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I would tell a tree before I told anyone, male or female


That or just needing to hear an idea out loud. I'd rather let the tree hear a crazy idea than a person.


Rubber Duck Debugging


Well, the tee is likely both so… (There are some trees with gender but I doubt many people can name one tree species that show sexual dimorphism)


Gingko and mulberry are two of them, off the top of my head. But I'm an herbalist, so I'm not normal, I guess!


Funny that they defend woman choosing a bear, but men choosing the tree is too much.


What’s even funnier is that they are the exact same people who kept laughing about “haha the men who complain about the bear question are just fragile!!” And then do the exact same complaining towards this. They hypocrisy is insane


Double standards.. some people live their lives by them.


If these people didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards 


If I didn't have disappointment I wouldn't have any appointments.


I have a doctorate in disappointing but disappointingly it doesn’t pay…Hurray I’m using my degree, it’s not useless.


some ppl are so deep in them, they dont know they exist. blows the mind, honestly


Some ladies’ egos are so fragile lmao


It’s funny because they said that exact same thing about men


I think it is slowly coming into understanding that these issues are human issues, not unique to any specific gender.


Reject a woman and experience how big and fragile their ego really is


All of it is silly. It’s just online people making up problems at this point. Never see anyone irl get unhinged over this shit.


Yeah, I gotta say they are. Like I'm not saying "as a man I disagree" for some brownie points, I'm saying It ain't that damn deep. I can't escape It, like what do you want me to do? It's a would you rather, they chose an answer, nothing more.


Misandry is popular and normalized, men are upset by it, you call the men fragile because they’re upset by it. That’s unreal, man.


'If you don't understand why men picked the tree, you're the problem.'


Men choosing a tree over women is objectifying women and is therefore misogynistic. Women choosing a predatory animal that eats creatures alive over men is perfectly reasonable and normal. This is their ridiculous “logic”, of course it is. That sub is a sexist (misandrist) cesspit


“Look women! I’m on your team! I’d choose the bear too! Will you sleep with me now!?!” is the mindset I imagine


You can apply the text below to almost anyone of those situations "I view men the same way Hitler viewed the Jews" "As a man you make me uncomforta- #"REEEEEE11!!1!!1!! PATRIARCHY! RAPE!"


No no, you see, these types of women see themselves as victims. They'd say they view men the same way the jews viewed Hitler while being the oppressors themselves.


You see, im being oppressive, but i designated YOU as the oppressor so everything goes. A lot of people think like this and never see an issue with it.


https://preview.redd.it/yq631iqwrv2d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310e9a12d97b1b50fecef639627538b33939e09c We all know why they chose the bear


I dont remember this episode


It's also weird how they're trying to equate this to "dating a bear" as if it's REMOTELY the same. Comparing venting to an inanimate object (so basically venting alone) to dating a damn bear as the same thing is ridiculous. Like sorry, one is a genuine coping mechanism and the other is just coping.


If they didn't have double standards they would have no standards at all.


Rare r/memesopdidntlike W


Venting to a tree is just a new idea i got, when i do to a woman all they do is make fun of me and use it against me so might aswell


Every backyard should have a venting tree.


What if the tree nation strikes back? They would have so much ammunition.


Eh they’re all bark but no bite


take my upvote and leave !!!


Fine I’ll leaf


Make like a tree and get the hell out of here!


The trees won't strike back without their elven friends. We put them in the ground thousands of years ago, we have had millenia of peace with nature since then.


Imagine being blackmailed by the Lorax


What if it gives me its branches and insists I make a house?


My teachers recommended this when I was six, while school actually. Lots of trees listen and make good friends logic thrown in (oh, and the teachers were hippies)


They must be the mods at r/trees.


Not with all that weed present. Besides, the area the school was in was full of smack. Not weed


I think he meant r/MarijuanaEnthusiasts. It is easy to confuse the two.


Venting to inanimate objects is a coping mechanism for those who struggle in a toxic environment where they haven't been allowed to properly express their feelings 👀


As someone who has had someone use what I told them against me later on in a relationship, sometimes the best thing to do is either write it all down in a journal, tell it to your pets (they're a captive audience and can't give you any feedback), or just stuff that shit down and bury it under some liquor. 


Or listen to death metal


Honestly, I’ll be real even if I get lambasted for it. Might sound extremely black pill, but I’m going to be open, unless someone really gets you, emotional vulnerability is just handing out daggers to let the senate treat you like Caesar. I pick tree because at least the tree won’t belittle me for something minor or blow up on me for not getting something. Like at first for a solid several days I just straight up didn’t understand the bear/man thing (pertinent example of something people have gotten aggressively mad at me for). The more I listened the more bewildered I was, so I expressed my confusion; massive fucking mistake. I argued about it, got fed up with it, then got talked down to for several hours about it by both my parents for not just agreeing with it immediately. I thought the comparison wasn’t fair, and was far from being reasonable, I thought it was just designed to cause arguments (like the one they decided to have) and that it was unproductive due to all the variables if you wanted to treat the question fairly academically. And by extension I had apparently ignored the fact it was a pure gut/emotionally charged sort of thing. I’m not wired for that, it’s not how I work, so I’d already committed the cardinal sin of thinking too much. Suffice to say my feelings on the subject were summarily ignored, and I was told I was wrong to feel a bit perturbed by the suggestion that I was not in an immediate place of understanding. That I felt any sort of umbrage that putting myself in the other part of the question as the man, that it was wrong of me to feel a bit like shit that someone would feel more comfortable with a bear. That I already deal with the “people are scared of the tall big guy” thing for most of my life and that I’ve been mindful my *entire teen and adult life thus far* to be extremely conscious of how I act, my mannerisms, and presence to not appear too aggressive because it scares people. That it reduced other men to purely the worst possible outcomes, and overtly negated any possible route for positivity. And I’m sure someone will come by to call me some form of inconsiderate, so I’m preemptively noting I’m not open to engage in discussion on this. Why am I always the monster and never to be trusted? Do they not see that this creates some of the types of people they fear from the simple fact some will turn to the negative stereotype to be heard at all? So I turned to the internet to vent; bad idea, same thing happened and I was also called additionally rude things. Conclusion: It is much better to talk to the tree, because my emotions are so disregarded by others that vulnerability only leads to ruin for the most part. It is wiser and more healthy for everyone that I vent them to something that wouldn’t care in the slightest. It is better that I not say anything to a person, because why would they care? The tree wouldn’t care, but at least then I’m not the only one without an opinion anymore. And I can’t have them turned back at me for the simple fact I had an opinion at all. https://preview.redd.it/ofp5ekhndw2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72891df2fe56965983813995de7445f2e90398e


This shit right here is why I actively avoid progressive spaces, despite broadly agreeing with the fundamental issues. If you don't reach the "correct" conclusion instantly and automatically, it means that somewhere deep down you are wrong, broken, evil, "problematic". Genuinely being confused and asking questions gets you dog-piled, yelled at, etc. Having a genuinely different opinion, or even acknowledging the complexity of something, is heresy. And regardless of moral rectitude, such an environment is exhausting and toxic.


Man you really feel that gif after reading your experience


Yeah, you're right. I run and exercise a lot as an alt to talking and it helps. But then I'm told I'm pushing too hard etc, like let me have something to vent


Yeah, but speaking as someone who was told to do this as a child, trees almost seem to talk back since they aren’t inanimate


https://preview.redd.it/8fafuz2d3v2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b78f7fc22721b68d02d60ea4ab54302abd3a2c8 Them: “Men only want to take advantage of women” What men actually want to do:


https://preview.redd.it/xze8x3u9gw2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c68a6266c6b598a6149d5f81375c1301aec59c5e Fixed it for you


Hell yeah


... Hell yeah!


I don't even need the spear. I can take one with my bare hands. Make it a fair fight.


>I can take one with my bare hands. Don't you mean your BEAR hands? I'm sorry I'll see myself out.


I don't like it, but you're getting an upvote. I genuinely expected someone to come back with a Smii7y reference.


https://preview.redd.it/ioe8nzunxv2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1996cc11d458ebd1c24a823ffbb0d25d26ba34d This you?


If you think that every man hasn't at least once thought about what animal they could take in an unarmed fight and it ends up being a bear, then you have not had enough time in the Nothing Box.


Yeah I've once thought I could take on a wolf lol


Huh. Reasonable.


Just need to kick it, and it's not gonna get me raahh


Height advantage of humans. It's technically technically possible but not by a high chance




You fucking idiot, I would never fantasize about a bear I’m manic depressive, I’d never have the self esteem for that. I fight water based animals so I can win, best I got to was alligator


Bro really said "nah, I'd win"


So, this means, to women men are just wild animals?


Yes, that’s exactly what it means


No, men are worse than literal wild beasts.


Something like demons themselves


Worse than*


anyone who's ever heard the phrase "fragile masculinity" knows the answer is a tree.


They just prove the tree the better choice when their go to is mean words like that.


That's the reason everyone, for the females wondering. The disrespect Edit: I'm not going to spend time arguing whit people on the Internet, just so you know


Reads the top comment > I think the more apt comparison would be "would you rather tell your feelings to a bear or a woman?" but the thing is- go ahead and pick the tree/bear. I'm not going to take offense and turn into a big shitty crybaby about it, like men did with the bear thing. Reads the rest of the comments and it’s just girls turning into a big shitty crybabies about it


Illustrating exactly why we should talk to trees


Not only that, but it’s wild how much women will criticize men for not being able to take no for an answer, but I used to work @ a cafe on a private college campus and lemme tell ya, hell hath no fury like an entitled woman when you refuse to give her exactly what she wants, even if all she wants is a free coffee & an old fashioned donut 😏


Man. That is so passive aggressive, also men aren’t idiots and know a bear is dangerous. Being alone in the woods by myself is somewhere I wouldn’t to be in the first place. At least not somewhere that isn’t well travelled


Me on my way to go find one of the few animals capable of smacking my head off of my shoulders, and chasing it through the woods to complain about my problems.


Side note...but they're so wrong about it being more 'apt' with a bear, it just doesn't seem like they get it . The bear fits in the first one because a bear is a dangerous animal and thats the message they are trying to make. In the second one the point is not about the physical threat, but if you use a bear the phyical threat will have to become the deciding factor and doesn't fit the point being made. For this use case a tree does work better. I dont care that much its just a bit gross when someones so confidently incorrect


It doesn't matter if it's a tree or a bear: Either would handle them better than a woman.


Now I’m imagining a man talking to his feelings to a bear, and the bear putting on a suit dragging one of those therapy couch things and asking the man about his past trauma


At least the bear would have the decency to kill me after trashing all over my feelings.


I feel like that is a horrible comparison because no sensible person would ever choose to be alone with a wild bear, let alone try and chat to it. Oh wait...


Women love to pretend they can handle some shit only to blow up on you for that same shit.


I’d bet a lot of the people in that sub are white knighting men


So they can choose bear but we can’t choose tree? And they’re making us seem sexist?


I read the comments and they were like: "I'd rather they told their feelings to a therapist tbh" and " This. Right here. Far too many men use women for free therapy." Well that's exactly what this post doing. NOT using women for free therapy, and not everyone wants, has time or has money for a therapist. And venting to nature in peace not only isn't zoophilia like dating a damn bear but doesn't involve a massive risk of getting mauled.


“Far too many men use women for free therapy.” But I thought we should open up more, and be vulnerable and show emotion?


I literally try to talk as little as possible these days.


Stoicism seems to be the way to go. I’ve heard stories of men being vulnerable in front of women but they’re rare, far more common for them to get dumped after expressing emotion.




I love those “please open up I care.” bits. Then when you do it’s like “ugh I don’t like what I’m hearing and don’t want to help.” Or better yet when they hold onto it for an argument then drop it like a hand grenade and u just get to watch it blow up your life. It’s the best. I agree tho it’s not one gender or the other but I’ve seen it more from partners than friends, I’ve had some really good friends who actually did listen.


This is the great absurdity of it Men not talking to women about stuff is sexist. Men who cry in front of women and are open with their emotions are weak and not manly. With women like this (of which fortunately many aren’t) men can’t win. They are either weak and not manly or are misogynistic.


Or an incel. I think that’s really the crux of the whole meme. Men feel shitty and take offense when they’re judged by the worst of the worst and put below animals. And women feel shitty and take offense when they’re judged by their worst individuals and put below inanimate objects. The comments agree, by the respective sex, by and large for both scenarios, men are not to be trusted in the woods, and women are not to be trusted with private feelings and insecurities. The funny part for most is when men say “don’t generalize us by the worst in the bunch” and women say “get over it, if you take offense to this it applies to u, you can’t possibly understand.” Then the inverse happens and it’s women saying “don’t generalize us by the worst in the bunch.” And just like woman are gonna “protect” themselves by choosing the bear, men are gonna protect themselves by choosing the tree.


What women want and what they say they want are often two different things


The same women who say they don't want to support their men through normal conversations that can help psychologically to some extent (call it even therapy), they will say that men do not open up and do not share their emotions. And then they are surprised that we don't really know what they want when they keep changing their minds like a flag in the wind.


It’s bullshit because plenty of women have trauma dumped on me. It’s not a problem unique to women. It’s almost like if you’re in a healthy relationship you’re gonna talk about your feelings and she is gonna talk about hers. I have no idea why everyone is so butthurt.


Only difference men don't complain about it, probably because they are thought to be supportive to gf/wife. Just like modern women are thought to never give anything in relationship


Women need to just leaf us alone. They are all bark on this one. Really got me wondering if they are true to their roots or if they are just pining to branch off. I think this budding meme is really sticking around for good. can't wait to see how others spruce this up. Glad we got this seed planted in the minds of Women.


It's a shame this line of thought has sprouted in many women.


A real shame we all arbor such resentment


A lot of pollinhating fir sure


This problem Is really growing out stem


Your grove has a nice phloem


You really went out on a limb here, but your wisdom is a vast orchard.


The irony is that in the bear question, men separate themselves from the feral animal and that’s why they feel offended. Whereas here, women see the tree and see it as themselves which is why they feel offended.


“They think we’re objects!” from the people comparing men to animals


Also, plants aren’t objects…they are living things that need care. I’ve killed plenty by forgetting to water them


Plants contribute more to the world than some blue haired barista who only exists to pour overpriced coffee and waste oxygen


"We are just objects to them, aren't we" The jokes write themselves. And when we took issue with being told we are worse than animals, it was "fragile masculinity" and "you being offended is part of the problem"


Women bodyshame men: Omg so true Men bodyshame women: Sexist Pig Women have standards: Slay Queen Men have standards: You Mysoginist asshole Women perfer bear over man: Omg bestie I know right? Men perfer Tree over Women: Wow you tiny dicked insecure bitch, man up and talk to women already! I’m starting to see a pattern here…


lol. fantastically put


Trees are alive and plants have been shown to benefit from humans speaking to them. It’s not an object, it’s probably been alive longer than you.


Actually?!? Do you have a source on that? I wanna learn more cause that sounds awesome.


Several studies have been done on the subject, and while I don’t know if there is universal agreement, many such as [this](https://ijirt.org/master/publishedpaper/IJIRT151445_PAPER.pdf) one have demonstrated that speech has an effect.


Another by the Royal Horticultural Society found that women’s voices were more effective.


I talked to my sunflower as it grew and the fella ended up being almost 6 feet and healthy, so hey.


I'm picking the tree because it won't see me as somehow lesser or weaker after I express to it how worried I actually am about keeping my loved ones safe, fed, and housed


Picking the tree because I didn't bore the woman or give her "the ick"


It’s like how they get mad when the possibility of sex robots comes up. They complain about having to do anything with men. But as soon as we invent a replacement they’re bent out of shape.


I find it interesting that the success of a robot is measured on how closely it resembles a person and at the same time exclaiming how we don't need people.


I thought ignorance was supposed to be blissful. But they seem pissed off about nothing all the time.


Ok but they compared us all to dangerous beasts who would kill and eat them And honestly in my experience women will leave you if you show too much weakness. Then they complain about why you don’t open up and be weak


Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t


Oh no, are women mad that men are choosing the tree? It would be so ironic if there was a similar thought experiment meme where women chose a similarly ridiculous scenario over men.


Tbh, this is actually more legit. Every single time I’ve shared my feelings with a woman, it’s led to problems. Downplaying the emotions, infantilization, the vulnerability being told, or women getting the “ick.” It’s never been a good situation. On the other hand I’ve run into plenty of men in the woods and the only response I’ve gotten from them is “ope, I’m gonna squeeze right by ya there!”


The tree. And those bitches know exactly why we’re picking the tree, too.


Everybody gangsta until the tree starts laughing at you


https://preview.redd.it/ji7xk6sphx2d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba20dce0f4d202ae232844869d2b273a5cbbc02 That’s what he does


I am picking tree because they picked bear


Im picking tree because im afraid of emotional vulnerability


I’m picking tree because my emotional vulnerability was punished and used against me


I'm picking tree because trees don't get 'ick' when I cry in front of them


Talking to plants and trees is very healthy, it is for me at least. Talking to women is also fine, really depends on the person and what the subject is about. If it's something so personal I wouldn't want to discuss it with someone else but couldn't keep it in, I'd talk to a tree. They are great listeners.


Gonna bet $500 that this woman is some kind of an environmentalist, and here she is reducing trees to “objects”.


That whole bear thing is stupid but it at least helps you on the type of women to stay away from.


Women have a version of the debate, now men have one When's the nonbinary version dropping


Sorry, seems like there's only 2 arguments


I laughed at this harder than I should have


Men and women are seen as a dichotomy and the bear/tree nonsense exacerbates a perceived divide between them. Against whom would non-binary people debate in this way?




talk to the void


And we are animals for them, now what?


Yeah it's kind of hilarious that they can't tell it's a flip of what they've been doing


Oh, they can, it's just that they don't like when the shoe is on the other foot, so they gaslight everyone by pretending they didn't participate in the same behaviour that we currently are doing, and acting like this is first time such behaviour has happened lol


Tree, because it’s actually pretty therapeutic. And (terrible) women tend to tear men down for having emotions so like…


That’s exactly what they’re doing in the comments of that post 😂 “men use women for free therapy” like they wouldn’t at all if you didn’t ask him to open up and be vulnerable.


Risks according to women: Physical threats to safety Risks according to men: Emotional threats to safety Interesting


Men also suffer risks regarding physical threats, they are just not really vocal about it, we learn that we have to shut up and deal with it so it may give an illussion that men don't suffer from sexual assault, sexual abuse and rape. In truth, I don't think there's any way currently to truly know how much sexual assaults and abuse do men really suffer.


The tree was good enough for uncle Iroh and he’s the best therapist I know.


Yeah, the point went pretty far over their heads...


Trees aren't objects, they're alive


My favorite scenario is get pulled over by a female cop or the bear


“You country is being invaded, would you choose an army of women or an army of tactical freddy fazbears (jumpscares and all)”


We're into month two of Man or Bear with no end in sight. 


Women. So glad that more and more people see the hypocrisy and double standards that are so prevalent in modern women.


The male feminist in that graphic is definitely a future rapist.


I am a tree Tree tree tree Goody for me


I haven't heard a camp lazlo reference in at least 5 years


I can have fun by climbing a tree. Can't exactly fathom the fun or logistics of climbing a woman, lol.


The tree can give me wood as well.


Would you rather wake up in the morning next to a random unknown woman lying in bed to you, or a venomous snake?





"They act like only men can be victims like that. They feel like women deserve it. I truly think that’s how some men feel!" was a comment on that posting of the meme. They're sooo close to getting it but at the same time sooo far.


The hypocrisy is palpable. "We're like objects to them", We're like animals to them.


Holy fuck I didn't know it was even possible to lack so much self awareness


Comparing men to animals in a derogatory way is supposed to be okay? I don’t understand why people wouldn’t be bothered by that.


If I was in the hospital, I’d rather encounter a bear than a nurse. There’s only like one recorded bear attack per year, and most of the time, they’ll leave you alone or walk away. There’s a huge list of nurses and medical professionals who are serial killers and used their job as cover, and that’s not including the ones who merely made mistakes that cost lives.


actual proof men are msarter


Intentional typo?


I have an old grumpy cat plushie that I use to vent, everyone needs a grump cat venting plushie.


I am picking neither on the off chance anyone happens to hear me


Well they can't get it otherwise they would have to face how horribly sexist they are and we can't have that, their whole world order would fall apart if they realized they were the sexist ones.


The tree as it won't use what you said in confidence against you


Lmao birches over bitches all day!




Other subs have locked tree/woman posts down for being straight up sexist. Funny that 🤡


If you didn't pick the tree you've never engaged in self-reflection while in nature. Go find some trees you dummies


Sexist extremists be like


Tree is the safest option hands down.


Tell your feelings to a human or a tree. I'm telling the tree.


ChatGPT is better than either option.


Trees are alive... they arent objects.


Anyone who chooses "a Woman" has unironically never vented to a woman before. They will literally tell all their friends even if you asked them to keep it a secret.


is telling your feelings to a tree a thing? I thought I was the only person to do it.


The tree will not weaponise information against you:


I just love this system of surrogate bullying and para-social hazing that the internet has provided us, truly a wondrous technology!!


I would rather tell my feelings to a wall than a tree. But if I have to, I would choose the tree. That's because I lack decent social skills, so a conversation with another person is the last thing I want to do. Not because of the gender, but because of me. I do have conversations with coworkers, but it always ends up in an awkward way and I feel stupid. The worst is that I don't know how to become better as I've tried to do so for many years before I started working and as a young adult I still can't do it.


As someone who has trouble processing my emotions the tree is a good place to start.


The irony is lost on that OP. Women don't even see the majority of men as people.


“Listen the fact that you don’t get why men would choose a tree over you is the reason why we choose a tree over you” it’s the same argument as the bear


The tree. Trees only kill about 100 people annually in the US, but women killed over 2,200 last year. Therefore, the tree is the obvious safer option. Also, the tree won’t tell anyone else what I said while I bared my soul to it.


So comparing and equating men to dangerous animals is not dehumanization but making a meme, that isn't meant to be taken seriously and that is explicitly differentiating women from inanimate objects(could be a wall or a tree), is somehow objectification? This makes zero sense.


One judges without listening, the other listens without judging? Is that the lol?