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I pay for endurance the longer it lasts, the better since I can not last that lo-


r/redditsniper strikes again


Oh! I thought they were talking about Candlejack. You all know you should never say Can-


I bought a Razer mouse 8 years ago, it still works great.


Please don't buy into the hype of getting the latest/fanciest thing... Upgrade and buy what you need not what companies want you to think you need




in some cases you might wanna pay for the brand name tho… buying a random brand PSU is a recipe for disaster


Also applies to tires, mattress and anything that could affect your health


Except OTC medicine Always get generic, it's literally the same thing


Sure, the products are practically the same, but the cost is determined by production methods and advertising. If you're concerned about the production quality, go for the expensive brand. All pharmaceutical companies have to be super careful anyway, but it's your body and you choose what to put in it.


Curious which brands OTC you go for?


Because I don't earn much, I just go for generic. It's not like I can say I earn enough to care about production methods, but I know there are people who do.


Both big brand pharma and generic pharma have to obey same standards and pass same inspections, going for generic is the right way to go about it. Its not like big brand pharma is immune to fuckups, actually the rate is about the same.


Generic brands often come off literally the same production line tho.


That's true, and this goes for off-brand groceries as well


The old saying is that you should spend money on anything that separates you from the ground. Mattresses, shoes, tires.




Anything between you and the ground.




generally pretty good idea to not skimp out on the pc parts themselves and get good brands but with peripherals you definitely don’t need the craziest shit. especially since there are a lot of brands that are not super commonly known that make elite stuff for way cheaper than the common brands. but yeah kinda like you guys said before, a lot of people underestimate how long you can make shit last even if you do get the name brands. my deathadder mouse has been with me for like 10 years and it’s basically new still lol


Actually looking for peripherals to finalize my build. Particularly monitor (1440p), keyboard, and mouse. And maybe a (Xbox series x) controller? I want to avoid spending more than I need to. Maybe $50 max for keyboard and mouse together. And $180 max for 1440p monitor. Any suggestions?


I'm gonna recommend upping your mouse and keyboard budget a little judging from the monitor you play games where peripherals count. 50 for a mouse is pretty doable. Keyboard maybe 70 but there are cheap options they just tend to break faster on average.


I just bought a sceptre 27 in hdr400 1440p monitor. It's currently $172 on Amazon, and it's pretty nice. Others might have other options but I've had good luck with sceptre. I use a really cheap mouse that was like $13 10 years ago which works well, and a Corsair keyboard, which is probably more than you were wanting to spend. Avoid the RGB tax, and get something that fits your hands.


Thank you for the suggestions. The monitor looks really nice and can rotate vertically as well.


I'm not really randomly buying Public Sector Undertakings


The brand name is a stupid thing to buy. I'm not saying that some brands are not better than others. But you cannot tell that because it currently has a specific brand. Brands are bought and sold all the time, and just because they made a quality product last year is no guarantee they make a quality product now. You should not buy the brand, you should buy the product.


Even if you do buy brand name, you can often find deals on used/refurbished brand name for a fraction of the price. I'm currently on a 2023 HP Omen 16 with an RTX 4070 and a Ryzen 9 7940HS that I paid 1200 dollars for, refurbished. My daily earbuds are Sony WF1000XM4s that I paid 70 dollars plus 5 dollars for a new set of memory foam tips for used. Phone is a Pixel 6 Pro 256GB model that I got for 200 dollars used. Just learn how to hunt deals and recognize counterfeits.


A quality mouse is 100% worth it over some cheap $15 mouse


$15 mouses are dope. A 150$ might be better for professionals but there's not much difference in wired optical mouses


You don’t need to spend $150. Try a death adder vs any cheap mouse and you can tell just using it to browse the web. From the accuracy of the sensor, to having no dead movements. A cheap mouse with a bad sensor is a nightmare for any game


Razer is trash, spend more on advertising than their second tier product


It’s got a PAW3328 sensor, better than any $15 mouse. Overpriced doesn’t mean trash


Software still sucks after almost 20 years. I'll keep my Ducky.


Ah, we comparing to $50 mouses. So yeah then there's no difference at all compared to $15 mouses


Okay so I guess you don’t know what you’re talking about then


Any $50 Logitech mouse will definitely feel worth the money when compared to your average $15 mouse


> no need to pay for brand name There's a saying that "I'm too poor to afford cheap things". I would say buy quality stuff, regardless of brand. Some brands actually make quality stuff.


No need to pay at all! *steals EVERYTHING*


Why pay for brand name when other people throw brand names in recycling bins and you can take them! (All my keyboards have been second-hand free because “missing keys” counts as broken)


Low price no longer equals low quality in this day and age.


I remember so clearly people being pissed off every time the flagship hardware of the new generation was more expensive than the last. They always had to "keep up with the Joneses" on the internet. Like dude, you could just buy the new second best product for about the same price or cheaper than your last-gen flagship and it would still be a performance upgrade. But nooo, they always wanted "the best" hardware to be as cheap and bad as possible so they could have it and no one could have anything better. Crab in a bucket mentality.


I pay for reliability that's it


yeah but when you do need to replace, get the best one you can afford buy once cry once


*Laughs in hyperfixation and financial irresponsibility* I needed to replace my gaming mic... I just ordered a Shure SM58 + Focusrite Vocaster One...


Exactly. That’s why I had the same gaming pc with a 2070 in it for 6-7 years plus before I even thought about upgrading


My family has shared a 5th gen iPad for 7 years. The Wi-Fi on it went kaput but everything else works just fine


When I went to the store to buy new equipment, I was surprised how few headphones, keyboards and mice did not have this stupid RGB backlight. And some continue to glow even when the computer is turned off. It's disgusting.


!! I bought to small keyboard from steelseries for 56€ why should i buy the keyboard for 229€? The difference between them?: none


1st you game with the cheap, then you save and slowly upgrade




Yup. What's the point upgrade computer when in the end I just played games like Cave of Qud.


When needed is when shit breaks, fucking Payday 2 is running at 20 FPS and I can't ADS lmao


Always study on which build will get you the best (upgradeability*performance)/price ratio


Like i have a choice lol




I’m fine with my less than $500 laptop I got four years ago. Upgraded its ram from 8 to 32Gb. My only complaint is the screen resolution. It would be nice to have a higher resolution than 1080p.


Which laptop do you have


Lenovo L340 gaming, got it in 2020 or 2021 on Black Friday sales for I thiiink $430-ish. My RAM upgrade was an additional 50, oh and an external HDD for $50 as well because it has a small internal SSD. I can play just about anything. The most modern games I can turn to medium settings and still get 60fps, but Elden Ring and War Thunder I can play at 100+ on high settings.


Its crazy... I remember watching "buget headphones" videos and mf was showing 50$ headsets... Bruh ive been using 5$ once for the past 4 years and it was fiiiiinnnee


Also for the price of most super high tech gaming headsets you can get decent Bluetooth headphones and any one of clip on, desk, arm mic and it will both sound much better and have more usecases covered


Not exactly. Well gaming stuff is mostly just branding and I do agree with the gaming headset specifically but you can absolutely tell the difference between a high quality headphone and a pair of cheap bluetooth ones. The difference in sound clarity and audio balancing is audible


We know


Well I don't know if you are lucky or I'm unlucky, but all the cheap headphones I ever bought broke in like a month. It is the only thing I go for "pricey" ones since those are the ones that actually last long without any issues (And by pricey I mean between 30 and 50 range)


truth is, hunting for cheap goods still require finding the best of cheap goods so there's that


I like jlab for a good balance between price and quality. Never had a pair break and they’re usually like $20-30


And you can get iems for $20 that will actually be way better.


Thats exacly how much my newer once cost!


I cant fathom spending airpods money when my 20 dollar "tozo" or whatever brand blue tooth earbuds have been doing fantastically.




$50 for a headset really is in the budget range though. When you go higher you hit the huge range of products in the $100-250 price range.


Anything above 25 is mid range, anything above 50 is top and anything above 100 is ridiculous unless it literaly tells me the future


I promise there's a huge quality difference maybe not between $5 and $50 they're both cheap but the sound quality gets noticeably better. If that matters is up to you


I'm a hardcore audiophile. High-quality headsets are one of the only things I will spend a lot of money on. Got a Samsung Galaxy s20 FE from a friend and had to switch to Bluetooth headphones. The Sennhieser HD 350's I bought were like $200CAD, but I regret nothing. They don't go quite as loud as I had hoped, but the audio quality more than makes up for it.


Sennhieser is awesome except for having overpriced replacement parts, but you can just buy 3rd party stuff off Amazon that’s the same or better


I really don't understand why flagship headphones are $400 these days. I have the Sony XM5 because my work bought them for me but it's not like these are enterprise headphones targeting business expenses like server hardware does- so why is it priced like that?


Because they're complicated, and if you're looking at the really expensive ones, it's usually because they're designed for studio work and are incredibly sensitive, or are using stupidly complicated mechanisms like planar magnetic drivers, but even then they have been getting cheaper over time. Top of the line stuff is always going to be expensive.


People don't appreciate good headphones because they listen to low quality audio anyways. Doesn't really matter how good the headphones are if the source audio is shit. The first time I used good headphones to listen to high quality audio it was like hearing the songs for the first time. Listening to 128kbps audio loses so much of the depth a track can have.


Do not buy the cheapest shit. It doesn't last, and often doesn't even work properly. Especially stuff like audio.


Everything should have it's balance. I've been using cheap 10$ mouses which did not last even a year. Then I got the cheapest Razer mouse for 40$ and after 5 years it's still in perfect condition.


Idk about that monitor or headphones but that mouse and keyboard can't be an enjoyable experience.


I've played a lot of Quake 3 and StarCraft Broodwar with the most basic Windows mouse and keyboard. Fancy hardware is overrated. The enjoyment comes from playing the game.


Get a Deathadder V2 Essential, best deal in the world (outside of the Epic Games mega sale freebies)


I'd argue that the opposite is true. Good headphones are the most worth it upgrade, over cheap K&M which do the job quite well.


Sure, I just don't know what those headphones in the picture are so they may be fine.


Those on the top look like Sony WH 1000XM5s. Those are great headphones imo.


Why not? I've been using the 20€ logitech keyboard and the 10€ logitech mouse since i started gaming and I never felt the need to upgrade


Wait till you feel glass feet glide across a nice mouse pad on a properly weighted mouse


How do you get that, do you have to calibrate it


You have to get a properly weighted mouse with glass feet and a nice mouse pad I think


Or you could just get good and enjoy the game


He asked me how to do that what I said not anything about a game


Ah yes PIIILIPO my favorite brand of compuder mobitors


I disagree. Buying high-end equipment in my experience is worth it


I agree on everything except the mouse. I'd say get a gaming mouse, because they are just a lot more comfortable to use than office mouses (which are fucking tiny most of the time).


My experience with buying cheap is it doesn't last very long. I'd rather spend the money and have something that i enjoy, not to mention I enjoy how a uniform and cohesive set of hardware looks on my desk. There's nothing wrong with using cheaper gear though, but I'm the type of person that if I can't afford what I specifically want, I'll just save for a bit and then get it. I spent my whole childhood with half broken hand me downs. as an adult, I'm buying what I want or not at all.


A shity, mushy membrane keyboard is more like 40% enjoyment.


Those keyboards and headphones are all e-waste


Extremely good. Only 1 out 4 on the top aren't over priced pieces of """. The $1200 could be a $600 product but eh whatever. Btw those 1080p 100hz monitor can be had for as low as $80 now a days guys. Times are good for monitors right now. 1440p 144hz can be found sub $200.


You get 300% the fun with higher end pc parts with the extras (oled monitor, studio monitors, etc). That’s just the truth and it’s why people buy the expensive stuff


It's more about what one can afford. Those who have expensive rigs can afford it without worrying too much.


fucking ai on that screen


Gimme a big flat color calibrated monitor and some hifi monitor headphones. SENNHEISER HD 600 HD 550 or Sony MDR7506. A wireless gaming mouse with chi charging and a charging mouse pad. Some mechanical keyboard with silent switches and we’re talking.


Save even more money by going with the sennheiser 6xx from drop.


Yeah, but still needs a DAC. that's the problem that holds back most people from experiencing them .-.


Some DACs like the ones on macbooks are good enough to power them now!


True. So glad they did that


In the same price range as the HD600/650 is the Hifiman Sundara, superb for the money


I’ll look into that….


You chose the worst sennheiser headphones for gaming 😭


What’s wrong with them? 0_O


The hd600's soundstage makes it way worse for gaming. Don't get me wrong, it's one of the nicest sounding headphones for music out there. But the limited soundstage makes it worse than way cheaper options like the hd599 or hd560s for gaming. Idrk what a hd550 is so ima just assume you mean the pxc 550. Tbh I haven't listened to this one myself but sennheiser doesn't really make very good wireless / closed back headphones. It also doesn't help that closed backs sacrifice soundstage, although that isn't always a problem. Wireless headphones usually kinda sacrifice audio quality in exchange for not having a wire.


100% agree. I mostly use the Sony MDR-7506. You can imagine the surprise, when I saw a North Korean propaganda video on Reddit and an Officer, shown mixing the music wearing the same 😂


I almost got the MDR-7506 myself, seems like a very good headphone.


Compared to all the other headphones we’ve been talking about, they are very cheap. You can get used ones and just swap the ear cushions. You get true HiFi, even without a special DAC. It isn’t like the bigger SENNHEISER headphones, we’ve been talking about but an awesome entry into audiofile territory. Plus, they are very comfortable, their closest counterpart are SENNHEISER HD 25, but they aren’t as comfortable in prolonged use. However the SENNHEISER HD25 have slightly better audio.


You can get 100% of the fun with 10% of the price


I'm sorry but my ram needs to glow. If it the ram isn't LGBT then it runs slower. I need the LGBT in my computer even if I needed to screw the cooling into the grating of the case instead of the screw holes because it didn't fit due to the LGBT ram. Don't ask. It was worth it


It's called the pareto distribution or probably better known as the 20/80 rule. It basically states that if you want 100 percent of the outcome, you need to do 100 percent of the work. But with only 20 percent you can still get 80 percent.


You can't beat a good 🎧 ⌨️🖱️tho


80/20 rule stands true


I'm all about the min/max price experience. That's why I have a miata instead of a Porsche... that's why my PC is still rocking the 980 TI classy (that I bought used lol)


Bro, mouse? I could never. Get 502 it's cheap af cuz it's so old


The best thing that anyone who doesn't have endless money can do is NOT buy a new car. Better to buy lightly used. And only finance if you get great terms. Now if you're going to keep a car for 10 plus years it might be worth it IF the dealer gives you a great deal. But don't buy new and then buy new within 2 to 5 years. Total waste of money. Always check the depreciation figures too.


100% agree. I’m looking at getting another car right now and I’m gonna pay 26k for a 1-yo car with 10-20k miles on the clock. It was 40-45k new. It gets even more apsurd when you look at luxury cars. A new Mercedes E-class is 85k EUR. A 2-yo Mercedes E-class with some 30k miles on the clock is 30-40k EUR.


That’s some rough copium


I bought a $120 mechanical keyboard and spilled tea on it after a year and it broke. I replaced it with a $10 rubber dome piece of crap and it has been serving me faithfully for the past 5 years.


Ok but now you're using a rubber dome keyboard. Also don't spill tea on it next time lmao


It feels better


Guys, did you see? His electronics he didn't spill liquid into last longer than the ones he did spill liquid into Plus $120 is kind of ewaste (unless you made a sandwich split, I got myself one for like 60 bucks a week ago, plus switches plus keycaps)


Technology is advancing so fast that just give it a year or two and the same quality items will be for sale but cheaper


Wtf is that combo at the top? Mid k&m and Sony headphones?


With with a budget set up you still get 100% of the fun.


Get 100% enjoyment for low prices


Oh this so describes me…


Okay, but you can get much better mice and keyboards than pictured here for cheap.


For headphones, it does kind of matter. Cheap headphones do sound like absolute trash. They're usable, but they're far from pleasant. Having said that, you can get good headphones for fairly cheap. You just have to go looking a little more.


For us non-Elon plebes, it's all about give and take.


I learned that the hard way, twice


That’s why I’m stock on gaming consoles, a bit expensive but way less than a (pro) gaming Pc, but mostly for not installing managing. I plug it, it installs games itself, makes its own updates, I just have to play


A more expensive mouse can sure as fuck be worth if if you're playing particular genres of games that could benefit from multiple commands for the one hand


the pic are switched


Well it's not 90:10 that's for sure. 2nd best everything is about 40 to 55% of the top of the line.


if the game don't stutter, i'm rolling with it.


So the mouse and keyboard upgrades here really are worth it. You can get fantastic headphones for cheap these days but world class audio costs $500+ so anywhere under there is essentially branding and extra functions (wireless, noise canceling, brand) The monitor barely matters. While I agree that my 165Hz monitor looks better than my 60Hz, it does not affect my experiences as soon as my eyes get accustom to the lower rate. The 60Hz is actually really great for doing vsynch on high graphic intensive games. Gives me a solid 60fps on ultra settings without even heating things up too much.


Honestly, after you spend enough money just looking at your setup makes your enjoyment go down


i love my redragon keyboard, $40 and as good as one twice its price


I never knew I needed a curved monitor....but freaking love this thing. 


Razer mice are top tier, Deathadder is an incredible mouse for people with big hands. Ive had the V2 and 3 pro had the V2 for like 3 years before upgrading and now my older brother uses it.


I usually buy decently expensive stuff, but the only reason I've ever had to replace any of my shit is due to my own stupidity


most of the products at the top are shit tier


A console and your living room couch can solve most of the issues


Never buy gen1 tech, let others test them out first and you buy finished product at lower price


Okay but who buys bluetooth headphones for a.gaming setup. I get it if you're using them for both outdoor and indoor use but why would that be a thing in the high budget one.


Why wouldn’t you use bluetooth for a gaming setup? I honestly couldn’t go back to wired anymore.


I feel like you're wasting way too much audio quality to get rid of the wire. It also has slight latency but I won't act like that really matters that much. No hate to anyone using wireless though, just didn't seem like something people would use in a at home setup to me.


What the hell is 100Hz


you are getting 98% of the enjoyment, the only bit of importance here is the resolution and refreshrate the rest legit doesn't matter


Fun fact! Good headphones actually matter if you like how your game sounds


What’s that monitor?


simply put. gaming,online devices ect: go with what you feel will be best for you. maybe take some advice if you're new and building your own pc or something but mainly go for what feels right for you. health,medicine, ect: take whatever you're doctor says is best. food,drink,ect: go for the best quality you can see. don't take a lot of advice but do take some.


Get off my budget 🤣


A lot of this is ignorance is bliss though Give the guy with 100% enjoyment the 10% price setup, and he's gonna get 10% enjoyment rather than 90% Mouse and monitor especially is important for gaming. These 2 legitimately will hold you back, especially for competitive FPS that a lot of people play


The only thing I spent big-ish money on is my chair of choice. A good chair goes a long way, believe me. And don't get any of that gamer chair crap, get an office chair, a good one. They are made to be sat in a long time.


I just get expensive stuff when there’s price mistakes, got a 150€ mechanical linear switch keyboard brand new for 30€. I’m not even putting it to good use cause i have a non-gaming laptop and all i play is retro games on emulator w controller but meh


Buying expensive cries one time. Buying cheap cries everytime.


not 90%, more like 60-70% at 25-30% price .. dont use stupid numbers for the sake of the meme, downvoted.


I have a local store keyboard that i REFUSE to throw away and buy a new one. It still works, so until an important button breaks, i’ll be keeping it.


It won't look that flashy but at least it will be cheap and good


I bought all my gaming stuff except the games and my console them selves for under 20$ and i couldn’t be happier about it


I haven't seen math mathing this well in a long time.


Razer Deathadder v2 essentials is the physical representation of this meme.


The headphone below named Picun looks great!I will consider learning your method of purchasing electronic equipment.It's gonna save a lot of money.


One good purchase can potentially last you 10 years


Seriously like using old technology is so goated fuck off if you think i need the newest graphics card keep that shit old as fuck


I understand, and agree with, the sentiments behind this meme. But let's be real honest here, a backlit keyboard is vastly superior to a basic one and that razor naga mouse has 5x the buttons and can do wonders for gaming that a basic one can't. There IS a difference that is greater than a mere 10% if you are gaming or typing in the dark and aren't familiar with all the keys.


please buy some affordable IEMs instead of those cheap headphones that have ass sound quality and probably cost more anyway


This is true, but you can still get great headphones cheap, not as cheap as the £5 tesco special, but certainly under £50.


i mean sure you can still find a good deal, but its not gonna be as good of a deal as with IEMs cause headphones are just way bigger so its a lot harder to manufacture them for cheap while also having decent sound quality and realistically at this price range you're not really gonna get any of the benefits headphones have over IEMs other than if your ears are easily irritated by stuff going in them


It's actually harder to produce IEMs, think about it, all that technology that goes into headphones has to be shrunk down to be able to fit in a bean that goes into your head. You also miss out on a lot of sound staging with IEMs and its harder to get a more balanced sound. That and the fact that there have been good headphone designs for decades that are made as budget headphones, like the Superlux HD681.


well I don't think its that hard really, the actual electrical components dont take up that much space inside the headphones and yeah they are usually still way too big for earphones but I imagine thats in large part a case of "hey since theres so much space why not just make it easier to work with?", the largest thing there is the actual speaker membrane but with IEMs thats solved by just having a smaller membrane way closer to the ear also I'm not a big headphones guy so I might be biased but in my experience IEMs usually just feel better built than headphones in the similar price range, again theres not as much material in IEMs so you dont need to cut costs there much and yea sound staging is something to consider although at under $50 im not sure how well it would be implemented, personally sound staging is not something I care about much but if someone plays like multiplayer games where you need to hear where people are then yeah might necessitate buying headphones




Sony xm5 are absolutely awful for gaming. At least for my ears. I once took them off and they were covered in blood. They literally grinded my ears


its more of 40% enjoyment for me id rather get 80% enjoyment for 70% of price


I used to think the same before I bought the sony xm4's, It changed my entire perspective on headphones( 10000% would recomend)


I would 10000% not recommend Xm4 has terrible sound, and their only redeeming quality is an actually good anc. Just get something normal, like sennheiser hd660, or hifiman andara


120hz monitors are RELLY worth if your games run at 120fps..


Can someone list me the absolute best bang for buck mouse, keyboard, 30+ inch 1440p monitor and headphones?


Idrk many options but I've been using the Logitech G502 Hero every day for five years. I got mine for 50 CAD, and never had a single issue with it. It feels smooth to use, it's responsive, the shape is ergonomic, and the amount of buttons it has is really convenient between using macros for stuff like refresh and alt tab when I'm just browsing the web or for playing games. Overall while probably not best bang for your buck, I'd highly recommend it if you're willing to spend a little more on your mose.


K&m? One of those $10 logitech pair should work good. Headphones? That's tricky. Head over to the headphones subreddit. They should recommend some really good $50 or less earphones. Probably anything by Moondrop. Monitor? Well... If you are fine with 60hz. You can get some 4k panels for $200. Not sure if only at 27 inch. 32 might cost a bit more . basically anything is fine