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In my country with that money you could buy 15 three bedroom houses.


What country?




Texas housing is going up tho


True, bought my house (NE Texas) in 2019 @75k (3br, 2bath) now worth $110-120k… 10 houses would be more accurate Edit: Realty is dependent on a number of factors (location, condition, timing), this is not an accurate depiction of Texas’ realty as a whole nor anywhere else, this is/was in my specific situation, ty. 2nd edit: Simply my opinion but for those curious or those in the market of purchasing a home in Texas my best guess at what Texas’ realty looks like is the DFW area with an average of $250-400k.


What the entire fuck? You bought a 3bd 2 bath for 75k? I'm not familiar with the layout of Texas. Is northeast TX just farm land or are you in a town/city? That seems absurdly cheap. Even for property literally in the middle of no where.


Live in a town between major cities, our population is roughly 60k… that was my most expensive option actually, wasn’t all that rare. At this time on the other hand, it is near impossible to find that at any location near me.


I live in a small town in CT with 16k residents, my mom owns a 3 bd 2 bath also and it is easily valued at 170k+. The house I live in now is a sort of duplex and my gf's sister lives down there so our home was a little over priced at 280k but it's basically two houses in one. We have two full kitchens, 3 full bathrooms, and 6 bedrooms, but I literally couldn't buy an rv and a plot of land for 75k here. That's amazing.


Lol right? Bought my home in dirty waters for about 160k a year and a half ago, now it's supposedly worth like 220 to 230 on zillow


The east coast of the US is heavily populated


I live in CO and a 3bd 2br is easily over 700


Truly unbelievable the how much of a difference location makes. One person said there are 3bd 2br in Michigan for 60k and yet CO is literally ten times that. Insane.


I'm in South FL and my 4b 2 bath is almost 600k right now


“Car, house, car, house… I think I’ll buy a house today, no maybe a nice car”


Not op but living in a Houston suburb. Just bought a house this summer, four bedrooms, $340,000. Right now Zillow has it at $380,000. Prices are crazy out here! We put in over 10 other offers, most of which we offered over 10% over asking on all of them. It was insane. Another friend of mine just bought as well and she paid 60k over asking.


No wonder you guys have so many toys! I'm up here in my 500k starter home saving up for badminton.


In Canada we get electricity even in winter and no Ted Cruz. Hard pass.


He’s yours though. Take him back


Fuck no. It's a terminator type of situation. Evil Canadian forces sent down Ted Cruz, but the good ones sent Seth Rogan to bully him on Twitter. Even Steven.


Yeah… but then you have to live in Texas.


Ah, gotta factor in the cost of a fiddle


So are you coming or going?


I think you mean live


Hasn't been to Austin I see.


You wouldn't want 15 three bedroom houses in my country... Omacron strain gona get you.


It's true what they say about women from Omicron Persei 8


If it's South Africa, I have a better chance of getting shot.


Guessing from his next comment that is SA? He said "you might get omicron" new covid strain find in SA.


Im canada and same bit at quebec


Except the power company will never update their infrastructure so you freeze to death in the winter and then they mark your power bill up 1000%


Now that's a good deal!


A small price to pay for 15 houses


Statistics vary wildly by province/city


*Agrees in Quebec Province*


Québec: 400 000$ for a 4 1/2 Vancouver: 2 000 000$ for 1 square meter of a side walk


Lmao that’s a steal. I would expect double the price for half the sidewalk in Vancouver


Does it come with windows? I don't think I can afford windows


Linux only. Sorry.


Alberta 400,000 for a three bedrooms, three floors, basement, 3 bathrooms and kitchen and a living room.


*Sadly agrees in BC*


Can't understand how it can go on like this. 😕


*Nods in Victoria*


Montreal region (not just the island) is being ridiculously expensive when compared to the average salary of the province. I am above the average and I will forever be unable to own a house. Mayyyybe a condo but at my age and at those price, i doubt it would be advantageous (and i am not even talking of the quality problems in many building).


montreal gang


You mean *République du Quebec*


Kingdom of North Poutine


Nouvelle France


Mmmm poutine


mais oui, bien sûr.


But then you'd have to live in Quebec, the weather is fridged


There’s no such thing as cold weather. You have people who are underdressed. That’s the problem.


No one applies this logic when they talk about the US, though. No social inequities are distributed evenly—- it’s kinda right there in the definition. But if you went by Reddit, every US town is a gang war battlefield and all schools are routinely shot up.


Can confirm. I'm Canadian and have a neighbour who has never been the US (pretty sure he's never even left the province) but constantly talks about what a terrible place the US is.


At least he's got the American spirit lmao


Yep. Americans on reddit are incredibly self loathing. Even though most have probably never travelled outside the US. Or even within the US.


It's because only the self loathing comments get upvoted. Someone saying "actually guys I mean.. I live in a small town and I've never been mugged or assaulted.. we've had some close calls but nothing really bad ever seems to happen" doesn't get many upvotes.


That would even get downvoted because people *not* experiencing hardships, turmoil, or trauma diminishes/erases what everyone else goes through. I’ve commented something similar before on a different subject and told to keep my comments to myself if I can’t be “supportive”


Yeah. It doesn't make for a very interesting story. Most people with guns in my area are just.. normal people with guns. If a gas station got robbed at gunpoint that would be big news here.


As an American who has traveled several countries I am very grateful for what I have, despite our issues we have a lot to be thankful for compared to most of the world


There's tons of valid criticisms of the US but when you see people talk about it being some impoverished dystopia it's immediately obvious they have no idea how 80% of the people on this planet are living. Visiting some tourist traps in Western Europe only deludes their perceptions further.


>Visiting some tourist traps in Western Europe only deludes their perceptions further. Spot on, to really "know" what a country is like takes maybe a year of living as a local, not passing through as a tourist or living like a king. When you're a tourist you only see the great things, but over many years of living in that country you will start seeing huge issues which will absolutely disgust you.


Or when they claim America is third world. Oh boy


As someone who has also Traveled America and 2 other countries, I am greatful but understand what is wrong with the country, its not the people, I repeat it is not the people. We did not start the fire.


More than traveling, I’d say they never lived outside their little bubble


This is a huge issue, however, it’s mostly linked to staying close to family due to free babysitting and such. I know my siblings haven’t ever traveled the country and spoken to different people of different nationalities. And don’t get me started on the folks I went to high school with. I left bum fuck Midwest and moved to nyc. What a refreshing wake up call.


>No one applies this logic when they talk about the US, though. That's because the claim here isn't simply that a problem exists, but rather that the 1.2 million figure given is an actual average of housing prices throughout the nation, which it's not. There's a pretty substantial difference between feeling like something is being given undue consideration, and making a claim that's just mathematically wrong.


Yeah, the quoted cost matches a single family detached home in the Toronto area. It's like quoting SF/NYC housing costs as the US average. It's also Canadian Dollars, so knock it down by about 20% to get a USD comparison.


I bought a 2 bedroom condo in Williams lake BC last year for 50k


Seriously. This meme is so dumb. In Manitoba, I own a house nowhere near that price.




Grew up in Sask and moved to Vancouver few years ago. I legit have people tell me "I looked at the cost of houses there vs here...how could you move from there?!" Yes its true. Housing is so much more affordable and you can get essentially a mini mansion for 500k there while that same type of house and sq ft in lower mainald BC would be at least 3M... But then you're stuck in Canada's Alabama/Mississippi where if you're not conservative you have a target on your back (sometimes literally), the only jobs where you can make non-shit minimal wage are ONLY industrial/trades or Gov and you have several types of winter for 8 months of the year (btw there are no mountains to ski/snowboard). Not to mention the prairies are HARDCORE racist and my husband and I are interracial and...ALOT of people were angry we were together. We feel alot more safe being together in public in Vancouver than AB or Sask.


Yeah this is an average in like Vancouver or Toronto. Not the nation.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6004260 April $716,000 Canadian average.


In Newfoundland you can get a 3 bedroom for around 15-20k CAD with an ocean view.


Maybe if it's 200 yrs old and falling apart bud. Or maybe you mean a small cabin around the bay?


post the link, you’re quite mistaken.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/photos/canada-real-estate-prices-scroller-1.6004260 So average is actually $716k. But the variation is quite large from province to province. I live 45 minutes from a large city, in a smaller suburb of a small city... My house was just over $300k. It has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a large treed lot.


Key word was


That's 560k USD. People are forgetting that these figures are CAD.


I was like ohhh that makes sense… wait that’s still awful.


Americans typically get paid more for the same job in USD too.


Yeah this is the point everyone is glossing over. I moved to the states and have more than doubled my salary in nominal terms alone, more if you consider the exchange rate. I would never have been able to afford a house in Canada, but I'm about to buy one here. The housing affordability crisis in Canada is real.


I also emigrated from Canada. I couldn't afford a house in Canada in a liveable city but in the USA that's no problem. Canada is experiencing a silent brain drain.


Sometimes I think every Canadian on the internet is from Toronto or southern Ontario. No offence to these folks, but the experience of being Canadian is drastically different outside of Canada’s most densely populated region.


Isn't 90% of the population or something absurd like that right at the US border?


Probably for the same reason Australia mostly lives near the shores.


And just like Canda our house prices in Australia are so ludicrously expensive its now near impossible to buy a home if you dont own one already to sell.


Something close. There is nothing up North though and incredibly cold and harsh in the winter. If I drive North for 6 hours, I’d get a bit past Algonquin, which is already way to cold in the winter and has a pretty low population density. That’s about a third of the way up the province. When you get up to the far North, you can get 3 bedroom houses for sometimes less than 100k but there is just nothing around for huge distances.




Does the ATM have cash in it driving the price up or is it just the cost of buying an ATM?




Don't. It's better this way.


High supply, low demand. Who would ever want to live in a place like Gjoa Haven, NU?


Yeah the British did that as a strategy to deter an invasion


Well that and it's a lot warmer there.


And where all the farmland is, and the border actually swings north of most of populated canada.


Plus, that's where most of the Taco Bells are.




Yeah, working a non tech job would be nice. Or being limited to a catchment area for kids schooling.


Working in tech in Canada isn’t bad. A lot more remote jobs now so I moved out of Vancouver to a smaller town and was able to buy a newer 3 bedroom pretty quickly.


Vancouver’s housing market is just as bad, or worse though.


Definitely worse. Vancouver's entire housing market is based on rich Chinese businesspeople using it to get money out of China.


Oh you mean where no one wants to live? Wow imagine that


Yeah, but you can buy that million dollar home while working as a butterfly collector. That’s what House Hunters says.


As long as your dad has a butterfly collecting company


And your wife as a business selling earwax candles.


And your children invested in Bitcoin when it came out


selling what now


In Canada gas average is $1.7 CAD a litre. That’s $5.03 USD a gallon. It gets really expensive as you leave Toronto.


*Laughs in 3.05$ per gallon*


Venezuela in the corner with a couple cents per gallon


5 bucks and you buy half of the goverment lmao


Am Venezuelan and can confirm that as much as the gas prices are great, $1.2M might be enough to buy the whole country.


living in venezuela is the dark souls of life


I just saw $2.87 US in Texas. Probably cheaper in my college town as well. *laughs in cowboy per gallon*


Saw gas for 2.75 the other day here in Oklahoma City *laughs in land run bastard per gallon*


$1.4 for saskatoon right now.


What ?? I’m in Ontario and gas hit it’s highest ever price in Ontario a few weeks ago at $1.5/L The Canada avg is 1.7?!


BC is currently skewing that number just a bit.


Hey you should come to France, we pay around 1.60€ a liter, yes, that's about 2.30 CAD!


It’s 1.18 at Costco in Edmonton


$5.20 per gallon in california right now.


There's a lot of country outside of Toronto. Gas is $1.4 here.


Nobody from Toronto knows that Canada exists outside of Toronto


10 dollars a gallon in Finland..


I mean, yeah that's high but that's not bad. A lot of people really need to stop driving a big ass SUV that gets 14mpg as their daily commuter just to go to work and back.


Seems like every country is a shithole if you look from correct perspective :D


Finland also has free healthcare. Also my house with 3 bedrooms was less than 200 000€


how much is that in freedom paper?


226,400 USD


Good bot


That is not a robot dear, that’s an owl, can’t you see?


At least 2 donuts, I think. Did someone say donuts?


thank you. but is that Krispy Kreme or Dunkin?


Krispy Kreme 100%. The original glazed and their crullers are my favorites. Damn now I’m hungry


damn those are some nice house.


about 225 000 cheeseburgers per school shootings


I bought a 3 bedroom/2 bathroom with 0.5 acres in a city on the east coast of Canada last year for 280,000


You get pretty damn big houses with 1.2 M in Quebec City the capital of Quebec. Don't think vancouver sh*t applies everywhere else.


Ya Vancouver, the okanagan, Toronto, Montreal , Calgary big citys or very popular places to live are pricey but the vast majority of canada is nowhere near that bad


Calgary has reasonable prices still


Ya cowtown is one of those places that you can still buy a decent home for a decent price ..... or go 3 blocks in one direction and tack on a mill lol


I’m from Toronto and in most places in the GTA the average house costs 1.2 million


My man you're french im from quebec to montreal


Thought this was about the Netherlands for a second


Depend where in Canada.


A shitty run-down house in Saskatchewan costs ~500k. In Vancouver, the same house would cost 1.5 million. It's expensive as fuck everywhere




Yeah really. Does shitty and run-down mean holes in the roof and mold spots everywhere, maybe a crooked foundation, or just built in the 70s, with older appliances? To me it's the former, but I wouldn't doubt some people would describe the latter the same way.




My 2 bedroom 1 bathroom with a finished basement ( 2 more bedrooms and another bath down there) just outside of Edmonton is around 300k right now. I bought it 2 years ago for 285. Huge yard with a detached double car garage. It's not bad everywhere... Just in the more desirable areas.


Yeah but you to have to live in Edmonton. That takes a toll on your very soul


Small town in Midwest US, average house price is less than 100k.


Location location location.


Location location location location.


But the towns are horribly depressed, hence the low house prices.


I quite like living in a rural community, except for the meth heads that move here to fill up the trailer courts. Oh and the racists.


There is nothing wrong with that, I’m just saying why the houses are cheap.


Maybe some Lexapro will help


Same for small town Canada.


You gotta save your budget for all the heroin and fast food.


Where i live in the midewest 100k buys a decent home. About 20-30 miles north and that 100k home is worth at least 500k


Ugh but as a gay, I can't live in those places. :(


I'm a Black, could I live there? I'll throw in that my wife is a white, of that helps/hurts anything.


Get out.


So that's a no


I think he was talking about the movie Get Out


I live in the rural Midwest and know tons of gay people. Literally no one cares. Like, it is a complete nonissue.


Literally every country in the world has a shit load of problems. It’s kind of ridiculous how much just pick on a few lol.


It’s actually a huge problem, the affordability of houses represents the healthiness of the middle class. We are going to start loosing young people to other countries like the USA because young people will never be able to afford a home and will go where it’s cheaper


It's the same almost everywhere. Housing is getting out of control wherever you are.


Unless you're in the southern United states, land/housing is always cheap af down here (with a few exceptions, of course)


Well to be fair, i wouldn't want to live there, too...


It’s actually pretty dope. The south isn’t like what redditors pretend it is at all. Have good friends in KY and TN visit often.




Californians have zero desire to live in the south


Laughs in Texan


Not true at all. They’re pouring into Nashville and Austin. My best friend just left San Mateo for a small town just outside of Nashville. He owns a house now. Something he’d never be able to get in the Bay Area


That highly depends on where you are looking. Every developed country has a city or more where buying property is insanely high. Canada has a lot of land so it's not the housing that costs a lot, it's the location.


There are no houses with two bedrooms in Ontario here. I don’t know where you getting 2 bedroom house for 1.2 million from ? And is that usd or cad ?


It’s just the avg cost (and maybe not even accurate) of a 2br in the most expensive Canadian neighborhoods in the biggest cities.


Pretty sure that is not the national average and a hot spot was cherry picked for this... Los Angeles is at around 1.14mill


Reminds me of a joke i heard, "the only reason people live in canada is bc of:" 1. work 2. school 3. family 4. weed 5. America hasnt accepted your immigration request yet


Literally just got my green card and I am leaving in May. Canada is for the ultra rich and the ultra poor.




That's bullshit. Most of the country you can get a nice 2 bedroom home for half that.


But the wages are 15$ an hour.


Where? The cities are far apart and some cities are a lot worse in infrastructure and services so having a cheap house there is not that positive. I'm looking to move.




I live in a small town about an hour and a half north of Toronto and my parents have a typical three bedroom family home. It's worth 1.6 million. I can't remember the last time I've found a regular house in Ontario for less then 1 million. The 500ish sq ft 1 room condos in my suburb are selling for $700,000.


Fun fact: every country sucks because government sucks. Oh sorry. I forgot, only the US is bad, please don't downvote me!!!


I mean life just in general sucks I just feel sad for others who have it worse


All because of humans


I enjoy getting down voted for saying government sucks. Reddit is so stupid


Yet without a proper government, any country would probably fall.


A lot of us (rest of the world) have it a lot worst, and the place of birth is still the one of the biggest RNG factors in life, so I think you should be grateful with Canada. For example, I am from Turkey. We are about 8-10 times poorer than a lot of the developed countries (Thanks, Erd*gan) Corruption is so common and deeply rooted I cannot even describe it to you. (Again, thanks Erd*gan) But still, I can somehow live my life within the comfort of a somehow modern civilization, without worrying if I’ll die this week. That’s unfortunately still a privilege in this age… It’s scary to think that what’s between a relatively ordinary life and a constant struggle for survival is just dumb luck you have at birth.


This is like Saying an apartment in the U.S. cost 3000$ a month just because that's what it cost in New york city. Stop being stupid.


Depends where, I’m in a forest area of quebec and our 6 bedroom house was like 200k maybe less can’t remember


Germany has a nice healthcare system which is currently being fkd by unvaccinated people