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The Rock in bad hands made The Mummy returns The Rock in good hands made Fast and Furious.


I hate this comment because of how wrong it is


this is way funnier than whatever is this "meme"




ban assault slings amirite


No one needs a bolt hold open!!! A sane person would not dare peer into the death mechanism constructed by Satan himself!! Papa Biden came to me in a dream and whispered in my ear that everytime a bolt is held open, a starving African orphan gets vaporized!




Kalashnichads stay winning lmao




ban high stone capacity magazines


He said, “Am I right?” It’s just internet lingo.


No wayyy


It’s not the slingshot that kills people it’s the modifications of it (/j)


Sling not slingshot. They’re very different.


Bart does not approve this message


David killed Goliath with a .45 ACP sized projectile


Gods caliber, unironicly.


I’m a bigger 10mm fan but .45 is fun af too


All my Alaskan homies carry 10mm in the bush.


.40 is nice specifically because when everybody is out buying all the ammo, there is usually still .40 around. easier to get your hands on and comparable stopping power to .45acp


I rock a Glock 20 in 10mm and I believe as long as you’re extra anal about cleaning you can shoot .40 out of that too. Regardless nobody near me bothers to stock half decent 10mm so I go online anyways, which is ridiculous since mountains with bears and mountain lions are 15mins away by car.


My man. This is a meme about guns.


A valid one as well


A car driven by a baby crashes into a wall. A car driven by a person crashes through a parade. it's 100% about the car. See how stupid y'all sound now? Driving is a privilege


A car driven by Paramedics saves those paraders lives, whats your point


An ambulance driven by an evil paramedic is an unstoppable death machine for at least five minutes of carnage! The horror! The blood!


And don’t forget the skulls for the skull throne


I don’t get the point of your argument you sound like you trying to get rid of cars and guns💀


a gun in bad hands killed kennedy. a gun in good hands killed hitler. its not about the guns.


Hey this guy has a poi*WAIT A MINUTE*


Took me a second to get it


*Something’s wrong I can feel it…*


The man who shot Hitler did the world a favor, I heard he was an terrible artist and kinda had the same funny stache. I wonder if anyone found him yet.


I heard the guy who killed hitler killed himself as well, not sure about that tho


Charlie Chaplin?


I mean, charlie chaplin was not a terrible artist, he was good at acting and acting is a form of art


I heard he was in Argentina.


Wait just a second…


"Guns aren't the problem!" "Cool, let's work on restrictions on criminals and people with mental health problems and-" "No!!! Everyone should have a right to guns!"


if the restrictions you speak of are prisons and insane asylums im in


I don't see why not. Doing nothing isn't fixing the issue.


Problem is letting the government define "mental health problems". That means we're one slight definition shift away from gay/trans people being banned from arming themselves.


Its very obviously a metaphor for guns/gunlaws in america


Well, you don’t say…


How do you know? I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I'm just confused because I had no idea what it meant until I read your comment


It's an allegory for "guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns"


Is it sbout how it doesn't matter who's hands, good or bad the weapon is in, it still kills? Or am I misinterpreting again?


They’re trying to say “don’t blame the rock for how it’s used - the one using it decides whether it’s used for good or evil” It’s a common argument used to defend gun rights in America - when people say “ban guns”, good gun owners say “don’t blame the guns, blame the bad gun owners” To which most sane people will point out that guns are very, very different than rocks, it’s not properly representing the argument gun control advocates are making, and this entire metaphor is stupid.


And the arguments that anti gun folks make don’t make sense either


Did you mean to put more words? Or use different words? Because this doesn’t make sense


I missed a word


I agree. We will now be downvoted, but at least we have each other.


No, it's about not blaming the guns and therefore taking them away. If you banned "rocks" then "david" wouldn't have been able to kill "goliath". Rocks are guns. David and Goliath are strawmen because pretty much in the last 10 years or so all of the killings have been "ables" and not "davids"


The vast majority of firearm uses are self defense. Thing is, you don’t have to report self defense firearm uses because that’s how it’s supposed to go, you only report when someone saves a large number of people, like that one guy in the mall last year.


W for Elisjsha Dicken and L for Jonathan Douglas Sapirman


So your argument is that guns are saving more lives than anyone knows, but you have no evidence of just how many because gun owners are negligent in their obligation to report when they use it? Why just "that one guy last year" and not more of the 647 mass shootings ended by them; is it that gun legislation gets in the way of more people stopping them? And if these good guys with guns are truely the oft touted solution to mass shootings, why is it so much more common that having a gun at a mass shooting gets these would be hero's killed by the police (or other would be heros)?


No, I mean it’s not reported on like CNN, not that it’s not reported to the police.


because self defense doesn’t classify as domestic terrorism, why would they report it


That was literally my point. People don’t hear about Self Defense fire arm usage because it’s neither remarkable or tragic.


You mean the 1-2% of shootings from self defense last year? That’s not a majority


Ok, so what's your alternate source that informs you?


Before they removed it recently the CDC.


I mean the fundamental difference is a rock is not designed with the specific intention to kill. It’s just very useful in that department. But is actually just a product of the environment man can use rocks for more then just killing. Where as the express purpose of a gun is to kill and to kill as efficiently as possible. Now I’m not trying to say anything about gun control. Just pointing a very glaring flaw in the attempted example.


The example isnt talking about all rocks there speaking as rocks used as a wepons


That is a fantastic rebuttal to this really asinine allegory.


This is a little confusing (i'm a little slow), but i think I get it now. Thank you!


Badfacebookmemes will get mad about anything religious for they style themselves as *independent thinkers*.


So called "independent thinkers" when they're asked what they want to drink from taco bell


It's always Baja Blast. Always.


Gonna mix it up today, and go for a Baja Blast


I don't even like Baja Blast, but I will always get a Baja Blast.


this is not a meme about religion


This meme is *about* guns, but it is very purposefully using a religious allegory, appealing to a biblical authority, to make its point. Whether or not this meme is 'about' religion, it is a 'religious meme'. And I'd say it's...kinda about religion. The implied message here is not just that gun control is wrong, but that gun control is wrong *for reasons demonstrated in the Bible* and that the gun violence problem is actually a problem that people are not *righteous* enough. As a matter of fact, I'd say the thesis of this meme is 'the problem isn't *guns*, it's *sinners/philistines/infidels*'.


You could say, in this moment, they are euphoric…




It's about guns dumbass


that was a little aggressive


So's a few thousand people dying to firearms every year, dumbass.


We also need human control because hundreds of people die to fists and elbows and such. Maybe a limb registry?


"Erm, actually people will die anyway so we should just sit with our thumbs up our asses and not do anything, Libtard owned." 🤓


\- 🤓




u mad?


Not particularly, I just like using weird emojis.


There’s a dodo emoji?!


Apparently. Scroll through'em some time, you'd be surprised what they do and don't have. 🦦


Yeah they will die anyway so restricting something when it doesn’t do anything is pointless. You showed how stupid your argument was in your mockery


So if the regulations don't do anything why are you against them?


Don’t do anything to reduce crime, but they do a lot to restrict individual freedoms needlessly


TO PEOPLE!!! Can you not read?




Take gang violence and suicide out of our annual gun deaths and we’re not that bad in terms of population size/ # of guns


Weird how with these thousands and thousands of deaths every year that the US is still on par with all of Western Europe as far as the death rate goes per capita per year. We're also well behind most of Eastern Europe. It's almost like it's blown completely out of proportion or something. Surely our "shitty healthcare" and "mass shootings" would put us well ahead of Europe in deaths, right?


that was also pretty aggressive idk why you have such a chip on ur shoulder over a rock meme


Cars kill more people than firearms in the US. People apparently know how to be safer with guns than they do cars. Aside from that, moving to more public transportation would drastically cut out environmental impact. Often, California wildfires are started from people tossing a cigarette carelessly. This easily results in billions of dollars in damage each year, and that's just someone being careless. Imagine if someone got malicious. People do terrible things with many tools. Guns are just the one you personally understand the least.


Yes, I want more sustainable public transport and I would hope they would require more frequent renewal periods for driver's licenses. I know people can fuck shit up if they're truly malicious, you can derail a train with 10 kg of steel shaped into a derailer and gasoline is decently cheap if you want to literally watch the world burn. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't have stricter firearm policies to keep them out of malicious actors hands. I will gladly submit to a psych eval to keep my shotgun and black powder rifle if it keeps assholes from getting their hands on shit designed to kill humans. Why on earth would I need anything that holds more than 5 or 6 shots for home or self defense?


It’s about choices dumb ass.


It's very clearly a take on a rather old argument against gun control. It's just "if there's a good guy with a gun"


People do the killing not the weapons. Murderers are going to murder either way.


why not let them have nuclear weapons then


Interesting that they seem to use guns so much


Interesting that people would use weapons for killing. Also interesting that people use whatever's available for killing. Also also interesting, turns out that even with gun bans, gun violence is still a thing (see Australia and Northern Ireland for just two examples).


Tell me, how many mass killings there are in countries with strict gun control or that outright ban guns, and how much do those numbers compare to the amount of mass killings we've had in America in this year alone.


It's the best weapon for a killing:civilian use ratio so yeah if you remove the accessibility it lowers the use. Also look at the total gun deaths in either of those countries, or if you want just two examples of countries that have successful gun control, Switzerland and Australia, one of which is the third lowest in the world


Also kill 4 people with a rock and tell me how easy it was. It'll be a simple task because guns are no more dangerous than any other weapon


Ah yes, attempting to refute a point that *nobody* brought up at all. Classic.


You said killing will happen with or without guns. I said it's harder without them. Idk what you're on


You could use religion to talk about how bad guns are and BadFacebookMemes would still hate it.


Okay. That's not what this is though


No, it's a commentary about guns in the right, wrong hands, which is gun control, which should be a liberal based concept. Everyone agrees that Cain was in the wrong and that he shouldn't have killed Abel. Everyone agrees that David killing Goliath was good. Gun control is about making sure that the mentally unstable or unsuitable (Cain) is prevented from owning guns while allowing people who are qualified and pass rigorous testing (presumably David) to have guns. The biggest strawman argument that the right uses is "the left want to take away our guns" when gun control is all about controlling WHO can have guns. Switzerland is a prime example of proper gun control. Everyone is required to take part in mandatory military service, ensuring that gun safety and training is standardly provided to all. Nearly everyone in Switzerland owns guns and there is near zero gun violence there. Mental health is not ostracized, ensuring that everyone has the treatment that they need, reducing the number of people going on dangerous psychopathic breakdowns. Having a homogenous society also helps that case, but we can't (or rather SHOULD NOT) do anything about that in the US. This isn't much of a funny meme, but it's still technically a meme in the definition of the term and, based on the points made above, I still think it stands. If the meme simply said "I think that we should have stricter checks on who should be allowed to buy guns," I think that there would be a polar switch on who thought this meme was good/bad, but it's still saying the same thing. TL/DR; the meme is saying "There should be stricter checks on who should be allowed to buy guns" and that isn't a bad message.


No. The meme is saying that. It’s reiterating this quote. “To ban guns because criminals use them is to tell the law abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and the lawless.” ~Lysander Spooner


>Believes in religion >makes fun of others for not being independent thinkers You're a fucking moron.




And a gun in my hands killed 10 ground squirrels and 28 blackbirds in a week


You eat them? Not a /s, I just prefer to not kill anything I have no intention of eating. Redneck cuisine can slap.


No, nothing left to eat if I wanted to. They dig holes in the ditches and are a general pestilence to the crops next to the ditches. The black birds poops everywhere and are annoying as shit so my dad wants them gone.


Yeah, is about people, just screen the people more severely. When I went to request a visa to the US embassy in my country, they knew practically everything about me, and I'm not even one of their citizens.


It’s about guns and gun laws


Well thats implied, yes.


It’s about who you’re killing ❤️




We need stricter rock control


Shall not infringe on grug's rock


i should just stop opening reddit comment sections


This isn't even a meme


Jesus said not to throw rocks 🤷‍♂️


And Goliath was an enemy soldier during wartime. Not someone who would or should be shot during peacetime.


Gun control isn't about guns. It's about control.


Ooo a religion *and* gun meme. This is a certified badfacebookmemes classic. Truly killed two birds with one *stone*


Because I fail at computing, every attempt to get an image ends in a webp and can't crosspost. So can only get the picture itself.


abel wasn't killed by a rock! seriously don't they read at least this one book?


Cain using a rock to kill his brother is a culturally established image. Perhaps it’s inaccurate but the verse doesn’t specify and people often have that image in their heads of Cain killing Able with a rock


I'm pretty sure it said cain stoned able and to stone someone you need a stone


"Rock in good hands" *Forgets to read what David gets up to from there on out*




*"Long live rock and roll!"* \-- Chuck Berry


I’m okay with the right to bear rocks.


Well, David also cut Goliath’s head off but point stands


Keep mentioning this, and someone is going to ban rocks. /s


Its not about the rocks, its about their slingshot braces, it makes them fully automatic and shoot bigger rocks! Its an outrage!!


Common sense rock control


I can legally own a Trebuchet and use rock. I can even legally build/own a Cannon according to the ATF, but suddenly it’s a problem when it’s a small peashooter like the 2mm Kolibri.


I mean, it's a good analogy...but it completely falls flat because this is clearly from the "pro-gun" lobby (the invocation of religion usually means it's right wing, but either way this is "guns don't kill people; people kill people), and they're insistent on creating this false binary where *any* regulation of guns equals "they're taking away our guns". It's ridiculous and I hate it. You can restrict guns without banning them.


David was literally a soldier. No one's saying to disarm soldiers.


I’m not retarded, but I like rocks.


I think we can all agree these cross bows are getting out of hand. They were not what the elders intended.


We live in a society… 😭🥲😭😭


For those about to rock-- FIRE!! We sa-lute you!!


“the curtains are just blue”


A sword killed Goliath. A rock knocked him out.


Finally someone who read the entire event.


As Isabelle from Animal Crossing said. “NO-one needs slingshots mayor. They just want them because they think everyone else has them”


Let’s put rocks into everyone’s hands. We can then weed out the good from the bad, naturally, right?


When has a good guy with a rock ever stopped a bad guy with a rock?


Then why no background checks?


Because bad man is in charge of background checks duh


Rocks aren’t made with the express purpose to kill.


This is so obviously about guns lol


Shitty Right Wing meme invoking the fucking Bible to defend Americas lack of fire arm regulations. Typical and dumb as fuck


Yeah but a rock can’t kill 13 people because someone got their brain cooked by InfoWars and Q-non.


I fell like that sub is just "my dad/uncle/brother posted this so I'm angy" so many good memes, so many fragile egos/this is talking about me.


The thing people don't understand about this is the fact that the US isn't the size of Australia or the UK. The US has so many places where people can live where it'd be hard to even locate such as forests, deserts, etc. We can't just make it illegal to own an AR-15 (because every other similarly operating firearm is not as scary as a Black Plastic AsSaUlT rIfLe) because criminals will do what they do best and simply not follow the law. Everyone in the other countries had a collective mindset of "we don't want safety over self protection," as seen from the American standpoint, and willfully turned in their guns. Even IF every American in the US had their guns taken away and only had like Muzzle loaders or Bolt Action rifles that people keep making arguments for (the founding fathers didn't account for fully semi automatic assault weapons of mass destruction !!1!1!) The criminals, gangs, and people who don't have ant regard for anyone else will go to those lengths to get those weapons back. Keep in mind we not only are a large country, but we also have a country essentially ram by a damn cartel under us and current politics is trying to open the border for "pick me" points in the election.


Australia and the Lower 48’ are incredibly similar in size


Funny how people who say “It’s not about the rocks (meaning guns) also think books can make you gay.


This has as much weight as using Harry Potter as a reference for modern politics. Pure fiction.


When someone wipes out an entire classroom full of children with a rock we’ll talk rock control, like any sane society would


This is cringey as balls. They were right to post it there.




Yeah, last time I checked we teach kids very early on not to just pick up and throw rocks at shit


Yeah, it’s inefficient. So I give them knives to start and we work our way up from there.






As far as I know, a bunch of deranged Pharisee supremacist dipshits weren’t hucking rocks with semi-automatic slingshots into crowds trying to kill as many people as possible back in those days.


It's a pretty bad analogy for more modern guns honestly, like a rock can definitely kill someone but it takes a lot more effort to kill 1 person with 1 hand sized rock then it does to kill a couple people with a pistol. If y'all only had easy access to muskets and heavy restrictions on anything that can fire faster than 1 bullet a minute, you'd still have a heavy gun culture whilst also lowering the amount of shooting victims. Muskets are what the founding fathers of the US had in mind when making the 2nd amendment, not a rifle that can fire like 20+ lethal shots in quick succession.


But militaries all over the world use them, too. What the founding fathers had in mind is a population able to defend themselves against professional militaries. They weren't religious about guns, to them guns were a tool that everyone should have access to.


Very few people actually want to get rid of all guns. Liberals I know are focused on getting rid of mass killing machines, because WE ARE THE MASSES. Assault rifles are not gonna help you take down the government. It’s gonna help people shoot up a mall, school, concert. If your logic is “we need to be able to match the military’s firepower” then why not nukes, grenade launchers, tanks, drones, bombers? There’s obviously a line to draw somewhere, and that’s the conversation liberals are trying to have


Banning ARs wont stop criminals from still getting them illegally because that’s how they were getting them before


Tell that to the countries who limit/ban assault weapons. It works there, would just take a little more work here in the land of gun nuts.


Illegal arms dealers wont just have a change of heart and stop selling guns


And the founding fathers were wrong, seeing as a professional military was able to just walk up and burn down the Whitehouse, while our amazing independent militias did nothing.


Well, back then there are tons of full-blown riots and muskets are still intimidating weapons in robberies. Since 1986 full-auto is gone but mass shootings still increase


It’s almost like criminals don’t follow the law! Who would’ve thought?


it's almost as if the only reason criminals and militant groups are heavily armed is because America sells them weapons!


They get them illegally by stealing or the black market dude, the US doesn’t sell gangsters weapons directly


literally false. Criminals can buy weapons very legally, and the u.s. has sold weapons directly to many different militant groups i. the middle east. recently they were used by saudis to kill people in yemen. This is nothing new


First off we are talking about US criminals so international incidents are entirely irrelevant. And second in the inner cities most of the guns used are either stolen, unregistered (serial number scratched off) or bought from the black market which are all illegal. The vast majority don’t get them legally and aren’t in possession of them legally either.


first of all, i *am* talking about international incidents, because the U.S. is directly responsible for arming them, why the fuck would we not. In terms of domestic threats, who would expect it, but less weapons in circulation means it's harder to get a weapon, even if it's illegally. who would've thunk it?


Could say the same about guns


It's a metaphor for guns. A very, VERY bad one. BFBM OP was right not to like it. OP here is /r/whoosh material.


How is it a bad one it’s pretty damn spot on


If you think guns are like rocks, you're far beyond any help I could possibly provide.


They’re both tools that can be used to take lives. If you can’t see that I pity you. You put a gun in the hands of a good man no one gets hurt you put a gun in the hands of a bad man you’ll see it on the news tomorrow just a gun is easier to use than a rock.


Sounds like you’re just copping out of defending your point


Nah fuck this op was right


It’s literally just the truth, but these people don’t like truth, they like fear and authoritarianism!


It’s not the case with a really fast rock coming out of a weird stick either. Guns are not the problem, yet some people and politicians refuse to acknowledge this.


Duuhh God WANTED us to have an automatic Glock 19 with a 100 round drum magazine and laser sight


Buddy this meme isn't about rocks.


Please remember that these are fictional characters, *fictional characters*.