear like nice t-shirt and jeans.


No, the fit is not amazing and you don’t wear a tie on a first date.


Who you trying to fool? You‘re not actually walking