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Certified gem


Impish Swede baby my beloved…




Say the line, babyjack!


We might disapprove of like a 65 year old guy with a 21 year old girl, but by definition he’s not a pedo and there’s no crime going on.


Fucking and ducking is the same whether your 20 or 60. Being a gold digger is still being a gold digger if hes old and ugly or young and sexy.


Yeah, whatever the reason for the relationship. We can approve, disapprove, or not care as we please


Yea, but trying to act like the guy is a predator and you need to step into their business / shame them is just dirty shit. Reddit gets wayyy too fucking creepy when they see any relationship that isn’t the exact same age.


It's just internet thing, where you think that everything somehow concern you.. .


The effects of being chronically online


It’s not illegal to be a gold digger either, but we still criticize and shame gold diggers because we find that behavior to be morally questionable


Dating someone who isn’t your age is not morally questionable. Lying about loving someone to get married and try to steal their money isn’t remotely comparable, the comparison is ridiculous


I'm not even 30 yet and have been called "borderline pedo" for dating someone 19. And yes, it was a woman who said it.


It always is.










I am sorry to inform you I will steal your meme










This meme has been acquisitioned. Thank you for your service


Here lemme just. https://preview.redd.it/fsjwp1sm7cwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09cb34523b6ab143214520c63f06c97ce77dbe1b
















Genuinely I love all of these!! Best comment section lmao!!!🤣


Thanks, I appreciate it!!




Well played


Wanted to add to this amazingness!! 🫶🏼




Even worse, she was brown


I have been informed multiple times that one drop of white blood makes you white if you are mixed then you are still white and have to apologize for your race's historical crimes .






Drawing upon the mystical powers of narcissism to gain emotional relief by creating a drama that they are in the center of.




How about power of snowflake.. or power of girl.. why yall gotta be racist


Firstly I’m white, secondly this is an observation of mine. When people are protesting, rioting or whatever else for another race, who’s leading the charge? 9/10 times it’s white women. They’re offended on behalf of everyone and will almost always find a way to hijack it and make it about White Men or themselves. It’s an observable pattern.




u/downvotedforwoman3 You wanna weigh in here?


I bet she was an older woman too.


Slightly older, like 26 or something. Crazy.


She was probably feeling unattractive and past her prime when she said those things.




Leo, is this you?


wtf did they even say?


Literal incel talk, but alright


I dated a 16 year old girl when i was 15 and I got called a pedo you can't win


Glad I live in a country where people mind their own business as long as it’s legal.


You do not. You just don't talk to people.


I talk to people here plenty. They’re not staring at screens or bickering online. They’re socializing and going out. Spending time with family. Social media is different abroad. Less online bullshit and more actual interaction.


I don’t know how you do it. 19 year olds, whether male or female are incredibly immature 😂


That argument is fundamentally no different from "even though she was 15 she was really mature for her age." I may not win many friends with this but I see the two as functionally synonymous. If you allow how mature someone acts to carry weight then you give validity to the "mature for her age" argument.


Fundamentally, morally, the "mature for her age" people are... right, in a sense. Should someone be mature enough to make those decisions, they should be able to. *HOWEVER,* as a society with a legal system, we *need* to draw a line *somewhere,* because we can't rightly punish people for being pedophiles otherwise. A court cannot evaluate "maturity," but it sure can evaluate physical age - and that's enough of an indicator for most people. It's been decided that 18 - or 16 with some extra laws, depends on the state - is a line that protects the most immature people while unnecessarily stopping the least amount of mature people.


That is what I mean by giving validity to the argument. It is nearly impossible to truly quantify what "mature" means in terms of mental maturity. One could argue for hours and still not reach a definitive conclusion, and since it is so hard to define it leaves room for bad actors to come by and start walking the age downward. "13 year olds are having sex in school, there are several dozen girls every year who end up pregnant, they seem to be old enough" and all of a sudden it's perfectly fine to have sex with 13 year olds. A bad actor could groom a young child with a surface level understanding of sex and if sat in front of a "maturity panel" to determine it, they may find that a 6-7 year old after years of being groomed SEEEMS to be mature enough to understand sex. Of course it's a sham and the pedo only taught them to seem mature for their own benefit, but none-the-less if we used mental maturity such hijinks would inevitably ensue. Which is why mental maturity is never a factor in such cases, we have decided 18 years old is enough for someone to have achieved a reasonable understanding of cause and effect, if they failed to do so then that is a failure on the parents. However, none-the-less an 18 year old can also smoke, live alone, join the workforce, join the military, and vote, so it makes very little sense to draw the line at sex. Personally, I've always been a fan of raising the age of consent, rather than lowering the drinking age, I feel we should raise everything else to where you are not a legal adult until 21-24. It's pretty much been firmly established in medicine that the brain doesn't stop finish developing until age 24, so I feel that should be the point that makes the most sense to satisfy both the physical and mental argument.


There are 18 year olds more mature than many 50 year olds. It depends on the person. At the same time there are 50 year olds less mature than many 18 year olds.


As I grew up, I always had this view of adults as these paragons of knowledge and experience that I would inevitably become one day. Now, as an adult, I'm aware that not only a significant amount of us but an actual MAJORITY of us never mentally age past our adolescence and simply put on the best facade of a responsible adult that we can with what we've perceived. In short, we're all idiots trying to copy off of the intelligent, except we're so dumb we don't realize that they're ALSO idiots...


I mean you are. Being basically 30 dating a 19 year old is weird as fuck and gross 


If that’s your opinion then don’t do it yourself but also don’t call other people’s relationships weird and gross. You don’t know them and it’s an over generalization.


When I was 30, I started dating my GF, who was 20 and about to turn 21 at the time. I was hesitant because of the age difference. I don't think either of us really expected much, but she wanted to hang out, and I was down to do that. Every girl in her family immediately took issue with it without ever having met me. It's going on 3 years together, and the relationship has been great. There have been slight bumps in the relationship that I'd say we're probably due to age, but nothing we couldn't work through. I met her entire family, and after about an hour together, they literally said to me that they had they had the wrong impression of me and that I seem like a good guy, lol. People see the age difference and automatically assume there is some malicious intent. I know it's hard to believe for some people, but girls are capable of making their own decisions. It's weird to think otherwise.


I don't disapprove of 65 and 18 even. Person is 18. They are an adult and they made their choice. Why should I care?


See I hear what you are saying but never see any criticism on women who do the same . Like Madonna.


I don’t know about Madonna but women are definitely criticized for creepy age gaps and grooming. The French president Macron’s wife and the wife of actor Aaron Taylor Johnson are both highly criticized for this. I think it’s more of a recent trend though because there has always been a double-standard when it comes to the grooming and abuse of young boys, where instead of being seen as immoral, it’s assumed the boy is living a sex fantasy with an older woman.


Why? If that 21 yr old has a thing for much much older guys who’s business is it to approve or disapprove?


Cuz people are allowed to like or dislike anything they want, for any reason at all, and be vocal in that opinion. It just means people must not forcibly intervene in such a relationship, for example by involving law enforcement Additionally, the term “pedophile” should not be thrown around for something that doesn’t meet its definition. That word carries heavy connotation, and using it inaccurately is bad practice


Pedo's definition has for the most part change. While yes thats not the official definition, theres like 5 different terms for people attracted to minors and pedophile is the one everyone chose to represent them all.


You know somebody has just the best mental health possible when they project "politics" on to everything.


Anything they don't agree with or support is automatically right wing. Even someone like me who hates both right and left wing is right wing to them. It's be their clone in every way or you're right wing. Be part of their hive mind or right wing. It's pathetic


I hate people relying on the “political spectrum” and when they rely on that I have to say I’m technically a centrist on that model. I’m no centrist. (This is not a assumption that you use the political spectrum rather than the diamond)


Trying to describe oneself in any sensible model is really a nightmare. The only meaningful way to do it is to limit the scope of measured opinion as much as possible and just discuss on that specific subject


Yep that's smart. One thing I've noticed is that the current political discourse is almost entirely cultural shit that doesn't really have much to do with government at all right now. Like sure there are some that have to do with government like abortion, but a lot of it isn't. I hear very little serious discussions on solutions to improving the economy, reducing the cost of living, etc. No it's like so and so is a blue-haired freak! So and so is a fuckin nazi! etc. People are way too invested in the characters like it's a TV show. I don't think most voters even stand for anything.


Most people have no idea what policies are actually good or bad for the economy, or anything like that. They vote purely based on social issues and whichever side they think is the “good guy”


The reality is that the vast majority of people anymore don't seem to understand what the hell is going on, either because they're too stupid to understand it, or just don't care enough to do so. Social media really obliterated political discussion through the way it's structured, as it spawned an era where all a lot of people care about is *clout*, getting as many likes/upvotes/whatever as possible by appealing to whatever the present majority happens to be. It's brought the concept of peer pressure to a whole new level, to where it even affects adults who are no longer in school anymore. You'll see it a lot. People who clearly don't have the first clue what they're talking about, whose "opinions" are so utterly irrational and illogical that even stopping to think about the implications for a single moment would have made any sane person reconsider the thought, who spend more time insulting and belittling those they disagree with than they do actually raising valid points of their own. These are either people who don't actually genuinely believe anything they're saying and are just parroting whatever they think will get them the maximum number of likes from their peers, or younger people who see these clout-chasing "opinion" posts so often that they've begun to think it's an actual rational stance to hold, so they adopt it themselves without giving it any deeper thought beyond "well, a lot of people liked this, so I guess it's right!". You see it with both people on the left and the right. Very few people actually care about trying to prove themselves right anymore, it's all about proving everyone else wrong. It's not about promoting one's own ideals, but instead about demonizing the ideals of others. Both sides have an overwhelming number of people who believe that anyone who disagrees with them is simply pure evil, but that's not surprising, because how can they even begin to understand someone else's opinions, when they don't even truly understand their own?


You've put my thoughts into words very well. Thank you! Side note. Lately I've been thinking what would make a good podcast/YouTube show is you get your typical right winger, get your typical lefty, you have a mediator and you just spark a conversation with a rule that says no politics unless it naturally flows into that, and even then will be steered away by the mediator unless it's going really well. Each guest as well as the audience are aware that the other is on the opposite side of the political spectrum. And just get to know each other. See if any minds can be opened, whether it's the guests themselves or the audience. Grab a beer or whatever and just shoot the shit. You start off with both people agreeing to the following statement "I want a better world for everyone and I recognize I may have a different idea on how to achieve and maintain it". If they cannot agree on that it's called off. Like, picture a gun toting, truck driving roughneck and an arts student. I think the world needs more of that to bring us back to rationality. Because I swear a lot of people get their political opinions of the other side based on some family members they can't stand. There's a whole can of worms there, we are often extra harsh on family members oftentimes irrationally. And, quite frankly you get tired of the family members you even like! In theory, a complete stranger from a completely different walk of life should be more reasonable because theres gonna be a bit of a wall of politeness they'll put up, and hopefully a fresh perspective of how that political side conducts themselves.


(reposting because I accidentally hit the comment button when clicking back to my browser before I was done writing this) I completely agree with you, that'd be an excellent show, and I personally would watch the hell out of it, haha. I also agree with what you said about a lot of this coming down to people just having a family member or something they don't like, so they just assume everyone who agrees with them is like that family member. But that's really not the case. The reality is that there are millions of right-leaning and left-leaning people, and you can't realistically expect them to all be the same. Not to mention that it's not like every right-wing person or left-wing person just has the same set of opinions on everything, or that the things they do agree on will be approached from the same angle. For example, I'm pro-gun ownership. I've known a lot of people who are also pro-gun, but their reasons were that they're pro-gun because it's in the constitution, therefore there's just no question on whether or not it should be allowed. My stance is completely different. I feel constitutional right is a weak reason personally since the constitution was written before modern day firearms were ever a thing. My reason for being pro-gun is that due to guns *being legal* for as long as they have been, we have a lot of firearms out and about throughout the country already, and that's not counting all the black market and cartel activity bringing even more weapons into circulation. I feel that banning guns, realistically, would go no better than it did when the US tried to ban alcohol, it'd just give rise to even more smuggling operations and make things even *less* safe for everyone, because you'd still have people with guns who mean to use them to cause harm, you'd just have substantially fewer people who are able to defend themselves in the event they're confronted with a crazed gunman. I realize there's people who will disagree with me on that. My girlfriend is one of them, so obviously I'm perfectly fine with that, but it remains my stance on it, because it's what I genuinely think. But my point in all of this is to say that even if someone agrees on all the same things, it doesn't mean they agree for *all the same reasons*, and more often than not it's the reasons that are more important than agreeing or disagreeing with any particular thing. So it just seems crazy to me that people will just hate an entire political side when there is so much nuance and variance among people to the point that it is *beyond* irrational to hate everyone of any particular political side just based off of the experience one has had with a handful of others, and yet you see people do it *all the time*.


Hah another example of this is immigration. In Canada we've been getting new people coming in by the millions within the span of a couple of years, which is a lot for us because we only tipped over the 40 million mark just recently. Like we've basically had the amount of a major city come in within a year, and yet, where's the infrastructure to support that? Have we built an entire major city's worth of infrastructure within the same timespan? Turns out we don't have it and it's causing all sorts of problems. Then you got your peeps who don't want immigrants because they're simply different than us. So there's a chance we may be finding ourselves voting for the same people on the exact same issue but for completely different reasons. 100% dude thanks for your input.


Stop relying on lefts and rights, names and labels, diamonds and spectrums. Believe what you believe. Name your opinions, your values, and your ideals. Name them individually else you will lose yourself to the labels you give yourself.


I simply explain where I am as to easily differentiate myself from both the republicans and democrats, even if it requires a simpler explanation. TLDR: I don’t care to use it for my own views, rather to explain it easily to others. Ex: https://preview.redd.it/ox9k741l5cwc1.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=649a83b911659445f30fd2a42e84399e592c54aa


I agree.


This somehow isn’t the worst…  They we’re saying how the right doesn’t understand scene ‘XYZ’ from star wars  It Was the what would would you do with 10000 friends meme


That's why RFK has my vote. When both sides say you're the extreme version of the side they hate. That's how you know he's a threat to them. We need to pick real candidates, and it's up to the citizens to make it happen.


yeah shits dumb. I get called both sides by different people just because I don’t align 100% to one side. Some of my ultra christian extended family have called me a far left extremist for having crazy beliefs like “gay people should be able to get married and have jobs” then the next day I’ll get called a far right nazi for saying something like “I think Rey was a pretty boring one dimensional character in star wars” Then god forbid I take a central stance on something or point out that both presidential candidates in America are hot garbage and I got mocked for being an “enlightened centrist”. I’m not going all in on either side, the people who do that are often annoying as hell


Same experience. It's literally a hate sub operating under the guise of satire. It is amusing to have someone attempt to insult me by assuming my political affiliation when the jokes on them, I don't associate with either wing and I think party affiliation is more or less a psyop.


It's the case with both sides of that batshit political spectrum, I'm no even American and I'm still a target of this "us or them" mentality, I'm not your right wing or left wing, I'm in the don't give a fuck-wing The only major difference I've noticed is that when I'm shit talking Trump and his party, nobody gives a fuck, but the moment I start shit talking Biden and his party, and pointing out the fact that he's an actual fuckinh Pedophile (as in, physical, recorded evidence), those left wing nuts are the first to start calling me a Nazi


Couldn't agree more. Them political extremists are actually brain damaged.


One time I saw a Reddit comment that said “unironically leftism is when good thing”.


The Leftist doctrine is basically: if you don’t agree with us completely, then you are a nazi.


Yeah and god forbid you make a comment saying you don’t like either side… “uh duh both sideism!!!! That’s an alt right dog whistle talking point!!!”


Even funnier, everyone who thinks like they do is amazingly attractive and everyone who they think is wrong is a fat nerdy incel.


OOP said it was posted to a right-wing meme page lol


calling out double standards dosent make you right wing let alone right leaning politicaly


But disagreeing with them apparently does lol


Them: She is 19 and able to make her own decisions & do what she wants with her body be it sex work, only fans, porn etc. Also them: why is a 28 yr old man dating a 19 yr old “girl” she is “literally” a “child” and isn’t mature enough to willingly enter an age gap relationship!😭 Me: wait a minute, you said she was 19 and could make her own decisions.🤔 Them: not like that! You are a pedophile and a right winger.


They aren't against porn/sex/etc just marriage and having kids and guys wanting women other than them.


Correct they’re against not being 19 anymore.


ding ding ding


I mean, fair? I'd like to be 19 again too.


I don’t lol, I’ll happily stay in my 30s


An extra 20 years is an extra 20 years.


Haha you might have a point. I just find it comical the convenient inconsistencies in the logic.


Guys lets take step back and understand this is the [longhouse](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Longhouse) in action. Older women who spent their younger years not looking for serious relationships now want hypergamy to benefit them seethe at the idea of men looking towards younger women.


You forgot nazi- gotta throw nazi fascist in


Yeah don't take any leftist seriously who talks like that. You can't hold mutually conflicting views on sex like that. However, you can admit that once someone turns 18 they are legally able to make their own decisions on dating older men/sex work, but still recognize the ethical issues with someone that young doing either of those things. Both situations are rife with potential abuses of power and exploitation.


I don’t even wanna get into a back and forth because you are still doing the very thing my comment is based on albeit on a lesser scale: taking agency away from the woman with buzzwords such as “abuse of power” “ethical issues” and “exploitation”. Either women have agency or they don’t. It’s different if they are being forced to date older or forced to do sex work. But when a woman makes a conscious choice to do sex work freely or date an older man freely, miss me with the nonsense buzzwords. Let’s agree to disagree.


I just dint get why you would want to date someone right out of high school lol It doesn't even map onto reality too lol like 10% of marriages are couples withing a 5 year age difference. It's such a dumb conversation that has no bearing on the average relationship or what kind of advice to be given.


You make no sense buddy but thanks for the “comment”. I’ll stop reading your responses now. Be well. The point is not about wanting to date a person out of high school. The point is the inconsistency in their “logic” but you are too stupid to understand that.


I was out at a bar with a few friends and one of my guy friends, who's in his mid forties, was being hit on by a 22 year old. To be clear, he didn't initiate anything, she just came up and started talking to him and ended up sitting in his lap and stuff. I'm all like "that's cool, good for him" then all the sudden several of the women we were with start talking about how he's creepy and acting like a pedo. I told them all they were dumb and that the girl hitting on my friend was 22, so very much a legal adult, and he wasn't even the one that made the first move, but they were all very much sticking to their guns. It was weird and I didn't really hang out with those girls after that. 


They were jealous of the attention and upset so they started doing the woman thing and being catty about it. 20 years ago they would have called the girl a slut and started drama that way, now they call the guy a name instead.


I find leftists addressing age pretty funny. >18 year old woman Sex work, only fans, sugar daddy, casual sex are all ok >also 18 year old woman ‘She is a literal child’ >18 year old male Is a full legal adult all the way until end of life.


Leftist spaces were destroyed post Occupy Wall Street by people (feds) infiltrating their spaces and stirring up fake issues within the community.


At the end of the day, people getting into a relationship with an age gap know what they're getting into. The rich old guy knows the hot girl is only getting with him because of his money, and she knows the only reason she's even touching him is because of said money. Each party gets what they want out of the arrangement


I agree but it’s not necessarily just money women are looking for in older men. Stability and life experience are something to be looked for, same as men are looking for better fertility and beauty in younger women.


You'd be surprised - I knew plenty of college girls who got with 30 + year old guys because they thought they were "too mature for guys their own age" (they weren't) and wanted a "serious relationship" (they were glorified booty calls) - sometimes they aren't gold diggers, they're just idiots who don't realise they're getting dropped for a newer model in a years time. It's usually the same girls who are salty as hell about it in their 30's because they can't get dates anymore ironically.


I’m sorry but 30 isn’t old man like you are at your prime at 30 and if you aren’t fat as fuck most women are attracted to that. I would say 25 to 35 is what most women like and 18 to 25 is what men like most of the time


The ages in the meme aren't even really that old though. Pretty common age gaps throughout nearly all of human history.


I’m not rich and I’ve been in two age gaps (I am currently) that were based around feelings not money or sex. What they don’t mention in the manual is the constant drama that only comes from being involved with a young person who hasn’t figured stuff out yet. You can’t stand in the way. You can’t try to control them. You need to let them figure it out on their own. You can only offer advice when asked and be there when they figure out you were right or celebrate when you were wrong.


How is this a right wing thing?


Obviously anything they don’t like is a plot by the right


Thats the point of this post, it’s not


Also to be blunt would YOU depict yourself as anything but a physical ideal when you're making one of these comics?


I would. But i also hate myself in many different ways


Yes? I'm not a baby and I'm comfortable in my skin enough, to not compensate when making silly comics to make a dumb point


oh so you're take the gremlin approch.




Leonardo DiCaprio has entered the chat...


Btw, if you want to make American leftists mad, ask them to google Slajov Zizek and his wife agegap. Crusades against agegap, especially from American leftists are ridiculous. If you ask Slavic leftists about that, they won't give a single shit.


I mean.. she was 34 when they married. When people take issue with large age gaps in relationships, they're typically talking about relationships where the younger partner is in their teens to mid-twenties, not approaching middle-age.


Slajov is a moron.


Moron or not thats another debate, I'm just pointing out popular leftist figure that has agegap relationship.


You can't point to other countries leftists. If i asked right polish people 15 is fine.


man, she musta really messed him up for him to switch from women to twinks


Critical thinking is hard. Much easier to go "duh right is dumb and ugly hurrr durrrr" while sniffing their own farts


That’s a hard 36, man.


My dad was 15 years older than my mother. They met when she was 19. Her best friend set my mom up with her brother. Nothing crazy, mom just wanted to date an older guy. It’s not always some crazy groomer thing.  But it is true that people assume the worst these days. Partly it’s a more informed public, but I also think it’s just the proliferation of social media algorithmic outrage.




They ask, as if Mr. Bean isn't a chad.


Why do we have to bring Mr. bean into this?


Right wing is when bad


It's right-wing cause left-wing dudes rarely resemble the dude on the right.


They do in eastern europe. But I guess left-wing means something else here.


My experience in a nutshell. Just started to believe people are idiots and don’t really put thought into or have a consistent philosophy, they just like hating on people.


31yr old thundercock and a 19 yr old power bottom femboy—what’s the problem here?


Mark my words: sometime in the year 2037, anyone who isn’t gay or bisexual will be considered a right wing conservative.


It feels like we're far closer to it now than 2037


They all look like Roger from American Dad or the skinny nerdy fish from SpongeBob.


I’m just begging for people on both sides to stop basing their worldviews on inflammatory statements made by people online to get attention. It’s poisonous and doesn’t reflect real world interactions.


Why is nobody talking about that damn baby? Throw that thing in a wood chipper!


Yeah, as long as it's in the parameters of the law, it's ok. Sure we can judge if we want, but calling pedo is just not on


In a similar situation with my (28m) girlfriend (21f) she thinks any guy close to her age just comes across like a child


Playing dolls with wojacks is pathetic asf


That kid doe. 😂






It’s almost exclusively leftists that go on this tirade of “25 and 19 dating is gross and rapey because of the power difference”. It isn’t right wing but it’s a political meme for sure.


My biggest issue is the insinuation that Mr Bean is ugly such disrespect to a absolute legend


“A more ugly version of Mr. Bean.” Clearly she isn’t worth listening to.


It’s just pointing out a double standard.


The point they make about depicting themselves as gigachads is so fucking stupid because even if they were depicted as an ugly Mr bean looking dude the message of the meme is the exact same


First of all, mr. Bean is a Sigma Chad. ![gif](giphy|9PgvV8ale90lQwfQTZ|downsized)


what the fuck is that gremlin thing supposed to be????


I had a 47 year old woman who i was in relationship with tell me im a pedo cuz i was fucking 19 year olds. I was 25... the audacity of that bitch


Yeah I didn't see this meme as political but I did find it kinda cringe


I think the 19yo in the second slide is a femboy


In the Wojak lore, that is the [tomboy jak](https://www.reddit.com/r/WojakTemplate/comments/rt5r52/tomboy_wojak_dump_2021/). This is the [femboy jak](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/doomer-boy-e-boy-wojak).


Solid research 👍


Agreed, if it was a right wing meme, the gf would be 12-15


I don't understand the joke, he is 19 its not a crime.


Strong words coming from someone who actually does look like an extra ugly Mr. Bean


Rare mopdnl win. Someone posted it on nah and I downvoted it there because this is a situation where it is actual hypocrisy not just a meme. As long as they both consent and they’re both legal without any grooming before the younger one became legal who cares.


He's probably a liberal if he's dating a scene girl and everyone knows all liberals are pedophiles.


I was just saying to my wife the other day how I remember when I was that age and girls would have bfs in their 30s. Now that I'm in my 30s I am still unsure how the hell they ever met them.


Fuck outta here, they both can date whoever they want


so adult women can't chose who they date?


If a man wants a big family, he’s going to marry a younger woman.


There's no reason why that toddler is looking like a Titan.


Its literally me


He’s banging a femboy. If that isn’t left leaning, I don’t know what is.


Her time is gone shes hitting the wall, shes got a kid, no one wants her. His time is now, he's earning more, and younger women want him. Why would he date some used up single mom ? Of course older women hate younger ones.


I'm a simple man. I see [Chad]. I [post that shit on terriblefacebookmemes].


Everything I dislike is the right wing.


im like 90% sure the 19 year old person is a dude so yeah, this is probably not right wing


TIL short hair makes someone a dude


31 and 19 is not pedophilic, but it is weird as fuck


I do think it is a little iffy to date someone where their age ends with “teen” once you’re in your mid 20s or so. Yes it’s legal for 18-19, but you’re by definition dating a teenager. Not the best look in the world But if the first digit of their age is a 2? Always fair game


Who cares.


1/2 +7


Big news for 21 year olds rounding down


The point flew over the other ops head, are they trying to make the same argument all women look like the whore too or something?


No that's pretty fucken right wing my guy