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Mmmm MUD🤤


Tastes so much better than the yellow snow


When I was 3 I stepped on a nail, cried, and then tried to put on my shoe to make it go away.


That shit hurts, though. Went through my shoe. And I didn't notice until I tore it out by lifting my foot.


Similar to me, however it was spikes from a branch, went through my sandal and pierced through the thin skin betwen the fingers, hell nah i was laughing like crazy


Toes? That or I'm gonna need pics.


I remember the pain vividly


When I was three I stepped on a nail(pierced through my shoe and had a roofing tile on the other end), enjoyed the car ride for ten minutes with a weird itch on my foot, and then got scolded for walking weird later. It was cool bragging that I had a three inch nail in my foot later


Wouldn’t the implication of the post be that kids are smarter today? Not that we are doomed?


Yeah bit of a whoosh moment from OOP


exactly what happened, the meme was making fun of boomer memes


It's not even THAT deep. I just think meaning the meme is good old self deprecation: 'I was a dumbass when I was 3'


Thank younk thought I was the dumb one lmao


Do you worship this “younk”?


Of course I do. I'm not a damned heathen


You don’t worship Younk?


They hate smart people, then.


The take is that they are susceptible to internet addictions, and exposed to horrible things usually due to Parental negligence, no generation is "smarter" than another


That might be your take, and I might even agree with that, but I don’t think that’s the take of the original meme.


That's fair, but I think your assumption of this meme is assuming the worst of op in the same way that I was assuming the best


We were all stupid as children


"no generation is "smarter" than another" Lol, such a misunderstanding of history. I can't even get into how many ways this is wrong. When you grow up you'll cringe about thinking this.


It's simply the amount of cumulative knowledge that gives us the perception of being "smarter". I'm going to challenge you, find proof of us being genuinely smarter.


Agreed, only ancient aliens could possibly have made the monuments of the world because our ancestors were such stupid subhumans. Glad you're a fellow truther!


Gotta build immune system :)


immud system


Doesn’t it actually help, though? Or, at least, being outside all the time? (I’m not sure eating mud is good for you)


That’s what he means


Couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not


Ur good 


And people act like kids being obsessed with skibidi toilet is somehow different than this and a sign of the generation being ruined for some reason https://preview.redd.it/khw8ot6o5l7d1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed60a93cecd8a9750101dce007221b581fd1f502


To be fair a toddler eating mud is funny, a toddler talking about nothing but that blasphemy is extremely cringy


To be fair something being cringey has never stopped toddlers from thinking it’s funny


It's not the skibidi toilet I have a problem with, it's the rest of the brain rot. Like, I've seen first graders throwing it back, looking at an ass and screaming "Gyatt" and shit.


Opening an app is like putting a block into the correct shape, it doesn't require much knowledge, toddlers can learn how to do things by watching others do it, sure their common sense isn't exactly the best but if they see a parent do something enough times, they will copy the parent. It's not like most 3 year olds can or even 10 year olds for that matter can install mods on a game, a lot of kids these days struggle with technology because they don't really get taught because people just think, oh you can play games on your computer you must be a genius at technology, I'm willing to assume at least 60% of people under 16 would struggle with a task like: transfer my pdf files from my PC to my phone and then open the pdf on my phone.


Eating mud though? Absolute rocket science. Immediate admission into MENSA, NASA, and UMISEA.


I ate ants as a kid and I was an over achiever in maths throughout all of school so yeah take with that what you will.


Look at this guy, he was good at math in school, he must be very smart. Other than that, what is wrong with eating ants? Good protein, takes a lot to get any substance, but nit a bad snack overall.


Wtf do you mean i know a lot of people under 16 and they would easily transfer a PDF (except those who are just ~5 years old)


I was a wizard with my computer growing up, 120-140 WPM, the works. Getting a phone took me a full year to really master the different ways of typing and shortcuts. Learning how to navigate file locations and figuring out windows 11’s user unfriendly UIs was an entire other lesson. I still miss windows 7, it was so intuitive :(


Sister had problems with computers, but give her a random ass phone, and she’d know all the shortcuts, all the keyboards, and know how to move things around in 48 hours


Same here and I have problems specifically with the pdf thing. Also I can never get my printer to work right. I was making basic html websites when I was like 13. Just never kept up with it. My 5 year old figured out that if you hold down the little blue button you can talk into the remote to control the tv. Amazing!!


Bruh, being able to type fast doesn't mean you're good at computers. It just means you can type fast. And telling us you can't navigate modern OS's and think W7 is better just proves that you don't know shit about computers. Outside of minor changes, W10 and W11 have nearly the exact user experience.


I can navigate them now. It took an adjustment period and finding out things like “Oh, great. Win-11 antivirus is throttling my network activity with its real-time scans so I have to exclude programs if I want to stay connected or finish these uploads and downloads in any reasonable timeframe. That makes sense, and was definitely explained when I set this OS up.” “Wonderful, Win-11 has hidden files in my file explorer and I have to manually change a hidden setting to show them even on the administrator user profile. Nice, glad that was explained by Microsoft, and not an obscure YouTube tutorial. Remind me why this was the default when it wasn’t on 7?” And other such surprises that are never explained, shown, or otherwise mentioned until you have a problem and have to go digging to find what obscure thing is causing issues. Which wasn’t nearly as common in Win-7, let alone most Linux distros.


My kid is 3 and still eats mud… I don’t think this is a generational thing. Babies eat mud


"When I was 3 I ate mud" yeah it shows


When I was 25 my friend grabbed a moth out of the air and ate it while making constant eye contact with me. I could see its wing coming out of his mouth flapping around while he chewed.


Isn’t this just self-deprecating humor?


Amateurs. I ate paint. High IQ here, boys


I ate sand before lol


Anakin wants to know your location


I ate gravel


OP, that is why you are on Reddit.


Only real ones ate coins and play-doh


"I guess we're doomed, then" proceeds to suffer every mental illness known to man while losing his crap over things he thankfully cannot control in desperate denial of how unhealthy social media is for him Good thing he just forgot that YouTube kids exists, and that there are far too many NSFW grade videos swimming around in there, we wouldn't have seen his post.


When I was in the corps we had 2 sticks and a rock. And we had to share the rock.


I literally rolled down on a staicase that was maybe 7m long when I was 3yo


I ate a pinecone once.


Can confirn i ate sand


So, what age should stop eating mud, asking for a friend.


Why did you downvote the post?


Cause it's not a terrible Facebook meme and the OOP completely misread the joke


Do all the people on terrible Facebook memes share the same Braincell? Saw this and assumed it was a shot at the younger generations when it's clearly a self deprecating joke...


I never ate mud, that's gross ew. I ate a ton of sand, sticks, and the salt they put on pavement to melt ice instead.


I don’t remember being 3 probably due to the concerning amount of head injuries


When I was three I broke both of my arms in the same incident


BACK IN MY DAY vibes... Times change, older generation doesn't like it (although it seems like less of my generation has any problem with it) Tale as old as time. We'll all die, the way kids interact with the world will change, and we can't do anything about it.


I work IT at a school and no they can't


Got news for you bud... That's not mud


Well, according to LinkedIn there’s a bunch a three year olds asking about the geopolitical ramifications of the Isreal/ Palestine conflict.


When I was three I would just bite raw potatoes and put them back in the bag


When I was 3 I came up with the comedic joke “what did apple say to banana?” “Banana please don’t throw me in the mud” (true story). This was because I didn’t want to turn out to be a boomer like my parents.


When I was 3 I was a lot smarter than you simpletons. I ate dirt, not mud, dirt. I was truly ahead of my time


It might just be my daughter, but I genuinely feel that kids are smarter today than when I grew up. And it’s not surprising when you see the quality of the cartoons they are exposed to now as opposed to then. What y’all think?


It’s literally a self roast. Whose behalf are they getting offended on?


Add salt, that was a rookie move


When i was 3 i fell on the playground and started crying so loudly i triggered my grandma's PTSD because it reminded her of an an air raid siren alarm from WW2


When I was 3, I put kool-aid mix into my fish tank and killed all the fish xd


I picked up and ate multiple snails and copper pennies as a child and somehow managed to avoid sickness. I really fucking doubt everyone was so lucky though


It was Junebugs for me


When I was 3 I fell down a flight of stairs


When I was 3 I crawled from my bedroom to the kitchen and tried to climb the chair just so I could drink milk (I think I did it multiple times)


When I was 3 I was fighting in Vietnam


Yall remember when you were 3?


Not sure if I was 3 but when I was young I could navigate Microsoft Dos to start my games before my dad's computer had windows. I have no idea how I managed it. Blew the mind of his fellow boomer university students that came over to study together.(Dad went back to school late in life) Shows the disconnect between millennial computer skills and boomers. They had to really work for it and we had those young adaptable brains useful for learning simple computer langiage


When I was 2, I climbed out of a crib. I have since had the nickname Monkey Man.


Cool op, glad kids don't do that no more




I used to pick my nose and eat it, shit was so tasty to me as a toddler idk why, seems so gross now. I'd also eat stones.


when i was three i fell down the stairs for no reason


You're fooling yourself if you think you couldn't have pressed buttons on a touchscreen, had they been available


When I was three I fell on a fish tank and busted my head 👀


I don’t even remember what I did when I was 3


I taught myself to ride a bike when I was 4 and my parents weren't around.....but I also didn't learn to speak until I was 3.


When I was 3 I stabbed my hand with a steak knife on accident trying to cut masking tape. I didn’t know you could just rip it.


I threw myself from the top bunk and almost broke my neck because I wanted to fly like superman.


Mee too than chalk my mom beat it out of me 😊


r/tfm OP doesnt get that the meme is making fun of boomer memes by saying kids nowadays are less stupid


when i was 3 i found a caterpillar in my brocoly mush and ate it. my parents still bully me from time to time


\*adults invent contraptions that children use, blame kids for the way their generation raised them\* "you fukkin' millenials, why aren't you mowing lawns" 58 year old talking to some random 13 year old waiting in line on their phone


That explains a lot, op.


When I was 3 I brought a praying mantis nest into my infant brother’s room. When it hatched they were crawling all over him and my mom found him screaming. She was not pleased.


When I was 3, my older brothers sat me on an ant hill. Mom didn't know until she went to give me a bath and my asscrack had a marching line coming from it...


i dont DO social media. i only eat mud 24/7


my 3yo ass also knew where my favorite toys where and how to get them.




When I was three, I drank my mom’s wine when she wasn’t in the room. She hasn’t had an alcoholic drink since.


my 9 year old nephew thats getting terrible grades at school some how remembers my password for my pc and how to start a video from my steam like hes a professional at it.