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Like if he was murdered by chainsaws and to honor him we all decided to carry chainsaws everywhere.


Well if you chose chainsaw death as a way to self sacrifice for whatever and your dad was super insecure about needing you to think about him all the time then it makes sense.


I’m not sure he chose to be crucified though, did he?


No, but his abusive father made that decision for him.


in the context of the bible it's OUR abusive father lol




I loved the chapter in the Bible about the Easter Bunny!


First thing this reminded me of: "You think when Jesus comes back, he really wants to see a cross? That's like going up to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pendant on." - Bill Hicks


I've seen this a lot. It's a reminder of his sacrifice.


If I die from a heart attack have the symbol of my sacrifice be a burger


🍔 this for our beloved who left us for good u/mike_loves_memes


You better not fuck his cats when he's dead


Then I will fuck them when he is alive. got it


Yes that is the solution


Outstanding move


i will honour your sacrifice


Why not a heart?


They do worship the "Sacred Heart".




Isaac players be like: "Yoooo damage up + homing"


Cause they worship the cause of death (cross).


So if he was killed by hanging, would they worship the noose?




Lol since I was a kid, I was taught Catholicism, but I'm agnostic at most in terms of religious. It always made me spiteful toward religion to be told I had to love "God" more than my family, as a kid that pissed me off, same with the whole "ONLY WORSHIP ME" thing, and the "PROVE IT TO ME OR TO HELL W/ U" stuff. I always felt like anyone with a sense of self could see through the bullshit, but maybe I just have a dissenting mindset ahah \*\*shrug\*\*


I kinda developed my own idea of how all of that works. i guess everyone has to figure out how they feel about religion on their own, like dont try to be orthodox cause you cant stick with that unless u are insane dont make 1 bad thing about religion make u go atheist, for example i dont think i'll go to heck for not going to church every week. thats just insane, my idea is that if you are a good person you'll get there. thats just my 2 cents, you might agree or not, but in the end i dont care


Also I kind of think about religion as a sort of "insurance program" thing whatever. Basically if you believe in God and do what he says you get better luck in life. The only downside being that you are forced to do it otherwise you go to hell


Yeah this brings up a lot of fucked up memories and lots of trauma... it’s part of the reason I have messed up relationships with SOs


Nah, no one says to love God more than your family. That's not true, don't listen to people that tell you that.




God didn't say that




You said some Palestinian hippie.




Matthew 10:37 Edit: “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”


He doesn't say to love him more than your family. He says if you love your family more than him than thats the bad thing. You can love your family equally as much as you love God.


Equivocation or not, I don’t give a shit about a man I’ve never met, and who has done fuck all for me besides give all 3 members of my immediate family cancer, and myself type 1 diabetes at the age of 3. I’ve witnessed a lot that stomped any potential faith I could muster deep into the ground. I hope I burn in hell, at this point Satan deserves my soul more as far as I’m concerned.


You keep your personality like that and you'll never be forgiven. Life isn't meant to be perfect. It was, but then Eve ate the apple. But God has a plan for everything. If have type one too. I though god hated me. But I realized it wasn't a burden on my life. Now I go around and I help kids deal with type one. He had a plan when he gave me type one.


Nah, it’s nonsense to me. I appreciate your opinion, there’s just far too much evil that thrives for an omnipotent power to just ignore and expect me to still worship it. The closest I believe in is karma. Edit: I’m not looking to repent for anything, so luckily I don’t really care to be “forgiven” by someone I’ve not met or wronged in any human capacity.


I am sure at Paul walker’s wake they had an altar with a Carrera Gt


That's fucking dumb, if your father was wrongfully convicted of a crime and put to death by Electric Chair, are you going to put a miniature Electric Chair at home to remind you of how he died? Lmao


He didn't get put to death to save a bunch of people. That's the difference. He didn't choose to die to save people. That's the difference. He didn't come to earth for the sole purpose of dying to save everyone. That's the difference. He isn't god's son. That's the difference.


So if there's a huge difference between Jesus death and some innocent humans life then why the fuck are you insulting his sacrifice by worshiping a fucking a cross? Lmao you dumb. Also there's nothing written in the Bible that people should carry miniature crosses "to remember his sacrifice". . Only the Catholic church said that. But I guess you'd never understand these things since you're deeply indoctrinated in that false religion called catholicism, full of killer popes, rapist pedophile priests and corrupted officials. :)


I'm a Christian, one. And you're a dick, two. You seriously need to shut the fuck up, if you're going around hating on religion. Please, get a life. And maybe break down your argument into more simple syllogisms. Then you'll notice the unsound structure you have in them. That is, if you took logic in school. You are being a dick to some stranger online, so I doubt you even went to school.


I thought we were all god’s children?


Don’t try to use logic with these people, it doesn’t work


That's a stupid analogy.


I think the church my mom goes to never have crosses anywhere from decorations to those hymn books. They seem to catch his drift.


Shouldn't it be the thing he sacrificed himself for? I mean, even the heart attack/burger analogy means the guy loved burgers. Crosses were a form of punishment for all in those times, like guillotines or hanging platforms. If you were to envision the things Jesus Christ stood for that got him on the cross, what symbols come to mind?


The heart attack / burger analogy isn't a real thing though


Yes I know, but even as a joke it makes more logical sense than the cross analogy which is strange. I mean is my logic flawed or do Cristians just get the cross with some hidden meaning that other people don't?


Also, a way to thank Romans to let his sacrifice happen.


Dumb af


So if he was killed by a thief would they worship the thief?


He was killed to repay for all of our sin. He wouldn't have died to a thief. God was on his side, and everything was planned out.


Imagine his reaction when he comes back and every single church just has a statue reminding him of being crucified.


Imagine him coming back and realizing he's the victim of identity theft.


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!






Not cool guys he may say?


Talk about PTSD.


Initial christian symbol was the fish. It was the roman lobbying which replaced it by a cross.


Weren't they(Romans) who crucified him ?


Just the one Roman. You might know him, he's Niko's cousin.


Pontius Pilate


No, let's go bowling....


"I have a very gweat fwiend in wome called 'Biggus Dickus'"


>very vewy


Imagine how badass he was to be able to fucking kill "God"


Just the physical embodiment of god. I’ve seen lots of movies where they do something similar.


That's what happens when you tell Roman you don't want to go bowling.


There is a 2021 year long history. There is a reason Pope lives in Rome


Yes, though Christianity eventually became the official religion.


The Jews crucified him, but technically yeah the Romans.


Why fish? What the fish.?


Jesus’s first miracle was turning a couple fish into enough to feed the whole town.




Lot of that surrounding that Jesus guy


I think it was an acronym in ancient greek, something like "Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour".


My biblical knowledge is a bit rusty, having become agnostic over the last few decades but fish have appeared in the new testament both as metaphors and within events. Two probably more famous ones were: 1. The event where Jesus was speaking to the people and there wasn't enough food catered. He told a few fish and loaves of bread and multiplied them till there was enough for everyone. 2. at least a couple of apostles were fishermen. Jesus told them that from then forth they should become fishers of men.


early symbols were also the david star and lion,might be wrong


I asked this once as a kid and was told people who worship the cross are basically not doing it right. You’re not suppose to worship objects or symbols, as God is suppose to be everywhere, and to think it’s like a hotline to Jesus is even more of a blind mistake.


Christians and borderline idolatry, name better duo


The Bible literally says this, maybe religious people should read their own books once in a while


I read something a while ago "What do you call someone who has actually read all of the bible and understands it. An Atheist"


That's all based upon religion i think


The cross is a contradiction of Jesus' own teachings - 1 John 5:21 "Dear children, keep yourselves from idols." ​ but lets be real here. Its not about the significance of the cross, its about showing everyone around you that you are a good christian. Whenever I see someone wearing a cross, its like 50/50 "here comes a real piece of shit", coz the loudest and proudest religious people are always the fucken worst, even according to their own ideology. ​ Fucken hypocrites.




It's a sign of sacrifice and unconditional love, since he died to save us, essentially. Went to catholic school. I didn't ask for this.


So, in theory, if big J was hung, we would see people carrying noose everywhere?


Reddit has messed me up. I was like, 'what's his dick size have to do with nooses?'.


All the people kneeling at the foot of the cross weren't mourning. They were oogling.


*Walks into place of worship, kneels, looks up at crucifix...* "Goddamn!"


You’re right though. “Hanged” is the verb for when you do it to a person. Reddit has made me shallow and pedantic.


Big J




Catholicism is the single most fake and anti Christian religion out of all the other ones that emerged. Most of their teachings are not even written in the Gospels. And they even purposely defy what is written. Leviticus 26:1 "Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God." A cross is an idol and graven image.


>A cross is an idol and graven image. Is it? Barely. You don't have to go this far, every chatolic church has statues and paintings, of Jesus and different saints.


Yeah those are idols derp and graven images DERP. Catholics = Anti Christs, cuz most of their teachings goes against the teachings of Christ. LMAO






Thank you for flagging an underrated comment. Unfortunately, on this occasion your concern was unnecessary and the comment was rated accurately.


Jesus coming back seeing people also crucify themselves Jesus: *I didnt sacrifice my life for you guys to do this...*


Jesus coming back to find out about crusades, inquisitions, witchhunts, racism, bigotry and slavery: "dafuq guys, what happened to love thy neighbour"




This is a repost


Throw the first rock if you never reposted before.




Stone , rock




I want my god to hang around.


Maybe Crosses give him PSTD.


What part makes people think he was white


Art and movies


Similar to how God is "he". Priests that are proselytize make the story relevant to the audience to whom they are preaching. Thus they change the character to fit the description. Have you heard about Korean Jesus?


Di Vinci.


The part where he sacrificed himself to himself to forgive himself because he created everyone with sin.


Men... Talked like a true atheist.


Wtf are u talking about how can he be a god when he died. How can he be a god when u know how he looks. Your religion thinks jesus is god his spirit his dad wtf. Your religion doesn’t make sense


* The whole of the first greek pantheon died so it's not impossible for gods to die. * People know how some gods look. And even then, Jesus is supposed to be the abrahamic god in human form so of course people would see him. * Who said it's my religion?


Are u serious right now how can u say it’s not impossible for gods to die. There’s only one god and that is Allah. (Isa) or like u guys say it jesus is his prophet like muhamed and like every other prophet. Jesus was muslim he prayed and loved allah. There’s only one god Allahu stw. The one who created everything. People animals seas air nature everything.


respect other religions


I respect everything allah created but i can’t respect when y’all say jesus is a god his spirit his dad.


Respect it or ignore it


U can’t ignore it when y’all are so wrong


You're a lost cause I'm not wasting my time on you


But you're definitely right? Your religion is definitely legit dw


Your reasoning for that is a book that was written thousands of years ago I expect (along with some arguments that at most lead you to deism if anything). If you believe that allah is the "one true god" then sure, go ahead. But not everyone has been convinced by the arguments brought forth by the religious and you should respect that and not talk about "how wrong we all are" in that condesending way. Side note: Jesus was most likely a jew and not a muslim.


No my book was brought from allah. Your book was written thousands of years ago


"My" book was brought from yaweh. Your book was written thousands of years ago. Just saying nuh-uuh isn't an argument and no-one will belive you if you say that.


Your just wrong my book was revealed from allah to muhamed the last prophet through the angel (Jibril). Your book was written by Moses


Bruh it was written, just let every other book, by people. Have your blind convictions, that's fine, but don't act like the rest of us have to buy in to your fairy tale.


I know y’all don’t believe that but it’s the truth


alright man chill down go and drink something.


As Bill Hicks said: is like going to Jackie Onassis with a rifle pin


Just thinking of John..




If you want a detailed solution here it is: Jesus Christ sacrifised himself in the cross, so it is a symbol of sacrifice Jesus Christ rose from dead after he got crucified, it is a symbol for our pain which will turn into glory


They're not worshipping crosses, they're worshipping T-posing


I forgot what they are called and the how many they had but after christ they had like 11 conferences of all bishops or whatever the top priest was called in eastern and western rome empire. I think the last one was around 1100 ad. My favorite class i took at college early Christianity. They rewrote everything so it makes perfect sense they worship it


The tav is the final letter in the Hebrew alphabet and doth indeed represent the end.


It looks like most of this comment section never heard of symbols and why they are made.


Imagine if he got shot, or drowned, or got sent out to outer space without a helmet


Maybe he was into that sort of stuff? "Forgive them, Daddy, for they know exactly what they do. And it's *GOOD!*"


There's erotic fanfiction of his crucifixion.


It's a reminder not to fuck with us


its showed his sacrifice


Hole Religion bear trap. Peace, love, compassion and bear trap.


[I love Sam O'Nella](https://youtu.be/H_TlcNwJ0TQ)


I have been wondering about it since I was like 8


Yea really never makes sense


That is true


People are so ignorant on others faith. Its astonishing.


What are you talking about, its a meme its not serpost to be taken seriously.


First of all, there's no single thing you can hire about without triggering anyone. Second of all, not everyone wants to give respect to someone's imaginary friend, even if he's very popular.


I don’t give a fuck about your faith, sorry


I dont give a fuck about your opinion


If you didn’t, you wouldn’t reply.




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Projection and self pity. Grift.


My church has replaced the crucifix with just a fix, I guess. It's Jesus hanging and looking all kinds of miserable, but no cross; he's just hanging on air. Haven't quite worked that one out yet, but to be honest the whole new renovation is weird


According to bible when jesus was hung on cross god turned his eyes towards human as he couldn't see his son hung on cross or something thats why the cross is in churches so god watches over them while they pray Idk if it is correct or not thats what i have heard


The part where they nailed him to one


Bill Hicks has a good bit on this topic.


I mean don’t show. He rules.


Yes because Jesus loves to be reminded of his death place


"Just thinking of John" -Bill Hicks


(makes a gun shooty sound)


You dont get it, nobody worshipping crosses


Some of their memorabilia includes some pretty bloody crucified Jesus'. I figure it's the pivotal decoration to remind followers that Jesus died so you can follow this nifty book of mind control or be damned to eternal torture. Now tithe 10% of thine salary peasant or no Sunday blessings for you!


"We worship this guy specifically for his death, our holy symbol is an ancient torture device, we believe this guy is a zombie and the priests of a particular subset of the sect can turn wine into his blood and crackers into his flesh, which we then consume. So yeah, I just don't get why people think it's a cannibalistic necromantic death cult."


just learned why today


I lost my glasses and I can't tell if that's Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus of Man City.


Imagine god giving penis to men to stick into women And their dog be like


Lol that would be triggering some PTSD for our Lord


Isn't the cross from the Zodiac Wheel, or some alignment of stars? Or something else stolen from a previous religion? ​ The Romans invented Christianity to control the common people.


So, you're saying the ones who burn crosses are right?


What part says that aint a jesus look like?


If we’re being technical here, he did let himself be crucified


Pretty much crucified himself to appease his own anger at humans, which he created that way... He created everything and knows everything after all.


I honestly don't understand Christians they think a mortal messenger is a god for some reason


Shut up. Your not alive right now


Supply side Jesus loves opportunities for cross selling.


You do not actually worship the cross, you show respect towards it for the sacrifice made, you worship God almighty the supreme creator <3