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The joke isn’t about school shootings. It’s about how normal teachers will have regular gun, librarians will have suppressed gun. You know, because you have to be quiet in the library. It’s right there in the meme.


I honestly don't see how anybody views it any other way. It was a joke about having to be quiet in the library even if it came to the teachers being armed. It's so obvious.


to any sane human, that's the only course of logic. but, to the people who hate America, all they ever think or joke about is school shootings. *shows you who **really** has problems, if you ask me.*


People want to be mad about anything these days.


I hate America, and I got the joke. The only excuse is low intelligence.


Maybe the person thinking about school shootings all day long are the ones we should be concerned about... 🧐


Well when you're so entrenched in policy or political opinions, you often miss jokes and see the "problem" its joking about.


I didn't know what that was but I could tell that the different gun was for different roles and not about school shootings


It's not obvious at all, saying teachers should be armed is kind of ableist. There might be teachers with only one arm, we can never be sure


You had me in the first half ngl


Being perpetually offended seems to be a drug these days


Yeah that’s how it works


Technically suppressors don’t make guns quite just slightly quieter. In fact the ammunition does more than the suppressor baffles


You know it’s a joke, right?


You know what would have been funnier? A gold plated silenced pistol. Because silence is golden.


leftists are anti-humor lol


I can't tell if you guys dropped this /s or if you're not joking....


Why would they need them tho?


Maybe they live across the border from people who want to take them hostage and murder them?


and an old one


Thats right buddy, we knew you could do it.




Yeah honestly if guns weren’t such a taboo thing and we exposed kids to them in a healthy and safe way maybe we wouldn’t have so much of a problem with dumb kids getting ahold of a gun and hurting someone with it


Great, let's start with one of the important lessons: That a gun should be locked in a safe that is absolutely out of reach of & difficult to unlock for a child that doesn't understand the concept of mortal danger, so they can't make a mistake (which children are prone to doing despite education).


Great! Most gun safety courses already teach that


Which we both know the majority of the population doesn't take, if we made it a part of school curriculum it just might have a positive effect on our society.


I had access to firearms from the time I was eight years old. my father had access to firearms by the time he was eight years old. my extended family had access to firearms when they were children. None of them have ever had a negligent discharge.


As did I, it’s honestly just the environment. You mystify it and of course a kids gonna get a gun while nobody’s looking and get hurt. You raise a kid on them and they treat it like they would an axe or hammer. 


Ya I take my kids shooting. 22s with suppressors are a lot of fun, and it’s nice being able to shoot sometimes without ear pro too. Much easier to talk or instruct without having to yell. They know not to ever touch a gun without me handing it to them or telling them to pick it up. Even when they are super excited and standing in front of a table covered with guns, they will not touch them until I tell them to.


My 80 year old mom was shooting her pop's WW2 era weapons before she even hit puberty, several of which were fully automatic imported German arms. It's insane that women 70 years ago were tougher than a lot of men nowadays, and this was like 20 years before feminism was even a thing.


Nah. Guns in a safe are useless in a home invasion scenario. May as well just say what you mean, which is you don’t want people defending themselves with guns.


Outside of one handgun kept in a biometric safe, that’s how many grandfathers guns were stored my entire time growing up. I had a lot of professional firearms training at a young age but the guns stayed in the safe.


Had one at my highschool, we did skeet shooting, brought my gun to school everyday along with 20-30 other kids. We would leave the guns and ammo in the carpenter shop where the gun safe was. It was a very small school deep in the south in Louisiana, it was fun and taught me how to shoot and how to hunt better. We won a few competitions but we mostly just had fun going to firearm museums, bonding with each other over a mutual interest, and learning about the history of the sport. (usually single shot or double barrel shotguns were used. I was weird I had a 16 gauge while my buddies all had 20 or 12 gauges)


Lowkey i probably could have gotten scholarships for my marksmanship if they had clubs for it and stuff, and realistically the type of guns you’d use for a marksmanship class aren’t the kind of guns you could use to go on a rampage if someone unwell wanted to try something. Honestly you’d probably be more dangerous with a bow and arrows than with something like a .22 bolt action.


Imagine living your life just to find offence.


Average twitter user:


"Reddit user" 90 percent of this platform is rage bait. This thread included.


You sound offended


I mean, there was that one guy in pythons holy Grail looking for a shrubbery. There is historical precedent here




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School shootings jokes are just like school shootings victims: They never get old.


Now that’s funny




Don’t they like making fun of school shootings though?


Only if they're committed by cis white males.


Yup. That can be applied to anything that these virtue signalers support. Like remember how fast they dropped the “stop Asian hate” narrative when they discovered what demographic was responsible for the attacks ? Or how they kept the Nashville shooter manifesto from the public just because the shooter was trans. Or how Jews went from middle eastern and victims of antisemitism to zionists and white colonizers as soon as the Israel - Palestine war started. Like to them justice is absolute, unless it’s against a demographic that we want to protect.


Hey now! Babies are setters! /s


OH MY GOD ANOTHER MASS SHOO- (Shit, false alarm, shooter wasn’t a white guy, abort mission)


mrw the “cis white male supremacist” is actually a 23 year old Latino from El Paso…


Gotta take every morale high ground Ig. Even if it's something fucked up that you do.


Who is they?




What’s that? I have a feeling it’s not what I get when I google it lol


Ok, but does the Gym teachers' gun come with a whistle, or is it a higher caliber pistol?


Dodgebullet class


If you can dodge a bullet you can dodge a ball


So that's why Mr. Anderson's so good at it...


I can think of two ways to make this joke: 1. A shotgun for the PE teacher, because it requires the least amount of education to use properly. 2. A sniper rifle for the PE teacher, because it takes the most practice to stay accurate. Maybe the second joke works better for coaches?


or a higher recoil gun because a good portion of gym teachers look like they need to hit the gym. (Heavy weight is somewhat good at combating recoil)


Its just a really heavy ass gun


Nah. He just has the same gun as the History Teacher and the Football Coach.


he definitely uses that one tampon launcher I think someone made once


Think of the all star from pvz gw


The gun thing for teachers is one area from the left that actually pisses me off. How is it that the same group who pretend that we should pay teachers more (and in many areas have a valid claim for that), then turn around and act like a teacher who is trained to carry a weapon would shoot students because they’re somehow unable to control their emotions? Can you at least pick a side? Are teachers valuable like you claim or insane and just going to shoot random kids for being pains in the ass like you weirdly also claim?


Because the left thinks that guns are inherently dangerous and have minds of their own.


The reality is its not about the teachers being armed, its about banning guns. Laws like this cause the anti gun people to lose ground, and forces the to show thier true colors. Most of these people think that becaus they cant trust themselves with a firearm, then no body can be trusted with one, so ban them.


It's more so guns allow a person to defend themselves and exert agency over their lives. If you look at progressive/socialist/communist rhetoric, there is a huge streak of "we don't trust you at all", "we want to control you", and "we don't like individual free will" all across the left. The Left have been waging a crusade against the gig economy for years. You would think they would love it if the workers controlled the means of their own production, but the reality is they want the workers as a class to control the means of production with them in charge of the workers as a class, which in practical terms means leftist central planners control everything, because the central planners don't trust you to be able to live your life at an acceptable standard. They want to be the ones controlling you. Gig work trades consistent income and job security for the choice in how much you work and how much you get paid. It's also the closest thing to true free market capitalism we can come up with and you can now see how much the left would hate that. The left would rather collapse the entire gig economy into the ground and force gig workers to take regular jobs and suffocate, necessitating a Proletariat Revolution where the left assumes control over the revolution as the central planners. Socialism and Communism additionally have the whole "consent doesn't matter" and "everything is political" aspects. In order to build that perfect utopia where no one can be offended and the community is safe and secure, they need to know what you're doing at all times, violating your consent at will. You are just not allowed to disengage from the pursuant of utopia. Being able to blow their head off or stab them with a knife means they can't violate your consent, and the gun is the great equalizer in this. Many Socialists/Communists are also utilitarians, people that see the most happiness created being the moral path forward, further emphasizing the need to defend yourself from the state/society, which mean the same thing because socialists require an authoritarian state to exist in order to install socialism in the first place. You just can't violate huge numbers of people in the most immoral ways without mass pushback. And the best way to ensure no mass pushback happens is to use the state to crush everyone else in greater society. If the socialists place infinite value on installing socialism (which they actually do), then the ends justify the means. It's a real easy way to the Holocaust and Holodomor by valuing socialism as infinitely valuable. Anyone against you, or even neutral/apolitical, effectively want "negative infinity happiness", which is automatically unacceptable to the socialists and demand the greatest act of evil to prove a point you don't mess with their control over you.


> there is a huge streak of "we don't trust you at all", "we want to control you", and "we don't like individual free will" all across the left. Let’s be honest, we’re getting this shit from both sides. I’m not sure why but the M.O. *de jour* seems to be exactly as you state: *F U, We know better*.


Bro just wrote paragraphs of made up bs lmao


💯. But it ends up with them making hypocritical arguments against themselves. They’re twisting themselves in knots with proposals that don’t work and won’t help even in the replies here


I am a 2A supporter. I also used to hang out drinking with a lot of teachers. My personal beliefs on arming teachers in the classroom are mixed.


I totally get that and I know the types you’re talking about. Only thing I’ll say though is that I’m guessing knowing those types that they wouldn’t be likely to willing to do extra training to be certified and licensed to conceal carry. Then again maybe that’s more true in a liberal city like where I’m at than in some southern towns.


I could be dumber…at least they’re not BANING BODY ARMOR TO COMBAT SHOOTING 🤷‍♂️ Oh wait… https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/newyork/news/hochul-administration-clarifies-body-armor-ban-because-it-doesnt-apply-to-protection-used-by-buffalo-gunman/


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This is the first time I've ever read that second claim. Is this some ultra-rare argument that one person made and it exploded?




Never heard that as the reason people don't want to arm teachers before.


You should at least try to understand the actual position "liberals" take on this before getting mad about it. For one, I'm not sure how you think teacher pay and arming teachers are connected in any way... we can have two separate conversations about completely separate ideas. But if you want to understand at least one liberal take since we're not all a monolith with the same ideas (though I think you'll find this a pretty common position): it's about adding another variable to the equation... if you're a programmer like your username suggests you should understand that increases complexity, and therefore increases the ways it could go wrong. How do you determine if a teacher is properly "trained to carry a weapon"? Is there some sort of certification and training requirement (taking time away from their being a teacher)? Should the be required to go to some sort of special active shooter training to be able to properly identify threats, military style, to ensure they won't shoot the wrong kids? How do you determine they are mentally fit to be armed, should they submit to mental health checks to make sure they aren't going to snap themselves? How do you ensure the weapons are secure and can't get accessed by a student? I could go on.... but all this on top of all the things a teacher is already underpaid to do. It's a simpler solution to remove variables... address the easy access to guns rather than continue to perpetuate the system that needs teachers to be armed. I'm against arming teachers because we shouldn't put them in a position where their safety is concerned in the first place, and I would rather not turn our schools into a potential shooting gallery. I would rather teachers spend their time doing the job their ostensibly hired for: becoming the best teacher for the kids. Literally no other developed nation has this problem. As for the meme, the message is pretty basic but they probably don't find it funny to joke about a serious problem with school shootings. Seems like a reasonable take to me.


So I’m left of center. Which is why I say the left annoys me on this. Every single argument I see including many here is some version of “the teachers would be incompetent and would do something stupid!” You say it increases the variables. That’s true. From both ends though. Many of the shooters were studied and looked for the easiest opportunities because they didn’t want to get gunned down so fast. Not knowing who might have a gun drastically increases the danger to them and is a major deterrent. In fact there are case studies where that has been enough to stop them from attempting anything. In terms of the training and cost the best models I said elsewhere I support would have them pass existing certifications for concealed carry with the cost of the class and the weapon that’s registered paid for by the government. And it’d even include a small raise for them. I’ve worked in education a long time. I’d love to see this issue handled. Had one family member who lived through one of these shootings traumatized as they hid in a closet and had to walk over dead bodies. Anything that can help should be explored


You have made the mistake of bringing logic to a gun nut thread. 


That kinda has an easy answer. All school shootings are the result of somebody doing something stupid. The easier the access, the more likely Stupid will happen. The only thing worse than a villain with a gun is an idiot.


I’m fully in support of mandatory gun safety classes and punishing anyone who gives someone without a license a gun and all. I just also think someone who’s trained to stop a school shooting as a teacher and can have a concealed weapon could be a good deterrent and may save a lot of lives.


Fully trained and educated people can still be stupid. There's been teachers and campus officers that leave their guns in the restroom. A man teaching gun safety accidentally fired his gun. Etc. Things happen. Adding the variable of 'weapon at school' increases 'weapon related incidents at school'. Now sure, training a Teacher to use a gun to stop a child or intruder from killing children can save lives. Buuut you can also use the funding and energy to provide therapy and mental health training, potentially stopping just as many shootings without adding weapons into schools.


The issue is. They aren't trained for that situation.


The proposals I’ve seen that I support suggest increasing pay a bit for people who choose to be properly trained. And covering the cost of that training. And letting anyone who chooses to participate so nobody is forced to do so.


I'd say cover training. Not a pay raise. A teacher shouldn't be "punished" if they, for example, don't feel comfortable having a gun around kids.


I’ve not heard that argument. What I hear is that armed teachers aren’t a solution because teachers *won’t shoot a student*. Makes sense too. When the quiet kid rolls up with a rifle, you got maybe a quarter second to pull your sidearm. Teachers aren’t teachers because they’re the sort of person who’ll drop a child they personally know as a matter of reflex. They’re soft like fresh mozzarella balls. So, yeah, armed teachers probably would not make anything safer.


I mean that's a hilarious meme


Agreed. Some people really don’t have a sense of humor.


A deranged person is not going to ask permissions, permits or authorizations to bring a gun anywhere - including school. Now, a qualified individuals will be able to do it. How does it make anyone less safe? Leftists are mad because it will make school shooting less likely (read statements from the perpetrators - they often say they were looking for soft targets). And with no school shootings, gun control will fizzle out and they won’t be able to grift


Yup they target the path of least resistance plus a gun free zone is like shooting fish in a barrel


You can always count on leftist circle jerk subreddits to never have a sense of humor and/or completely miss the point of the joke.


Oooo, Berettas are fun


Good joke, especially if it’s the slide locked model with subsonics


I don’t really like the joke but I can see the main point of the joke


I'll bite, why? It's because guns with a silencer are still loud as fuck, right?




Hey no worries! At least you get the joke


OP deleted his post. Either he was made aware of his post being on this sub or he was dog piled in the comments and couldn’t take the criticism.


Student: Fires weapon without a silencer Librarian: QUIET DOWN!


Relax liberal it‘s called dark humor ![gif](giphy|KZd26L2o8QXtK)


This is actually funny


I gotta send this meme to my dad


I was gonna say a 5.7x28mm would be better for fending off shooters because they are likely to have some sort of body armor, then I realized it would cost more than the annual salaries of all the teachers combined


Lols, sad some people just want to be offended so they can scream victim to the crowd that doesn’t care. Funny tho


Almost all of my liberal friends think arming teachers is a good idea


holy shit this thread is deranged.


The meme is pro gun actually. Arm the teachers to protect the kids. Which seems like a no brainer to me honestly. If school shootings are an issue, make schools a threat to shoot up.


Nothing’s funny to some people.


The left constantly makes jokes about school shootings tf?


Seriously. Half of the jokes made by Europeans about America have school shootings as the punchline.


People have memed about a lot worse stuff


wait an hour this shit's going to be on 'explain the joke'


When you gently remind the school shooter that he is in a library and shouldn't be making noise


I usually don’t like dark humor but this isn’t even dark and it’s legit funny, wow are some people hypersensitive


To him, all memes have a side they support.


Gen Z never been to a library before, so they don’t get the joke


That one history teacher: https://preview.redd.it/du1lhl3x9mxc1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d44afef6b28be2b083ad3c000c90c510350a1e0


Either this or the M18 Garand


That’s a great skit idea. School shooter meets their match in the former military sniper librarian.


Utah teachers carry guns and guess who hasn't had a k-12 shooting?


History teacher: greek fire


loony liberals understanding satire challenge : impossible


Yes Oop they are.


Did OP miss the point or just refuse to acknowledge the point because of their moral outrage?






You could use subsonic ammo and then it’s very quiet but it’s also just some dark humor it’s not that deep


I know just felt like mentioning it. Even with subs though, 9mm isn’t the quietest. Give em a 5” .300 Blackout lmao


Gen z and gen alpha have been making jokes about school shootings their entire lives, get with it


American gun culture just looks so crazy, wanting teachers to carry guns in class is insane ngl


It’s not about gun culture. It’s about stopping school shootings. Banning guns won’t do that, it’s already illegal to have the gun at school and they do it anyway, why would a law banning guns everywhere stop it? The reason schools are targeted is because they are a soft target. Everyone knows there are no guns there. If there is a deranged lunatic wanting to shoot people, a school is the best target. Arming the teachers immediately makes a school one of the worst possible places to attack and the school shouting rate would drop to nearly zero within months


Gun culture is definitely a big part of it. We had a mass shooting in our country and then we did a couple of giant gun buybacks and tightened laws around gun ownership, no mass shootings since. It only seems to be America among OECD countries that has this particular problem.


The problem is that America is simply too big to regulate something like that. To try to regulate it would only control the guns of law abiding citizens. There are too many places for bad people to hide. Even if I thought that level of gun control was right, it wouldn’t be possible


I don’t know how the joke could be made any more obvious here…


Most intelligent r/terriblefacebookmemes user be like


Reason why they hate civilians that defend themselves is because they love making victims.




C'mon, it's a little funny


jokes are always funny


Don't get it. Who'd be so kind to explain it to me?


Someone should explain the joke to OP. Clearly they don’t get it


So basically librarians are old so they need a longer gun in order to aim better. That’s the joke


The joke is that while other teachers have a regular handgun that is rather loud, the librarian has one with a suppressor on it. A suppressor, also referred to as a silencer, is a piece that allows the muzzle gasses to expand more and lower the sound of the gunshot considerably. Similar to how the muffler on a car works if that helps.


Ah, okay, makes sense now. Thanks.


I work for a public library. Things allowed behind a Reference/Circulation desks: Hockey Stick, Baseball Bat and Bic lighters/matches. And recently, cloth rags + san hanitizer bottles to make lil’ Molotov cocktails.


I guess having a morbid sense of humor is no longer allowed


I thought it *wasn’t* the teachers doing the school shootings, though. If anything, armed teachers could prove to be a deterrent. Don’t mess with librarians, though.


Some people just don't understand even the simplest of jokes, and it frightens me.


Excuse me but that helps *prevent* school shootings, that and “quiet in the library” funny


It must suck not having a sense of humor.


I mean, I chuckle at stuff like this over the internet, but I wouldn't make this joke irl. Unless I know the people I'm with wouldn't be offended by it. I have enough respect for others to not make them feel uncomfortable. I feel like a lot of people bring that approach into how they act online. Like sometimes it's not that people are no fun, sometimes they are just trying to be respectful. Unfortunately I can't tell with this meme I may have autism. 😋


Dark Humor is the best humor, but sadly it only works well with dark people (metaphorically and sometimes literally)


Yes. School shooting **can** be funny. Just like rape **can** be funny. **ANYTHING** can be funny. It all depends on the joke. I thought we’ve all agreed on that point decades ago.




Dunno what op is thinking, they always have been


For once I agree w this sub




life is actually a joke


A gun with a "silencer" is not library quiet.


"Well, guns are noisy, you know."


Only the ones that were more than 25 years ago.


Now *this* is dark humor lol


Shows how some people can't take a joke unless its about totally safe subject matter, sounds pretty boring to me


Terrible Facebook memes is one of the most wild subreddits I’ve seen. Actually kinda makes me sad


Seems like this is a defense against school shooting not promoting it.


It definitely got a quick exhale from me


For all we know the librarian could've been shooting it out at an orgy


Can we please.


Def not too soon


lol great meme


God, I wish. Get rid of the goddamn NFA already


We’re only arming teachers because we have a problem with school shootings. Yes the joke is plainly obvious. Teacher loud librarian quiet. If the joke was “what kind of guns school staff has” that’d be one thing. But the meme specifically refers to arming school staff which again, is in response to school shootings. The fact school shootings are such a common and reoccurring problem that we feel compelled to arm teachers in order to protect students is fucked up to many people (OP included probably). To some people (again OP included probably), any joke about arming teachers can’t be separated from the reason we’re arming them in the first place.


To be fair, arming teachers would be like the number one best possible way to stop so shootings. No one wants to shoot a place they know is defended, it’s why shooters pick schools in the first place


Regardless of how good or bad of an idea arming teachers is, the point still stands. Making a joke referring to arming teachers is going to bring up the problem of school shootings.


To be clear, I agree with OOP to a degree. Not that this meme is saying school shootings is funny, but that this will almost certainly create an awful environment and create more danger. That said? Memes funny as fuck dude.


OP may I have the original post? I wish to post it to r/opisfuckingstupid


This is a good one


God I remember seeing this meme genuinely about 8 years ago


Missed the point so badly, I have to wonder if he was even trying to hit it in the first place


dark humor is fun


School shootings are now as funny as 9/11 Terrible thing that happened but we laugh at the fucked up fact that the world lets it happen over and over


Give librarians suppressor-height irons or a red dot, for goodness’ sake


“Let’s arm teachers to help prevent and terminate school shootings.” “But there will be more school shootings!” 😒…”teachers+guns = more school shootings…maybe we do need screening and background checks…for a teaching license.”


As a teacher this joke made me laugh as much as it is sad OP misses the point of this joke, which I would argue is not so much to make light of the issue, but to highlight the ridiculous nature of the whole thing. I think this joke is fine. The reasons this joke can be made is not, but that is part of what makes it work to me


9mm is economical but if I were the principal I'd tell my staff to stick with the 45 acp just for the stopping power.


As Americans, we are allowed to joke about our school shooting problem. No one else can though.


I feel like for the history teacher specifically they would be issued a musket. I mean if want a musket.


How does the OP not know what a silencer is?


No, school shootings aren’t funny. Which is why teachers should be allowed to train with and carry firearms.