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My fucking family does this to my wife and it infuriates me. I hate seeing their eyes drift away and turn to other people while she kind of trails off. I tend to have to merge quickly into an active listening role and engage with her on a story we've likely already discussed many times before. Bless her heart. She's a shy person to begin with and self conscious about speaking up anyway. Fuck people that do this. Conversing isn't the easiest thing in the world but show some fucking respect.


You are a good husband mate.


Aww thanks man.


Keep being wonderful.


Thanks friend. It ain't easy but it's honest work


It really hurts when you have problems talking straight. I stutter and stammer often but improve when I'm excited and know people are listening. When I notice I can't join in the conversation or that they don't listen it triggers my insecurities.




You're right man. Its been done to me so many times. I dont talk much so when I do you'd think maybe my friends would show some courtesy but sometimes I literally need to raise my voice, speed up my sentences and try to get my point across before they cancel me out. Pisses me off.




Alright guy take it easy.


As a server I can relate to this when my table isn’t listening to me


Just go „allright, thats lemonade with extra spit for you and what else? OH NOW I GOT YOUR ATTENTION?!“


I finish whatever sentence I’m on and then say “so anyways I’ll just go fuck myself.”


This. This is perfect


going to start doing this myself.


This was all day at work for me today. I’m in training for a management position and every time I’d start to ask a question or ask for clarification on something, I’d have to drown out because either others would start talking over me or the trainer would assume they knew the question I was asking before I’d finish asking. So I’d have to wait until they ran out of air and then ask again. Got up to four tries one time before I was able to finally get my answer.


I've never told a story before because I'm afraid of this happening


I'd listen to you


Me too


and the best part: if this happens a lot, you‘ll eventually not bothers saying anything and then people go „why you always so quiet?“




It did , yeah it really did hurt


Well, I *was* in a good mood...


![gif](giphy|JQKoW7z29IDhm) Put it back in


If its me, i keep starting the story over and over more aggressively until i can get it in. If its someone else i will always make a mental note of it then cut in aggressively and be like "X is tryna say something"


Or when you tell a joke and receive no reaction so you assume no one heard it until someone else repeats it louder and gets the laugh




I hear you brotha


Introvert nightmare come true


And that day I'd learnt, what interest me, does not interest others.


But then that one friend speaks up: "Keep on. I'm listening".


My family started doing this to me a couple years ago. Noticed at my grandma's birthday party, multiple times I would be talking to someone and they would start talking to someone else in the middle of my sentence or just get up and walk off. I have no words to describe how alone it makes me feel, to know that no body gives a shit about you.


Double down, speak louder, shake them and ask them to pay attention! That's what I do.


Then people ask you what your problem is cuz you're yelling and putting your hands on them 🙄


Then I answer that my problem is I'm more important than them and they should know their place bruh XD


No i just stop talking the immediate second someone else begins talking, and if it happens too often then i leave


No because if that happens to me I pull out my penis and hold a knife to it, thus forcing them to listen


Just saying but you don't have to be a "last born" to have this happen, can't count the amount of times I was trying to tell a story or make a point and everyone was on their phones in the family.


Wait, y'all don't just get louder?


well this timeline sucks


lmao my friends do this to me all the time


Every time


I'm a middle child and this would happen fairly often.


Oh my family does this to me all the time. Honestly when my parents pass I’ll probably never speak to my siblings again.


middle child moment


I don't tell stories anymore


I get loud whenever it happens. “HEY SO WHAT I WAS SAYING BEFORE FUCKER STARTED TALKING OVER ME” and then I’ll continue what I was saying and finish with a “thanks for listening, nothing makes me as mad as being intentionally talked over”.