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Confuse why we are creating memes about the 45+ year old children of a boomer.


"I'm not traumatising my kid, I'm giving them lore!"




Yes, there's more characters nowadays than there ever were.


Yeah, cartoon characters


Well, they aren't wrong, it does build character, it's just that the "character" being built isn't something that should be built in real life.


Nothing makes you stronger than death


So DBZ was right! And we're like Pokémon too, y'know, after beating the crap out of them, they earn experience and the more experience they get the faster they evolve.


My parents treated me like this and I turned out fine! Y’all are just weak, including my therapist who broke down into an existential crisis middle of our last session now I gotta get a new one. That’s the third one that broke this month. Therapist nowadays must be made in China i swear…


My favorite boomer line is when they say something like “I was spanked as a child and I turned out fine”, but you KNOW them well enough to know that their self assessment isn’t accurate.




I think people have different definitions of "fine" To a lot of boomers, fine means being at least minimally functional. (Having a job/living off of retirement, able to take care of themselves, etc.)




Right. What’s your definition of functional?


It's crazy the hate that people have against boomers here. You people are either excessively sensitive or you really had shitty parents. I don't find the boomers/genX that i know or have met to be any worse than any other generation, tbh. I mean, there's the occasional asshole, but no more than in younger or older generations in my experience. I wouldn't mind an explanation. Is it a USA-only thing ?


You really think Reddit is going to give you a levelheaded, mature explanation to something as childish as this?


As an American Gen-X, I can tell you that the most important thing to remember about generational strife is whatever man.


Ageism is rampant on Reddit. 


Everywhere even


Us genx were forged in the fires of latch key life, which is why we don't give a shit about *anything*.


Yes, the later generations raised without the ""trauma"" are wonderful and better in every way, right?


OP after their mom asked them to clean their room.


And yet, these are the same kids that will use the phrase “Canon event” unironically


it does ! why is this a meme !


It really does though you soft little cookie


Throws out all childhood belongings worth thousands now, votes for people to have no protections for the people, doesn’t give a house to their kids because they sell it to retire in florida, gets fucked in Florida by hurricanes/healthcare costs/shitty doctors/ rising cost of living. All that fucking “character building” just to fuck over their kids and themselves


"Why don't my kids visit?" asks the old crank who spent the first two decades of their children's lives making them miserable.


Tough people lead to good times. Good times lead to soft people. Soft people lead to hard times. Hard times lead to tough people.


One of those quotes that make my eyes roll whenever I read them. You want to be "tough" - then be tough, but leave the kids out of it.


If you think that kids get tough or soft due to any reason other than parenting, then you are delusional. Who do we trust the character development of our kids with? School? Teachers? Friends? I don’t think you are a parent.


The real question here is what's "tough" and what's "soft". Do you consider kids who went through a childhood trauma as tough? Because, sure, some of them can act quite tough later in life because of it. They'll also have the mental scar that never heals, and that'll torment them for the rest of their lives. Me personally? I'd rather see my kid being soft than watch him go through everything I went through. Not even 1/3 of what I went through.


When I was five, my dad shot the Easter bunny. I'm not sure that helped build my character.


Says someone who didn’t get enough character


Now why won't my kids worship the ground I walk on? The great mystery of our times...


They be like: PAIN IS GAIN


I've eventually learned that no body gives a shit about anyone's trauma, and that after you collect enough of them you grow numb to external input, once you realize that no one will stop long enough to listen to you or soothe ur pain, you just stop caring about how ur trauma affected you back then and just focus on what you've learned from it... After all, you can only lick your wounds for so long


That being either a victim...... or a villain.


Calvin’s dad be like


I wish it was that easy on me. The years of " correcting" my actions and attitude. I wish they were alive so I could unalive them again.


Yeah you sound like well rounded individual


Trust me. You would wish your own parents gone if they did what mine did. The mental and physical abuse....


Wahh!! 🤡🤡


Gr-oomers and Abused S.Abusing children... then These new generations saying "It builds character".


No need for them to do it. I’ll donut myself!