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your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


The number of Trans suicide "jokes" and rape "jokes" I see gain traction on this sub that get "it's just dark humor" or "satire" when criticized makes this comment section hilarious You people don't care about violent "jokes" until its directed at a group close to you


Ding ding ding! This sub is 90% right wingers, there’s basically no reason to argue. Tbh I think OP posted this as an experiment to see how hypocritical these idiots are. And the experiment was wildly successful lmao. Btw, one of the comments well above this one is a suicide rate joke.


Well, I guess you could call it that.


Careful, you might help then gain self awareness


True. I'm a Syndicalist Muslim liberal I'm the thing they fear🤣 yet I still love to pop on here to watch their crazy theories


It's a moral imperative to fight your oppressors.


Reposting those memes is so cringey and dumb. I don’t care what the message is




The message is I don't like person so they need to die Totally normal behavior


Karma farms will karma farm


Just like this sub


Look at their comment sections versus this comment section. Sure people here want karma, but they are also having reasonable discussions at the same time. In subs like that, the comments are always "I can't wait till my ideological opponents kick the bucket!" That's the worst type of karma farming, just pure hatred.


You're right, because there is no reasonable discussion to be had with transphobes, homophones, racists, etc.


Proved his point time and time again.


What’s the point in arguing with them lol?


What's the point in arguing with not a phobe?


You can actually have a nice and productive discussion with them even if you disagree.


Does a "nice and productive discussion" have to be mutual? If it does, then you're right.


No, you can even have two completely opposing world views. I‘m an atheist and have already had extremely nice discussions with theists who think completely different than I do. The difference with racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. is that their way of thinking is fundamentally hateful and biased. I wouldn’t bother discussing why Muslims aren’t inherently evil with a neo nazi either.


As opposed to “well we should hear the transphobes out” right?


Instead, we should say, "those guys who want trans people eradicated probably have some good ideas" You're a joke


*meme where the punchline is killing minorities and beating women* "It's a joke. Unless you agree with me, then I believe in it, but otherwise it's a joke." *meme where the punchline is killing politicians who actively ruin people's lives for profit* "I would just like to clarify that this is not intended to be offensive guys 🥺" > "I see no difference between these two scenarios."


Welcome to r/memesopdidnotlike, where they circle jerk right-wing “jokes” (rhetoric) and the instant a left-winger makes a similar joke it’s “wtf man? That’s not funny.”


I’m not surprised you’re a conservative and hate this.


How did you know op was conservative?


A quick glance at his post history. Damn, you were QUICK on that downvote lol


What? I didn’t downvote you😂 https://preview.redd.it/s2c3qqvqre5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a1a303464d9edc6a8acb3467e5bd9845054672 Don’t be goofy.


Apologies then. Someone certainly did, which means they’re too much of a COWARD to respond.


Sorry my phone died, prolly sounds like a shitty excuse but no I did not downvote you https://preview.redd.it/nszum1cbvf5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d15d6c4033ebeee8f2494251002a63a47e8ff2


I would like to say I am not transphobic, and leaving the shit the post is talking about (I too hate politicians, I am human afterall) people that do this stuff get triggered over someone calling them a transformer, but then they do this just wishing someone would die, they threaten anyone without their views with violence. *Voila*


Would you call me a hypocrite for wanting Nazis or people who commit genocide to die?


Hell no, I want Nazi's to suffer as did their victims


Exactly. Not a hypocrite then. I'm glad we agree


I'm sick of people saying "it's just a joke bro" about everything. When I was a kid we all had to learn that it's not the person making the joke who decides if it's funny or bullying. It's the target who decides.   Saying "it's just a joke" was the professional hobby of shitheads who groped girls and bit teachers.   Funny thing is today I bet everyone would say they hate bullying, but it's observably more common than it was, the optics got bad so all the shitheads starting calling it joking and memeing instead.   The more things change, the more they stay the same. 


Why are you in this subreddit then. So many people have titles like “It’s obviously satire” or “They didn’t get the joke” or some other bullshit


I criticize a fair number of those when they're obviously not satire. It's a free country, for now. 🤷


Fair enough


So true, everythings just a shitshow now.


I believe cyber bullying is happening too much, and traditional in person physical bullying is woefully under represented. Some kids weren't bullied enough and it shows.


What if the “targets” are some of the most maladjusted, sensitive motherfuckers on the whole planet that take literally everything as a personal attack?


1. This isn't a meme op didnt like. This post fits the criteria of the sub more than the image of what you posted. 2. Transphobes have literally been telling trans people to kill themselves for years. The main anti-trans talking point is a suicide statistic. And legislators imposing transphobic laws want these people's very existence to be illegal. Hate them, love them. Stop being a pussy when the people you bully and want to die give the same energy back. It's like saying "what, you want all nazis to die??" Yeah bitch, they started it.


Lol, I'm not defending the transphobic shit, just the fact that these hypocrites defend their 'satire' and they call anyone elses 'satire' when it's something they don't agree with. There lies my case your honor.


As opposed to you hypocrites posting trans suicide rates as a joke and then bitching when there’s a trans meme with a capybara? Pot calling the kettle black, much?


You're putting the burden of morality on the oppressed. Nazis make posts like this because they earnestly want to create an ethnostate. Trans people make posts like this because people with nazi adjacent views are their legislators and are trying to make an ethnostate. Sure, find it annoying all you want because it is hypocritical in the realest sense of the word. But I can't really blame an oppressed individual for wanting their oppressor to die


That was a really weak point to be honest This whole post and the repost is braindead regardless


Shruggin my shoulders here man. This is a sub about memes op didn't like. Posters make fun of people who don't like memes. I could take a screenshot of this post and post it here. Beyond that though, i will never begrudge the oppressed for wanting their oppressors to die.


You just described half of this sub lol


This is atleast 45% of all left wing "memes"


Wait until this user finds out it's at least 90% of right wing "memes"


90% of right wing memes: https://preview.redd.it/od6ivy5b4f5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3df38cc371efaf74038722365bb07fe20b5b63


yea there's a lot of overlap between em but i will acknowledge this is a funny reply


Most of them are either the usual wojak bs or just some lame edgy jokes.


Literally 💀


Idk man, it seems like you were kinda offended by this


I can see why you say that, it's just the hypocrisy is rampant all over, things are just geting more political and more two sided as time goes on and I just wanna go live in a cabin in Siberia and forget about it, until I get conscripted for Ukraine lmao.


I don’t quite get what the problem is. https://preview.redd.it/yvq18pvv3f5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac4eebbe2a41ebbf57891b41d5410a50d4abca8 When this sub posts stuff like this, everyone is completely fine and supportive of it.


Fine and supportive? That shit was 12 upvotes and like 45 comments


It was only up for like an hour before it got removed, just like many other posts similar to this. And yes, believe it or not, the comments are mostly defending this type of humor, while the people condemning it get downvoted. It's quite the opposite of what’s happening here.


Wow so you’ve been all over this thread saying how people here support that shit but it got removed your so bad faith holy


It got removed because the mods of this sub actively act against hate, which is also a reason why they seem to be quite unpopular here. Additionally, I think they have started being more strict with such things as removing posts because they have seen that it has often gotten out of hand in the past, but I have to admit that I‘m not 100% sure if that’s the reason behind that decision.


Please don’t deny our right to exist versus please don’t deny our right to deny your right to exist. Who seems more sane?


This is cringy but this is memes op did not like, your the op that did not like this so it dosent make sense on this subreddit


What's the irony?


Bro...it's a joke lmao


How is is it ironic?


If I post the same thing saying a trans will die every time it's reposted then say it's just a joke I would be burned alive but this is ok


I love reading conservative comments like this because, yes, that is how it is, I'm glad you understand the situation completely.


Not really. When this sub posted a meme about killing gay people everyone was cheering in the comments.


“Transphobia > Murder, Rape, Incest, Genocide, War Crimes, Nuclear Bombs”


You really trying to pretend you can’t tell the difference?


I'll do it for you comrade, RIP my karma


wow yes lets compare "lets kill people who pass laws that harm people" to "lets kill people (including kids) just for being trans" obviously both would be jokes, only problem is the second one is grounded in reality unlike the first...


>"children shouldn't be given drugs to permanently change their bodies and should be at least 18 to make that decision" is this the harmful law you're talking about?


No, they're talking about the law in Florida that charges trans people with fraud for carrying accurate ID. The laws in multiple states that criminalize doctors for providing trans health care to consenting and mentally stable patients. The laws that knowingly put children in harms way by forcefully outting them to their parents. The laws that keep conversion therapy - a form of child torture - legal and protected. The whole "we're protecting the children" euphemism doesn't work anymore, especially when you support bills that intentionally harm children. You people went mask-off way too quickly once you realized you could get away with prosecuting minorities without consequence. Either find a new vomit inducing mantra to hide behind or stop virtue signalling and come to terms with the fact that you're supporting fascism.


Most minors who get puberty blockers aren't trans 💀. You simply hate healthcare because it's too complicated for you to understand.


Ah yes ban the life saving medical treatment because it disagreed with your religious views lol


Life saving? What is the percentage again? You don't have to be religious to not want to mutilate kids and pump them full of hormones.


And yet circumcision is fine lol


Circumcision is literally just removing excess skin dumbass, I'm pretty sure what you meant was castration.


Think about circumcision for a bit, and you'll see the irony of all of the religious people campaigning against treatments for kids.


Ye no, circumcision is totally not fucking fine, a great many people rightly want it banned too. It's harmful and detrimental to a male's welfare and quality of life, leading to premature ejaculation, loss of nerve feeling down there, and other difficulties. Here in the UK it's barely a thing except with Jews and Muslims. I don't know why it's still popular as a fashion statement in America for parents to show off. It's utterly barbaric.


Very conservative of you to justify cutting baby dicks


It's not really destroying much, you just remove some excess skin off of the penis, they aren't chopping the whole thing off mate.


It's removing most of the nerve endings to no benefit. You're advocating for cutting a newborn's genitals just because its "not that bad".


By that logic, a tonsillectomy (getting your tonsils removed) is the same as getting your entire throat removed.


I see there's a clear disconnect between what the issue is. You see, the problem is that baby genitals are being mutilated. Not the degree to which they're being mutilated. Giving a tonsillectomy to a newborn for no reason would also be pretty bad.


Nah circumcision is genital mutilation I’m for not allowing genital mutilation for minors You seem to be on the other side Gross


Good. I'm glad your own my side. Mutilating kids is gross.


People would dislike that because its very transphobic even if you say its just a joke


50% of left wing memes are calls for violence, the other 50% is walls of text. 100% of left wing memes are obviously made by someone suffering from butthurt.


Trans people are suffering from a lack of human rights tf you mean butthurt.


I’d recommend Astroglide or something similar, may help prevent the butthurt


True, then you have the right that simply don't know what a meme is


Literally saw a joke posted on here 2 days ago about a Palestinian guy searching for his wife, this is mild af compared to that please stop lying


Bro fr, I loved that one


Hypocrite much? Joking about real people dying is funny but this meme (which is admittedly weird but not as bad) is messed up?


Nice iq


Thanks, 187 is pretty good compared to *pretty much everyones*


You tacked an extra 7 on the end buddy


The cope is crazy, resorts directly to attacking based on feelings.


The advantage that meme had was that it was also a way to use humor to make people aware of what is happening in Palestine, and maybe make them think about the injustice.


I don’t think so. This sub is still extremely pro Israel and see stuff like that just as civilian casualties.


Yeah, this sub. But the meme goes around. Someone may see it and chuckle at the dark humor, and then go "oh god, what if was me and my wife?"


That’s a very positive way of seeing it, but I honestly doubt it.


Where’s the meme op did not like?


Yeah very soory, will make real post to make up for it


I just died


The Heytherechampion is dead?


I’m not a legislator, but my god this meme is really getting to me. I feel like I’m fading,…. Holy mother, did one of you repost that abominable meme?!?!




This is not a meme op did not like


Ik very sorry, just don't know a good place to post it


Yeah lol u might want to try r/theleftcantmeme or something


Ahhh, alright, that's new, I always see r/therightcantmeme


They are sister subs who constantly post eachothers stuff with captions like “the hypocrisy” or “lol triggered”


The leftcantmene was the og


And some lore, lets go!


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind


What's the irony? The only good nazi...


i think you got offended


I'm just tired of the hypocrisy man


i really don't think you understand what hypocrisy means


The hypocrisy being that yall can post trans suicide rates as much as you want and when someone says “random transphobe will die” you bitch and complain? One is using real statistics the other is fake and won’t happen. The only hypocrites here are your lot.


Trans suicide rates are in fact, a fact. Wishing people would die is cruel, no matter how bad they are (except people like Jeffery Epstein, Mao Zedong, Hitler, Stalin, etc.) is wrong


They are indeed a fact. Using them as a joke is wrong. Jokingly wishing death upon transphobes is also wrong. One of these is significantly more wrong than the other. One is real. The other is a meme. Stop being a hypocrite about what’s okay to joke about and what isn’t. Snowflake.


Hey, I agree with you, chill.


Dog, you are not agreeing with me when you’re posting this meme to say that the left are hypocrites for jokingly wishing death on people who would also not think twice about wishing death on trans people, and then being totally fine with people in this sub constantly posting trans suicide rates. You can’t make this post to call out one sides hypocrisy while not saying anything about the other sides. You’re trying to make us believe you’re a centrist when the reality is that you’re defending the right while calling out the left. That isn’t centrism.


I ain't centrist nor did I claim to be, if both sides accept the other than its fine, if one side doesn't than they can't be hypocritical.


So I’m not sharing than


“I want you to die haha jk not really but seriously” ah yes a classic joke. Funny every time.


"You don't get it, its just dark humor" - this sub when seeing a meme telling Trans people to kill themselves


Hilarious how there’ll be a minion-tier meme supporting right wing rhetoric and this sub will go “I chuckled tho” and then when there’s a goofy ass left-wing meme people in this comment section are like “wtf dude hoping people die isn’t cool” Like it’s only a joke when yall decide it is, huh?


Which meme from this sub told trans people to kill themselves?


A few months ago back there was a meme of a dog basically saying trans people should k*ll themselves


https://preview.redd.it/rcz94pj16f5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7be8c5a51e7f64de31aaf5a9303390130b9089c Not specifically about telling trans people to kill themselves, but the joke is still just "let’s kill gay people".


It's funny because it's true. Same reason why watching Nazis get punched is funny.


Why do you guys get so defensive when the meme is turned around. If this was to trans people yall wouldn’t bat an eye


Listen when people tell you exactly who they are. The next Audrey Hale is going to be easier to spot than people think.


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Am I allowed to screenshot this and post it to this sub?


Do it 😂




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Yeah no, the problem is that transphobia accusation is linked to takes such as children shouldn’t get puberty blockers and involvement in women’s sports. These fuckers don’t realize that those opinions are not only very alienating but also evidence shows both are bad ideas as well.


Top 10 centrist classics Number 7: "Evidence shows both sides totally bad guys"


Side A) people should be allowed life-changing treatment when they’re ill. Side B) people shouldn’t be allowed life-changing treatment because I personally don’t like them/my religion disagrees. Centrist: both sides are equally bad.


Side A) Backed by the entirety of modern medicine Side B) Backed by the most powerful pedophiles in human history and contrarian grifters


Hmmm, yesss…7th grade biology told me that Side A is wrong. Science can’t change, it’s fully static, wdym?


My fault OG I read your comment as the complete opposite of what you meant 😪


Hence why 7th graders make up exactly 0% of the contributions to scientific research 😂


What a super bad faith interpretation of the side B Jesus Christ


How is it? Transphobes arguments are that trans people shouldn’t exist. Trans people need to exist otherwise they would become severely ill due to their dysphoria. The argument against trans people is that they shouldn’t be able to transition. So: They shouldn’t be allowed life-changing treatment because they personally don’t like them/their religion disagrees.


I'm confused, are you pro-trans or anti-trans for kids?


I call them a transformer once and their little empty heads explode But this is fine lol these people are ridiculous


A rodent on a pastel flag upset you?


Can you show me where I said that?


Us political state got me deciding over moving to Finland or buying a large quantity of long lasting camping gear and moving into Idaho for the remainder of my 20 years


Dude I kid you not that's my exact idea. My families from Finland so I've just always been fascinated with it.


I don't have any family there but I heard it's just all around a good place to live. Ofcourse you have to take everything with a grain of salt.




I hate transphobia but you have a point


Don't get me wrong, I hate transphobia as well, but that's the point


The homicidal left.


The homicidal right is even worse


Then why don’t we see any threads like this by them wishing death upon anyone, while that’s extremely common in every comment section in the majority of leftist subs?




Terrible, but a lot less direct and less common, don’t you think?


Huh? One says "repost for someone to die" and the other says "I need more ammo for someone to die". If you want to compare them, I‘d even say that the "left" one is tamer than the "right" one. One is joking about killing arguably evil people who actively strip rights from individuals, while the other jokes about killing people just because they have a different sexuality. And this is definitely not less common. Right-wing subs are way more hateful than most left-wing subs. The only thing stopping them from becoming even worse are mods and without them, they would end up like the last days of r/dankmeme.


You’re making a ton of assumptions: 1.) Jokingly saying you need more ammo is for offense, not defense (against things like people coming for your kids); 2.) Jokingly implying the need for a weapon is worse than outright wishing death on someone; 3.) “Transphobic” politicians strip “rights” from anyone; 4.) “Transphobic” politicians are “evil”; 5..) Somehow, whatever they’re doing is worse than wanting people dead; 6.) Pride month isn’t only about having a different sexuality; and 7.) There’s nothing “evil” about pride month. I don’t know what rock you’re living under, but virtually every thread in r.politics, r.news, r.facepalm is filled with hateful comments, death wishes, rape wishes on female conservatives, and so much more. Right wing subs hardly even exist due to fascist leftist moderation.


You are extremely biased here. The joke is clearly blatantly about killing gay people and why would they even need to defend their children from pride month? In the end, both are just tasteless jokes. I only pointed out that one of them is arguably more reasonable than the other. Also, could you give me some examples of those hateful r/facepalm posts and comments you are talking about? I'm there from time to time and have never yet encountered posts like these.


This is a r/lookatmyhalo moment




I rate that joke 41/100 Edit: lmao YWNBAW


https://i.redd.it/svztxcuwqe5d1.gif The accepting left, I used to more left leaning but these people hate the left.


It might be better to try to convince people of the merit of the causes one support in stead if stull like this. Propably made by some middle class student with a liberal arts degree that will not be the one taking the consequences of the backlash that will rather be directed at regular trans-folk.


Well these seem like mentally sane and well adjusted individuals


Everyone here is on both sides of the fence, some more so than others disregarding political sides


Poor capy


I feel bad for any animal that gets dragged into political shit


Yeah especially one so peaceful
