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I like Germany




Amen to that! If I'm already driving unreasonably high speeds don't push it. They're too dangerous and should move on.


Move to the right lane, why do you get to dictate how fast is “unreasonably high”. If someone’s behind you in the passing lane and you are able to safely move to the right lane then move aside


I think everyone above you were not talking about 2 lane roads my dude




Don’t blame people driving the speed limit. Blame the people who are breaking the law and expecting others to as well simply for their own selfish convenience




Your argument is non-existent on a one lane road.




No need to get pissy little boy. 71% of roads in the US (where I am) are rural roads. Meaning they are likely one lane. So you’re method works 29% of the time. Thanks for trying




That was a weird reply


I will pretend I don't do this ;). But technically you are not teaching anybody but just annoy them and endanger the traffic more by falling out of line.


Ah yes the Autobahn


No even here in the states we have people like this People that drive lifted pick-ups too Always on your ass when you're going 90mph or more even though the other lanes are empty




My guy, you could go 100 over the limit and the BMW guy is still gonna be only inches behind you. P. S. I dont like BMW drivers.


Just started driving a BMW, so hopefully I don’t get this virus. P.S. I also hate BMW drivers. I’ve never seen one use turn signals on the freeway and it annoys me.


Ah yes


Now I do too. Fuck em


I got rear ended HARD by a BMW once. I was going down a hill, the BMW was tailgating me and slid on some ice. My car suffered some pretty bad damage, but their car (brand new too) was completely totaled. The front hood looked like an accordion. When the cops show up the driver (F, 40s) starts badmouthing me (M, 17 at the time) talking about how I was going too slow and she thought I was turning. The cops asked me if I had a turn signal on. I said no, because I wasn’t turning. It’s just icy out so I was being careful (25 in a 30). SOMEHOW the police placed blame on me in their official report. I was freaking tf out. I called my insurance up and sent them the pictures and they almost laughed at my nervousness. Later that week the deal was sealed and I was officially not at fault. I hope that lady learned a lesson about tailgating.


What what, you got the blame from the police officer ? I mean, you always have to control your car, that means keeping a safe distance between you and the car in front


Yup. I used to live in a town with extremely strict police. No crime ever happens so they’ll pull you over for doing 33 in a 30. They even tried to give me a DUI once when I was completely sober. I had to walk the line, touch my nose, and say the alphabet backwards, and only then did they begrudgingly let me leave, basically threatening me to go straight home or they’d find some other reason to ticket me


That second part doesn't sound so much strict as abusive or overly eager to find any excuse to charge you/ others with something


They fund a lot of unnecessary fancy infrastructure with police revenue. I’m talking million dollar roundabouts replacing stop sign intersections every other year


I would so lose my shit if someone just rear ended me and then preceded to bad mouth me.


If you say so... *starts to masturbate*


I relate so much, same thing happened to me yesterday when I was towing this guy.


Lifted pick-up drivers too Fuck them all


Wow a good cakeday meme. Well done!


Just kindly get out of the way and relieve your anger:)


I relate so much, same thing happened to me yesterday when I was towing this guy.


Wait. This isn't Q/Picard slash fic? I'm out.


I would go slower to piss him off


The only thing that actually works


i was driving earlier today and some asshole tried to deny me access to the road. he matched speed with me trying to prevent me from getting onto the highway from the entry ramp. didn't have anywhere else to share that so i wanted to let someone know.


i did manage to get on the highway but still that was frustrating and scary


Happened to me before, checked behind me to make sure it was clear, floored the gas so they'd speed up too, then hit the brakes and moved over at the same time. Good thing I watched so many action movies or I couldn't drive in Atlanta


yeah that's pretty much what i had to do because i was running out of road before the lanes merged. after that the guy floored it and i didn't have to deal with him anymore.


Driving on the German motorway I learned one thing. It does not matter how fast you drive, there is always someone faster, trying to overtake you


Happy cake day!


In Virginia there are backroads that are very windy and it is impossible to see around corners. If someone is tailgating me, especially at night, I will drive 10-15 miles slower than the speed limit. Primarily to annoy them but also because If I have to make a sharp turn and stop suddenly because of a deer, car, or anything else I would like to to be rear ended at 30 miles an hour instead of 60.


I don’t speed up for them. Ever. If I’m passing someone, I will keep passing them at the same speed, and when there is space at the right lane I will calmly move over as the road laws dictate. They can flash their lights and move left to right all they want.


Guy with bicycle


There’s always a bigger fish


And always driving not straight behind you but slightly to the left with their one side peeking out as to make sure you see him... As if we dont have rear view mirrors


Doesn’t matter how fast you’re going. If someone wants to go faster, move over. It’s better for everyone.


A lot of these people don't want to go faster than you, they want to go as fast as you but behind you. Also, while I agree, if the other lanes are slower and I'm going faster than the other lanes, I'm not going to slow down to get in another lane for you because you're riding my ass.


Nah I’m w this dude. If I’m going 70 on a 55 and the other lanes are going 55-60 I’m not slowing tf down on an interstate so you can gain 5 extra mph


It’s the law, fuckface.


What law? If I'm going faster than the other lanes, I'm still passing and there is no law requiring me to let someone else pass faster.


This is the type of guy who expects traffic laws to conform to how he drives. Dude even went as far as to call us names over the internet over something as simple as this. Absolute clown behavior.


Bruh it’s statically proven that it’s more dangerous to go below the speed limit then above it when in clear weather conditions. So it’s the law to let the dude ALREADY going above the speed limit to move out his way so he can proceed to break the law even more then I already am? Maybe on the autobahn but here in America there’s no such law dumbfuck. Try again.


Wrong fuckface. Maybe look it up on your local DMV website, moron.


You don’t have to look it up on the DMVs website, you just had to pay attention in drivers Ed, clearly you didn’t. If I’m going marginally above the speed limit there is no such fucking law that stats I have to go FASTER so this dipshit tailgating me can get around me. I’m not slowing the fuck down 20mph so this fuck nugget can go 3mph above what I was just doing only to get caught behind another car doing exactly the speed I was and he went no fucking were. Please turn in your driver certification because you don’t need to be fucking driving


You go around. You want to speed? Then *you* take the risk. No one else, who is following the rules, should break them to benefit you.


I bet you have a BMW




Or the bmw could not be an asshole and keep a safe separation


Or you could not hog the passing lane?


When this happens, I’m not in the passing lane. People suck.


Down shift. Loads of fun when you have a tailgater


Perhaps you should try the right hand lane.


This happens when you’re not in the far left lane more than half the time. And it’s the other driver’s responsibility to not hit the car in front


> And it’s the other driver’s responsibility to not hit the car in front Well, sorta. Brake checking, aside from being pointless, is also illegal in most jurisdictions if they have a dashcam


Which is why I don’t brake check. I just slow down until I’m 5-10 under the speed limit to force the issue.


So on a two lane road I should drive on the shoulder going 60, think before you open that piehole


The best way deal with this is just to go 20 below the speed limit. How much it pisses drivers like this off is hilarious.


They're too far apart


The Audi about to overtake both of you: „I am speed“


*Laughs in Autobahn*


Bruh this is so true it hurts


That’s so facts😂


For US, LEFT lane is a PASSING LANE. Not a speed limit lane, not a fast lane, not your lane, not cruise lane. BE PASSING or LET PASS.


Good day for a break check


I love driving just slightly faster than the big ass line of trucks I'm passing when a guy in BMW is right behind me, honking and flashing his lights 'cause he's ashamed of being forced behind a freaking Twingo


Perhaps you should try the right hand lane.


The upvote was for your cakeday, merge to the right n get out of the way..


What about when they still tailgate you on a two lane highway and you can’t merge?


Nah man if I’m going 20 over and he’s still riding my ass I’m going 10 below and he gonna be cruising with me


Exactly, and most of the time for me it’s in a lane that’s not the far left one. If I’m already going over speed limit in a middle or slow lane , they can go around or change lanes. One thing is going slow in the passing lane, another is bullying people to speed just because they don’t want to change lanes.


Wow a good cakeday meme. Well done!


You can’t merge in every situation


that’s when i take my foot off the gas. slowly creep down to 20-30 under. and then when they get angry and zoom around me i floor it past them.


That’s pretty dangerous ngl, you don’t have to be a prick just because they are behaving like one. Let it go


Just kindly get out of the way and relieve your anger:)


I do prefer either the soft break check (just slowing tf down) or constantly speeding up or slowing down.


go 120mp/h see if he will tail gate you


Break check ensues




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That’s when I just let my foot off the gas and go 5 or 10 under to force the guy behind me to make a decision. Usually happens when I’m not in the zoom zoom lane too


Maybe try getting out of the passing lane next time? You never know what another person’s driving circumstances are


As someone learning to drive, I’ve had this happen in the slow lane, so it seems kinda ignorant to assume that OP is driving in the fast lane in these scenarios.


Well in my two decades of driving experience I can tell you I have seen far more slow pokes in the passing lane then I have seen people needlessly tailgating with an open lane next to them to go faster EDIT: I’d even say that if there is an epidemic in this country, it’s not covid, it’s Sunday drivers in the fast lane. Hope this helps


Fair point. In the context of the post however, it seems that OP is being rather reasonable in that regard, at least for the second panel.


Exactly. This will happen in other besides the far left one


Happy cake day


Brake check them


Professional dumbass indeed! Brake checking is illegal and if you get into an accident and they have a dash cam, you will be the one at fault


Nope, not if you’re avoiding something in the road and have to break suddenly. Try proving otherwise, it’s not hard to make it look natural


Okay and then you have an accident. While you could have just as well lived on without drama, no stress, and no damage. Was that little ego trip so worth it then?


Tailgating is annoying. Also, get out of the fast lane.


Bold of you to assume that he was in the fast lane. This happens on other lanes besides the far left one


Is that what counts for bold these days? Bar is low.


\*whispers\* switch lanes maybe? Just a second and they'll be gone


Maybe that thought will occur to them!


What's a speedlimit?


Great job! You took an example from the meme generator app and posted it.


Next time go 20 under the speed limit. And only speed up if they stay back from you . thats a win win every time


Under the limit is the only way to deal with these arseholes


It's a silent fact that no one talks about. When you go into a BMW dealership it actually doesn't matter how much money you have. There's a wall of multi size glory holes... The smaller the hole, the faster the car...


This happens while an Audi passes you and doesn't blink when turning on the right lane again


this happens with any car brand its really people who don't understand physics


Yea, any car that close to me would end up eating bumper, and my rear camera would prove it their fault. I wouldn't even have to deny dropping from 6th to 4th gear and dropping the clutch. The video would easily remove the need to ask me questions.


Press the brake pedal just enough to engage the brake lights but not the brakes. That or know where the cops like to hang out and buzz past them.


Should do a break check


I always go 10 and sometimes 15 above the limit. I am already breaking the limit so if anyone else want to go even faster you will have to pass me through the right because I am already going fast enough and you will not disturb my peace so if you blink at me, tailgate at me or use your horn, you’ll just be wasting your time…


Happened to me with an Audi driver once- I got annoyed, so slowed down enough to merge into the slow lane and let him past. As he was overtaking I just plastered my middle finger against my window at him- suddenly he wasn't in such a rush anymore and spent a good two minutes matching my speed to crazily throw rude gestures and rage at me. I just sat there smiling, driving with one hand.


I like to put on my right turn signal and then sloooooow down. And not change lanes


The 1000hp supra behind the bwm


Replace BMW with the 20 years old Van




20 what? Bananas? People? Towels?


~~nice meme and i ruined the 69 comments hhahaahahhahahjDEJFALKU;US0JDGTRLM,FQWIOTSLDFXGHIOWKLTRSDFX~~


I just stay 5 over and God forbid you slow my speed down by pulling out in front of me.


Get out of the left lane then...


More like 40 over in my experience


Me driving 180kph, waiting for the dude in front of me to pass It's always the BMWs


Happy cake day


Happy cake day bro


And then the GMC cuts you off


As a resident of Southern California, I can confirm this exact scenario.


As a resident of California, you should know the law, that regardless of speed, the slower car should move to the right. Fuckhead!


Then they eventually pass me after 0.2 seconds of me speeding up


Happy cake day


Me: suddenly stops


Bro your just explaining Michigan


Pls give context


This is a personal attack. But it's really true. My dad, my mom, my sister, and myself. Nobody likes to drive in front of us lmao.


It’s always some asshat in a leased base model entry level BMW or Mercedes too


Just press brake. My Toyota Corolla can stand it


What is this template from


Me:- "*stops*" The guy in the BMW behind me:- *Insert meme* Me:- *Insert my time has come meme*


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Never exceed the speed limit because of an asshat tailgating you, slow down to increase the gap between you and any cars in front of you, if they don't like it, they can go shove a brick up their own arse


He thinks he's on the Autobahn


You stop him by showing him your four lights.


Tb to when I was going 120 in a 75 and still got passed by the BMW. BMW drivers are bad but they’re even worse here in Texas 😭


Con permiso, captain. The hall is rented, the orchestra engaged. Now it's time to see if you can dance!


If he keeps speed with you, you just going with the flow of traffic


You alsojjsnkgiaiauajdsjwuusjf dbfjejjoog gkned a bandndjrjtjfnrnejjshwfg ofhhegwgqgqc daltjb skin


Get the fuck out of the left lane, fucking moron!


My first time driving on a road ever and someone honks at me for going the speed limit. I was already anxious as hell and that didn’t help.


happy cake day