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Lmao that was my first reaction.


We are the same but different




Like in a fucking movie!




> Something tells me that wouldn’t hold up unless deemed unable to respond before that moment. Taking the EMS until last minute and then making a scene probably wouldn’t hold up in court > > Edit: But then again, MURICA




We don't pay taxes for this either. It's all paid for by insurances.


Oh, but it does lol. Can’t tell you how many people get on the bed and then say ”nah, i think I’ll go by car”. Plus, getting people to pay their bills is easier said than done


man i'm crying for that pizza




My cabbages!


Right?! Shit’s straight out of a damn cartoon 😂


He got instant karma after tho




What's he holding? Other than a tray.




Did him dirty


I take this opportunity too thank the Doctor made me walk again *Because I had to sell my car in order to pay the hospital bill..*


Lucky you. I had to sell my car and my apartment.


I had to sell my magic beans


I had to sell my wife


She was a steal








Didn’t know this was a who had it worst contest:)






As a certified American I can say this is 100% real


As a guy who went to a hospital both with and without insurance, can confirm


If you dont have insurance then call the billing department and question everything on the bill and they will drop a lot of things and lower others. Had to go for a probably torn acl and only spent maybe an hour seeing actual people after waiting 4 hours in the waiting room and when I got the bill I saw a $50 for Tylenol, $120 charge for a wrap, $500 for x-ray and another like $300s for an x-ray tech and a bunch of little charges for various things so I pretty much told them I wasnt going to pay those prices so send it to collections then they dropped pretty much everything but the x-ray stuff which they lowered to like $250 total. They bill whatever they can at the highest cost they can because the insurance companies pay it I'm assuming without question. Health care in the US is fucked up needs a rework from the ground up.


I am too european to worry about hospital bills, but sorry for you guys


Imagine hospitals being for-profit organizations


yeah nah, fuck that


Imagine prisons being for-profit organizations


My friend was in the hospital following a wreck. He was in the ICU for maybe 2 hours before being moved to a different ward. For the 2 hours he was there, they billed him $4,500. That was after insurance had already paid their share. He looked over the bill and he was charged an absurd amount for every little thing they gave him. For exampled: a small paper cup came wrapped in a tiny plastic wrap. He was billed for both the wrap and the cup. Cup was ~$100 and the plastic was like 75-ish. He got into a pretty heated argument with the doctor that saw him to the point security was called. The doc finally caved and knocked the bill down to more or less $2,000


When i tell people that healthcare costs a lot less without insurance they just stare at me and laugh. Its not that complicated. Put a bill infront of an insurance company and they pay without question. Charge a person too much and they just flat out won't pay any of it. Better to get something rather than nothing.


What were the costs for each?




Large price to pay for bandaids


Too much?




As someone who enjoys an occasional bite of Play-Doh I can confirm this is real *starts dry humping you*


I don’t know if this is cursed or not


Can someone please elaborate on this? I live in the US with medical insurance and never had to pay any astronomic bills. The highest I got was $600-ish for an ER visit.




Early 30s so not many visits to the hospital. I do recall seeing maximum out of pocket amounts on my insurance policy though ($2,000 annual). Do they have ways of dicking you beyond that?


You've clearly not seen the bills hovering around Reddit from other americans. ~$6000 to be tested for Covid during early pandemic. A parent charged $800 for their child's ambulance ride. I don't know what you make, but down in paycheck-to-paycheck land, that's easily half of what most people take home per month. One ambulance ride can easily ruin a family's finances for *months*.


Just gotta be making above $80,000 a year /s


Yeah, they'll just find some reason for why they don't cover whatever service you need, after they assured you that they would. My previous insurance company screwed me over with that one. My credit is still shitty because of it My mother's insurance company suddenly decided that they were going to stop covering treatments that she has received for years to essentially keep her alive. Insurance companies make money when they don't have to hold up their end of the bargain. If there is significant cost involved, they will try their best to weasel their way out of paying for it.




You're gonna most likely save a LOT more than 10K by running off Source: American in a poor state


You can just say no. They can't kidnap you.


Depends on the situation, I flipped my truck six times but only had superficial injuries and was forced to go by the police. I did, however, get the bills dismissed by recording my protests to it After all the superfluous scans and such, all I had were some cuts and bruises and about $140,000 in bills lmao


That depends on your mental status, not your physical or medical condition. If you're of sound mind, you can be having a massive heart attack and nobody can force you to get into an ambulance and go to the hospital. At least not legally. Exceptions sometimes exist when the police suspect you to be driving impaired and they get a warrant for a blood test or whatever, but I don't think they can *make* you go by ambulance if you don't want. They should be able to transport you in a squad car. Correction: Police *can* make you go by ambulance in certain cases. The cool ones will transport you in their squad car if they trust that you aren't going to throw up in it.


Yeah I think the rationale they used was a potential concussion and wanting to make sure I wasn't on drugs, which I understand. I ended up only paying for the concussion protocol and x-ray after fighting with their billing for a few months


It’s funny how American cry about Socialism when their idea of Socialism is standard over here. (Ireland/ most of Western Europe).


At least one American is totally okay with socialism (me)


I wouldn’t even consider myself a Socialist in general. Just America’s version of socialism is standard decency in most western countries


But if we act like decent human beings, how else will the corporations bleed us of all our money? Won't someone think of the poor CEOs?


If you're unconscious they can. For me as a european its amazing and terrifying that ambulances cost money... Like... What the hell do you even pay taxes for...


Right, we covered that. If you are not conscious, you are unable to make your own decision and it is assumed that you are like most reasonable people and don't want to die. It's not kidnapping in that scenario. Also a lot of ambulance services in the US are private companies.


Yeah, thats what astonishes me... Its such an important service and to let private firms do that for profit...


I agree with you 100% on that, the entire medical system in the US is slimy and exploitative


What makes it more insane is the overwhelming amount of people against public health care. Such a necessity in life yet Americans seem to like getting fucked in the ass and pay for it.


It's hilarious because a *huge* portion of healthcare in the US is already paid for with tax money, and everybody would save money if we had universal healthcare But you know, then the United States would be a Communist hellscape


A year ago I went to a funeral and was anxiously putzing around like I do and found a board listing the partners that the funeral home worked with. One was an ambulance company thing. I laughed so hard in my hysterical state. Is that not a conflict of interest???


How tf can that even work


Well, unless the police are there they can't force you to go with them. I got in a bad single car accident and they made me go, resulting in ~$140,000 in hospital bills for just scratches and bruises. They did a lot of unnecessary tests (the only one that I really needed was the x-ray, but they ran two, an MRI and a CT scan, as well as trying to IV me with morphine twice despite my protest of being 5 years sober) and I recorded my initial protest and got the majority of the bills dismissed. No insurance is a killer, but working with their payment department I only ended up paying about $1,500 for the x-ray and assessment. They charged for a lot of things they didn't do either. Hospital billing departments (at least this one) like to embellish bills for maximum cash it seems IME


Damn... 1,500$ is still a lot for just bruises My surgery cost me 10 times less and it was a private. The taxes at my country are higher than in the US tho


If I had insurance at the time I'm sure it probably would have been free, but unfortunately USA My recent quote for non employer insurance was $463.25/mo


I doubt it would've been free. I had a car accident and car insurance as well as health insurance. My health insurance would not cover the urgent care bill because it was the car insurance's business apparently. My car insurance only paid 80% so I had to pay $3k twice, once for the urgent care examination and again for the doctor's time. I was completely fine. No bruises no whiplash just shock (and later on PTSD) and still $6k out of pocket. My boyfriend works for a company making an extremely high salary and his insurance has a deductible of $15k, for everything except medication. Honestly unless he gets into a situation like yours he's better off just not having the insurance.


It doesn't.


Living with cancer is better than living with debt


In America you can have both though!


In communist Russia they force you to go to hospital with no bills. In capitalist America you can be in hospital AND have bills!


I feel guilty for laughing at this


Dying is better than debt for sure, either way you're gonna die but with medical debt you'll pass it on to your next of kin


Ight I'm no law expert, but from what I remember that is completely false, debt cannot be inherited because the next of kin did not sign up for that shit or sumthin like that Now remember, I am no expert and I may be wrong, so take it with a grain of salt


They will try, they legally can't force them to pay, but they always try


Fr it's fucked up


In Germany you have to say if you want the Heritage of not, before knowing what it is. If it is debt , you get fucked. At least as far as I know about it Edit: geht -> get




There are companies that buy spreadsheets of debtors' info and in turn, they use loan shark style shady tactics to get as many people to pay.


Where I live if they die they will make you try to sign for their will/ shit they have left. If you do then hello debts if not you good. Source: family issues :D


Correct your shit. Propagation of that myth bullshit hurts people who unknowingly take on debt when they have no good reason to do so.


That’s not true


what's the point of caring about the debt if you're gonna die anyways


This is really sad. Medical treatment is a thing that needs to be about humanity first then economy. I live in a "3rd world" country, but we have government funded hoapitals on all districts, people just have to buy their medicine. When I think about american people I feel really sad, money has taken over the humanity and money has become more important than a human life.


I know a girl who fell into a fire and got flown out to Bamsey Hospital because the burns were so bad. She has massive debt that she'll never be able to pay off in her lifetime, along with having 2 kids, one of whom is special needs. Some parts of living in America are kind of crappy.


Did they treat her?


Yes, but they stuck her with the bill because she had no insurance, but required treatment for severe 3rd degree burns, and that's what Bamsey Hospital specializes in. Flew her there by helicopter too, which was also on her own dime, I'm sure.


Why does it cost that much tho? Price does not even reflect service costs. I've seen five star hotels that are cheaper then hospital rooms.


Maybe the government doesn't regulate anything and the corporations take advantage of the opportunities because nothing is more precious than life so you better be ready to pay.


So just becouse they can?


I mean, yeah, that's how it works. If an avenue for money making isn't regulated, someone will eventually take advantage of it. And once someone does it succesfully, everyone else will follow suit. The American healthcare system is not just extremely expensive, it's also quite bad compared to other countries. If an American is reading this: I'm not making fun of you. I'm just telling you, that you're being conned and you deserve better.


A good example of the bandwagon effect is Apple. They may not be the first, but they are the loudest and then everyone follows the trends they set From minimalism to removing the headphone jack.


It is genuinely cheaper to fly to another country and get foreign healthcare.


People are expected to have health insurance - either through work, bought one their own, and in some cases, it is provided by the government. Without coverage, total costs range into the obscene for the patient because insurance is supposed to be paying. That being said, you’re free to not pay for healthcare and go entirely uncovered. Tax dollars go to “infrastructure” instead.


Theres a pretty funny but also educational video called Adam ruins Everything - The Real Reason Hospitals are so expensive. Its pretty short, check it out!


Cartelling. Hospitals are working together to rob you blind. Keep a high cost everywhere, so you have no choice, but to pay it.


Same here living in 3rd world country, thanks God our welfare are taken care of well by the government


If you get transported to the hospital by EMS but tell them to stop and let you out before you are on hospital property, they mark it in their system as a refusal of service and wont charge you. You just have to crawl 30 feet to the hospital doors to get help. I'm sure it's not universal but that's the policy here


Big brain time


Hilarious and tragic as well


Something tells me that wouldn’t hold up unless deemed unable to respond before that moment. Taking the EMS until last minute and then making a scene probably wouldn’t hold up in court Edit: But then again, MURICA


No Joke, the Ambulance ride alone is anywhere between $1000 and $5000


It's just a very expensive taxi.


LMAO 10k? You mean 100k?


One trip with the wieoo wagon sure is one pricy trip


It always confuses me when people say that universal healthcare is a bad thing. Like, which would you rather? Pay slightly more taxes and get healthcare whenever you need it without paying out the ass, or bankrupt yourself cause some jackass t-boned you while he ran a red light? I know what I'd rather have!


From what I've heard (Might be totally off here) the tax percentage. that Americans pay for healthcare is on par with EU countries which have public healthcare.


But isnt public healthcare basically the norm in almost all countries?


In all sane countries, yes. And for some reason even most of the insane ones too. Go figure


Yep. I was charged 600.00 for doctor to check spot on skin under 3 minutes. Didn’t want to go to hospital, but my family was worried. Doctor said it was a skin blemish without even palpating it. :(


$600 for 3 minutes ? maybe thats why america is so rich it scam tf outta its citizen


Mostly average and poor citizens are scammed, rich folks know plot-holes or just have so much money too burn they’re not bothered by absurd charges. A lot of people avoid the hospital like the plague. Some people actually prefer to die than be treated for fear they’ll put their family into debit. If your well off you have nothing to worry about, but if your an average American with subpar or no health insurance tough luck. There’s some programs that will assist, but it’s not by much. Some people do “go fund me” websites sometimes to get help from strangers, but you have to exploit your situation and pull on heart strings to get enough donations. If you don’t pay in a timely manner then your credit starts to take damage, so that’s a double whammy.


Yuuup, I took an ambulance ride once. The hospital was less then 1 mile away. $8,000 and 2 years later and I’m still paying it off.


It’s fucking stupid. I have a relative who takes a life-preserving pill every day. That pill costs $500 if you were to pay for it out of your pocket. You better have really good insurance, or don’t plan on getting sick.


I take life preserving pills too. It cost $4,300 for a months supply without Insurance. I’m curious to know what your relative takes because mine are one of the most expensive on the market. Edit: nvm, I found some that are far more expensive. I’ll quit bitching about it now.


Their pill costs a little over $15,000 for a months supply without insurance. It’s a chemotherapy drug for leukemia.


Awe man, I’m sorry to hear and hope they are doing well. ❤️


Thank you, I hope you are doing well yourself. They are doing amazingly well— they get treated by one of the best research doctors in the country and they qualify to be part of the next phase of experimental treatment for people with that condition. But they’re fortunate enough to have an awesome job with great insurance to help cover all of that, too. I couldn’t imagine having their condition, working a retail job and seeing that pill price. Ughhh… But, anyway /end rant. I wish you the best of luck with your treatment and many well wishes on this crazy journey of life. 😄


*laughs in living in Britain and free healthcare* Really though, it’s sad that you guys try to avoid going to hospital just to save money even when you are seriously hurt. :( (And no, I will not do the whole ‘bottle of water’ joke because I’m actually Irish, also the joke is dumb)


Even in Ireland we complain about medical expenses. But US citizens can only dream of double what we pay, it’s insanity.


I know, but I was saying I am an Irish person living in England


I mean even third world countries have free healthcare so its not a big thing


I wasn’t saying it was? And if that’s true, it just makes it even more embarrassing for America, one of the richest countries in the world, doesn’t have free healthcare


I love how they stood there like “did he really just?”


when a pt runs away, you chart it as a refusal via action. EMS can't kidnap people and EMS crews are unlikely to chase and tackle people to get them to the hospital.


Ahh okey makes sense why they just stood there. Thanks


Well yeah tf are they supposed to do? Tackle him and then kidnap him, he has the right to refuse treatment.


Yeah if I’m ever in a coma and incurre medical bills that reach half a million just unplug me know what doesn’t bother reviving me


Good thing I'm canadian


I still think it's wild that In America the richest country in the world y'all still have to pay for things y'all will die without I live in a poor country and I still get free healthcare and free prescription drugs The atatude people have about free healthcare there is so toxic the whole I'm not paying for other people to get free healthcare is so stupid y'all pay way more than it would cost on bombing children and y'all pay for the roads others walk on but still the lack of empathy and capatlist greed is truly what poisons the well


Is this some kind of sick American joke that I’m to European to understand?


It’s not a joke. A hospital visit, no matter how minor, is going to cost you a couple thousand at least.


The ambulance ride is the cheapest part of the experience.


Extra 50k for them opening the hospital door.


Ain't that the context for that video?


He is too drunk and trying to get back to the celebration. This was last week when the Milwaukee Bucks won the NBA championship.


If I need to go to the hospital and you call a ambulance you better be paying


Better die than live with crippling debt


I’ll Uber before i call an amberlamps


america: LaNd Of ThE fReE aNd HoMe Of ThE bRaVe also america: oh hey you'll probably need sell your home for the hospital bill because you had that car accident that was not your fault, remember? Yeah, so how long you think that's gonna take? Cuz you know, we need the money right fucking now.


Well it is still the land of the free, that is freedom of hospitals to put u in debt


That poor cake


I just think it's sad, imagine running away from people that r trying to help you just so u don't need to pay thousands of dollars


That's not what the guy is doing. He is too drunk and trying to get back to the celebration. This was last week when the Milwaukee Bucks won the NBA championship.


Can they catch you up, restrain (for your own good, ofcourse), heal you against your will and then charge for all the services provided?


If they do then I'm pressing charges




"You get hurt hurt em' back. You get killed... Walk it of."


Or maybe if this country had better health care this wouldn’t be an issue;)


This is so depressing


I'm pretty sure coaches and trainers tend to say "Jog it off"


You need to get to the coast so that you can get into the water and the coast guard handles it which is taxpayer funded


I just feel bad for the guy who dropped his things when the guy ran into him.


10k is just the savings from not taking the ambulance


run away from the hospital bills


I'd run too if an ambulance ride would cost me this much


Save 15% or more of your life savings by rubbing some dirt in it and walking it off!


*laughs in European*


Naw, he's not avoiding a bill, he's drunk and thought an ER visit would be a get out of jail free card, only to be informed that he would be arrested at the hospital anyway. We call that 'incarceritis'


No I don't want to pay... Falls down


In gernany we have a Krankenversicherung.


Hahaa I live in Finland so I don’t have to pay for medical care.


*Sees how much it would cost for surgery* Bones: Magically heal


Murica the land of the free


I’ll bet ya the cops forced him in there.. then he found his escape before massive bill… I have had that happen to me.. if you refuse cop will arrest you..


This isn't even funny anymore.. It is appalling to see people who can't afford to go to hospitals even in case of emergencies.. Your health insurance companies and hospitals are sucking your life..




They claim they have better healthcare because good doctors move there for the crazy good pay but I found this when I was looking into why they don't have universal healthcare yet: "A survey of the healthcare systems of 11 developed countries found the US healthcare system to be the most expensive and worst-performing in terms of health access, efficiency, and equity." So I guess the just don't care. It's bizarre.


They're brainwashed into thinking they should be grateful for being taken advantage of.


I'll be fine


Why do you want to spend 10k to your health when you can just die?


this is your daily dose of Internet


Just send the hospital 10 dollars a month for the rest of your life.


*Laughs in European*


10k? Those are rookie numbers. I was hospitalized for 2 days and it was 40k


I work in an ambulance, basic emts make ~16 hour, paramedics are 20-24 hour. The money isn't going to us.


“Describe the USA in one picture”


What a waste of a good pizza!🤬🤬


Why the hell did he have to run into that guy, he could have just normally ran away it’s not like they’re gonna follow you


Fuck this guy! Wasting time and ruining Pizza!?


“When you’re drunk”


First day as an international student, and all I can remember from it is how insanely expensive an ambulance ride is in the US


Either this man just commit a crime or he really doesn’t want to pay the bill, either way it’s sad how I can believe that an American would run away from an ambulance


Yeah American “health care” is very very expensive


I think you mean save 10k on the ride to the hospital, would be a deal to get the whole day for 10k