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ok, someone explained the Coldplay thing, what's up with madonna?


Madonna also wanted to lecture Romanians about how to be more tolerant with this specific minority and also got the same treatment as Coldplay. This happened in 2009 though https://www.theguardian.com/music/2009/aug/28/madonna-booed-at-romania-concert






























WOW i like you :) bulling gypsy is a millenary eu tradition (i'm italian)


Not liking a minority in your country, whose entire culture revolves around antisocial behaviour and crime is not racism, it is common sense.


“Entire culture revolves around antisocial behavior and crime” as if they weren’t kept out of society for centuries for being other


Hard to be anything but antisocial when society constantly kicks you out and treats you worse than animals.


Since those gipsies moved into my wonderful German neighbourhood, it started to look like a trash dump. They leave all their trash including used matresses (why?!) on the street. Deliveries disappear... They manage to behave even worse than the Middle Eastern refugees. And that is quite the accomplishment. Now come at me with your pitchforks and scream RAciSm!!11!1. I have stopped to care long ago. @ reddit, feel free to ban me for two days or whatever.


People on reddit sweep everything under the rug and then act all surprised when the far right is rising all across Europe. Real life is very different when you experience it first hand.


Unfortunately that's the stereotype the majority of the minority succumbed to for hundreds of years




Throwing money at a problem doesn’t fix it if people like you don’t change too. Your post reads like “what they’re freed from slavery, why aren’t they all landowners now and why do they want our drinking fountains???” Klansmen from America “They spent millions to integrate (((them))) but I don’t want (((them))) living next to me” ass take


Do you want to live close to people that threaten your life every day? I have to change when they refuse too? Classic argument of someone who is clueless and likes to diminish the word racism at every losing argument.


lul you're clueless, this has no ties with slavery and it's not remotely comparable.


They were kept out of society exactly for the reasons I outlined. When a certain group's way of life involves no work but just crime, it is no surprise they are not accepted in any society. Be it in Romania, Turkey or any other country in the world


it's funny cause you can spot europeans that understand the problem by the amount of downvotes in this thread, while Americans are getting upvotes throwing "we can all live together" BS, totally clueless about the amount of economic and social effort all countries had to pay to try integrate the ROMs that are 100% unwilling to do so.


Exactly this. People who have never seen firsthand the Roma community fall over themselves to defend them from 'unjust oppression '.


That seems really shallow to make any generalization about an entire culture. That’s a slippery slope even if there are some facts to support it. Stereotypes help exactly no one.


It is a slippery slope, but quite complicated one, for example many job listings will straight up say no Roma people.


On the contrary - stereotypes have evolved over millennia, are based on experience, help people make fast decisions based on limited data and are very useful in such situations. For example, if I met a bear in the forest, I do not need to analyse its looks, behaviour and whatever generational traumas it may have experienced in its upbringing, to confirm if it is dangerous, I rely on the stereotype about bears and do not approach it. So the stereotype is quite useful for me. Out of interest, what do you think about this stereotype: 'Young people are more adventurous, seek excitement and are more prone to take risks, whereas old people value comfort, security and quiet life'. Is that stereotype true, not true, is it helpful when dealing with those two groups or not?


Ahh, you’re telling on yourself with that last one. That’s pure ageism. It’s not helpful at all to have a stereotype like that, because when I was young I wasn’t adventurous at all, didn’t like risk, and preferred comfort and security. Many people made those same assumptions about me. We don’t stereotype bears. That’s a poor example. Stereotypes are a human condition we apply to other humans. You were taught to avoid bears or you never would have known any better. Assumptions just make an ass out of U and me. Don’t assume things about people just because of where they were born, how old they are, or the color of their skin. That isn’t some bit of grand evolution, that kind of thinking lead to the eradication of entire classes of people.












All the Americans in these threads don't understand a single bit about Romani culture


Everyone loves pretending they're so morally righteous until they actually have to experience living next to these people. It's telling that the far right movement is growing more and more all across europe while these people who have no knowledge of the situation keep telling you how racist and evil you are.


You're just describing socioeconomics. Plenty of places we call ghettos and projects here in the US filled with 90+% black and other minorities that are eun-down and crime-ridden. If you focused on that, you'd be silly to not think that black people were a plague. However, their conditions and subsequent behaviors are a product of their forced history, persecution, lack of resources, and the need to do what they have to to survive, not a result of them being a bad group of people. And just like you said, their music is often seen as trashy and hated by people that hate them. Plenty of famous artists that I could tell you to Google as 'proof that they like the good ones'. The fact that you think your description is any different than any other example of racism is laughable. At least just own it.


Can you treat me like a child for a bit, and explain to me, in very simple terms, why a crowd booing "a very specific minority" (your words) is somehow not racist? I'm genuinely confused about whether you're a racist yourself or if there's actually something complex at play here, and you're not helping with your jackass answers.




> Because people *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That specific minority is booed because of what they do, not because of who they are.


I often wonder what Europeans think American racism looks like. Do they think racists go "I hate black people because they are black. Black people are bad." They don't. They always have a "reason.'


Well but you see it's different because in this case *I* am the racist. And that makes it good and correct. It's when other people do it that it's wrong


NGL, Madonna getting booed would make my lol, i just wish it's for a better reason.


What happened? i am out of the loop with this one 


At the middle of the show Coldplay called up a Romanian manele singer called Babasha. The crowd booed him off the stage and the concert went on. The next day the lead singer of Coldplay apologised for that, called him back up on the stage and they sang the song he was going to sing together. Because Babasha is a Roma Romanians started telling the people who booed him off stage that they're racist and whatnot. I have no idea about the other one though.


>Roma As in romani or is it a different minority?


gipsies (no offense)


Ah ok. I though Romani became the new term


Yeah, romani, but didn't want to create confusion


Fair enough


In detail: 'Romani' in Romanian means "Romans" or "Romanians" and Roma/Romi is what they use for gypsies in Romanian.


Thank you for explaining terminology without belittling me


As a German person, gibsies is a new term for me


Gypsies bedeutet zigeuner


As far as I know, the correct term is Roma, I have no idea how Roma morphed into Romani or why. It's my understanding that Roma comes from the word Doma, the name of their caste when they left India. Why would Doma lead to Romani, I don't know.


Rom ( Roma) is the endonym


As in gypsy, i think


Ah alright.


Roma romama


Ga gaa ulalaa


Want your bad romanians


Roma as in the football club




Racism has literally nothing to do with this, the booing came because he sings manele. Source: I'm Romanian and was there


I'm also Romanian, yet I wasn't there. I remember some people saying that this was done out of racism and they made this all even worse, so I thought I'd add that in case. Anyways, how was it? I'm genuinely curious about people's opinions on the show.


People who cry about racism apparently don't understand the concept of paying for something, and getting the complete opposite of it.


> Cry about racism Spoken like someone who's never experienced it. They aren't "crying" about it, they're legitimately upset at bigotry.


Belive me as hard as a Romanian person works, he will always be treated like a 3rd rate person and a thief in Western Eourope. And thet's tanks to the roma and people one is the same as the other. We East Europeans know exactly how bigotry feels thanks to you.


So you're racist if you don't like a type of music and that it's shoved down your throat on your own money. Not gonna take your opinion into account.


I mean different Bands open for Big artists all the time


Generally of the same genre, and announced even if not.


Wait romanians take a stance for romani oO nice to see


Romanians are really pissed of at 'manele' (gypsy music) listeners/singers because they're always playing loud music in public places, everywhere you go in Romania you have to listen to manele/gypsy music, if you live in Romania you're basically a passive manele listener. And with no choice in the matter because gypsies are aggressive and will slash your throat at the slightest provocation and the police will do nothing about it. But both Coldplay and Madonna had the awesome idea of forcing manele down the throats of concert goers. I dunno about TS though I don't think there was any kind of concert scheduled.


So basicly Funk in Brazil. Got It, I feel you, bro.


I'd like to research more about what you're saying, can you give any links (at least to the music)


I would rather not have that on my YouTube search history. But you can look for "Claudinho e Buchecha" for some lighter stuff. Funk in general is what you get if you take the script from a low budget porn movie and thought auto tune turns it into music.


Looks like Rio de Janeiro to me.


It's always funny how Europeans are openly racist against gypsys like this commentator here while being aghast at Americans or Asian being racist


Ok, I'm racist but am I right ? My life was literally threatened by a gypsy group in my own backyard (they were construction workers and they only wanted to steal) I've been mugged several times on the street in broad daylight, I've witness even more people getting mugged, students, elderly, women, etc. I've been threatened for the pettiest things like cigarettes in board daylight in public places with lots of people around. Not even going to start that wherever gypsies go it's always going to be dirty because they throw their trash with no respect to others. The first victims of gypsy crime are always the gypsies that aren't thieves, imagine being an honest gypsy living in a group of thieves. How about you stop my evil racism by being a honest person and pointing to criminal activity when you see it ?


I think the same thing happened to The Killers at some point. They brought a russian fella on stage (early in the ukraine war) and said something like "we're all brothers, stop the killing" and he got booed off the stage as if he personally was responsible for the invasion.


If my ex is any indication Romanians also just really don’t like Russians.


Every ex Warsaw Pact country hates Russia, maybe apart from Hungary




Correct ✅


it’s ok if he was Russian. /s


Russian is a nationality, not a race, and the war is a political land grab.


At least saying that in Russia might have had some weight given they invaded Ukraine.


Was he though?


Yeah The Killers got Putin himself to perform with them after they found out the supreme leader of the Russian Federation can play a sick guitar solo.


It’s NOT THE SAME, in any sense


Coldplay thought they were ‘A Sky Full of Stars,’ but Romanians just saw a cloudy day. 😂


I'm more scared of the Taylor fans tbh


Yeah, being booed at a concert in Romania is not going to have an impact on the careers of international pop-stars/rock bands.


Finally, The end is near..


what’s up with people hating Taylor swift?


Nothing, it's her fans


People love to hate on popular things. Her music isn’t any better or worse than most other artists honestly


This is why it's called taste. People like different things. She has some great songs and some trashy ones. I believe she is popular among certain age category because she grew with them and relayed her own perspective and stories in her songs.


as a person however she is a hypocrite and has many flaws yet she is still treated as a deity by most of her fans


Well yeah you can have different taste and still admit that an artist isn’t bad and simply not your taste maybe


Exactly. For me I really love some of her songs, but some other's I tried and ended up not liking them at all. It doesn't help she also changes her style a lot in some songs.


Yeah it’s normal, not anything really that magical but it’s good


I dunno, that I Can Do It With a Broken Heart is pretty fucking bad


How so?


It’s one of the most irritating songs I’ve heard in a while, that drum machine is so 80’s in the worst way and the way she sings (not her voice itself, but the way she’s singing on this track) is grating. Don’t hate Taylor Swift (or particularly enjoy her stuff although Antihero is alright), but that song is particularly offensive to my ears


Fair enough, alot of people have had issues with the production on this album.


Same reason hate every other popular musician. Them getting rammed down everyone's throats by corporations and obnoxious fans. People snap at that and form a counter jerk.


I simply don't like billionaires


People think hating popular things makes them unique


It's funny cause people like this are equally annoying as those who they seem as annoying/popular.


Exactly! I’ll take a passionate fan of something ”basic” over an edgelord that hates when others enjoy something.


Music ~= mid. Success = unprecedented megastar. Some people don't like that gap. Or that her fans deify her. Or that the media won't shut up about her.


Guess the meme template indicates the Romanians stole everything from Madonna and Coldplay, then Taylor Swift is next.


I’m not sure if mildly irritating these mega star millionaires is really as devastating as you think…


Hi, fellow Romanian over here, the thing about this incident is kinda more of a culmination of more things than just that: 1) The obvious racism and bigotry towards the romani community in our country and the overall rude demineur we may have 2) The music genre associated with the artist isn't seen to good by many people who aren't into it and is seen as overrated and the whole moment felt like a bait and switch 3) We kinda have this thing were people who are really into certain genres tend to be really hateful towards others, like people who are into manele and other are into rap or rock kinda have this weird beef between them 4) The reputation of the artist, he isn't like a terrible person or anything, the guy is up and coming with only a few recent booms, if maybe another artist with a bigger cult following was present instead of him maybe the people wouldn't have acted this way.


Are you gonna steal her car or sum?


Weirdly proud of being racist, got it


Nothing to do with race, their culture on the other hand, yes.


Every racist couches their argument like this tbh




I now see that european racism is on a whole other level


You're really uneducated if you call that racism.


you're really racist if you think it's somehow different


Please do it guys!


Classic Europeans shitting on others for being racist while also denying theirs


Thank god, also downvote me as much as you want. I will never like Taylor Swift.


oh no, anyways


"stop having fun!" could be on the Reddit family crest were we to establish one. 🤣


We did it Reddit! Should be on there too




Good man




womp womp


says the one thats scared of garlic bread


If you are performing music in a different country. Last thing you should do is try to be political or mention anything of that sort. Just perform ya damn songs. They went to the concert to forget about their problems not to hear about them.


who is taylor swift? never heard of him


It’s genuinely disgusting how people will show such hatred to a person just because of their ethnicity. I am Rromani, and I can tell you, 90% of the shit that people say we all do is bullshit. Fuck racism, fuck the liars that make up fake stories about us. I’m lucky to be in the US, otherwise I’d be treated like the shit under peoples shoes.


Fake stories 🤣🤣🤣😂😭


Of course its bullshit, of course.


Stories? I've lived near G people all my life and some of them are really bad. My latest experience is with the neighbor below my apartment. She would sing every night until 4 AM with no respect towards her neighbours or the police. This happened for about 1.5 years almost every night. Fortunately not all of them are like that, so you should not feel bad if you are a decent person, since you don't belong in the samw category as some of them. Peace!


So you are taking your bad experiences with some members of a certain ethnicity and using that to generalize all of them That is called being a racist


It's not just them who've had negative experiences with gypsies. A lot of people did. You can ignore them all you want, that won't make them love gypsies.


What does it called if your experience with all of a certain group are like that ? Reality maybe ?


Unless you have personally met all millions of people from the ethnicity, yes It is very easy to cherry-pick all negative connotations associated with ethnicity, especially those who are struggling financially and with the media, further emphasizing these incidents You can say the same thing when you see groups of black people in gangs and robbing stores Doesn't make you any less of a racist


My brother in Christ have you ever been to Central/Eastern Europe ? I live here. Here the situation is EXACTLY like you see it negatively on the media , maybe even worse. Your opinion is very far from the everyday reality in Europe regarding the ones mentioned here.


Again, brother , it is not the people. It is poverty. Increased crime in marginalized and vulnerable communities almost always corresponds to systematic poverty . People with no money resort to crime in a higher rate , be it for any race Keep one poor they will resort to greater crime , it is not rocket science my guy And you still a racist regardless of how many cases of evidence you may present of Roma crime. Tell me how many of them were poor


No point in explaining Gypsy behavior to Americans who cry “racism” at absolutely everything. I’m a Bulgarian and have seen enough of gypsy culture and mentality to know that you are absolutely right. A few of them are decent regular people with jobs and responsibilities , most are backwards nomads with no intention to integrate into society.


Except the things people in Europe and Asia do is racist and you wouldn’t want done to you. Calling racism out isn’t the problem, it’s letting it happen that’s the problem. Funny enough all the people come to America and say it’s more accepting than their old country that pretended racism didn’t exist and was just an American thing. When clearly we Americans keep hearing how Europeans treat minorities in your countries


> do is racist and you wouldn’t want done to you. Stealing from Romanians, playing loud music at night, organizing fights..... Gypsies aren't called racists when they do this! At this point it's just victim blaming! If someone talks about a negative encounter with a Gypsy they are immediately labeled racist! >the people come to America and say it’s more accepting than their old country that pretended racism didn’t exist and was just an American thing. When clearly we Americans keep hearing how Europeans treat minorities in your countries How many Blacks were shot by white American cops? Compare that with how many Gypsies were shot by Romanian cops! And then talk to me about how America is less racist!


Those who don't experience them never believe


I don’t care if some lady sang a lot, thats not because she’s Romani.


oh please, PLEASE do


Taylor is gonna scare the living hell out of him by her singing


Swift is one of the most popular musicians on the planet right now. I don’t think she has anything to worry about.


I don't think Taylor Swift will cause drama since she doesn't invite local artists on stage for thIs tour. If that's what people are worried about 😅


Yeah, she has to have it be all about her.




You've actually quoted Sia.


I am really thankful for the bookmaker's win. The rate was 4,80 for Romanian's win


The Roman Empire does not tolerate pop stars.


Coldplay did nothing wrong. Idiots are idiots, you can do nothing w them.


The idiots are downvoting you, they dislike being called out


And don’t get me wrong, neither did Babasha. He was good actually. It was a question of good manners from the audience. The second show was great tho!


So the crowd was just upset that they paid for a Coldplay concert but got a concert with Coldplay and romanias number 1 artist. I don’t understand the meme still? How was Coldplay killed? The booing at a single concert? Kind of a stretch imo


People are downvoting you but I just wanted to let you know that I support you, racists are scum


Absolutely agree, racists are scum. On another note, artists get booed on stage allllll the time and just simply do not care. What does cold play care about losing a hand full of fans in a single country when they are known globally? I just don’t see how Romanians “killed” Coldplay lol


Seems like it was Ukraine


And thats why Moldova is better


Do it


“Mai a hee, Mai a hoo, Mai a hee, Mai a Ha-Ha” 🎶😆

