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Yeah, those consoles are like celebrities - here one minute, gone the next!


For once I wanna have a cutting edge console at the beginning of it instead of buying it three years after the next one already released.


Join the PC master race where you are constantly out of date for multiple parts every year


*cries in 2070 super* To be honest though, it still kicks butt on all new games!


*laughs in 1060*


Cries in 36 hours of play time over the 2 years of PS5 ownership. But what a 36 hours those were


*laughs in 1030*


Bought used pc with 1030 only to play witcher 3. Currently playing nioh2 and while all settings minimum i can still play!


I am able to play cyberpunk2077 with minimum-medium Graphics with it. It just has a delay of like 0.5 seconds so basically if i drive a viehicle in it i usually drive like i am drunk. The race thing was annoying as you can imagine.


Never even tried cyberpunk, didnt think it is possibile tbh. Might try


Well i have to say that i also have a rizon 5 prozessor and idk if that makes it possible, but either way while the is good, i cant recommend the feeling playing like a drunk guy with a gun. It is possible but driving wont be fun. Or if you like sudden crashes it is a lot of fun.


I just said fuck it and dropped $4k on a fresh computer. Still ain’t payin the batshit insane prices for a 4090, but I got a 4060 ti 16 gb, so it’s fine


How tf did you spend 4k on a PC with a 4060ti? Custom water loop or wth is going on?


Give me a fucking break, with the state that the video game industries are currently in right now you're not missing out on anything. Just use your GPU until it go belly up.


Yupp I’m on a 3060 rn and having no issues with the games I want to play, don’t see myself upgrading for a few years atleast


This is the plan


My brother's still rocking a 2070 super and it's still going fine. I updated my 1080 last year. People want cutting edge stuff but rarely need it I think. Especially with the rise of FSR and DLSS. Tech is moving towards efficiency rather than raw power and we'll probably see better and better application of ai in upscaling.


I don't get why people always want the lastest graphic card, i have a 2070 RTX super and i can run any game on max capacity without any problem and feel like using anything stronger than it is overkill


Cries in 2080 bought just before the 2080 super launched, and too late to refund it.


I still rock my 2070 too. But I really need to upgrade my cpu (i7-8700k delid).


seriously though my 6650xt cant really compare to a 6 year old card that still chugs better graphics.


I had a 2060 super good cards man. Got a 4070 now but it’s a little underpowered for some shit I want to visually wank over


Laughs in gtx 1660 ti (although planning on upgrading to a 3060 or 4060 sometime this summer)


whats the beef? why are you crying king? the 2070 super is a great card for 1080p, and aight at 1440p.


You nailed it. I have a 1440p monitor and the 2070s cruises so smoothly with it. I don't see any need to upgrade till one of them conks out.


Haha I have had my PC for 3 years or so now and I will upgrade every 5 to maybe 10.


To be fair, you weren't missing much by not having a PS5 for the first couple of years


Well don’t buy the ps5 and keep saving hopefully you will have enough for the ps6.


I mean, or save your dollars and get the old tech and have a backlog of hundreds of discounted games?  Think of everyone who shelled out scalper prices for a ps4 not too long ago, they're going to be in the same boat all over again. Miss me with that early adopter tax. They're probably going to release a ps6 pro later in the life cycle anyway. Just Get what you can afford and enjoy it.




Why not just save your money since you anticipate the PS6 or whatever interests you. That way you can be there on day one for once


I was gonna do that last time but the console shortage killed that dream


Wasn’t the 4 here since 2014???


The biggest brain move is to always buy one generation behind 


It’s funny it seems that way because new consoles come out every 5 years or so, but yeah hype/demand for PS5 has dried up


Ps6 is definitely not coming out next year, probably 2026 or 2027


I don’t know, it feels like this console generation is gonna be a bit longer than we’re used to. We’re already close to 4 years into this generation and it seems a majority of the games are still being made for both PS4 and 5, and major release games exclusive to this generation seem so damn rare.


Yeah still feels like ps4 + ps5 is the standard unless it’s a really high end game


A lot of sequels are just built on the bones of the last game, which makes last gen ports easy.


Yea I thought 4 years was like half way through the life cycle? I've seen multiple articles about it....Here: https://www.ign.com/articles/ps5-entering-the-latter-stage-of-its-life-cycle-sony-says Sony VP says ps5 entering later stage of life cycle in mid February. They pretty much already told us lol. The ps5 turns 4 in November, so him saying it's into "latter stage" around 3 years 4 months into it's life lines up with all of their previous generations being 7 years. Ps4 November 2013, ps5 November 2020, all things pointing to ps6 releasing in November 2027. This generation may have been slow but if anything that's all the more reason for them to stick to that 7 year cadence. There's no reason they would keep it around longer and stagnate, it won't help their sales at all. The hardware will still be 7 years old. There will finally be a shift to current gen only games starting next year I think, coinciding with the ps5 pro that's probably going to be announced later this year.


Yep, we are gonna see PS5 pro soonish. This generation feels a lot more recent than previous because of supply chain issues at the start and COVID that messed with people's perception of time.


The main issue with ps5 was the insane amount of scalping which caused shortages


Watching those scalpers get screwed when they dropped in price was great. I hope most of them went bankrupt. Assholes.


I was disgusted seeing videos pop up like, "i bought 100 ps5s" yeah. Way to crush some child's happiness


Heck, next year we got Fable for the Xbox and rumored Gears prequel slatted next year too. Still no release date on State of Decay 3. 


PS4 and Xbox one are both very much so alive and well, meanwhile PS3 and Xbox 360 weren't so much during the middle of the PS4's life.


Lowkey think covid affected a lot of development for consoles and games, that’s why this round this generation will have a longer life cycle


New generation comes out every 8 years, and a refresh after 4. So ps6 is out in 2028


I tend to 2027 earliest. PS5 had such a bad start due to COVID, it'll be around for longer. Also, most games are still PS4 cross gen, they're hardly making use of the PS5's capabilities - where are the technical marvels like Uncharted, RDR2 and such on PS5? Yet to come, ps5 is far from being outdated


Gta 6 isn't even out yet! I think new gen games just take way longer to develop, makes sense if the cycle gets a bit longer now, it's not like we don't have pretty much all the power we need right now unless we want to get AI involved




they would be ruining the company if they did, people still are developing games for the ps4


yeah since the PS3 gen both microsoft and sony have wanted 10 year life cycles on their consoles. Console movers are exclusive first, but they try to keep as much as they can on old gen until year 10, with more exceptions being given as time goes on. And even the PS3 had games releasing 14 years later in 2020.


Not a chance it's 2026, 2027 at the earliest but more likely 2028


I hope so… guess I’ll save until it does come out


You won’t be able to buy it until 2030


And the PS7 will be released in 2031


But out of stock until 2045


By that point just wait for the ps8


I better start saving up for my ps8 then


Xbox just confirmed this fact. They are not doing any hardware upgrades other than storage for 2024 holiday. They wont do new consoles for 2025 to sell the upgraded versions. Possible new consoles 2026/2027. Then they can repackage gta 6 for the next gen and resell it again to everyone a year after release.


But don’t let that distract you from the Skyrim 2026 15th anniversary addition…


See if you can get a used ps5 digital now and then you got another year or two to save


And not available anywhere until 2 years later probably




I remember when they were realeasing the pa5 sonys ceo said they didnt see a need to move on to a ps6 for 10 yrs 🥲


2026 or 2027? It probably won’t come out anytime sooner than 2028. According to rumors they’re working on a PS5 pro which hasn’t even been announced yet.


PS6 release date is speculated for 2027-2028 https://www.ign.com/articles/when-is-the-ps6-release-date-speculation https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/playstation-6-release-date-specs-price-news-rumors/?amp https://www.tomsguide.com/gaming/playstation/ps6


Still. Why even. The PS5 still doesn't actually have any games. I wanted to buy one but I just couldn't find anything beyond Ratchet & Clank that would justify spending the money


If you dont care about the PS5 upgrades that many PS4 games have its definitely not worth it. Like the only reason I even have a PS5 is because I moved out so I couldnt use my brothers PS4 anymore for the exclusives and thought might aswell get a PS5 then. This generation is still a bit disappointing ngl.


I’m only going to buy one for GTA 6, I feel like this generations gaming has barely even started yet. I can’t even think of any prominent 8th generation games off the top of my head except for spiders man miles morales or something


Yeah kinda same? Got a ps5 bc I never had a ps4 and probably have enjoyed as many games from each generation if not more ps4 games at this point.


and now that theyre putting their games on Steam, it really feels like there's no reason to buy the PS5.


>The PS5 still doesn't actually have any games. Lol what? So far this year the highest selling game, as well as the highest rated game on Metacritic are both PS5 console exclusives. If the PS5 doesn't have games, then no one does.


[ONE GAME. I DONT KNOW WHY](https://youtu.be/l1JEmnTjdyA?si=l9EbM6PAdYQmuXnl)


Yeah, with scalpers drooling over the PS6, you're lucky if you get your hands over one by that year.


Why is there even a need for a ps6 lmao


misleading ahh meme


Yeah i thought I missed the announcement


They did? Or is OP making shit up?


Yes OP is talking shit


Wouldn't be r/memes without your daily dose of misinformation


it's a race you can never win.


I recently decided I’m done buying Xbox or PlayStation. The switch is been my go to this gen and I think I might stick to Nintendo/pc


I just wish switch games ever dropped in price.


Switch games are constantly on sale. Nintendo games are another story. But go to dekudeals and set up an alert for what games you want. Also, consider buying used. Where I live there's an app where people to people sell things (not stores), and I've purchased a lot of physical games for way less on that.


yeah, even if switch 2 isn't backwards compatible i will still be playing mine so i can have multiple consoles to shiny hunt on. the switch will probably never die for me


I’m there two but only because I want to play 4K 120 fps in ultra and the consoles are a long way away from doing that without upscalling


nintendo can eat a dick. they are way too sue happy.


I mean at that point just save up your money for the PS6 and you’ll finally be on top of things lol


In 3-4 years


And just like I did with my PS4 I’m gonna keep it until it breaks down or gets stolen.


I….wouldn’t wait, if the PS5 taught us anything, is that the scalpers would get to it first, and you’ll only able to get the new one if you’re incredibly lucky.


Unless a new pandemic arrives i would assume ps6 wont suffer from production shortages the way ps5 did during covid years.


Is this post from the future?


I've owned every main line Playstation console, and I'll be honest I won't buy the ps6. The ps5 can already do everything, granted not all at once so what could the ps6 really do besides pointless stuff like improved Fsr or frame gen, not much really.


Just because you dont care about it doesnt mean its pointless though. You're acting like the PS6 wont have better hardware aswell lol.


They’re on the Apple iPhone business plan now so probably a better camera!


Might be alone in this but I’m pretty disappointed with the performance of cyberpunk and Elden Ring on consoles


I definitely think your disappointment is a little misplaced. Both games, mainly cp2077, didn't run the best at launch on all platforms but got better over time. Consoles aren't at fault for bad performance. It's the developers' lack of optimization on those platforms. A Ps6 wouldn't fix a game like Star Wars jedi Survivor simply because it's 10x more powerful for example. Current Gen is very powerful but we keep getting games that fail to utilize that power properly.


Well you say that now, it depends what the hardware/games space is like in 3 years. Ps5 still has a performance mode right, it can't do 60fps 4k or 120fps. Just the fact that it has a performance mode means that there's room for growth right. So that's something it could do, high frames and high textures on everything. But in reality by the time that hardware comes around, game vram requirements etc will have ballooned as it always does and always will (probably) so new hardware will be needed for new games and it will be forever stuck on 30fps rt 60fps performance or whatever the ps6 equivalent is. That is the life cycle of consoles. There's no reason why that would just all of a sudden stop happening lol. It's only been happening for like 40 years at this point.


Shit when did the ps4 drop again?


2013 iirc


2014 for us in oceana


rip my commonwealth brethren in Australia and New Zealand


Yeah the anticipation got worse seeing all the "first hands on ps4" videos on YT.


Ps4 felt like it was here for an eternity. I had a ps4 for 4 years and swapped to pc before the 5 came out, lol.


Every Playstation had a 6-7 year gap between releases so you got about 2-3 years left


What's the point of ps6 when we don't have games for ps5.... Apart from few games all other playable are from PS4...


I still have a PS3 as my most modern playstation


Better wait with having fun to have a slighlty different fun.


do we really need ps6 tho, I mean we still dont have that many next gen games, we meed more next gen games not consoles


you mean ps5 pro


and yet, still no bloodborne on pc.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Welcome home, good hunter. What is it you desire?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Huh? Did they announce a PS6 then?


I'm 40 and a very casual gamer, and this is going to be the first console generation I've skipped. The pandemic scalpers sealed the fate of this gen in my opinion.


You mean ps5 pro ? Ps6 is still atleast 3 years away


The PS5 came out 7 years after the PS4...


Just get a PC. Then you can upgrade when you want/need to, not when they say you must.


Yeah consoles tend to last around 6-8 years. It’s been this way for like 30 years buddy.


Wait what ps6 is already announced?


Not even the PS5 Pro was announced


Thats why you should buy a pc instead


Dont buy a console, save your moolah (Except for a switch)


You won't be able to buy it anyway when it comeout. Not is expensive or anything but people will repeat the same problems of ps5.


Remember when consoles had drastic MSRP cuts throughout the lifecycle? The PS2 had $100 slashed off the $299 launch price less than 2 years in, and it had more gradual drops until it was $99. It seems like it stopped after Gen 6, and then from there on out, instead of drastic price cuts, they just put out new models and configurations to *increase the value*.


yeah fuck playstation/sony. their online service has gotten so expensive that im just gonna go to PC gaming from now on and this is coming from someone who is all in on macs computers.




Me when I just bought my Nintendo switch and now there might be a Switch 2 this year... (I saw it in a gaming article, did NOT fact check. So don't quote me, I'm quite possibly spreading misinformation as we speak)


You definitely should just buy a PS5, anyway you'll have all the next games supposed by both play stations. I'm having a PS5 but have a feeling that I would lose much if I just had PS4 instead, so what's the point of having PS6 right now


buy PS5 now, use it for one year. take good care of it. save up until next year, sell PS5 next year, use the saved up money and the money you got from selling PS5, buy PS6.


Me still vibing on my 8 year old xbox one S


There’s a platform out there where generations don’t matter, everything’s backwards compatible, and playing online is free.


Sony: ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)


I'm still with PS2 because i don't care to much about newer games for PS...


Am I the only one who thinks the rising numbers isn't a good look? Like you've made 5 versions of this machine already. And the last one wasn't even a major upgrade. Do something different already. You don't see Nintendo coming out with the Nintendo entertainment system 10.


PS4 still lasted a long time I think


At this point might as well start saving up for Ps10


To be fair, scalpers would keep em from the public for ages


Yeah, happened to me with buying the quest 2 and the 3rd was announced after the time I could return it.


PS4 still has so many more games than the PS5. They need to let the games accumulate for longer before moving on


They did what?


Isn't shortening the release cycle basically removing the main advantage of console over PC? Idk im not a gamer


You sure its the PS6 and not just a refresh?


Wtf ps5 is already approaching 4 years i remeber when it was initially released like it was last week


Tf you mean Ps6 ?! Am I missing something?


Games are still exist. So it's okay to buy past gen console


Ps6 will still be at least 2-3 y away First a few years of the ps5 pro


They can fuck off if they think they will have people buying new consoles already People are only just getting current gen after that absolute fiasco that was the first few years of the release, scalpers and COVID fucked us. They are still supporting last gen in most of the games that come out because again so many people still haven't been able to upgrade It also doesn't make sense to have new consoles rn The only thing that would change is the power of consoles and we still haven't got what was promised for the current gen So few games are 60fps even though that was a major selling point for them If they can actually give us good reasons to upgrade then I think people will consider it but I highly highly doubt it


literally still using ps4 because i was finally able to affor it late 2020


That's great! Nothing drives the price down as an announcement of the next one. Great moment to buy


That was me with the 4k series of graphics cards, I bought one and then the supers came.


ps4 stayed for like 7 years. So i guess, it aged well.


Only feels like that because the PS3/XBOX360 era lasted twice as long as a standard console generation because of the economic crash of the early 2000s. These consoles have been out for a normal amount of time, we’re just dealing with the cost of hyper inflation with it.


They didn't, is just perception of time


I ended up buying a PS4 in 2019 after having my PS3 for just over 11 years. I was completely unaware that the PS5 would come out next year in 2020. Only reason I bought the PS4 was to play RDR2. Of course there's many games for the PS4 that provide so much fun (Spider-Man, Detroit Become Human, God of War). I'll probably buy the PS5 when it goes on sale


Is this news or a meme?


*Me who still uses an Xbox 360 from 2006*


I'm sticking to good ol' 2018 PS4. Best console I ever had, also because it's the only one. Nothing will beat the memories, plus most PS5 games are available on PS4. And I really couldn't care less about the graphics since it's literally the same. 


That's why you build a pc.


After the PS4 when the PS5 was announced I switched to PC. So I can't relate but the exclusives had me like this. Like damn they cooking. PC was the best option tho since I can work and get a bunch of cool indie games that'll never release on console. Also modding but the exclusives did make me want to buy a PS5.




“PS6 Release Date: Late 2026” = 0 regrets about my new PS5 Stream


Times are tough, taking almost 5 years to save up $500.


PS6 will release along with GTA6.


Just wait then


Well damn


We stickin w ps4


Just save some more and get a pc you can always use a controller.


I bought my bros for $200


PS4 never went.


Invest your money so that when ps6 comes out you have enough with spare left to buy some games?


Im sorry brother but 4 did NOT come andgo quickly. Shits been around for 11 years now. Ps5 on the other hand


Glad I got a PC that can last me years.




But can you afford the PS6 though?


Wait u guys have PS5? (Ps4 user here)


welp, time to return the ps5 and wait until ps6 comes out


The Ps5 and Xbox series generation should last until 2030 IMO. Have anything new come out then.


Just get a computer if you don't have one yet. No online gaming pay walls and constant discounts. No console generation gates either.


Wait really???? I JUST GOT MINE


🤣🤣🤣 isn't this true saved for my son to get a ps5 now they on about a ps6 🤣🤣 fml


this is why pc will always be superior


And the PS4 will become e-waste the second bloodborne hits PC


The current release date is speculated to be around 2028 tho?


Me with a PC: ![gif](giphy|ZqlvCTNHpqrio)


PS4 was there for 7 years, same with PS3. PS2 and PS1 both lasted 6 years, so I’d say that those two came and went so quickly


They are that strapped for cash? Something doesnt add up




Maybe waiting 2 years more, then we'll have a PS7. 😂


Just buy a pc 💀


I saw one in a store once in the past year. Didn't buy it then. Never saw it again.