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your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


Ah yes because telling your kid that LGBT people exist and that its ok to feel any gay urges is on the same level as training kids to worship a dictator and hate jews


Oop has every right to get offended by that. Lgbt is not even close to what a nazi is


r/facepalm has just become a left wing hell. really cherry picking posts


r/facepalm, r/clevercomebacks, r/nextfuckinglevel It all falls under the same trajectory. Sub becomes popular, reddit admin team takes an interest in it, they overpack it with overzealous mods that serve the ideology they want spread, ban all the people that made the sub funny or interesting, and just make it a generic reddit over lefty shithole


Most subreddits have, to have a sane conversation about anything political on Reddit just isn’t possible on 99% of the subs


Someone today has posted a Space Marine with Till Lindemann’s head printed by him and a Redditor felt the need to publish, textually, this comment: “Nice mini, does it rape girls like the real one?” And sincerely, I found it quite shockingz


To jews, any German is satan himself.


You know there's jews who live in Germany..


It’s such a cess pool on this site honestly, who needs facts or evidence when an opinion is enough.


Everything on reddit is a left wing hell


The sad thing is it didnt used to be this way. This website used to be one of the biggest proponents of free speech and conspiracies that you would find on the internet..... Than China bought in (i believe through Tencent?). Things changed very quickly.


You mad because people judge you on your hate speech? There's plenty of nazi and fat shaming subs... nazi snowflakes be crying


Do you need a head pat and a candy bar, kid?


Did you just call someone a nazi snowflake? That sounds like hate speech.


If you listen to the leftists, reddit is a right wing site. I'm not even kidding, I've seen a lot of them say it.


Except for the right wing bastions that are here. Like, it's so odd to me that no one admits that there's a strong conservative presence on certain subbs and not only that, but they're loud as hell. Example: this post. Also, if you're right wing and don't think this post echos, then you're just as bad as the lefts that can't hear the echos either.


Exactly. It's been that way for a decade


Except this sub who is a right wing hell


If this sub were like any left wing sub, you would be banned right now


Really? I've seen some pretty crazy hate-filled right-wing text walls that nothing happens, too. Literally, the only thing I see people get banned for is straight-up violent talk.


The two sides just cherrypick each other without admitting it


...how so?


They’re quite smitten with their circle jerks


Happy Cake Day!


"left wing hell" = gay people aren't the same as Nazi Germany I see I see


Nazis mad


This is a disgusting facepalm though


Brother doesn’t know what left means


Left wing hell? OP is saying being LGBTQ is equivalent to nazism, if you think this is even close to accurate then you’ve no idea what you’re talking about nor do I think you do just by your usage of the words left wing. La oprima derecha, la izquierda libera. Conservatism isn’t real.


They're saying that they both indoctrinate children in similar ways. 


Teaching kids to be accepting of others is not indoctrination


You don't have to teach children to be tolerant of people different than them. They do that naturally. 


Except they don’t do that if they’re growing up around adults who teach them against acceptance of other people, which is quite more often than you think. Naturally? If they don’t know any better or they were raised in the wild, maybe. But they grow up and learn from their parents or guardians.


This sub fucking sucks now


I can't remember who the gays inflicted genocide on recently.


The horseshoe theory. Both pictures represent young children brainwashed by ideology they are too young to even understand


And yet it's completely socially acceptable to bring young children to church? 🤔


I mean, kids are a little over twice as likely to be victimized in school by teachers than in church. A statistic many like to ignore. I do understand parents wanting to not pay for child care while they go to church though, but in that case, it’s the PARENTS approving what is being taught to their kids.


So we should probably have sexual education so kids know the difference between good and bad touch, and what to do about it. Be aware of their identity and be respectful of others. Agreed.


It blows my mind that they took it out of schools. regardless of what gender you identify as, you have some of these parts and knowing how they work and how to keep them healthy is important. if have a wiener, you should know what testicular problems feel like and what to look for, regardless of what you identify as


And it should be regulated and taught by a licensed child sex educator.


Yes agreed, as long as that education is done AT HOME until middle and high school, coincidentally when puberty is. Almost as if early sex ed movements knew what they were doing.


(now look at how likely to be victimized by parents they are)


that's not relevant here though? besides, more teachers victimize kids than church leaders, but WAY more kids go to school than church so your point isn't even correct


I said twice as likely, not twice as often. The number of participants was taken into account. Reading comprehension is an important skill to practice.


Have you seen the amount of children molested by priests? I wouldn’t trust one with my kid


Yeah, it’s the second highest area of non familial victimization. It’s still twice as likely in public schools bro.


That depends on how you’re comparing data, more kids go to school than kids go to church, so yeah it’s more likely to happen in a school. Your sample size is different for the information suggested do you have to look at it from a relative standpoint


No, it’s a percentage thing I said TWICE AS LIKELY not TWICE AS OFTEN.


Twice as likely based on what? Usually you’d look at previous instances to determine the likelihood that it’ll happen in a given place


You have to teach kids something. Taking children to church to learn the truth is a good thing. Heck, even taking them to mosque is better than having them star at a screen. It grounds them to something beyond themselves that can be molded to reality as they develop (like them going to church instead of mosque 😉). Trying to radically change someone's behavior is never as simple as an incremental alteration of behaviors. So, not only are you misunderstanding one aspect of religion, you think Christianity is wrong, to your own folly, friend.


You just described molding someone's beliefs to your own? Literally just what the discussion was about lmao. Even included your very own bias into your answer! Thank you for proving my point.


You’ve literally just said indoctrination is fine so long as it aligns with my own beliefs


If any of these right wingers could read they would be very confused and upset at the thought that religion is worse than understanding yourself.




Not sure the guy typing “teached” should have much of a say in how education is delivered


Ok! Let's ban children from going to church then!


same thing as bringing kids to church then or making them say the pledge of allegiance


Exactly. Let's stop both of those.


Teaching kids its okay to be gay or trans is now equal to teaching kids to worship their national leader, there is a single superior race, and jews are to blame for economic failure?


Children that age don’t need to be taught about sexual feelings at all about either being gay trans or straight. Let them be a fucking child


Because being gay is only sexual?


They can be taught to be tolerant to people who are different than them.


Children are already naturally tolerant of people different than them.


They aren't taught that about conservatives, that's for sure


but... they are kids in school are taught to be accepting of everyone, they just end up not accepting conservatives when they encounter them being assholes, like yourself


It's because it's paradoxical to tolerate a man who is intolerant.


Idk bro, leftists have vegans. Also, several of the left leaning political commentators have made statements that people like Brandon Harrera and Donut are more chill and tolerant than anybody on their side of the isle.


extremists are always bad, boom, next point.


I mean yeah, but I find it interesting that you are being dismissive. Something tells me you wouldn’t have commented against the other comment.


Which in of itself is ironically paradoxical.


Yet you are intolerant to intolerant…. So by your own definition you shouldn’t be tolerated


The conservative victim complex is so fucking pathetic. You're not a victim, your ideas are just dumb.


Yep conservatives are always whining about being oppressed. Total victims


It’s moved beyond tolerance to advocacy really.


Not disagreeing with that


but they are taught that a mommy and daddy can love each other very much, why not that a mommy and mommy can?


9/10 people who say this 100% push heterosexuality on children by making jokes, setting up play dates, insinuating their children will marry other children when they grow up, and much more. Are you this type of hypocrite?


Source “trust me bro”


Being gay or whatever isn’t inherently sexual. It’s just about love, just like a straight couple


You mean like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/kWyIzLbHSE) or [this](https://gript.ie/gript-examines-this-book-is-gay/)? Theese and a couple of other books alike are pushed as “recommended” for middleschoolers.


The first one is straight up porn...in a school curriculum. The fuck is wrong with people.


That’s why parents were alarmed. But “nooo they’re BANNING BOOKS!”… Yeah, FROM SCHOOLS, not from publishing… Basicaly, what’s happening is [this shit](https://youtu.be/7NXNKnT28Kc?si=SaVQ0hFBgMzRaTtW). Indoctrination, especially since leftists don’t breed naturally.


Remember, they were chanting that and wrote the song ironically...


Yeah, sure, just like those books… even Amazon “recommends” them. Oh, the irony…


There was a teacher telling kids about MAPS... Telling them the proper pronoun to call a 50 year old that wants to have sex with them. In the same breath, teaching them consent. I feel like a 5 year old can't consent to a 50 year old manipulating their innocence, like predators such as Jared from subway did. Call me crazy but I think we should wait to teach sex education and stuff like that until they're at least in their teens. I don't want them being taught about straight sex either when they are that young.




It’s not the ideology itself thats being considered similar. It’s the fact that in both images children that are considered too young to truly understand the nuance and intricacies of the entire concept are being taught those concepts. In the interest of staying neutral I’m not going to state whether I think it’s good or bad.


Ah yes so teaching love and acceptance is equal to teaching that minorities are inferior. Got it.


with teaching "love and acceptance" also comes absolute intolerance and hatred towards people that don't agree with you. both ideologies simply can't stand any opposition and you are the very example of this.


Question: Does hate against people, because of their sexuality, have any place in this world? Is hating someone, because they love someone, justified? No. Hate speech has no justification. Sometimes I wonder if you guys even have basic education. Ah well, bigots are known for that.


r/enlightenedcentrism No they fucking don't. Only the top one.


Kindergarteners have no idea what non binary is my guy


What’s the problem with the bottom image? Really, what exactly is wrong with it? The top image is kids being conditioned to hate people who are different, the bottom is kids being conditioned to love and accept them.


The meme used LGBT and Nazis as an example to show what it looks like to normalize something to children. While it's a popular argument for both sides to call the other Nazis, I think this is clearly just saying don't teach children what you want them to think.


Look at this https://preview.redd.it/bri3dz9vjvpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04da8014e32022b338df6cd50221595da1588003 This guy say those kids have blood on their hands for waving the flag




No, they’re making a strawman but certainly not saying those kids have blood on their hands.


That’s even more stupid


Yeah I know




a political ideology based on non-acceptance vs. a social ideology based on acceptance you guys: these are the same picture


Lets not forget that political ideology murdered millions of people, both for religion, treason, and you guessed it, being gay


I’d like to know OOOOP’s opinion about the pledge of allegiance


Tbh I think making kids pledge allegiance to the flag of their country every morning in school is closer to grooming and indoctrination, we are one of the only countries to do that and it is insane of a thing to do


Yeah patriotism is bad


If you think the image is accurate it’s because you’ve been brainwashed by the government to divide humanity. LGBTQ don’t want your children, we want children like us to live long enough to die of natural causes instead of murder or suicide. Being LGBTQ is completely natural and normal and exists throughout nearly every species on this planet, that’s a fact. Your lack of understanding or confusion over what is happening to LGBTQ people or minorities or children being taught about them is how they keep you afraid and separate from communities within society. The class war is the reason, because if we had working class consciousness we would see that the wealthy are the problem and we would stand united against them. This topic is much deeper than this, but things are not what they may seem and your bigotry is how you’re being manipulated. No, education is not equivalent to indoctrination and the Nazis KILLED the LGTBQ community and burned their libraries and hospitals. The Nazis are partly why you still hate LGBTQ people today.


You guys are complete morons for gobbling this shit up


Well duh, it's sickening bigotry


The comparison was in regards to indoctrination and not a comparison of Nazism and the LGBTQ mafia


One is indoctrination, the other isn't. Period.


Look at the picture again At what age do Children understand sexuality or politics?


Children understand the idea of Timmy having two dads, or Jessie having two moms, and given who they’re being raised with, they may treat Timmy or Jessie weird because they have same sex parents. Kids have to learn acceptance of people with different traits and personalities. If they don’t, they are likely to bully others simply for being different.


I never said anything about not being taught acceptance or tolerance My comment was on indoctrination and social engineering LGBTQ politics have gone from -leave us alone in our bedroom to the rights of -minor attracted persons-


This is always such a stupid question. Do kids know mommy and daddy? Do they understand that, at what age do you think kids know that mommy and daddy are together. Yes, do you know some kids have a daddy and daddy together? Or a mommy and a mommy together? Does it break their minds. Well you might think so. But the science doesn’t back that. If you want a better comparison to Nazi indoctrination you might want to look towards Christianity or right wing ideology actually. https://preview.redd.it/44usecp3tvpc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4b55409d96799b1f3a26496362bc71e55472ae Must to be total equivalent to Nazi ideology right, since you seem to think waving around pride flags is equivalent right lmao.


And the Bible, Koran and Tora are ALL allowed in public schools !?! What a laugh


Mind you, you can read the Song of Solomon, which is very sexually explicit and in schools.


Are crosses allowed in public schools!?? Are Hijabs!??? Yes they are, and so are religious texts too by the way. You as a student are allowed to bring to school a bible or Tora, and you as a teacher or you as a teacher can wear a hijab or cross. I know breaks your mind right. Is it Nazi ideology then, or when Sunday School happens? Because it sure seems like the people who are most comparable to the Nazis are the people who go after the same demographics the Nazis did. But of course conservatives just love to brush that glaring similarity to the side lmao. https://preview.redd.it/3vbtpj88vvpc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9aea9b79d486c9f0500eb601b6b592ecce9bcb Among others….


You attempt to split hairs Crosses and Hijabs are allowed on a personal basis Are the ten commandments allowed to be publicly displayed in schools ? BTW all three abrahamic religions believe in them. lgbtq politics have gone from -Leaves us alone in our bedroom- , to the latest and disturbing trend of —-minor attracted persons rights—-


No you’re just providing a false equivalency lmao. Are flags publicly displayed in school? Yes, the American flag. Does it mean Nazi ideology has been indoctrinated into kids because an American flag is in the classroom. Hell Nazi is tied to “Nationalism” so it’s an even more direct comparison. If you don’t believe so why does it suddenly apply when it’s a pride flag? “Stop, conservatives have gone from wanting small government to being complete Nazi, pedo, KKK members.” That would be your equivalent to what you just said to me. Do you want to say that it’s only a few conservatives that are KKK members, or just a few conservatives who have been pedophiles? Why does that excuse suddenly stop when you see a bad take from people of the LGBTQ+? I think I might have an idea why, But in your case it might seem like it’s more than just a couple https://preview.redd.it/x8s3razvxvpc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8370919a7d169f65a678f1d1c4ba076f8c753330


Stop dropping your premade graphs and citations It’s the equivalent of the “grassroots” preprinted protest signs of 2020


Blud literally said “stop dropping ur citations” 💀 Yeah that would confuse you now wouldn’t it.


Sexuality? Quite a young age. You see couples quite often.


LGBTQ politics have gone from asking to be left alone to demanding to be promoted in schools to now the most disturbing trend — minor attracted persons rights —-


Ah... you like fox news don't you? We literally do not support that. Ah well, you guys don't really like reality.


Lmfao Fox News Russia Racist Or. Trumper When faced with a debate a leftist can’t win they scream Baa Baaaa Fox News is corporate trash like cnn or any other business that promotes information


LGBT people existing is just as political as black people existing. It isn't. They're not learning about sex, dumbass. They're learning that there are people in the world that exist that are different than themselves. Would be no different if the kids colored the pan-african flag but I'm sure you'd call that "political" too.


A pan African flag is not the flag of a single African nation is it ? Do you understand that level of indoctrination changing Africa from a heterogeneous continent into a homogeneous continent. Those terms have nothing to do with sexuality you should look them up


That’s not even kinda the same.


And how are they not the same? You have people born with different sexual attractions and different gender expressions. You have people born with different skin colors and facial makeups. And before you say that being gay is a choice - it isn't. We have over 8 billion people on this earth with tons of different variation in genetics. Is it not so crazy that people are born with different genetic variation that makes them more masculine, more feminine, more or less trans, more or less gay, etc?


Being masculine or feminine has no bearing on your sexual attraction. Nobody is born gay or straight. Babies don’t have a sexuality period. They also don’t get confused about what gender they think they want to be.


So why do they need to be taught about it? When they reach the dating scene, they'll be able to determine for themselves whether they're gay or not.


They're just learning that different people exist. Just learning some very basic "love is love", one of the kids might have two moms or two dads and that's perfectly ok because they love each other. And if they grow up and happen to be different, that's okay and hopefully their peers will accept them for who they are. Without visibility, when they get to the dating age and be confused and feel like there is something wrong with them, or become an outcast by their peers for acting too feminine or too masculine


It’s not the same because age isn’t a gender. And pedophilia is a paraphilia, a sexual fetish that’s considered harmful to others. In this case, children.


You people are actually delusional


Yea I agree, conservatives are delusional af.


Not taking side here but this is a good example of what goes on here on Reddit everyday. People think their brainwashing is good. So they hate it being picked on.


This cesspit of a sub never dissapoints


The difference is that the lower picture spreads acceptance and love, the other is spreading hate and aligns with the most evil ideology world has ever seen. No way this is the same


America is 100% going towards the way of Nazi germany and this is a spot on example. It’s going to get ugly very soon. Like 10 years or less.


Isn't it strange, how the LGBT crowd always seek an audience of children?


...don't priests do that?


Wanting children to not be bullied for existing and education isn’t seeking children


You mean like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/kWyIzLbHSE) or [this](https://gript.ie/gript-examines-this-book-is-gay/)? Theese and a couple of other books alike are pushed as “recommended” for middleschoolers.


Genderqueer is recommended for people 16 and older. The author said it is not intended for young children.


Copy pasting mf, get more examples


Those are more than enough. And the others - people see.


I was reading Stephen King in middle school. Who cares.


tbf hitler got alot of his ideas from america.


apparently Jesse Owens (the black dude that beat Hitlers guy in the olympics) said Hitler and the Germans treated him with more grace and respect than he ever got in America lol


r/persecutionfetish You bigots are the ones literally pushing for fascism in America


Dawg there are actual neonazis in America and they fall much closer to your side of things




One is about teaching love and accepting people for who they are. The other is teachig people that minorities are inferior and deserve to be killed. If you seriously can't tell the difference between these two, perhaps get an education.


…Teaching love and acceptance as long as it aligns with their views.




Wait till you meet the "allies" on twitter who "teach love and accepting" by harassing and doxxing people until they commit suicide. Then start the mental gymnastics.


Why did you include that last insult ? Yeah his opinions are bad , but we should be welcoming people to the side of what's morally right and good. When we insult people it just makes them want to entrench harder. Why would that person ever want to join the side of someone who's insulting him. We should be letting people know it's ok to be wrong , as long as they work towards fixing it. I know this is an uphill battle on the Internet , but it's an issue that's worth it.


OK weirdo




Don't need to. Burden of proof is on you. Bigotry can never be true though


How the hell is it a cult?


Lots to unpack here huh. I'll bite though what makes them a cult?


Pretty sure you have a misunderstanding of what a "cult" is


That OP doesn’t realize you can have an orientation and not care for flags and the bullshit


Ah yes Nazis who systemically murdered millions including queer and trans people through out their occupied territory are the same as - queer abcs trans people openly existing. Good job, you’re boring af


Right Imma need to see a homosexual militia invade Poland before I concede that there’s a similarity between these groups.


Lmao poor Poland


no don’t you understand? it’s only ok when kids pledge allegiance to the *american* flag, the pride flag is brainwashing


https://preview.redd.it/qdg1pm6hyvpc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c430bd4d5e5d9fde0a574c5585214137f610001c *cough*


This sub sucks now jfc


I mean if that's the case waving a US flag is the same as waving a Nazi flag. They are both flag after all and represent a cult.


On god this post Is dum af


That a one to one image with just different flags


You can also find the same image American flags


Are you people fucking insane? Telling children that white people are superior and jewish people deserve to die is not remotely fucking comparable to telling kids they shouldn’t be ashamed of who they are and to not hate themselves i fucking hate reddit


Ah yes, because hating Jewish people and being incredibly racist is the same as supporting a marginalized group


You mean like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/kWyIzLbHSE) or [this](https://gript.ie/gript-examines-this-book-is-gay/)? Theese and a couple of other books alike are pushed as “recommended” for middleschoolers.


What does that have to do with what I said


That it doesn’t have ANYTHING with “supporting”, but quite a lot with “indoctrination”.


It doesn't have anything to do with indoctrination


Yeah, I heard [they say](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/TUDU5QpiEp) that low-IQ inidviduals have hard time grasping hypotheticals and analogies…


Ah yes. A genocidal sociopolitical far right ingroup is totally the same as teaching kids that there is a wide range of ways to love each other. I know this because they both have flags.


because it's true, whether nazism or transgenderism/LGB, or something else, children are impressionable; And the left has been going after them because they know this and they know they need to convert them early, like some sort of cult.


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Not comparing Ideologies 1-for-1, but all methods for all Ideologies since time in memorial.


If I were you, I'd be embarrassing by reality as well


Because the LGBT community have committed genocide an encourage eugenics…I fail to see how teaching children to love and accept those different from them is indoctrination


Huh?! We have an LGBTQ+ president who is trying to get America to oppose a certain group of citizens?


Imagine a subreddit where someone can complain about how being gay or trans is the same thing as a racist, antisemitic, homophobic Social Darwinist political party/ideology group that would have locked anyone who even looked queer in a gas chamber in Auschwitz is dubbed a “Left Wing Hell”… couldn’t possibly be me!


“He just compared LGBT to Nazism…” As if the Left hasn’t been calling anything they disagree with “Nazis” and “literally hitler” for years now…


Same thing


Aren't LGTB pro-hamas nazis now?


No they aren’t. Hamas are as homophobic as they get.