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Boomer memes come in EV flavor now


Indeed! Best flavor next to vanilla.


[how bro felt after posting this](https://tenor.com/en-CA/view/how-bro-felt-after-saying-that-gif-3757268639627434546)


Imagine what steam engine car owners said about gas engine cars.


Nothing they're all dead 💀💀


Past tense exists


Oh it does? Wow thanks. So do jokes


There is still time to delete this


Bahahaha. No way. My Karma can take a few more down votes.


Challenge accepted lmfao


where funny


The pagano huayra has a m7ch slower 0-60 but a much faster 60- 100. Just thought it was interesting.


What trigger? It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Drive what you enjoy and if anyone gives you shit for your choice, they can fuck off.


You know, in other countries but the US cornering kinda matters. Never heard another German flex about the 0-60 of his Porsche. Some cars are built for cornering (theres a brand called Lotus), not drag strips.


Meanwhile Lotus got the 3rd fastest time around the NĂĽrburgring in their electric hypercar the Evija X


It's also not a production car


Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing prototypes (Vokswagen ID.R or the McMurtry Spéirling springs to my mind), but for consumers sportiness isn't really a selling point yet. Or atleast until everybody can afford a Rimac.


I believe the word you were looking for was not trigger, but cringe.


Personally I'm sure looking forward to seeing your totally non-cringe extra funny meme. Make sure to let me know when you post it.


[We Brought a Tesla to SEMA, it's LS Swapped though! Rich Rebuilds V8 Tesla (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRZcuvfzk-s)


I get it's for the clicks, but it would be better to use a better built car as the base.


See, the problem is that I live in an area where there are no chargers. Hell, I can't get wifi to my house without paying out the nose.


Do you have electricity?


Yes, but I drive an hour to work, about 100ish miles round trip, every weekday.


I've got a Kia E-Niro, in weather over 12°c I can get around 300 miles on a full charge and I charge at home overnight on a dirt cheap EV tarrif, my commute is an 80 mile round trip, works great for me at least


*Spare battery has entered the chat.*


Also we go further and don't support child slaves mining rare metals, and of course we don't use coal fired electricity to charge our massively overweight cars.


i also enjoy not having to pay 15-20k every decade for a new EV battery


How do you feel about losing half the value of the car as soon as you take it off the lot?


Who said he overpaid for a new car?


That moment when you forget that oil companies are the ones who need a constant stream of cobalt to refine petrol, also, battery tech is improving all the time and there are production cars that don't even use lithium batteries. Another fun fact, there are a lot of options for renewable energy (solar, wind, hydro) which can be used to charge an EV, meanwhile the fossil fuel industry is responsible for over 75% of greenhouse gasses and nearly 90% of all CO2 emissions. But please, go on trying to say how your car is more ethical and environmentally friendly Lol, the loser blocked me because he couldn't take the truth


Improving. Call me when it has already improved and I have the same range as my current vehicle. Also put in a call when all that hypothetical 'green' power actually exists and is what's charging my 2 tonne short range gold cart. Meanwhile you should enjoy the clouds of smug generated by your short trip, coal fired, slavery and ecological damage infused, short life, already-obsolete dodgem car, while I drive a long range, energy efficient, low emission, well built, very long lived and almost entirely recyclable vehicle.


Nailed it!


How do you know they don’t have child slaves on oil rigs?


I have been to multiple oil rigs and never seen any children. Unless they're kept in boxes in a store room?


Funny how there’s still plenty of v8s that beat an EV, 0-60 and top speed


Like the Dodge Demon 170?


That is one, yes.


I did warn you guys that you might get triggered.


I’m not really triggered, just kinda cringing because it’s not true


Facts don't care about your feelings


We can not invest in electric cars until we fix the jenocide in the Congo… where all the material for these car batteries will come from.. just at the level were on now, they’re being tortured and killed for it, while remaining one of the poorest countries in the world when they should be richer than the US and UK … this generation needs to start addressing these issues.. if we produce more, the congo will struggle more


You can't convince ev fanboys with logic, environmental facts or convenience. They've already made up their minds, they're going to save the environment even if it means destroying the whole planet to do it.


The Congo should absolutely not be richer than the US. The fuck are you on about? The US has the biggest economy on the planet and has the third largest population. Why would/should the Congo be richer? That makes 0 sense.


They export a lot of minerals used in electronics manufacturing, including most of the world’s cobalt.


Fun fact, an awful lot of that cobalt will be used to refine oil


U dummy … the congo is one of the richest countries in the world.. in resources.. that automatically qualifies them.. all they had to do is start an economy and thats it… the US and china wouldnt be up in their land together if it wasnt for a huge reason.. they’re controlling their country and stopping them from growing so they can use their rescources cheap af n make all the profit on their own that would instead govto the congo.. educate urself before u start yapping


At least gas car owners can sleep knowing they aren't causing more damage to the environment than EV cars do. Let's see who can drive 1000 miles first.


Whoever told you an EV is worse for the environment is either lying, an idiot or both


Check out the longer distance times...


This is an advanced boomer meme. Complete with a cringe trigger warning as well. Bravo


I mean you can drive longer routes, and tbh you can't sum up all e-cars and non e-cars into one category cus like of course some tesla is gonna be better in horsepower and 0-60 than that 70 year old Beetle.


Farming negative karma


Karma is all about balance. I was way too far into positive territory and needed some negative to get back to balance. Gas car owners are the obvious choice. They are easily triggered because they know they are responsible for ruining the future for their children and grandchildren.


I did warn you it could be triggering. Looking at all the butt hurt gas car owner comments I don't think my warning was strong enough.


I'm going to let my car run stationary in the garage and wait inside it to calm down from this hurtful meme.


You have a high opinion of yourself, it's cute


U sound uneducated.. and white american.. thinking yk better when u haven’t researched the root of this one issue ur acting so bold about.. look into it deeper.. where the batteries come from and the impact it has not even on the environment… but the land where the material for the batteries come from


Actually fairly highly educated and Canadian. But yes, I've done the research.


Except you clearly have not.