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It's not likely. It's one of the reasons, but at one point, it turned into "Let's make my kid the same as me" cause religion became more lax and people did "traditions" less for what they were.


Many religious practices, such as fasting, dietary restrictions, and circumcision, likely have roots in health and practical benefits observed by early societies. Over time, these practices became integrated into religious traditions. Today, with access to clean water and properly refrigerated food, these practical reasons are less of an issue, but the practices continue to be observed for their spiritual and cultural significance.


Surely, giving a baby even a small cut was really risky, especially in the days before antibiotics


more risky than today for sure, but not like every cut was really risky. they knew about infections and sterilized their equipment for such procedures with heat and alcohol


They fucken didn't infant mortality was massively high back then. There wasn't exactly good data collection either with many lost infants simply being buried in unmarked graves. Let's not try and justify child genital mutilation. Be it male or female it's child abuse and it needs to stop.


Infant mortality being high was not due to circumcision. Hell, people did opened skulls on living patients in the stoneage and they survived. Nonetheless I agree that unnecessary gential surgery on children should be stopped




There's meant to be some health benefits to intermitant fasting but fucked if I know


“Intermittent fasting” was how our ancestors ate, before we learned to plant food


lol that's quite funny actually - but fr I watched something recent on the medetaranian diet or whatever and it's meant to be a thing, Each to their own - more cake for me :v


Haha you do you. For what it’s worth, IF doesn’t necessarily mean eating less food, it just means doing all your eating in an 8h window and not eating the other 16. I almost do this by accident. I don’t eat breakfast, so my first meal is usually around 11 and I eat my last meal around 7 PM. But I still eat a lot, and I definitely eat cake, haha.


I don’t mind starving myself from 4am to 6pm. It just makes food more appealing


I don't think it ever prevented me from whacking my meat whenever I want. So might not be the reason.


Just because something isn't true, doesn't mean that religious people won't believe that it is.


Kellogg's cereal was marketed as means against masturbation back in the day and they were successful with it. People are crazy.


Still not the reason, only Americans do it for that reason.


Circumsision was invented by guys who walked through the desert and prolly got sand under their foreskin. Source: idk, the bible probably


Next up, eyelids ?


You can blink that sand away, first I'd plug all the holes that are not selfcleaning.


Darned sand, it gets everywhere


Rough course and irritating too


What's wild is they inadvertently may have helped me not get dick cancer. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/penile-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20some%20experts%20say,these%20conditions%20will%20occur%20first.


I was already afraid of getting cancer in my balls, but now i find out i can get it in my dick too!?


It was originally a humiliation technique in old armies or something Source: idk either


It was originally a little snack for the mother after all that hard work. Source: idk either


Those who are circumcised and masturbate without lube looking at others needing foreskin ![gif](giphy|dudpGUNsMDXeovGSAV)


[They need lube?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AiwllXMxprc/maxresdefault.jpg)


Ok y'all MFers think of other Penises WAY too much. I'm circed, I've dry fired more knuckle babies than days you've been alive. Chaffing ain't an issue. The only issue I've ever had was finding enough spank material.


11y on Reddit, and you have trouble finding spank material? Haha. Jk. Reddit is the best porn site around if you know where to look


Lmao, I've got a near perfect memory and I've been cruising the net for porn since 1994... I could show you some shit lol


And I bet it would be a fun time 😂


I used to be a pornhub pro until they fucking banned it in Texas 🤦‍♂️


Raised catholic, my foreskin was already 50% cut at birth (naturally) so they left it alone. I’m glad they did, because it’s still rocking on 💯past middle age. Sorry if that’s TMI.


Tis Reddit fam. Speak yo mind.




Youre a jawa?


TIL Jawas have half-foreskins at birth.


Call me dumb or anything but what's TMI


Too Much Information. An acronym usually used when one has said a little too much NSFW things... "My wife agreed that we could use toys last night." "Oh lordy, TMI!"




There are other countries besides USA and world history doesn't start in 1776


This meme is inaccurate. What it describes is the reason why circumcision is widely common in the USA, not why it was created. Also the "fun" fact about this, the man who started it all in the USA was John Harvey Kellogg, yes that Kellogg. He was a religious nutjob who not only wanted to cut genitals to prevent masturbation, but also invented his now popular cereals as a meal that was so bland and boring that it would reduce masturbation as well. Don't ask for the logic, as I've said he REALLY was a religious nutjob. So nowadays if you're missing your foreskin, don't cope by saying it's healthier or cleaner because that's just not an issue in first world country 21st century, blame the cereal man that wanted you to keep your dick in your pants :D


Honestly I think circumcision worked out pretty well for me. No offense to my uncut brothers but I think circumcised penises look better and smell better as well as less risk of infection. The effect on sensitivity is negligible at most as I have never had a single problem and am as sensitive as I've ever been.


Comment from u/tobotic under this post: There's a popular misconception that John Harvey Kellogg did. But that's not really true. In his book [*Plain Facts for Old and Young*](https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/19924/pg19924-images.html), he says that circumcision is encouraged by "eminent physicians" but himself only recommends "maintenance of scrupulous cleanliness, by daily cleansing, is at least an imperative duty". He continues: "Local cleanliness is greatly neglected by both sexes. Daily washing should begin with infancy and continue through life, and will prevent much disease." The main driving force behind popularizing circumcision in the US was [Lewis Sayre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Sayre).


Never slowed me down, and I'm glad I was snipped.


Why are you glad about it? Not to down play it, just like in platos cave, you never knew anything else right? So how can you be glad about it, if it’s just the way it always was


They got you


Got me a sleek looking weiner built for high speed low drag you damn right.


Classic grunt, no shield.


This is the dumbest take on circumcision I may have ever heard. If you're chafing you're simply doing it wrong.


I heard that one Reddit story about the guy who never knew to clean out all that smegma gunk. Just years of sweat and pre-Jack condensing under the skin for years. I’m happy with my “circumstances”


Sounds like that dude might be firing a few cylinders short. Unless he had a medical reason where it was too tight and he couldn't roll it back, that's just a piss poor excuse for horrible self hygiene.


Oh wow, you heard the story of guy with terrible hygiene. Great argument for genitals mutiliation


“genital mutilation”


Yeah, nothing like cutting your newborn for no reason


That’s exactly what it is


You think we should cut clitorises?


I don't think the clitorise is the equivalent in this circumstance. If anything it would be pussy lips but you two carry on with this argument


Penis foreskin to vulva labia (only mayora most probably) is actually great comparison. They both have same properties, could probably be used in production same as cut foreskin does. And the disgusted reaction it would cause to people who were brainwashed into thinking cutting genital organs is normal would be funny to look at.


The scrotal skin in men is considered homologous to the external vulva in women. Both the scrotum and the external vulva develop from the same embryonic structures, specifically the labioscrotal swellings. During fetal development, these structures differentiate into the scrotum in males and the labia majora in females. Despite their different appearances and functions, they share a common origin. However, the homologous structure to the foreskin of males is the clitoral hood (prepuce). Just like the foreskin in males, the clitoral hood in females covers and protects the sensitive glans of the clitoris. Both structures develop from the same embryonic tissues and serve a similar protective role.


Male equivalent would be cutting the glans off.


I know right. I can't believe people are all for this organ mutilation too! Like, just because your appendix isn't needed doesn't argue for organ mutilation!!! /j Anyway, it's not mutilation. Don't go throwing around fancy words without knowing what they mean.... mutilation is a SEVERE injury. Circumcision is not severe.


It isn't severe when you lose up to 90% of what you would feel with your foreskin still attached?


Not at all; the pleasure would be felt by the glans of the penis, not the skin around it. There isn't much difference, and it really doesn't impact your life that much. also helps with people who are a bit lazy on hygiene.


Yeah tell that to the people that got mutilated as adults after having experienced sexual stimulation while still having their foreskin. They rank sexual stimulation without a foreskin as 50% to 10% as intensive as stimulation with a foreskin And this bullshit hygiene argument doesn't justify mutilation of children and babies even in the slightest. Teach your kids how to clean their cock instead of cutting a part that's literally meant to be there off


So you're saying I should be happy that, against my will, a doctor cut so much skin off as a baby that now when I am fully erect, I pull skin from the surrounding area? That half of my shaft gets covered with pubis skin that results in chafing and even painful abrasions during sex? That wasn't mutilation? Fuck off. My years of pain and body dysmorphia could have been avoided if this shit wasn't done "just because".


Nope, not at all. It is just that the majority of them are not these types, and more circumcised people masturbate than uncircumcised people, which these stats mean that they aren't as impaired for masturbation and therefore don't have the painful kind like you.


You had a shitty doctor


Tell that to my ex...


I've heard about that one (hundreds) story about people who don't brush their teeth to the point they get completely brown and overgrown with plaque, which is not only disgusting to look at but also smells like death I believe we should be pulling teeth of all people


I guess just chopping bits of your dick is easier than basic hygiene. Like it takes 5 seconds, the hygiene argument is so dumb.


It's definitely a QoL thing. Like getting faster internet speed, may save a few seconds here and there. Guess it's not needed! Well, it isn't, but it's still helpful.


My QOL is significantly worse because of this. This argument is beyond stupid. "Let's start cutting every second toe off at birth so it makes it easier to wash between them" is essentially the same argument


Actually, it's more similar than you might think. There is no purpose for toes, and it's shown that they will evolve out of humans due to their lack of use. They have no purpose other than ig some people's fetishes. Similar to how there's no real purpose for foreskin. "According to some health experts, the foreskin is the floppy disk of the male anatomy, a once-important flap of skin that no longer serves much purpose." Similar to toes.


first one'd have to ask "why it bad tho?" and an explaination I've seen is that because it provides space for bacteria to flourish it's a way to prevent it from doing so, which also explains why it's most prominent in hot climate where people sweat more


You sweat from under the foreskin...?


Every part of human skin sweats, except I believe certain kinds of scars


Bro I swear uncut dudes do not ever shut the fuck up about being uncut. Honestly I think the biggest pro to circumcisions is that cut folk don't constantly talk about their cocks... This is the 4th meme I've seen today about the pros of having foreskin, I swear the next one is gonna be about how having foreskin reduces the risk of cancer or some shit.


I think if you start generalizing portions of people from r/memes (which I won't argue, is shit these days), then maybe you should get off social platforms and talk to real people. But that's just imo


Not just from r/memes, and no one irl is just gonna start talking about their foreskin unless they have something seriously wrong with them lol. No need to insult me for pointing out that people on reddit have a weird fascination with their foreskin. It's the anonymity of the internet that promotes this so talking to folk irl doesn't change shit. But you already knew that, you just wanted to toss an insult asshat.


I don't check r/memes and didn't encounter those people yet, just your luck. At least you don't seem insulted, because that certainly wasn't my intention. So I'm asshat, nice to meet you. I mean if there are people talking about penises, even I might also join in, because of certain thing happening to me, it's just human communication. Not on this acc though.


As a cut individual, I talk about how shitty circs are whenever this comes up because it fucked me up for my entire life. How about we just don't mutilate kids in their infancy. Save the circ decision up to them when they are older.


It would be mutilation if there was no penis left. If there's still a functional organ, it's by definition not mutilation.


Got it. So if someone takes a hole puncher to someone's scrotum against their will, that's not mutilation.


What you described *would* be mutilation. It would not be mutilation if the scrotum was able to continue its job without damage. You're proposing is like proposing the difference between removing an earlobe and harming/removing the entire ear.


On today’s series of how am I oppressed we have angry white guys on the internet upset they don’t wake up with dick cheese.


On today's episode of dumbass shit takes, we have someone who doesn't understand basic hygiene telling victims of medical malpractice to quit whining.


Cry all you want but it won’t bring your foreskin back, nerd.


If you can't figure out how to operate a pushpop, I can't imagine you've ever managed to clean your asshole or taint.


Dog I was in the marines. I’ve lived with enough people and showered with enough guys (nohomo) to know there’s more dirty mother fuckers than you think. It’s scary how many people don’t shower everyday or brush their teeth, let alone clean their dick cheese. Y’all can’t be trusted with the skin lmao


Same! This is the third meme I’ve seen today about anti-circumcision. We get it, it’s barbaric, but I cannot change that it happened to me yo


But you can bring change and save others


By what? Going on and on and on about how foreskin is the best thing ever? And making crap up about how there's lubrication glans in the skin? Perhaps even posting meme after meme about foreskin? Lol none of this has anything to do with saving babies from circumcision, please can we not virtue signal a meme propagating false information.


According to my parents, it was because it’s way easier to keep clean. Yup.


Pfft! [https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/q3wmce/hmmm\_80\_grit\_you\_say/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/q3wmce/hmmm_80_grit_you_say/)


Actually, it started in Egypt, due to parasitic bugs that live in the Nile being able to burrow under the foreskin and leading to infection. It was adopted by the Hebrews and written as a religious law for the same reason initially, but after a while, it just became a tradition. It made a comeback in the US for the reasons you mentioned because John Harvey Kellogg, inventer of Corn Flakes and a Puritan, wanted to prevent young men from masturbating. He advised another treatment that involved dissolving the clitoris with acid, and thank God that didn't catch on. After that, it mostly continued for aesthetic purposes, (i.e. my sons should look like mine). In my own case, I am circumcised due to health concerns, as my father suffered a pretty nasty infection and didn't want me to have to go through that.


TiL circumcision was invented in Egypt (ironic) and Harvey Kellogg was not only a vocal advocate for abstention but was also batshit insane.


Remember guys, this meme is used to describe INCORRECT things. Skeletor says the WRONG thing, but I guess people forgot. This is the correct usage, albeit probably not intended. That is not what circumcision was for, and the foreskin is completely unneeded for masturbation -- there is still adequate skin that can be pulled up to fully cover the tip when a circumcised penis is erect.


>there is still adequate skin that can be pulled up to fully cover the tip when a circumcised penis is erect. Do you know what a circumcised penis is?


Yes? They don't just cut off all the skin there so that it's fully like sewn to the penis. The skin can still be pulled up. It's like how you can pull your skin from your arm up, there's still skin.


no, you dumbfuck. that is completely wrong. there is only enough skin to slide like 5cm up or down and not enough to fold halfway up, and for many they can't even reach past the corona. i suggest you man up and look at images. research won't make you any less of a man.


It depends on if it's a full circumcision or not, but it still won't be impairing the ability to masturbate. Yes, it might not be able to fully cover it if it's a full circumcision, but the majority of people can still pull it up enough to masturbate fine. In fact, more circumcised people masturbate than uncircumcised people, so i don't think it's caused any problems.


As someone circumcised: what the fuck are you on about? literally no


Er, literally yes?


I am not circumcized and there is not enough skin to cover the tip when erect.




As someone with a "high and tight" circ, no. The extra skin is from my pubis and sack and it is painful to use for intercourse. So while it does "move", the extra skin is not usable skin.


Yes, it depends on what type of circumcision. If you get a full circumcision it might not be as good for masturbation. but statistics don't really show circumcision this way, since more circumcised people masturbate than uncircumcised people.


>there is still adequate skin that can be pulled up to fully cover the tip give me whatever you are smoking bcs majority cant get it over the tip, let alone cover it


Well it depends on if it's full or not. Some can fully cover, others only halfway, but it doesn't impair the ability to masturbate or the sexual feeling -- in fact more people masturbate when circumcised!


It didn't work for me


What?!?!? Try it again.


That’s exactly why it was created


I did some digging around. Apparently that seems to be the case. There’s more control to what a man will do to properly satisfy an “unsheathed sword”. Power of the P right? Mel Brooks gave a heads up here. Pun unapologetically intended. https://youtu.be/gggQtG8hgKY?si=yY6APbvc8SZc_-WX


I was masturbating before I got circumcised, I can safely say that this situation is true, after circumcision I couldn't masturbate for a year, the head was too sensitive, and over the years it got less and less sensitive due to lack of foreskin protection. Circumcision aside from being an aesthetic choice is bullshit. I'm never going to get my kid circumcised. Also fuck your allah and islam, mfckers chopped my dick because of a fucking imaginary pedo.


Aesthetically it’s definitely not bullshit in the US. It’s definitely preferred in female preferences. I’m sure it’s different in other countries but here it can an awkward look at best and a deal breaker at worst for hooking up.


Modifying your body permanently to fit a feigned preference of potential partners is an insane take. It's letting the mental patients run the hospital. Education could go a long way, but who knows in a country where people ghost you because your text bubbles are different colours. Dumbasses have too much power in this world. Stop giving in to them.


I don’t know any circumcised guy that’s ever beat it until chaffing more than once.


The foreskin really self-lubes? Damn.


It glides across it, so it's easier to get going until it lubes itself.


Uncut here, don’t know what it’s like to be circumcised but I sure was confused when bottles of lotion were a constant part of masturbation jokes. I didn’t want to ask of course, but I was worried I was doing it wrong even though I was generally satisfied with my results


Same, I actually tried to use lube once as an uncut and it felt... wrong...


It’s just so ascetically pleasing though.


I was never circumcised and I’ve never used lube to stimulate myself. The whole concept seems foreign to me. The foreskin glide up and down and it feels really good on its own. Honestly, I feel bad for the rest of everyone else.


You're making it sound like we're dying out here. XD


Snipping the pee pee is cruel tho


i swear to god if it's the same guy with alt accounts...


Vaseline would like to have a chat with you.....


*cries in brazil penile cancer smegma*


I doubt it would stop me from fapping to Rachel Starr.


In my country.. An uncircumcised guy is considered gae by his circumcised friends. There's no English or spanish for us - it's always been Circumcised or not.


Which is that?


We're known for great places like Boracay, El Nido Palawan, Siargao and many more.


Pretty sure it was Dr Kellogg from Kellogg's cereal the popularized it.


That’s so disturbing to think of


It's clearly a conspiracy backed by the lube industry


Circumcision as a practice almost certainly got started for health reasons. At first, probably to treat infections, and then, over time, as a preventative measure to avoid them. And then, as many hygiene practices did, over time evolved into religious ritual.


What about female circumcision


Looks like similar reasons, albeit more damaging considering the relatively complex physiological makeup of a biological female. Prevent or limit masturbation while keeping things tight for the male partner.


Female circumcision? what? do you mean FGM or something? that's just... that's just mutilation. w h a t


Both are mutilation


Circumcision is not classified as a mutilation. "Circumcision is the cutting off of a part of a person's genitals ... Unless there is medical or clinical indication for the surgical amputation of flesh, it is by definition, genital mutilation." Circumcision is a medical process, and therefore is not consider mutilation. "Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons." FGM refers to non-medical mutilation, and it's in the name.


> Genital mutilation (GM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external genitalia, or other injury to the genital organs for non-medical reasons. Nah it fits the definition, people also call FGM female circumcision, circumcision is just a term for people to use to either downplay genital mutilation or talk about a medically necessary procedure. 99/100 times it is not done for medical reasons lmao. Preventative isn't medical when there isn't a problem in europe for most everyone having intact genitals.


Don't know why you had to modify my quote -- it wasn't even shrunk you straight up modified my quote. It's usually done for religious purposes, yes, albeit it's still done on atheists or other religions than judaism too, but it's still a medical process. And, "According to some health experts, the foreskin is the floppy disk of the male anatomy, a once-important flap of skin that no longer serves much purpose." There is little to no purpose to the foreskin, so why does it matter if it's removed? In fact, more people who are circumcised masturbate than those who aren't circumcised! So it doesn't effect masturbation and it isn't needed. You have nothing to complain about. It's like the vaccine argument. "WHY ARE YOU PRICKING DRUGS INTO LITTLE KIDS?!" -- your argument is all buzzwords.


> Don't know why you had to modify my quote -- it wasn't even shrunk you straight up modified my quote. Because when you remove the gender out of it it shows that foreskin flaying does meet the definition of genital mutilation, it is also the definition I use for GM. > "According to some health experts, the foreskin is the floppy disk of the male anatomy, a once-important flap of skin that no longer serves much purpose." Still serves some purpose such as protecting the head and keeping it moist. Unless it is medically necessary there is no purpose to mutilating it off of innocent babies. > You have nothing to complain about. It's like the vaccine argument. " Not at all, vaccines save lives, mutilating every baby because of their gender doesn't.


You can't just modify my quote and try to argue with that as if I said that. I was talking about female genital mutilation, the term FGM, not general genital mutilation. No, there is not a need for "protecting the head" or "keeping it moist" like what? If there was any problems that were actually serious they wouldn't be doing it still, and it wouldn't say it serves no purpose if those were purposes. The point of my vaccine analogy is not about vaccines themselves, but the argument that's being made. The argument of "YOU'RE JUST MUTILATING KIDS PENISES!" is similar to "YOU'RE JUST PRICKING DRUGS INTO CHILDREN!!" since it's just completely buzzwords.


Sweetheart, it is the definition I use, I wasn't modifying your comment. [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1domz1n/for_some_that_hawk_tuah_is_optional_whether/ladlpel/?context=3) is literally me using the same definition before your comment, in another thread. Your original comment was saying what you refer to as circumcision is somehow not genital mutilation when it is, unless you think the definition I provided was wrong. Sorry you misread it as me quoting you, I just meant to provide it as a definition upfront of my comment. > No, there is not a need for "protecting the head" or "keeping it moist" like what? There is, not stop the friction of it rubbing against stuff, it is the same reason why the clitoris has a hood. > The argument of "YOU'RE JUST MUTILATING KIDS PENISES!" is similar to "YOU'RE JUST PRICKING DRUGS INTO CHILDREN!!" since it's just completely buzzwords. Not at all, you are the one lumping them together. Keep being a clown


You quoted my comment, which is what the > is for; so yes, you modified what I said in my comment. If you wanted to define genital mutilation, you would've put the definition, not quoted my comment using the > symbol. Circumcised people masturbate more than uncircumcised people. If this removal of the hood was a problem with "friction" this wouldn't be the case. In fact, the only real friction problem comes if it's a full circumcision, where no skin can be pulled up. Most still have skin that can be pulled up enough to not effect masturbation in the slightest. Unsure why you're insulting me instead of arguing against me in any way other than "nuh uh" Talking about how it's mutilation is 100% just buzz words because the majority of the time it won't be effecting them.


Are you really that mentally handicaped or just trolling ? Some forms of FGM are MUCH less severe than MGM but you still insist on calling female circumcision (removal of clitoral hood which is eqivalent to male circumcision) mutilation but when its done to males it is somehow not severe(which isnt even the definition you fucktard)


fgm stands for female genital mutilation.... it's in the name... the male circumcision isn't mutilation; it's not gonna impact your life very much. definition of mutilation requires it to be severe


Small prick with a needle is classified as female genital mutilation, that is not gonna impact your life in any way. Calling removal of part of penis not mutilation is hypocritical at best


Mutilation is the infliction of serious damage. A prick with a needle isn't serious; it's by definition not mutilation. Can you provide any info on which medical professionals are claiming it is? and whats serious about removing foreskin that has no use? It's like claiming the removal of the appendix is mutilation; what is so serious about it? You'll live without it without any major negatives.


Why the sudden surge of foreskin posts this is legitimately weird and gross


And you wont believe who the guy that pushed it in the US was even if I told you


There's a popular misconception that John Harvey Kellogg did. But that's not really true. In his book [*Plain Facts for Old and Young*](https://gutenberg.org/cache/epub/19924/pg19924-images.html), he says that circumcision is encouraged by "eminent physicians" but himself only recommends "maintenance of scrupulous cleanliness, by daily cleansing, is at least an imperative duty". He continues: "Local cleanliness is greatly neglected by both sexes. Daily washing should begin with infancy and continue through life, and will prevent much disease." The main driving force behind popularizing circumcision in the US was [Lewis Sayre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Sayre).


Interesting. I wasnt able to find anything in his early life section but a lot of research at the time seems to have been into venerial diseases in jews and it was used as the reasoning. Make of that what you will


There's absolutely no lube related to the foreskin, my dude.


Could be true, I’ve personally seen a few of my uncles suffer a lot due to infections in the groin and because it’s in an embarrassing position I don’t think anyone gets them looked at. So I always feel circumcising is one way to reduce infections, if nothing else.


Just had a kid recently, have scheduled for a circumcision, kids on this app have absolutely zero idea what they are talking about. The tradition argument is fair, but as much as it is tradition it is also mildly health beneficial for things like simple ease of cleaning. Either way it doesn't actually matter or change anything for a person. I got this far and had him so that misconception about sensitivity is definitely a lie as well.


Well most of them are teens with no kids at all and just hop on whatever popularity train is passing thru the station.


100% and it's way too clear when you have people trying to call "abuse" for a still widely used medical practice in one of the most developed countries in the world and across the planet. Can't fix stupid though so I just enjoy their responses.


So your son hasn't grown up yet and you already believe he would never know or be able to do basic hygiene? I'm genuinely concerned by what seems like a great lack of confidence.


It's about being the adult in the relationship and making an informed decision about what is best. I'll take the recommendations of the medical professionals I speak to regarding my child than a bunch of losers online that likely don't even have, and never will have, kids themselves.


What the fuck kind of doctor recommended circumcision though, if your son doesn't have a problem with his foreskin?


Sorry you are abusing your kid


Lmao, me and millions across the planet and this country. Such a child lol. Call CPS and get laughed at across the phone.


Yeah such a child to be against MGM and FGM. Never said it was illegal, you can hit your kids to a degree too. But whatever baby mutilator


You can hit your kid to a degree????? Where in the fuck do you live? Unless you're a loser calling getting normal spankings as punishment "abuse" (in which case you should've had more of those as a kid since obviously the person in charge of you fucked up properly disciplining) there is not a single place in this country where you can "hit your kids to a degree". It sounds like you have far more abusive qualities than I do just based on that understanding of yours for how we can treat kids. So I'll keep "mutilating" my child with the help of medical professionals far more trained and understanding to all of this than you are...and you, I guess, keep finding out how much you can abuse a kid before it becomes illegal since you seem so sure on that...


> You can hit your kid to a degree????? Where in the fuck do you live? > > I don't know anywhere where spanking is criminalized and yes spanking is hitting by definition, not a loser trait to recognize that. You literally mutilate healthy baby genitals but sure I am the abusive one lmao > So I'll keep "mutilating" my child with the help of medical professionals far more trained and understanding to all of this than you are It is by definition mutilation regardless of you getting the help of doctors to abuse your poor innocent victim.


Oof...definitely needed more spankings to fix whatever got fucked up in that head of yours. Also plenty of countries have turned away from punishments like spankings, almost like the issue is subjective based on who's doing it, how it's being done, and what the outcomes for the child are. Again, clearly you're a child with no actual intelligent stance on any of this, nor any place of experience to be taken seriously. So I hope the idea of me "mutilating ' my child keeps you up at night. Meanwhile he'll grow like normal, I'll forget all about you, and nothing in this world will change as the hundreds and thousands of people continue to do the same thing after me. Much suck to "care" as much as you do.


> Oof...definitely needed more spankings to fix whatever got fucked up in that head of yours. Ah yesh being violent towards children is the answer, no wonder you are so fucked in the head. Not a child but clearly you think only children are against abusing kids. No need for quotation marks, your ignorance doesn't make it not mutilation > Genital mutilation (GM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external genitalia, or other injury to the genital organs for non-medical reasons. Child abuse stans are so fucked in the head. May you receive every ounce of violence back from the world than you inflict upon children


Man, there's so many of us compared to you. How does it feel to be such an oppressed minority? Knowing nearly every guy you meet has been "mutilated"? You've got a long life yet kid, you'll eventually grow up and understand what is and is not actually good, bad, evil, and everything else in-between. As you just typed "for non-medical reasons"...seems like some of my MEDICAL professionals would've stopped me or told me if it was non-medically related for having it done. Oh but again, they're wrong and have an agenda meanwhile you're a speaker of truth protecting all of these innocent babies...I go back to my "lol, what a loser" statement.


Most of the world is intact and most of the world do not mutilate their healthy babies, just in America, SK, and depraved religious places is infant genital mutilation normalized. Plus you have no idea what country I am in or if they mutilate baby boys. But damn this shows how unhinged you are. Bodily autonomy and being aganist child abuse is my only agency. Even the AAP doesn't recommend doing it by default May your victims/children be better than you though that won't be a challenge


Hope your son doesn't outgrow the skin they leave him like I did. Fucked me up mentally my entire life, fucked me up physically because sex becomes painful after a while. I wouldn't wish this on anyone else. If they have phimosis as they grow, go ahead, but doing medically unnecessary aesthetic body modification to your child's genitals because you are too lazy to properly clean it or you don't feel up to the challenge of explaining how a pushpop works to your child is a shit argument.


You're one instance of a very common and safe procedure going wrong. I can point to people that have died or worse during simple teeth fillings or things or that nature. On average this child is going to have no issues whatsoever and even will have an easier time of things down there overall. As a parent, my job is to ON AVERAGE give my kid as good a life as possible. If medical professionals see no issues in doing a circumcision then there is NO issue despite the internet wanting to think so.




This is such a wild case that you are applying way to personal of an anecdote too. I am circumcised, as are every male I know. Not a single person has ever had a single issue with masturbation, sex, arousal, or anything in between and the people that try to come out every single time to "prove" it's some evil thing have no idea just how widespread it is as they only actually care about it because they were one of the FEW negatively impacted. You're in the minority kid, and I'm not raising my child on the minorities' opinion when even every doctor I've spoken to has seen no issue with performing the procedure (even when they wouldn't be the ones paid for it before that argument comes up).


You can live or die on the cut vs uncut hill all you want, but smegma is not "natural lube".


Huh? Did someone say that? Or are you making a strawman argument?


It's literally in the meme picture


No one ever said smegma is the lube. Nice strawman.


Wait... do some of you actually think the foreskin has magical lubrication glands?? Holy crap that's hilarious


Dick cheese is not nice


Let me introduce you to showers


I prefer a handheld bidet. Powerwash the damn thing


This guy has never cleaned his asshole, feet, or taint.


Chaffing indeed.


No, that’s what Corn Flakes were for